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the impossible has happened the dubtitles are gone
also ontan was farming those reaction images this episode
asano art just doesn't translate to animation well. at least his more loose cartoony art he's been using.
>dubtitles are gone
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yes they are pretty accurate and properly timed
i hope they stick with it so i can get my fridays back
Why does this mangaka draw ugly girls? Is that his fetish?
what if humans were the real demons all along
Your average girl is not a top shelf beauty irl. He tries to replicate that in 2D.
What is this show about? If it's Yuri, you're very much available to show me the front door.
ayy lmao
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ano's performance has been serviceable for me so far but that bar scene really felt out of place, she definitely can scream harder.
how many episodes so far are fixed? I watched ep0 and ep1 and dropped it because of shitty dubtitles
No idea. Probably have to wait a few hours for Americans to wake up and get the proper info. Hopefully they went back and fixed the previous episodes.
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Unfucked subs exist for the first eight episodes. Not episode 0 yet. >>268987335
Ep0 was a mistake and should be skipped anyways, so that's fine.
i like the manga too much to watch this show. worried it'll just be a big disappointment.
Will we have unfucked subs for this episode?
also wondering about this
So why is the MC voiced by YOASOBI's vocalist anyway?
How come this show gains zero traction in the west? It's based on a work from a famous mangaka and it's a pretty solid adaptation.
I imagine the weird artsyle is a factor.
Bad subs, awkward release time, and the story isn't straight forward.
It's not bad by any means.
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no and if they continue to not have several egregious errors then i wont do future episodes either
in that case i will redo episodes 1-6 in .ass for the onscreen translations and remove most of the drunken memesubs from episode 1
best subs for this?
thank you
So what's the deal, is CR subbing this now or did the production company get enough complaints about the dub subs to start making an effort?
I wasn't actively looking at the subs but I noticed that they use different names, for example in last episode calling takemoto "futaba" and in this episode watarase calling koyama "kadode" in the subs. I assumed that was still a sign of dubtitles.
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thats just crunchyroll thinking youre too dumb to figure out that japs dont call everyone by their first name its annoying but not worth redoing the subs for in my opinion
the biggest signs of dubtitles was shit like "ganbatte" being translated to "girl power" and the subs that clearly arent timed to the jap audio which both arent present in this episode
How would a Dedede vs Dandadan crossover be like ?
Sad how dead this is.
That politician Kadode killed was the prime minister.
Thank god. I just caught up and holy fuck are the subtitles awful.

>ganbatte translated as "girl power!"
>tsuchinoko translated as "mythical snake creature"
>"BL ga suki" translated as "I fantasize about those boys"

There's also some fuckery with the names vs what the characters actually call each other. Dubtitles or not, this faggotry is unacceptable.
That's unfortunate but understandable. Will you translate episode 0?
neat, new ep.
jap portions are so fucking small...

hallucinogenic juice.

lmaoing at ontan's gaudy gear.
We'll probably never know. I can't imagine they'd go to the effort of changing it now if there wasn't backlash though.
Appreciate it.
>dubtitles are gone
I don't suppose anyone ever fantranslated the earlier episodes? I couldn't get over how shit they were.
>anyone ever fantranslated the earlier episodes?
some anon did, he posts in every thread
Yup, just reading up and seeing that I should have skimmed the thread before posting.
Been precious little that I've cared to watch over the past few years so seeing this adapted out of the blue was a pleasant surprise and then a painful realisation.
I'm glad someone out there cared enough to try and fix the shitshow.
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thanks for your service this past few weeks, anon
hope you have a great weekend
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So what's your opinion on the anime? I haven't bothered to follow the threads.
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lots of delicious ontan drool in today's episode/10
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her fucking face HAHAHHAHAHA
after this scene when ontan says ¨dont disappear on me¨, look at the bottom of the frame on futaba's side.
>stripping it off
>a trap
>the jewels appeared

lmao was this on purpose?
That is surprisingly very common.
This was supposed to have been a movie though so you'd think there would be higher standards. Or maybe it's a scene just for the series version.
Haven't seen the movies.
Two 2 hours movies. That's four hours in total. Cut that into 20 minutes parts and we get 12 episodes. And we will get 18 episodes. Yeah, there will be a lot of new scenes.
god dam teach is brutal.
if you were sensei would you have gone for it
the moment in pr's fucking froze me hahaha
fuck i havent enjoyed an anime like this in a good dam while
doubt it, i'd have her comfort first and foremost on my mind. this isnt the kind of situation you want to risk fucking up.
poor guys are getting gored by some retarded teens.
im gona go watch the first movie, just to see what got rushed or cut, but first i'll check the manga
And a few stitches.
why is she like this
Last stitch.
is anyone subbing this?

