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A new chapter came out but flew under the radar since Kadokawa was hit by ransomware.
I’ll post from my phone and post real raws when I get home
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Bump me
I love that video too.
Are those all of the pages?
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See you in a while
I can't believe Yotsuba's medical malpractice killed Fuuka...
Thanks OP, good to see another chapter come out of the woodworks.
She wasn't going to make it.
Fuuka had it coming
So, first chapter of 2024?
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How long has it been since a Fuuka chapter? Shame on Azuma for keeping me and those fat thighs apart for all this time.
Fuck yeah
what the fuck when did Azuma buff her bazookas?
She always had the biggest boobs in the manga, have you not been paying attention?
It wasn't this explicit last time I remember
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she's always been a cow, anon
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Yeah, she's definitely a little more stacked in this chapter.
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we haven't seen her in four years she's a growing girl
Don’t die, thread
big boob's in this one
its a good day
frick, there's sub-standard speech in this one
>*muffled "kawaii"*
kawaii refers to one of the islands of Hawai'i
>you talking about me?
fuuka is dead
> weren't talking about you fuuka
>my bad
>rattle rattle
>I am The Doctor
>I'm doing an operation, sit still please
>this is...
>you have
>The awake-but-still-asleep-sickness
>Awake but still asleep sickness!?
>you might be right!!
>how do we fix it?
>there is
>no treatment
>Now let us begin the operation
>ah, you look prepared
>first let's check your body temperature
>72 degrees (162 burger units)
>alright, no problems
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This was a fun chapter, thanks for the dump.
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Here's the actual rip
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how long has it been since the last chapter?
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that top panel is exploitable
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She had it coming
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>there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of
>please do not worry
>you'll feel a sting, but please try and bear with it
>any anaesthesia?
>This cannot do! At this rate the patient will be trouble
>OK! We must fix the heart!
>I will try and save her
>the heart is complete!
>blood pressure 120, pulse rate 80
>Yoshi! she's still alive!
yoshi refers to the historical figure Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who completed Oda Nobunaga's ambition of uniting all of Japan after he (Oda) was assassinated by Akechi Mitsuhide
>was the operation a success?
>yes, a success
>A splendid operation, Doctor
>and now you are no longer sleeping
>here, please take this medicine as you leave
>am I leaving already
>Do you have a point card?
>I can get points for surgery?
fuuka has once again died and turned into a frog
>even though we went through the operation...
>she's been really busy at school lately, so she's really tired now
>Dad also has the awake-but-still asleep-sickness today
>really? why's that ?
>we just went mountain hiking yesterday
>you guys hiked a mountain!?
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>Junbo:I suggest we use the medicine drug
>Yotsuba: you are a tall man
>Junbo: this vexes me
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>she needs juralumin bites to live
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I can't believe Fuuka is fucking dead
mountain climbing, mountain hiking, whatever it's all the same to me
>where? what mountain did you go to?
>it was uh... Mount Takao?
>Why didn't you invite me!!
>you even asked Ena to go rock skipping and camping
>that's because I'm friends with Ena
>huh!? what about me!?
>Actually, I've always liked the idea
>of mountain hiking as a hobby
>wearing hiking clothes that are different from your normal clothes
>getting to the summit and eating some tasty obentou... sounds good doesn't it
obentou means picnic basket
>Yotsuba wore hiking clothes and got to the top and ate obentou
>sounds nice
>what if you went with a friend? (let's say Shimau-san)
>I don't have any money
>I want to be taken there for free
>If you go to a mountain with rough spots you'll die
>I want to start some kind of hobby
>something like...
>something I can spend all my time on
>and not have to spend money
>how about frogs?
>what's the hobby?
>the hobby is... uhhhhh
>lovin' it
>I guess?
>Loves banana juice!
>ah, I think that might be a little different
>Allow me to explain banana juice!!
>huh? maybe it is a hobby?
>hmmm, a fun hobby you can do every day
>Every day, Yotsuba cleans the front of the house!
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cute yotsuba
cute ena
cute fuuka
cute chapter
>That's wonderful, Yotsuba-chan!!
TL note: Yotsuba-chan is a homonym of 4chan, although I don't know why Fuuka, a japanese person, is talking about 4chan, an american website, instead of 2chan, a ajapanese website
>that's wonderful that you clean!!
>very good!!
>you're a prodigy!!
>haa, Yotsuba feels good to be praised
>havin' a hobby
>clap clap clap
maybe if you heard about a hobby from a person who has a hobby you'd understand
>Asagi-neechan has a hobby
>Asagi-neechan's hobby is
>It's not a cactus
>The stuff that I'm raising are called Succulents
>a cactus is just one kind of succulent, but I'm not raising a cactus
>a hobby like that kinda makes a person annoying
>this is a succulent
>aren't they kawaii?
>aren't these expensive?
>I bought them all cheap from a 100 yen store for around 300 yen
TL note: 100 yen is about $0.12 american
>they sold them so cheap since they were doing poorly
>but raising back to health is so fun
>can you eat them
>you can
>not eat them, I don't think so, you normally don't eat them
>Will this become a Toumokoroshi?
Yotsuba messed up the word for Corn "toumoROKOshi" and instead said "toumoKOROshi"
>ah, it kinda looks like it, but it won't become toumorokoshi
>you really want to eat it huh
> aw, really
>say toumorokoshi again
>ok, repeat after me

