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ITT: villainous creatures
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my VILLAIN of /a/
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He's allowed because he's a terrible dad.
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>villainous creatures
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But snek is too cute to be evil.
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Pure evil
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Please do not post lesser devils in this thread.
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Jashin-chan is extremely cute and I enjoy her anime/manga.
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>Pure evil
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snake toddlers
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>pure slut
You mean women?
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You can dropkick anyone you want with a Super Cub™
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No more words needed.
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It's over.
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How did this snake got 3 seasons again?
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Who keeps funding this.
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Everyone based as fuck
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Don't miss it.
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she paid for her crimes
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I liek snek
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Everyone loves snek.
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What's this style of blending stuff in a real photo called?
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What is this?
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The end boss after the fake end boss.
I assume it's a voting tournament like /an/lympics or King of /v/. This can only go well.
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/a/ tournament held on plus4chan, usually reserved for side. /v/and /co/ plus some other boards have their main tournaments held here like Ms/Mr and King/Queen. They are mostly great fun that produce a lot of OC, pics are from Heroes of /a/
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Men of taste
This girl eats children.
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I hope he qualifies he's so fucking cool
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Black people?
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>no pic of Jashin-mom
Jashin-mom is obviously the serpent that deceived Adam and Eve so she qualifies as more villainous than her failure of a daughter
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>>no pic of Jashin-mom
here you go
This is the Jashin-clan thread now
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Cute Impact-chan!
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and her tail.
All threads are snek threads.
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Not my snek.
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Go away iPhone user.
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Nodoka was a heroic fighter though
What has she done?
Did absolutely nothing wrong.
The Japanese government
Moog noooooooooooooooo.
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is this the fake snek thread
I don't know, but I'd rather have a proper thread.
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No chapter this week, let her have some time to regenerate.
Maybe spoiler this image next time. Anyways, it's tonight at 7PM EST!
Lead an invasion on Japanese sovereign land
>risks the very existence of his universe in a tournament to have fun fighting strong opponents
peak psycho
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I guess.
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Snake ladies will sweep the tournament!
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three yurines!?
The professor is going to be a busy man.
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Here we see Snek in her rightful place beneath the feet of a superior demon.
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>her show only got an adaptation by a mid studio instead of a God-tier studio like Doga Kobo
>her show had to lower itself to being a 24 minute long tourism advertisement to get an extra season
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All For One is the sort of villain I would be. Just having fun larping as a demon lord.
KWABfo did nothing of note and died screaming for his brother not to leave him
Why is she so beautiful?
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Excellent genes.
Then why is she so flat?
She's a growing girl.
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Yurine is already grown and flat. That's why the professor dumped her.
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You know what time it is. Time to get drunk and watch the olympics.
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>Snoop dog and Lady Gaga
I don't think I have enough booze for that.
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What are you having tonight? I'm still on the wild turkey.
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I love snek.
cheap beer
nah it was supposed to be for this >>269201238 but I think OP did not anticipate this just turning into a snek thread.
As long as it gets the job done.

If you post a picture of Jashin-chan it is a snek thread.

Nobody expects the snek thred inquisition.
Nominations have started, btw.
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hello am i late?
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Yes. It's now my bed time.
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I wake up at Minos hours, but I'm not a genki cow.
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>Her show only gets 1 season
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What time is it?
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>3 seasons
Weird way to spell "four".
that's just how it be sometimes
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Is Snek literally going to have infinite seasons?
What anime is this?
hakumei to mikochi
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Definitely me.
Jashin-chan Dropkick S5 when?
Why did she do it?
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Nobody even nominated this nigga in the tournament
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Five Yurines, snek on a couch
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It was fucking horrible
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dum snek
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But snek is smart.
too evil
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PhD in pachinko
Snex with the sex snek.
邪神ちゃん 音頭 / Jashin-chan Ondo (Jashin-chan Bon Dance music)
It was officially announced today.
The song is sung by Jashin-chan(Suzuki Aina)
Dance: Takafuji Ukon, Kozakai Yurie(Pekora)
Choreography: Takafuji Ukon(professional dancer)
The Bon Dance will be held at 神田明神納涼祭り(Kanda Myojin Shrine summer cooling festival) on August 9th.
What one hour with snek mommy will do to you.
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>Destroys your franchise
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Pekora should receive divine punishment for fraternizing with a high-ranking demon
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Anyone posting is the backup snek thread?
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No snek allowed.

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