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Shikanoko Noko's Nokos
Damn, deer look like THAT?
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Never hang out with deers, or you'll get infected with Fat Tittytitus
these are digustingly big
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Would make them bigger if I could
I still don't get why your pics always have fucked up aspect ratios
I'll explain it again. The images tend to be so big the ai program I use squeezes them down
Do Anko next
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It's very endeering, isn't it?
haha anko moke like unko
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If you have stuff like stitches of her that would be nice as this anime tends to focus only on the faces
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The source of all titty mass, DEER CRACKERS
Its ok to be gay anon.
i love booba
That's a imouto? More like a onee-san, ZAMN.
Now i will watch your anime.
Huh, this one actually looks better this way.
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Chronic breasting disease. CBD.
For you
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You're a big poster
How many deer crackers do I need to exchange for sex?
picked up
mugen kudasai
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how would Tsubameya react to being depicted as a titty monster?
The shika choir chants are the only thing I like about this show.
>nobody told me kino dropped

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I wish the Crush deer cam was still up. I used to watch that for hours.
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Why is she crying
God I wish deer were real
She is an honest to god schizo
no one made a big titty edit of her and she feels excluded
I'll just leave this, here.

I hate Americans for stopping the japanese to genocide these bugs
Are her tits actually that big? I might pick up the show now.
Sadly no.
If only though
Are there any subs for the new episode?
That someone re-drew the entire OP frame-by-frame with pixels is true dedication.
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i kneel
nice ass
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Fuck the Chinese!
Did they get the death penalty?
He deer
i want to shikanoko nokonoko shikanoko noko's nokos
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that's better
Nara deer are considered divine beings in Japan, Amaterasu-sama will come to kill him in 3 days.
How much trouble would a white tourist get in for knocking him out?
Abe-sama would descend from Heaven to award Japan's highest honor
HOLY fuck
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Balloon Fight hack with playable Shikanoko when?
Where is she going?
To deer heaven
more like...
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this edit is my favorite
these big boob edits would make me keep watching
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To be honest, Anon. I watch way too many seasonal anime that are boring as fuck. I cut off the amount I watch since there's no one to share these boob edits with aside here. If there was an anon who would watch all this slop just for the tiddy edits I would gladly make even more...
Then squeeze them back out before posting them you fucking retard
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Is this an improvement, Anon?
one day computers will be fast enough to do them for every frame in real time so you'll be able to just click the big-tittify button on your media player and make any show watchable
Imagine an anime world where they can't censor it anymore. No more barbie doll bodies. No more magical skirts defying the laws of gravity. I pray for our AI overlords to come soon.
What is the ai program you're using anon?
Novelai and its inpaint option
They already are.
And the technology is called Instagram filters.

Why are they like this?
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Well, the second one was in response to the deer trying to headbutt that kid, and the third one is more like my mom bonking her pet cats and telling them to be patient for food
Really, only the first and fourth ones are rude, unless the third one is feeding the deer something that might be bad for them, then again I don't have the full context for all of these so I might as well be outing myself as a complete retard
They are chinese, what more context do you need? They have zero respect for life, their own least of all.
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Warning: gore
Haha. Oh boy, that crazy deer sure is a riot!
I'm still in stiches from the latest episode!
Remember to book your hotel and guided tour in Nara for your own wild Nokotan adventure! Ask your travel agent today!
I still remember that video of them cutting open, grilling, and serving a fish that was still gasping for breath on a plate. Even savage animals fully kill their prey first.
That deer must think he has superhuman powers. He'll be around the grain feeder that night bragging to all the other deer about how tough he is.
I'm going there later this year.
This anime makes me want to stay away from Nara. Firebomb it, even. We must not let abominations like that deer...thing loose on the world.
No, it's not.
much better.
those hardly do it for every frame, are focused on the face and need a frontal angle
The way it looks back and then runs away, lmao
>The fuck?!
You've got it backwards. Nara contains them. If you nuke it, the deer will scatter across the Earth.
So we have no other choice than to let the deer and their army of darkness fester there...grim
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Wow! Where can I learn more about Nara tourism?
don't let the coomers get you down, anon, there's a point where big tits just become excessive and unappealing.
The show isn't even set in Nara
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Is this a preview of episode 5?
redditnoko shills are getting desperate

I counteract your sage with a bump
They're so desperate they let this thread slide all the way to page 10 yet you felt the need to bump it.
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This work?
Isn't all the 3DPD supposed to be Nara?

