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Preview pics for episode 4 are out. These only seem to show snippets from chapters 12-13, but the last two episodes have covered four chapters so it's safe to assume this episode will cover more than just that.
It was just a regular rope in the manga but we've gone for a fancy magic leash here it seems.
Brandish's appearance being saved for the episode proper.
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Erza is my slave btw.
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Time for best girl to appear again.
Remember that lacrima Ichiya had installed on his ship to prevent dragon slayers from getting motion sickness? What if someone made a miniature version as a wearable bracelet or anklet, would that help my hero Natsu or does it have to be installed on the vehicle? Wendy's spell worked for like an arc or two but that's useless now.
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Laxus stomps btw.
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Erza is about to go 'nah fuck you' mode on this bitch. Can't wait.
you mad, bro?
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So they will adapt until chapter 16?
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Mira's bitch.
LAXUS appearance imminent!
Erza is everyone's bitch
Even Laxus?
Taking Erza for a walk and forcing her to pee like a dog.
I think it'll be up to 15 keeping with the four ch's per episode they've done the last couple of episodes.
I should've added the episode's name is 'Dyed White', the same title as ch 15.

>four ch's per episode
But how much this season will adapt?
Farmer Dimaria soon!
But that’s Lucy.
We still haven't got any official confirmation on how many episodes this season is even going to have from what I've seen + ep 1 was three chapters. But if we go with the rumoured 25 episodes and it's between 3-4 chapters per episode, then we could hit the end of the Elentear/Selene/Moon Dragon arc which ended at chapter 90.
That’s a bit too much, I think it could work better if they ended in the Aldo arc.
Her tits are bigger than her face.
Is she FT’s bike?
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Kiria is so hot and I'm glad that they're shoving her in our face so much.
I want to lick Kyria’s tummy.
Wendy doesn’t like this.
But she’s a virgin.
And fat.
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I will protect Suijin-sama with my life.
I forgot all about that. I hope they don't skip that one panel.
>Mashima hasn't posted anything on his twitter since the start of the month
Will today being Nalu day see him draw something for us?
Also yesterday was the 6-year anniversary of 100YQ.
The animation last week was really solid, if that's the new norm I'll be rapt.
Kiria is the furthest thing you could get from fat.
Kiria is looking more fit than Erza
And I will fix Suijin-sama with my dick.
Erza's been on the strawberry cake diet in the peaceful days since the war with Alvarez.
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No you can’t.
Isn’t she always on an strawberry cake diet?
You mean breast girl
Karamel is so lucky.
Why is this so hot?
Inferior female learned her place, worshipping an infinitely superior one
So when will Ignia appear, two more episodes?
Yeah but she burns it off by fighting. After Alvarez there's been less fighting until now so she's stacked a bit of weight on. Not to worry, now that the fighting has started again our rotund heroine will be back in shape in no time.
Show me Laxus, you cowards.
He’s straight.
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New volume 18 cover.
But he didn’t say how many.
I thought he would have red hair
Wed is huge, he must be rivaling Aria in height.
And we will probably know who’s his VA
The same.
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And the new Dead Rock one.
Wolf guy….
>she's stacked a bit of weight on
That’s good.
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Ah yes, that guy from Fairy Tail.
>metal mask
I really thought his mouth was made of leather for some reason..
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Most importantly she's the perfect amount of crazy too.
What would you with an Erza pet?
Lucybros...Wendybros... I thought we were top tier now?
The perfect wife for Laxus.
>Top tier
She wishes.
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Lucy is top tier wife.
Then why is she dressed like a slut here?
>perfect amount of crazy
Who else got that?
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Pre-Sun Village Flare is a contender, but Kiria is the #1 choice.
Lucy's getting chubby, she needs diet sex.
I volunteer.
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>Dead Rock initial reception was so good Mashima was considering to turn it into a long-runner
>3 volumes later and nobody could care less
What went wrong?
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It's a bikini.
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She got fixed.
Me on the left.
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Not sticking to what he said he would do.
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You mean top tier whore.
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That guy is big.
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The onyl thing Wendy is top tier is being ryonabait.
>considering to turn it into a long-runner
That wouldn’t work out.
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Still a slut.
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Yes, she needs a few more kilos.
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But Lucy is still the strongest.
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That's Kinana.
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What did she gave her to eat?
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This is me coping ut I hope we can at least see her move and not just a still frame.
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I was talking about her thighs, although hers are less fat than Erza's.
Kiria is clearly more in shape than Erza
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And that's a good thing.
Me too, a nice little animation of Dimaria just giggling in her farmfield would be so nice, but I'm more expecting all Spriggans to just get a mere slideshow presentation "this is what happened" style.
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Just another quiet day on the farm.
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She needs what >>269216230 said.
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She is a confirmed pure girl, not a slut. Also wife.
It won't be too long before the anime catches up to this.
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Your wife?
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I hope you're prepared for this if it ever happens.
what is he even talking about?
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About a next generation series.
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I can't imagine Fairy Tail without these guys as the main characters.
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Who will job to this cutie?
Are you implying the bad guys will be allowed to win ever again?
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The strongest female btw.
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God I love the way she got degraded. Any name for this?

