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Living Things Are Mysterious

Chapter 17
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Hello OP
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Hope you have a nice day
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I didn't think you could keep chameleons as pets, but I guess you can
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She's just like me
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And that's it for today
I'm NOT a chameleon

Do you have any pets?
I don't

Thank you for reading
Previous thread: >>268956354
Thanks OP
No, but I'm dogsitting for two weeks starting tomorrow
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Pandas are great
I don't know if the moving objects thing is true, but you need to bubble water so it's aerated.
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ABe's habits coming back
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Thanks OP
I have a turtle. Lately I've been trying to take more serious care of him. Probably a bit late to feel this way 7 years after getting him, but it's something
Pandas need to be extinct
>he thinks pandas are real
thanks, OP. I've 2cat lmao
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Best page of the manga so far
Best page for the best chapter
I would fucking die if that many crickets were inside my house
Lovely chapter. Lizards are so cool.
I have a turtle.
Thanks OP
Thanks OP.
I have two dogs and a cat.
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Thank you, OP.
>Do you have any pets?
No, but my family had a cat when I was a kid.
>I have a turtle.
What kind? How old?
Red Eared Slider. Like 5 or 6.
Anons here seem to really like animals. I think that’s great.
Thank you for posting.
Does the hamster>ham star joke really translate that well or did the redraw the thought bubble
I'm curious too.
It does! Japanese uses loanwords for both hamster and ham.
That's cool. Thanks for the TL note.
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Good work.
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Thanks for reading everyone
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shit, that is a cool pet
Based dad.
A profound realization.
Good afternoon, OP.
Good battle
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Good job
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Dumb girl
10/10 smug
Me waiting for the next chapter.
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Chapter 18
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Tiny bit early
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Hello OP
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Hope you have a nice day
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Not much about it on the English side of the net
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I like it when she spouts nonsense in such a convictive manner
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She’s really great. A pretty realistic kid
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And that’s it for today
She likes halos so much because she’s an angel

What is your favorite shape
Squares are the best. It’s hip to be one after all

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>269197725
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The Silver Spoon watchalong will start in about 2 hours
Thanks OP
When I was younger I think I liked triangles because I liked the number three and the colour green. Nowadays I'm not sure, maybe stars, but I like hexagons too
She's cracked the code
She figured out the shadow organizations?
Thanks OP.
I used to like hexagons and pentagons as a kid.
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She has some high expectations
I'm a cube man myself
Thanks OP
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Thanks OP
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Thank you, OP.
>What is your favorite shape
Hexagons are cool.
Notice that the thought bubble is completely empty
This hole was made for me
Very useful link...
It might be nonsense to you, but she's speaking pure facts and logic.
Who is she spinning with?
Starting all the chapters with "Ryuushika Ryuushika" reminds me of Eko eko azarak ending all chapters with the tittle drop.
Thank you for posting.
I'll go with triangles.
Cute and tasty.
Hexagons are a lie. They're not real. It's just 6 triangles. Don't let people fool you.
Yes she did. And the Illuminati knows.
>What is your favorite shape
Circles and triangles are the most powerful shapes.
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Thanks for reading everyone

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