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Chapter 39 of super smoking. This chapter may give you a sympathy headache. And an erection.
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Start counting.
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Knock him down and call him old? Rude.
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Smoking while sick must be fucking ass.
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Chapter 38, page 33.
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oh my
Thank you anon!
It's been a while
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I RECOGNISE THAT FOOT from chapter 20
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So he /doesn't/ know?
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Final page. He really is a dumbass.
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Oh shit, so they really are going together to eat ramen every now and th~ >>269202217
Fuck you author!
I'm still betting he does, and just treats them as different people, solely out of courtesy or something.
So, can't she notice she's not keeping her act at all?
Sasaki is NOT beating the 'Literally me' allegations.
and he really thinks he's two-timing
I ber she fingered herself for hours that night
Who will play Tayama in the the Ryan Gosling adaptation?
Idris Elba
So, what's her deal now? She still thinks he's into Yamada as some sort of idol? After everything they went as Tayama? And how she can barely hold her "persona" around him now.
I can't wait for the spaghettipocalypse.
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>Stupid Sasaki, you were supposed to suck my toes.
God fucking dammit.
And here I was thinking of where I could get the chapter.
Also, let me guess, more status quo and blueballing
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I want to smooch this dumb hick.
Dumb Sasaki
Don't be a pussy
So she crashed him on purpose?
Having a cold and smoke will fucking kill you
Baka Yamada has her head filled with love
C'mon girl, don't be a fool and accept it.
Shut it, idiot.
Let him put it and then say something after that.
Can't be more obvious. Her Tayama part came out here, and that paint totally doesn't fit with Yamada's personality. It'd be quite obvious for anybody about it
I never realize how obvious her mole in her neck is.
Pure fetish fuel for her and the author.
Well, since she's the author's self insert, they both totally fingerblasted themselves over this
Dude, if a girl does this >>269201937
and then tells you this >>269202033
She's totally into you
Now she's the dense one too
Nice, finally
Oh, fuck off!
But well, this means that Tayama won over Yamada now.
I bet that her Yamada part will get jealous too tho
At this point I thought that he at least suspected it, almost confirming it
This is infuriating
So, this wasn't her usual smile, it was this smile, >>269202292 filled with love.
No wonder her froze out.
Thanks for the dump
She's a dumb hamster
she said that knowing she'd still make him do it. but she might've done both on whims, which would be even better.

Kissing Yamada's booboos..
What's the hiring policy of this supermarket? Manager is a shoujo maniac, there's a tall lanky guy who is a mess to talk to other people so he usually stays in the back, a 20+ cashier who's working there since highschool how old is Yamada again? and have no other plans for her life except for messing with a specifc ojii-san and there's this gremlin.
24 years old
Is there any other manga alt girl romances?
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Rain is poisonous to the Japanese
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Thanks for the dump OP, shame about the thinwg.

Oh god, it's worse than i thought
It's not only that he doesn't know and he has feelings for "Tayama", but as he heard the same for "Yamada" he's also feeling the same way about her
So now he's gonna feel conflicted about being in love with two different women who are actually the same
And you know what THAT means: more misunderstandings
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Where did you find the chapter and how did you download it?
I tried getting shots from manga up but even using scrcpy I couldn't get past the protection.
He needs a third option to counter these ugly women
I can't stop Gosling-ing
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Thanks, OP.
I can't wait for him to find out.
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What underwear does Tayama wear?
how many millions of men have known what's between those thighs?
It was definitely meant to make you wonder, but no
I suppose this was meant to clear up any ambiguity considering she doesn't even attempt to cover any of her tells. I do stand corrected on thinking t he reveal probably wouldn't be played for drama anymore, he's pretty fucked right now. I'm actually kinda dreading some potentially dumb ways Sakaki could handle this.
Thanks for the dump OP, been waiting way too long for this chapter.

Sasaki's about to do some dumb shit isn't he?
>he realized she's in love with him
>but not that they're both tayama
bro this is gonna be stupid drama, as in real dumb and funny solved in 2 chapters max
What? You underestimate his massive self-deprecation/loathing issues. Whatever happened between him and his Senpai really fucked him up
I mean the misunderstanding, not him accepting Tayamamama's love
I doubt he believes anyone would bother being interested in him in that way. 'Humoring the old man' maybe. He's feeling shitty about catching genuine feelings for both of them when he thinks he's little more than a silly old man who is wasting the youths' time
Ramen next chapter or we riot
Thank you for posting.
The shit-talking is more Tayama leaking out
>Sasaki was a working adult while Yamada was still in daipers
He should unironically just start going to omai's
How so?
Maybe I'm a bit out of the loop, but was it ever explained why Sasaki left the city for many years (like 6-8 years iirc) and why he came back?
Any ideas on what happened?
>40 year old man acting like a shy otaku introvert from a romcom for contrivance' sake
I can only take so many chapters of this, looks like the author doesn't know a single adult so he just adapted what he already read into this story
Who needs bicycle when you can ride Sasaki's sararyman cock?
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Cute slav crouch!
Damn, what a nice chapter, thanks for the dump!
She also said that she wants to properly savour his praise this time while it was the first time hearing it for ''Yamada''
Around Sasaki?
i don't know if you've gotten old yet anon, but usually internally 3 things change; self-assuredness (confidence in who you are), numbness (you are used to the concept of yourself and your condition), and experience (you know how you should react to situations you encounter, or at the very least what "you" would do).