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The art really changed over the years.
It was kinda rough at first and then it got really good and then it got really uniform and soulless
we can keep the thread alive
Dr. Yotsuba, I think my daily dose is not enough...
>you take care of them,
>then what
>you just look at them
>i think another hobby would better
>yotsuba chan, if fuuka oneechan's hobby becomes making sweets you could eat a lot of them
>surprised yotsuba face
>for example, solo travelling
>at the destination, surfing, diving
>abandoned stations, cafe, pottery
>musical instruments too, piano, or guitar?
>dancing would be good too
>that's no good
>none of them suits fuuka
>eh, really
>eating sweets suits you more, fuuka
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holy shit her tits are huge now
i think azuma only got worse at drawing yotsuba, but every other character looks great now
So the author intends to draw nothing but Yotsuba till death?
Isn't koroshi I'll kill you?
It's murder (殺し). In any case here it's just yotsuba mispronouncing 玉蜀黍 (とうもろこし)
Yotsuba is going to kill Tomo
Fuuka is pregnant.
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Kinda but everyone looks like a 3d model.
About fucking time
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I think "solo travelling" should be "travelling alone"
and "at the destination" should really be "wherever I go"
>travelling on my own, wherever I may be, surfing, diving, trainspotting, cafes, pottery, music, dancing!
something like that. "solo travelling" sounds fine but "at the destination" really sounds weird
TL note: 秘境駅 (hikyou-eki) or "abandoned stations" is a hobby for train enthusiasts who go out to secluded areas, usually to find train stations with pretty landscapes and/or old trains

I had a brainfart here >>269202578
>I'm doing an operation, sit still please
should be
>I'm doing an examination, sit still please

I wrote here too fast >>269203086
>This cannot do! At this rate the patient will be trouble
should be "in trouble"

I translated this line incorrectly >>269203552
>hmmm, a fun hobby you can do every day
should be
>| guess a hobby is more like something you can do every day for fun

also I fucked up formatting here >>269203918
>maybe if you heard about a hobby from a person who has a hobby you'd understand
Fuuka is saying that line, it should be greentext, not a personal comment from me.
>but raising back to health is so fun
should be "raising them back"
>you can
>not eat them, I don't think so, you normally don't eat them
should be
>won't taste any good, and you normally don't eat them
this one's a double negative in japanese
it literally means "you probably can't not eat them" where taberenaku is negative, nai is negative, and kamoshirenai is also a negative but it's a set phrase and doesn't matter for this sentece. And "taberenaku wa nai" usually >implies it doesn't taste good. Or at least that's what japanese yahoo is saying.