I also like Kiria's shit eating grin during the fight, she wasn't threatened one bit.
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Reminder that Edo Cana is pure and Earthland Cana is a slut.
No one, Sechs Zero is already claiming all the jobbers for himself.
She wanted to cross swords with someone.
>Any name for this
Not that I know.
Mira only to absorb her at the end like Seilah.
Good thing they agreed that fighting would be incredibly stupid for both of them in that situation.
You mean from Dead Rock.
Half of Magnolia would disappear if they fought there.
Fine by me. His stories get stretched paper thin when he goes long. Keeping it short makes it feel bigger, if you know what I mean.
Shouldn’t DR be only two volumes long?
That's only 7 chapters.
Post more Kiria, I can’t enough of this bitch.
Do you like strawberry cake, if not what’s your favorite cake?
I’m not.
And the funny thing is that everyone wanted them to fight.
>turn it into a long-runner
Not a great plan.

Did he mean long-runner, or just that it would be made slightly longer than he expected? Because we're already in the middle of the fourth volume, which is more than anyone expected, and only one of the main four villains besides God has just been killed.
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I would like to know that too.
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The weak should fear the strong.
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We need more women like her.
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Brandish soon.
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In the right places.
Can Kiria cut through Freed's gayness for Laxus?
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Yes, remember there's nothing she can't cut.
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She made Laxus her bitch, so I don't see why she can't do that.
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Is she too chubby?
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And they almost fight again in the Aldo arc if they weren't interrupted by Kiria.
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Sometimes I feel bad for Jet and Droy, but then I remember that they did nothing to improve themselves and it goes away.
Haven't read the manga for quest, is this worth watching? Edens zero came out to be a good story told incompetently instead of simply a bad story. Is this better?
Probably the latter but you never know with this guy since he changes his mind every second and gets bored quickly.
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Why did he react like that?
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She can cut through Sting's gayness for Natsu too if you want.
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Would the succubus be killed too?
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I need to see him in action again.
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>P-Please don't kill me!!
What you do?
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This would have killed Erza
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>"Listen wait I know how it looks but the show is honestly really funny and has a touching emotional story and the characters are well developed!"
This never works btw, especially not on your wife. She'll just make fun of you and call you an anime perv
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I'm saying that if you try and share Fairytail in earnest with people, they will not believe that you like it for the storytelling elements, and will instead believe you are a sicko
This is a great looking ass. I will save it for drawing ref
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And why the fuck would I try to do that? Not even I would do that with my family and I'm definitely not getting married just to do that, it's stupid.
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Save this one too.
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>Implying I would ever get married in the first place
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Is there a problem with that?
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Sorry Anon, but I choose to be a permanent wizard.
imagine if Erza was also shrunken wouldnt that be funny haha
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Yeah haha...
I wish she shrunken me too.
mashima should stick to short works. fairy tail was supposed to be short, but it was successful so he stretched it. edens zero was supposed to be long from the beggining and it showed during the early arcs, but then it fell off quickly. dead rock was supposed to be short, but since it started to be successful mashima once again changed his mind