Never sign-up to any tour group with any chance of a Chinese being your guide. Terrible fucking mistake did Niko tour, guide was lazy as fuck, felt like they were reading a brochure, and didn't even try to hide they were leading us to their affiliates to buy stuff.
Why would they even have Chinese tour guides in Japan? Why not just hired actual Japanese who know their own country?
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Damn, that's awesome. You made Anko even sexier than before.
I bet they give wonderful hugs
You ruined Anko.
She can't murder deer efficiently if she's being weighed down by some blobs of fat.
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>"We lied, it wasn't the deer club. It was the COW club"
Why are these images so smashed and slammed?
Very nice. I'm not sure how Koshitan is floating on top of the water. But I suspect that she is using her sister's bouncy breasts to stay buoyant
They said you couldn't bang a jpeg...well, anon showed them.
Stop trying to bait me to watch this slop. I checked and none of them got massive tits like that.
>zoomerslop improved with one simple trick
Japs aren't any better
im confused, where is that meme dancing scene I kept seeing? It's not in the opening or ending.
Episode 3
Now this is true art
>you deer
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>oh deer
You're right, and it's somewhere past a Z-cup.
You're right, and it's somewhere past an A-cup.
>this makes redditors die of laughter
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Also, Gelbooru and Danbooru have virtually no lewds under this tag. Only memes.
Meme anime if I ever saw one.
>even savage animals fully kill their prey first
I wish that were true - but it is not. Predation is a terrible affair.
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this would have saved the show from being utter shit
I've had this on repeat for about 10 minutes now
>>269240706 (me)
wait no, it's definitely been at least 20 minutes. (I think I'm ok)
yeh. savage animals/ predators incapacitate at best. most prey is torn apart and consumed whilst conscious. death comes eventually.
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So she has a gigantic deer cock since she has antlers right?
Communism basically made them into a society void of empathy with the cultural revolution.
I never advise going but if you take a trip to Disney world you can see just how bad they really are. Some observations;

>Japanese tourists
Dressed modestly. Knew how to wait in line. Weren't pushy. Didn't yell. Didn't smell bad. Tried to avoid other people when possible.

>Chinese tourists
>Dressed somewhat modestly. Cut in line. Pushy in line. Yelled all of the time. Spit on the ground. Threw cigarette butts on the ground. Ate with their mouths open and smack their lips while doing it. 50% smelled awful. Would not respect personal space.

>South American tourists
Loud and obnoxious. The lolis were dressed like whores. Didn't wait in line. 90% smelled like shit. Pushy.

Fat. Loud. Annoying. 50% smelled bad. 50% wouldn't wait in line. Rude to staff. Lolis dressed like whores.

I could go on but you get the idea. If you want to see the social dynamics of different kinds of people a place like Disney World is probably the best place to do it.

Out of all the different kinds of people the Japanese were dressed the most modestly. The girls and women at least. I didn't see one of them wearing anything that showed their legs or cleavage. It was mostly school aged girls and their parents/teachers the week I went since it was in summer on one of the cheapest months of the year to go. I guess it was mostly school trips. They were certainly the least annoying people to share the park with.

I was disgusted by both the behavior and appearance of people from my own country. We were by far the fattest and probably 3rd or 4th on the rudeness scale. Of course we have more than one "type" but I bet the average Japanese person goes back home thinking every American is a big fat dumb asshole.

At least I got to practice speaking Japanese. I gave a loli a pin on the bus and another one a toy. Their parents were really cool people. Although I did see one full grown Japanese women throwing a tantrum like a toddler.
Not Disney World, but I worked at a tourist place one summer. Our worst visitors were Indians and Chinese. Both consistently tried to sneak in without paying. Best ones were the Germans. Almost always polite and well-behaved. Got a surprising lot of them, too, considering it was Washington state.
calling real children loli should put you in a watchlist
Yeah I'm a real bad guy. You know the type. Can have a conversation without thinking about children in that way. We should watch these people. The ones who's mind automatically goes to dirty places. Are probably okay though!
Having run some large websites I can tell you from experience the people that accuse other people of pedophilia are always the ones that have HDDs filled with 3DPD pedo shit and they're the ones that upload it in an attempt to get the site taken down

Indians are just as bad if not worse. I was lucky there weren't a bunch of them in the park the last time I went. I've had to deal with them at other theme parks before. They smell the worst out of any group I've had contact with.