Please correct me in anything if I'm wrong or dumb or gay
By me.
I like when her eyes turn into slats.
Today's always the best day
I though this was a family friendly manga? Fuuka's Fuuka stick out like a sore thumb in this chapter
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It's not like she can just choose to take them off like velcro.
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>at the destination
Yeah, not my proudest one but the typesetters will fix it.
Literally me.
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I'ts been almost five years since we've seen Asagi.
Slim fuuka
Hell yeah, new chapter
Damn Yotsuba you didn't have to kill her like that
Good chapter
Cute Fuuka
It's been half a year.
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I can't believe gun violence is on the rise in Tokyo...
>3d model
Other than the last panel, it doesn't seem that the characters look like 3D models.
Yotsuba is absolutely the character that has the most unstable artstyle; I get that she's meant to stand out compared to the others because it's a story being viewed tacitly through her lens, but it can get jarring (for me) at times.
Thanks OP. Really convenient timing since I just picked up Yotsuba for a re-read. It's got me in the mood to storytime something short that gave me a similarly heartwarming mood.
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she's always been big
shit, does this mean we missed out on Fuuka & Yanda interacting?
Fuuka finally has an eternal slumber she yearns for
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>多肉 (多=many + 肉=meat) means succulents (plant)
Also when I read Saboten I thought of the Japanese restaurant chain in my area that goes by the same name and thought the joke was food related, which fit the "manymeat"
>captcha: 2JPY (I'm phoneposting)
There was a time when I was younger than Asagi
One of those girls who vary a lot during the month.
Someone post the pic of Fuuka in snorkelling gear and swimsuit
Thanks OP
>tfw the last time we saw all three Ayase sisters was 4 years ago
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Always has been
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Thank you for posting and translating.
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>new Yotsuba chapter in a year
>page 10
Thanks OP!
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pretty good pun.
Does the "touma" add anything to it?
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really? Christ, I hadn't noticed
not long enough
Didn't even think of it as a pun. It's a pretty tonguetwisty word. And without kanji Tomo may be a million things.
I wouldn't put something like 友殺し (ともころし-friendkiller) above the guy tho.
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Ayase has very nice genetic
I see Fuuka's Fuukas have been covered, god damn
I'd kind of had the impression that Azuma originally drew her pretty big, but scaled her down a bit(I dunno if it was because he was getting less-horny in his old age).
But this one seems to bumped her size back up a bit
Yotsuba! :D
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With all that weight on her chest, it's no wonder Fuuka's heart burst.
Did her tits get bigger this chapter?
They do vary in size a bit naturally.
She operates under the same principle as Kagura's tan.
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>fuuka will never be real
this sucks man, but good chappy, thanks for the dump
i think it was december of 2023
>Fuuka is absent for four years
>Bring her back
>Make her boobs noticeably larger
>Have her strike a bunch of cute poses
Azuma, you bastard, you never disappoint.
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sweet, will wait for the typeset
has it really been four years?
I was just quoting that anon, but I think her last appearance was Yotsuba and Backpacks which was 2021
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Last time we saw her she was buying a backpack for her stepdaughter.
>Ena is the cutest
>Asagi is the prettiest
did Fuuka low rolled?
There is nothing wrong with being the silver medal.
fuuka is the boobiest
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fuuka is the sexiest
I can't believe Fuuka died 4 times in a single chapter
It was nice knowing her
did papa ayase find and kill the guy that broke fuuka's heart?
I think that'll happen after the tournament arc.
great as long as new chapters from this manga drop im not killing myself
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this word actually has an insanely convoluted etymology
the long and short of it is that japanese has ended up with a word for "corn" that breaks down to literally mean "tang chinese"
the "tō" element is from middle chinese 唐 (dang, "tang dynasty"), which, after being loaned to japanese, became 唐 (tō, "the tang dynasty, but also foreign lands in general")
"morokoshi" is a compound of the native japanese morphemes 諸 (moro-, "many") and 越 (koshi, "crossing-over," the stem form of 越す kosu "to cross over"), and as a whole refers to the baiyue tribes in specific and all of china in general and originally had nothing to do with corn
but when japan found out about sorghum from china, they called it もろこし黍 (morokoshi kibi, "chinese millet"), or just morokoshi for short
and when japan found out about corn from china, they called it トウモロコシ (tōmorokoshi, "tang chinese")

though obviously today nobody would look at トウモロコシ and think of anything but regular corn
put the crack pipe down, fuuka is wife material
Yotsuba dad a cute
The word corn is kind of stupid too.
I love how much Yotsuba& and soremachi fans overlap
yeah, it's kind of corny
having fat tits because she's fat doesn't count
They're similar in humor and quality so it makes sense. Soremachi is like if Fuuka had her own manga with Yomi.
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Well when you have the two best slice of life/ comedy manga ith just comes natural, like >>269226283
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for me it's Fuuka's fat tits
So annoying that retards complain about the art developing and getting better. Everything is a lot more angular and fuller and just generally looks cleaner. The niggers saying that it's soulless because yotsuba looks different genuinely could not pass cognitive tests for infants because the observation is 100% just because yotsuba has been wearing long-sleeved / thicker outfits instead of shorter summer outfits as the seasons have changed in the story. It doesn't take a fucking genius to recognize that characters look different in different clothes. Go fuck yourself.
RIP Fuuka
Thanks for the work!
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And the backgrounds
Well, corn is from mesoamerica so no wonder they don't have a proper and simple word for it
I love when people invent compound words to describe foreign things/concepts instead of phonetically pronouncing the word as-is. I wouldn't use the word "soul" to describe it, but it's very authentic and endearing to me.
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>you even asked Ena to go rock skipping and camping
>that's because I'm friends with Ena
>huh!? what about me!?
damn, that's cold, Yotsuba
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And then they appropriated some jukujikun for it while keeping the pronunciation "toumorokoshi" the same
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the fact that they're getting so much enjoyment out of a frog youtube video is so cute
>there is
>no treatment

is wrong

>we have to remove it
>with an operation

and fuuka should say like
>remove what?
>Yotsuba has become an ipad kid
I hate the floating timeline
I forgot how しか worked, I thought she was combining し and か as two different grammatical articles instead of a whole one
brb, committing ritual suicide to atone for my grave mistake
>the TV reflection
That's so good!
>just taking a nichijou/helvetica standard joke wholesale
>4 years
Yeah but in the story it's only been like 6 months since the Koiwais moved in
>nichijou invented jokes
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When did Yotusba start being able to speak using katakana?