point being, mashima works best when he makes his stories short. the second he changes his mind and turns them into long-running series he falls on the same troupes he's used to
>edens zero was supposed to be long from the beggining
How long are we talking about?
I care, at least. It was edgy trash but it helps set it apart from Mashima usual stuff.
Natsu is mine.
Okay so there are lots of similarities between Fairytail and One Piece, but I just realized another: Skypeia and Edolas!
This is a direct sequel to FT so if you haven't read it or don't like the OG series, don't bother.
Don't watch without reading Fairytail first. Is there a reason you haven't read it? I know it gets a lot of flack but it is a genuinely great story
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>edens zero was supposed to be long
I thought he said it supposed to be in the middle ground between Rave and FT.
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Good to hear bro.
All sword autists are also sluts
Making my dick hard.
How is he so good at designing hot women?
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No problem.
What about Satsuki?
Imagine if Erza was a loli and was manhandled by Wendy wouldn’t that be funny hahaha
Not having a Lucy clone.
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The fire girl feels like what happens if you fused Natsu into Lucy body
Also Lucy clones are overrated, give me Elie or Julia clones
What would Kiria do if Erza was small?
Is he still planning on making it longer? His other monthly series were already short too.
Gonna disagree on this. Sure Mashima makes a lot of things some people dislike when he does a long work. But his works are the only ones in anime/manga to have good romance in long form whether in romance or shounen genre. Other romances in romance manga are usually short form and uses the same tropes rather than take time to develop a relation between the characters. Mashima truely is the master of battle romcom.
Kiria certainly would if she could cut people’s sizes.
She’d enjoy having a travel-sized pet
>Time for best girl to appear again.
Irene is back???
Stale food and crumbs that were saved as bad leftovers
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You know, I hadn't thought about it before, but I've never rooted for an anime couple to get together like I have Jelal and Erza
No, Seilah.
I would enjoy traveling with a tiny Lucy
He should try something like Jojo where he can swap the protag and setting once he gets bored. He also loves time travel stuff and it can be mixed in through the different generational protags.
Selene soon?
This but with Gruvia. She stuck around for so long that the ship won me over.
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That's Mira's sister.
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Why is that always the case?
It is funny to imagine that somewhere out there is a Homura who is whored out by DJ and getting railed by ojii-sans
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The good timeline.
How did she job?
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I want Selene to jerk me off while I suck her tits and calls me a good boy.
Do dragons lactate[/spoiler}?
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She cut her strength
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Doesn't matter, she (and FT in extension) always jobs to the latest big baddie before they nakama their way to victory
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They must, how do you think Selene feeds her children?
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>getting railed by ojii-sans
Lucy too.
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Would he do 9 parts like Araki or more?
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I would have Erza pose for me as a figure if she was small.
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You already got one in Gate of nightmares.
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Do you even have to ask
Yes, because what if he wants to do more parts?
It's ok, Erza is happy.
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That's Sherria
He did nothing wrong.
Fucking sucks that Mavis will never be in the show again, she was the best character. Should have killed marakov and had mavis take over. That would complete the timeline too because we would have the list of masters be
Bringing it all together
Love that she's strong enough to just lounge around the sea, no nakama needed.
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>Laughs at your microdick
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He never scored btw
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>loves Gray
>loves Gray's woman
Meredy was so hot her mere appearance saved Lyon from living the rest of his life as a faggot (still, he never scored). Truly based.
Where is she now?
I don't want a rape fetish but by god when that time lady started stripping Sheria on the field of battle ..
Why is he so obsessed with O6?
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>I don't want a rape fetish
Yes you want.
The image you post does nothing to me, she seems like a sweet girl who I wouldn't even sexualize, much less abuse
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>a sweet girl who I wouldn't even sexualize, much less abuse
I would.
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She will kick your ass and make you her bitch
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She wouldn't.
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We needed more scenes of Dimaria stripping/molesting girls on the time-frozen battlefield.
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Dimaria has a thing with stripping people
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>ass spanked by Mira
>naked bdsm with Kyoka
>tongued by Kagura
>made Kiria's pet