Germans are polite when I've dealt with them. The Spanish (as in from Spain) seemed okay to. Pretty much anyone from Europe seemed alright. They at least knew how to stand in line without yelling for no reason and they typically didn't smell too horrible. Canadians are alright to.
The deer in my area have their velvet on right now, growing their rack
The intro has the deer rubbing on a tree, but have they referenced it in the show?
>Got a surprising lot of them, too, considering it was Washington state.
Germans are hopeless romantics for woods because they basically don't have any so that's their dream spots. In sweden the german tourists coming to see the woods and coast are often very rude and try to hog all the good spots by leaving some towels or something and then get mad when they come back 2 hours later and you moved them because they weren't there. I guess for the ones going to the US they're typically richer and more civilized.

It's funny though because when i went to germany some of them got really mad and yelled at me when i crossed the street on a red because there were no cars, they just stood there and waited at an empty road for over a minute after i crossed. Germans are strange.

Those are just minor nuisances compared to the absolute horror show of chinese and indian/pakistani tourists.
I saw a Chinese tourist hold a baby over a trash can and let it piss in it. The bathroom was _right there_
Not yet. I'm looking forward to what she does when mating season starts.
Jesus. Yeah i actually lived in the seattle area for 4 years after i left sweden and the chinese tourists there were a disaster, avoided seattle like the plague. The biggest problem with the germans in sweden was that they didn't understand the allemansrätten which is a right to roam, so you can hike and camp on private property as long as you're not seen or heard. They thought that meant they could set up a camper in your back yard. They'd argue now and then when we told them to leave but generally they were reasonable
What is the towel thing? Like do they leave neatly folded towels somewhere to claim a camping spot? Spot on the beach? I must know more.

I think a lot of these people from certain countries don't understand the private property thing at all. I know Chinese tourists will just roam right on to private farm land to gawk at the wildlife. I've seen it twice now. In their defense whomever is running the tour is usually the one that tells them it's okay. But I've heard them get angry when told to leave. They all go right into ranting about how it's unfair that you own the land. The concept of owning land at all is foreign to them.
Yeah, a long way past it.
It's a beach thing. Basically they go down to the beach first thing in the morning and drop a towel on a spot they want, or at a bench or parasol or whatever to claim their spot before they go have breakfast. Then they come back a couple of hours later and yell at you for stealing their spot.
It's not just a beach thing they do the same shit when i went to hotels in Greece, bulgaria, croatia and italy, the germans would try to claim all the lounge chairs at the pool with a towel to indicate its theirs
This is such a strange thing to do. How am I supposed to know which towel belongs to random person/family
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I would rewatch Nichijou instead
They do it so they can pull the "I was just gone for 5 minutes and you stole my spot" even if they haven't been there for a couple of hours and they just hog the spot the whole day
no, they just straight up think they have the right to leave a towel there and claim the space for themselves for the whole day regardless of whether they're actually present. because they were there first and apparently that makes it okay. it's not a german specific thing, some people are just dipshits.
Bashame becoming Magia Baiser doko?
Japs do that too.
>Yeah I'm a real bad guy. You know the type. Can have a conversation without thinking about children in that way. We should watch these people. The ones who's mind automatically goes to dirty places. Are probably okay though! Having run some large websites I can tell you from experience the people that accuse other people of pedophilia are always the ones that have HDDs filled with 3DPD pedo shit and they're the ones that upload it in an attempt to get the site taken down
Not beating the allegations I see.
Just saying every time I've seen it happen it was germans. At least in europe
I forgot we live in social media hellscape where the allegation is worst then being found guilty and you're a pedophile if you look at any woman under the age of 35.
fuck off pedo
>If there was an anon who would watch all this slop just for the tiddy edits I would gladly make even more...
Honestly, I would. These’re legitimately making me want to watch the show just to collect screenshots for editing.
Burgers are even worse.
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If you got a discord Anon, feel free to add me up
Not as big as her throbbing Shika dicka
>add me on Discord
You have no shame
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Have you seen these? What shame
It's really grim, there are pds out there who go to anime websites and lash out at anime women (some of them adults anime women).
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Goodnight thread, maybe there will be more big Shika Noko Nokos if this thread stays up
I only love Koshitan
Go! Fight! Koshitan! Whoa whoa whoa whoa
>be japanese
>let chinks in
>don't beat them either
Imagine russians in czech republic doing the same.
Deer milk...
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Stupid 16:10 laptop, Linux correction needed.
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Second correction dose, by me.
I want to pyoko pyoko this Noko's nokos.
So it's the new move from the schizo flooding the threads with his shitty edits?
found the jew
Go, ex-delinquent Koshi-tan!!!

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