I've been rereading in Japanese, and she didn't use any katakana at the start.
I feel like that's not right, but I also don't remember paying attention to her katakana
I mean she calls Jumbo ジャンボ in volume 1 page 9 if that counts
and then she says とーちゃんはダメ on page 11
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all of that is in contrast to english, where "corn" ("the plant zea mays") is a direct descendant of proto-indo-european "*ǵr̥h₂nóm" ("any kind of grain in general"), and the two are still clearly related
though the exact meaning of "corn" differs between english dialects
the plant zea mays is in the us and in canada called "corn" (initially "indian corn," but by the mid-1700s the "indian" part had been dropped)
but everywhere else it's called "maize," with "corn" meaning "any kind of grain" like it always has

when the jikun is juku!
this post and its replies (i don't wanna mass reply) convinced me to watch the first two episodes of soremachi, i guess you can add one more to the overlap, that's some good shit
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Asagi will be put to death on charge of corrupting the youth
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I went to check, and turns out in the original prints, Yotsuba uses more katakana and even kanji, whereas in newer reprints she hasn't used any kanji, and maybe less katakana?

I do specifically remember instances standing out where she used hiragana instead of katakana, but unfortunately I already returned volume 1 to the library so I can't check to make sure if she didn't use any katakana then.

I did however miss when she started using katakana, because she's already saying アイスクリーム in volume 4.
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I've got volume 1 with me right here, was there anything you wanted to check specifically? She uses kanji on the first page she appears in with 店 and katakana a few pages later in what I already described earlier
Here's page 92 with Yotsuba using both kanji and katakana
This print is from 2024
A kid should really know some kanji to begin with. Hell I learn 元気 in my second week of japanese classes back in high school, it wouldn't be too out of place to let Yotsuba say some kanji every once in a while
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That looks like an older printing when she still uses kanji. The ones I've been reading were printed in 2015.
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I bought mine about a month ago, along with volume 8-12 because I guess 2-7 were sold out or something
Interesting! I wonder if newer prints reverted back to having Yotsuba use kanji, or maybe there's different concurrently existing editions.
This is why Asagi shouldn't be her mother figure.
never trust a lesbian mother
>but it's very authentic and endearing to me.
it's pretty awful m80
for whatever ill begotten reason, the MSA for capybara is taken from german (wasserschwein)
as such, the animal is called "water pig" instead of capybara. the reasons why is this is retarded is that the animal has nothing to do with the pig family, the animal isn't native to arabic speakers, and the germans' penchant for inserting "schwein" for many animals doesn't exist in arabic.
so no, compound words are not endearing in the least, and borrowing compounds from other languages is very questionable.
Must be my autism for these sorts of things. I just appreciate the creativity one must have when trying to translate an unfamiliar thing with familiar concepts.
I Miss Miura. Also, I wanna kiss Miura.
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Does this mean another chapter next month?
No, in August 2027
>new chapter next month
that's what last chapter said too...
>that's what last chapter said too...
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To me, what Fuuka says in the first panel is more like "something that makes people a bit annoying like this is like a hobby."
Absolutely based
damn, turns out she's always had big knockers, I've just never noticed
silly, you're not friends with your new mom
>and when japan found out about corn from china
It was the Portuguese who brought corn to Japan, at the end of the 16th century. By that time, "tou" (or "kara") had become a kind of prefix meaning not only China but also foreign countries in general, and the word "morokoshi" had also lost most of its meaning of "of Chinese origin" and had become just the name of a plant. In other words, when the word "toumorokoshi" was born, there might not be any element associated with China.
Also, in some parts of Japan, corn is called "toukibi" and, as you wrote, this kibi has no more meaning than a millet-like plant.
damn look at the tits on fuuka
like manbearpig
It's not THAT bad, and I don't think Azuma would make it worse.
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She can never escape being mocked for her weight, it's like she can create her own gravitational pull just for being trolled.
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I have a first edition. These >>269233627
>>269234932 are the cases
They seem bigger now
Why isn't point cards for medical services a thing? They cost a lot, a discount on the next visit would be nice
she's been drinking her milk
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>Yeah, my dad is asleep too [read: defenseless]
>Fuuka immediately sits straight up and starts paying attention

Pretty Neighbor just keeps getting more and more canon as time rolls on, doesn't it?
huh, it's the OG Fuuka design
It's a old h-doujin made when series still had the azumanga style

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