Why doesn't Erza get sexuallity harrassed like this by men?
What's interesting is that she's a lesbian, so she isn't like Flare who threatened to strip Lucy for the sake of humiliation, Dimaria gets actual sexual satisfaction out of it..
I know you're just joking but Jellal would unironically destroy Laxus in a fight.
There's that fight with Azuma
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She should have raped Kagura in the battlefied in front of everyone.
>literally has one the most broken magical abilities in fantasy, timestop
>only uses it to stip girls
Alvarez was a mistake.
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>she's a lesbian
And a menhera.
He didn't sexually harass her
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>she's a lesbian
pre-END Dimaria was a very different character
I thought this was stupid when I first read it
>implicitly trust your guild members they're your family!!!
Only she joined like, yesterday, and was not vetted whatsoever. Who scouted her? Bisca became family because Erza had a whole experience with her and knew she had a good heart.
Dreams come true
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What did you think of Natsu being E.N.D.? And do you want E.N.D. Natsu to return?
>Who scouted her?
Mira iirc
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I don't know.
Mira has literal brain damage and should not be in charge of anything besides serving drinks and reading me bedtime stories
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That was so hot.
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I like how the anime made it super clear that Kiria's strength cutting is a form of hypnosis that works through the eye.
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>reading me bedtime stories
I'd rather have Erza read me bedtime stories, Ohara's voice is so soothing that I'd fall asleep quickly.
So, which gf would rent?and why is it Erza.
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>serving drinks and reading bedtime stories
Just that?
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Only if this form returns.
It is wrong to have any sort of relations with her while she is in the state she is in. It is like diddling a down syndrome, immoral.
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ENDcock was too powerful.
This is incredibly gay, but if I had to choose from the list I would say Merlin or Erza.
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No, and you should know Mira can still peg you from behind with her 12 inch strapon while you squeal like a pig if you make her mad.
If she did that I would be very happy, because it means that she is on the road to recovery and feels comfortable enough around me to take off her mask. I wouldn't like the penetration, but her emotional stability and happiness is more important than my anal virginity.
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>This is incredibly gay
What, the rent or the choices?
>What did you think of Natsu being E.N.D.?
In hindsight, it was super obvious.
Wait is this a video game or something
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Yes, it was a gacha that it shut down last year.
how so?
And they included Wendy????
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That's good to hear.
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Yeah, and? Wendy would totally sign up for that if she was in the Kanokari universe
Whose kid is that on the far right ?
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I don't know what that Kanokari means, but strange that they would ship a game where you can date someone so clearly little girl coded. Also Wendy has having a breakdown over the thought that Cana was going to whore her out, what makes you think she'd be okay with it??
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Erza and Jellal's kid Justin.
Mashima probably wanted it too but the editor could've been like "ok I'll let you do this to Erza but its gotta be a girl doing it" to soften it a bit.
this is the reason sometimes i hate fairy tails we guild we happy family concept, like they will absolutely protect anyone in their guild from criticism or harm even if they still haven't heard the side of the other person,
and what will they do then when their family member really did so something bad? will it be something like the whole laxus coup again or even worse if someone as good as or better than doranbolt did infiltrate then
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>what makes you think she'd be okay with it??
She will be fine with many things as long as you don't make her panic and make her feel safe.
Huh, so it's different from their edolas counterpart
I'm perfect for her then since I'm an adult ojisan.
N.D. = Natsu Dragneel
That part was pretty in your face "foreshadowing" but it never clicked at first because I'm a dumb dumb
Dogshit character
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Laxus did at least pressure her to come clean right after he saved her from Jellal.
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Then who's your favorite FF character? I haven't read it though.
>That part was pretty in your face "foreshadowing"
You are dumb if you think that. Dumb as fuck.
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>Fried tortured Elfman and then tired to murder him in front of Mira
>Gajeel repeatedly gutpunched a tied up Lucy for no reason other than he was bored and found pleasure in it
>Laxus tried to murder every single member of Fairy Tail in Magnolia with Fairy Law
And then Marakov will go "Nobody .. messes with my family ... argh..." I get forgiving Gajeel over the Levi crucifixion thing, that was professional work, but he had no reason to be torturing Lucy and found it way too enjoyable.
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How much money would you pay? Remember you're only renting her.