Sasaki seems like a teenage romcom idiot sometimes because he lacks the same thing they lack, which is confidence in his identity as perceived by others. Dude's self-esteem is nuked back by whatever happened with him, and it's held him back from fully maturing.
can confirm, real -_-
Judging by the thread, this seems like a fun manga to read, should I?
Yeah it's fun and sweet
He's literally me.
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It's fun and the heroine is SMOKING hot
I wish that plushie was me, if you can catch my drift...
You want Tayama to put you in a headlock?
>The weak should fear the strong Sasaki
You see those >>269209011 ?
Those can be the vices to crush my head like a watermelon.
I assumed it was because he was an up-and-comer in his company and transfered to HQ before flaming out and getting sent back to this branch
surprisingly hard
neuron activation
The doubt of the middle aged is deeper and richer than that of the young because it's based on actual rather than imagined suffering. Numbness does double duty as what seems like confidence
I'd agree, but my interpretation of confidence is moreso that you have a stronger foundation as to how the world "works", how to navigate it, and your place in it. I guess what I'm trying to convey is for that a lot of people, your view of yourself doesn't change much from your mid-20s onwards, ESPECIALLY if you don't have kids. I know geriatrics who look in the mirror and are surprised an old man is staring at them instead of a 24 year old.
I’m 37, manage a team at a bank. At the same time, no experience with women, so probably would be dropping spaghetti all over any time I’d have to speak to them outside of work. It’s very easy to grow in some parts as you age, but get stunted in others.
I bet in the next chapter he'll be even sicker and she'll come over to his apartment
Will she feed him porridge and wipe his body (while they both smoke)?
Man, it's gonna be so lame if Sasaki figures out Tayama=Yamada due to her injury. I actually like his inner conflict and how his subconscious has already made the connection but is still in denial.
About time for a solidly cliched 'love interest goes over to the other's home to take care of them while they're sick' chapter, makes sense that Sasaki couldn't for her
do you think supermarkets are particularly picky about who they hire?
>t. overnight stocker
We still don't know what exactly happened, but from the chapter where he refused to go to a party, his coworker made it seem like it was serious.
My guess is that he made some big mistake or a bad decision that destroyed his reputation and got him transferred somewhere. It might also be the reason for his insecure personality.
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How old are Sasaki and Yamada?
46 and 25 respectively
That poor girl is gonna be a widow at 60 at most
Goddamn he is old. And I say this as a 31yo
It needs to be me oji-sans
Billions must Goslingpost.
Those 15 years are going to pass in the blink of an eye, but you already knew that.
Eh, this is staring to get a little too cliched for me.
>do you think I am a good wagie?
Protip: Girls you paint their toenails but not their hand nails almost always have a fungal infection on their feet
He acts old than he is because he's so fucking beaten down. Whenever he's off-work he looks and acts much more like his age
Practicing amature podiatry on autistic dual personality smokers..
she'll kiss his cheek while he's sleeping
oh yeah, absolutely. eras changing can affect a person too. i was pretty confident in the 10's but this decade has been so utterly baffling i don't know up from down anymore
tayama goes to sasaki's apartment, sees some momento from his senpai ex gf and asks him about it, we get sasaki backstory, tayama gets jealous
Nobody's gonna convince me that Tayama is a virgin
>when she sees your dick
33 years old here working.mostly alone with 10 women of different ages. We mostly do public services work, attending people behind a counter
She'll non-consensually grab his hand while he's sleeping
She's already done worse though.
bounteous thighs
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What a rapist
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Have sex with fertile young girls, salaryman.
Very cute.
Tayama really should eat something besides ramen.
Like yakisoba bread.
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Sasaki you retard, she's basically yearning for your D here. Also last I read this, it was stuck in ch27 for months, I kinda expected more chapters.
yea, like Sasaki
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Jesus their age gap is fucking high
The manga we really want.
Calling it, the band aid is going to be a plot point.
Tayama gonna accidentally took off her shoes and Sasaki will see it and goes into existential crisis
The cute feet weren't already a giveaway?
it's irrelevant to an age gap romance where the younger one is 25. sasaki isn't a virgin, even if he acts like one
sex with peak hag oono
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Tayama body pillow when?
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kek, I'd definitely read it.
This is what she said last chapter. Will our resident dumbass oji-san finally recognize that this trickster harlot has been playing cruel games with him all along
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those sure are nice moments
It got serialized and the release cadence slowed to a monthly schedule, which is torturous. Feels like the story won't be complete until I'm Sasaki's age.
Occasionally you forget how stacked she is.
Safe to ignore, it's a zoomer meme where they all say this despite half of their women dating men that are twice their age.
He's not shy or an introvert he's just overly considerate, he doesn't want to bother these sweet, fetile, luscious young women throwing themselves at him
no, age reversal tech is near my friend.
Man I hadn't even thought of that
Fuck, the author better deliver

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