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Yeah, which means Earthland Nasha and Griege will be different from their Edo counterparts.
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It's ok, she has 14.
Erza and Brandish will bear my children.
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If Brandish enlarges your sperm and then enlarges her ovum as well as herself for the duration of the pregnancy, would she birth a giant?
Why wouldn't they include a powerful character like Wendy?
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You wanted another character to be included?
Probably. But it would depend on whether she could keep her magic working on herself for 9 months.
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If my dick is already small, would she make it smaller?
No, she's like em 10inches
I just wouldn't think they would include a little girl in the dating sim. Even Mashima is scared to sexualize her.
Yeah Brandish.
i find that still too lax,
>>a s rank mage with a mission to eradicate all dark mages/guilds did ask for one of their family
at that point laxus should have his alarm bells ringing and thinking
>>but then again if jellal did ran in with natsu or any of the brain dead members instead
lmao, good thing he approach saber tooth instead
May I ask, why is Juvia like that? Most people are not made of an element literally, but she is. Why?
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>Even Mashima is scared to sexualize her.
If you think that's sexualization, you don't know Mashima..
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That's a good choice.
They won't want to fuck your average anon, especially Brandish
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Whatever, he's done worse things to her, since she's literally made for that.
Have you guys ever looked up Brandish on the internet and found out what her last name is?
What's current power level? Been years since I watched Fairy Tail.
Is Erza still stronger than Natsu? Did Lucy become strong at all?
Thinking of rewatching from the start.
>I just wouldn't think they would include a little girl in the dating sim
You really think Japan wouldn't do that?
>Even Mashima is scared to sexualize her
Anon I...
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She's built different I guess.
>but she is
No she isn't. She just uses her magic to do it. Like how that sand guy from Alvarez can make his body sand.
I think it's just part of her magic that lets her turn to water, she's not literally water, still a human. It's like how Laxus can turn into lightning.
My anon is above average and if that isn't enough Brandish can make it any size she wants.
Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly but didn't she have a fucked up childhood because it constantly rained around her though? There's clearly something wrong with her. Gray wasn't born with ice magic yeah, he was taught it.
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But we don't even know Brandish's type.
>Is Erza still stronger than Natsu?
Mashima will never change the status quo.
>Did Lucy become strong at all?
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>Did Lucy become strong at all?
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>Brandish can make it any size she wants.
Yeah, if she wants, because she can also make it smaller and laugh at you.
I think Brandish needs a friend who will not be submissive towards her, but will listen and engage, without fear. Need to start that at a distance before becoming closer. It will be a real long haul, but I'm capable.
>There's clearly something wrong with her.
Control of her magic was tied to her emotions and was gloomy as a brat, so it rained. It happened when again when Gray left her prior the Avatar arc.
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Lucy is simply the strongest and she'll show that soon. She can use 88 constellations and 12 zodiacs. She hasn't even merged all the dresses yet.
Fortunately she doesn't have your small penis humiliation fetish.
But why did she have such powerful water magic as a child? Nobody taught it to her. It must be in her blood. But why? Is she part nereid?
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>didn't she have a fucked up childhood because it constantly rained around her though?
Yeah she was ostracized because she always brought rain with her, when she was fighting Gray the strength of the rain would shift depending on her emotional state.
>>erza or natsu
i still find erza stronger than natsu, for reason that natsu still only gets serious in battle after his family gets beaten
still fanservice tier nothing changed
>Lucy is simply the strongest
*CHADsu is
>and 12 zodiacs
The dumb whore turned down receiving Yukino's gate keys
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No self-respecting FT girl would fuck an average Anon, and no, girls from the other guilds wouldn't either.
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Not even the fat chick.
Making it rain isn't really powerful. As to why she can do it, just because.
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And this one, who already turned down Droy.
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>Did Lucy become strong at all?
I think if Erza and Natsu were to spar Erza would win, she's more consistently strong, but if they were to fight someone evil threatening the guild or their friends' lives then enraged Natsu would go beyond Erza. Also Lucy is a lot stronger now than at the start, from the second arc of the new anime onwards she makes even more leaps.
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>WHOREcy is simply the stron-
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Saggy breasts.
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Tell us your redeeming qualities.
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Hard pills to swallow:

Lucy isn't the main character, Natsu is

The dragon gods are stronger than Acnologia

Wendy is Irene's equal

Gray and Lucy make a better pairing than Natsu x Lucy and Gray x Juvia
>Don't care, ship shit is cringe
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>The dragon gods are stronger than Acnologia
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Still beating the dead horse?
Dbsposting won't change reality.
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Natsu is the protagonist, but Lucy is absolutely the main character. I love that style of storytelling by the way.
I don't give a fuck about Acnologia to be quite honest
Wendy is the goat why would it be difficult to accept that she's Irene's equal?
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>Wendy is the goat why would it be difficult to accept that she's Irene's equal?
Ryonafags like Wendy weak for their fetish
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Seething flattie detected.
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Wendy is the strongest!
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Erza is still stronger. Lucy got stronger but she's still not on level with the big guns.

Mashima posted a thing in a chat he did as part of an event a while ago, Laxus is like 1000, Natsu is 600 (with main character power), Erza is a bit above Natsu, Gajeel is 500.
I would like medium breasted women please
>Natsu burns away infinite magic and beats Zeref
>Erza is still stronger
ok mashima, you hack
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>Cobra 500
Gajeel tier kek.
>Acno 8000
Huh, Natsu is described as only 600 with main character correction to buff him? So he might be a fair bit lower without it.
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Those things never mattered and never will matter, no matter the series.
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Consider this pussy.
Those are not medium breasts
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And this?
I think it is base Natsu is 600 + boosts. Early Natsu went from getting stomped by a Wizard Saint in Jellal to blitzing him once he activated Dragon Force. Flames of emotion and/or DF would multiply Natsu's 600 many times over.
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I don't blame them.
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It's funny that Levi is considered to have small breasts but they're still pretty massive if you compare them to real life ones

Someone has translated parts of Mashima's space from the start of the month to Arabic text, so you can use google translate to get a rough idea of it in English. Some key takeaways:

>The voice actors for Ignia and Selene are amazing, so please look forward to them.
>One piece of background music is amazing and gave him goosebumps when first hearing it.
>When he drew the oneshot it was his first time officially drawing Fairy Tail in a long while, and a lot of people were telling him his style has changed but he never noticed himself. He says that in the past he used to draw chapters on paper but now he draws them digitally so that may be the reason.
>He's been told that Ueda's drawing of 100YQ is closer to his original drawing of Fairy Tail, and he's surprised that people think its changed to such a degree without him intending to change it.
>Regarding Touka, she was actually designed by Ueda. At first Mashima would explain the characters to him and let him choose the design, but afterwards he felt he had to design the new characters himself so he began designing them, drawing them and then showing them to Ueda.
>When asked if he has a favourite of the new characters, he said Selene.
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And nerfed Levy?
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>but he never noticed himself
Anime confirmed covering up until the end of Aldoron arc then
Powerlevel don't matter when your favorite character is a weak loser like Cobra and Gajeel lmao
....after the Dragon Gods.
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>he never noticed himself
Either there's something wrong with the translation or he really has brain damage, his current art is dogshit that even the spin-off's art are better.
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So who do you think the VAs for Ignia and Selene are?
I want Yumi Hara for Selene
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That's a good choice, I personally want Aya Hisakawa for Selene.
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Much better, ty
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No physical beating Wendy gets could ever compare to the reality of learning that everybody you had ever loved and cared about were never real and watching them all collectively vanish
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It's time they translate the LNs.
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I'm better than whatever she's into.
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We should be seeing this guy soon.
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Did he do it better?
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And for Ignia?
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Juvia is having a field day with this.
>can eat his own element as a devil slayer
>doesn't just eat the ice lock
Why did Mashima even make Gray a slayer if he wasn't going to make him act like it? Could've just given him a powerup without making him a slayer
Wendy deserves to be beaten up again
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after hours of trying to mess with stable difussion only passable pic
need someone that knows what they are doing to give it a try
What is the context here? What a bizarre arrangement of characters to be stalking somebody. I mean Juvia and Happy make sense but Grey, Wendy, MIRA?
They’re stalking Lucy and Natsu to see if they kiss and they probably dragged Wendy and Carla along with them.
Probably Mira’s idea.
It doesn’t look bad.
Ellie’s tits look medium sized here.
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kill yourself ryonafag
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SEXYtsu the HOT
Gajeel KEK
Built for Sting
How high is Wendy? 300?
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It will happen, and then she'll "win" by beating some kind of minigame that makes her opponent surrender/lose and she'll be called Irene's superior this time

Rinse and repeat
>Natsu is 600
>Gajeel is 500
Gajeel really is the Bejita to Natsu's Goku.
Except unlike Bejita, Gajeel has never won against Natsu.
Natsu got help in their first fight (and they tied)
3000 since she's Irene's equal
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>and they tied
Is this how gajeelfags cope?
He fell unconscious as well. Also
>we're even
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>this is a tie to gajeelfags
Technically this is a win for Gajeel
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To be fair on the website it says '*The artwork is not final'.
I guess his shit art the recent FT oneshot he did also wasn't the "final" either
Potentially further than that with the current pacing.
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Digital seems like it has made him a lot faster in drawing, but changed his style.
Working on like a thousand projects at once made him simply it so he can make it faster
I mean, I feel like he's only gotten this bad by 2022 or 2023.
Built for me.
She’s 1
Not true.
2023 I think. But at the same time, it is most noticeable with FT. For Dead Rock or EZ his style had already shifted so it feels normal to see his current style in DR for example, for me at least.
I think it's possible.
That’s the stuff.
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Do you still remember them?
Surely you do because the boy looks kind of fuckable.
I’m only interested in his mom, Fried can have the boy.
I require jellyfish girl Wendy
Is this the power of human pussy?
Those hips are already big enough to birth a child.
My wife.
Even better, just cunny
>Celestial Spirit lore?
>Ophiuchus being explained in any way?
>Yukino and Hisui possibly being useful?
>Nope, just kidding.
I still occasionally seethe about this arc being as bad as it was. Oh well, at least Gottfried was extremely hot.
Levy fixing Gajeel is impressive, but Karameel fixing a human-eating, town-destroying Dragon God is next level.
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She takes care of him, so that should tell you something.
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And you will have it.
Too bad she's never getting Usagi Dropped by that dragon D
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But he found her when she was a child and changed his mind.
Removing more of your clothing every year isn't gonna help girl
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I can't blame her since he looks fuckable.
Wonder where Karameel picked up that (slutty) military style from.
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She should be naked.
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He probably design it for her.
Wear some pants girl, Jesus
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She's not allowed to wear any pants.
It's like you fused Lucy and Juvia into a single giga slut
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She knows what she's doing.
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Juvia is the nopanslut but what she got from Lucy?
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Wendy's getting owned...
Open tummy
Short skirt
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Ok, that makes sense.
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And she's enjoying it...
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Dimaria's POV
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She was taught well.
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Of course she was.
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And do you remember her?
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This is the makeup part? The honeymoon?
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The honeymoon.
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Mid-to-late Fairy Tail is better than early Fairy Tail because it has better art, better girls, and more fanservice instead of promises that will never be fulfilled.

Fairy Tail doesn't really earn its reputation for being fanservice-heavy until the Grand Magic Games.
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And this was their wedding.
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