I saw crunchyroll subs and were pozzed af
I like it a lot. But feel like it must end after the first half of the manga or so and have an original end because there are still a lot of volumes they have yet to adapt IIRC.
This show is very effective in what it does. It has a very strong seishun feel while touching on topics usual seishun manga don't like actually graduating from high school, dating and etc, and the invader plotline adds a nice bit of mystery and a sense of impending loss on top of it. There's also a lot of social critique going on about things like Japan's (lack of) militarization, immigration, prejudice and radicalization of the youth trough the internet and these are all very complex themes that i enjoy, but at the same time every episode makes me a bit more weary as to wether or not they're going to stick lhe landing and actually provide a meaningful conclusion to these themes rather than just having them in the story for the sake of having them. It's a nice mix of interpersonal story combined with a much more complex social conflict and the ways that one impacts the other. Also, i really like Ikura's performance as Kadode, she feels pretty natural which really compliments the more subdued, natural voice acting direction this show has.
I love series like this but they are rare. I don't mean that they necessarily need the sci-fi element, GTO counts as well. There are a lot of anime about high school years and the early 20s but they rarely show the whole spectrum of experiences you make in that time. I mean the good and the bad parts, the rebellious phases, characters having a life and a clique of friends outside of school and all that.
Makes it feel very natural. Or at least I can relate a lot, despite not being an extrovert like many of the characters they feature. The political unrest and the aliens make it more unique. I always loved the take Japanese have on such themes. Instead of screaming people and edgy drama everybody is busy with their own life even when the world is ending.

Magnitude 8 had a similar approach. Some deadly earthquake kills and destroys a large part of Japan, but the characters are calm and it focuses on character drama instead of shock value.
I think this goes without saying, but the reason for that is probably in part because anime/manga has a big viewerbase that loves escapism and that is more likely to be socially atypical, and having experiences that actually relate to the reality of youth can be a bit hurtful to them. I mean, i say "them" but i myself am a 29 year old who has never been to university, never kissed a girl, never been on a date or any of that, so watching today's episode did feel a bit like a foreign experience, but even then i understand the character's problems and conflicts and enjoy watching them, but it might not be the case for everyone.
im 31 yo, had my first date last year, and a few more after that, it mostly goes as kadode's went, escept for the doki doki moment...

it didnt went anywhere but im happy it happened, gave me the experience needed to ask out another girl this year, she refused, and guess what, it didnt hurt at all.

TL,DR: im becoming a normie, like 10 years late.
>TL,DR: im becoming a normie, like 10 years late.
You even started reddit spacing, amazing.
Same here yeah. I am technically the exact audience they are pandering to but I guess my thought processes are different. I am interested in observing characters that bear enough similarities to me to feel real (like Ontan's coping clown behavior, game addiction etc.) but different enough from myself to bring something to the table. This is why I like series about conflicts since they reveal more of the human soul. I mean this is all what fantasies are about IMO. To cross borders you wouldn't or couldn't cross in reality. I for once like to imagine myself or a character I think up to experience some dark or crazy shit simply because thought experiments are enjoyable. Sometimes I just want to know what I would do and experience if I was lost on an alien planet or manipulated by some evil deity or some shit.
>what would i do if i was on an alien planet
i supose my best to not get killed would be create something artistic, hopefully it gets troughth the language barrier.

>manipulated by some evil deity
get some intel on said deity, avoid getting too fucked over, see if i can bait into going against some other deity, and hopefully it gets keked and i go free.
I think different in that regard. I don't think much about getting away from it rather fantasizing about experiencing it out of curiosity. For the alien planet I neither want or do I believe that I could do anything about it, I just love to imagine myself (or a character I thought up) exploring that foreign bizarre setting. Same with the evil deity. It's not real so why would I want to stop it? I want to imagine how it is to be some dark messiah or some shit and then slowly realize that some bodyless entity is brainwashing you. It's just cool. I don't want peace and wish-fulfillment. Or maybe experiencing crazy shit is my wish-fulfillment, not sure.
she's zettai
I am a loner virgin who was never in love with a real person myself but part for why I like this series is that the friendship of the MCs reminds me a lot of a friendship I experienced at the same age. Even the crazy babbling and the games. It was the last time that I had a genuine friendship with someone and it was 15 years ago, so I want to re-experience that part. Normal friendships aren't so common in anime, anime focus on romances or you get the exaggerated friendship stuff like in battle shounen or fantasies that are too fantastic to bear similarities to real life.
I hate Oran.
What made you go from not dating to dating? As the years passed you suddenly felt more interested in others? I'm asking because I'm 27 and very apathetic towards human interaction, I wanna know if I'll eventually give a fuck about other people.
Not him and don't care about dating but I recently I remembered some old friendships and realised that it would be cool to have that again. Thing is that I avoided it for ages but my love for freedom and loneliness is only part of the reason, the other part is that most relationships you can develop aren't worth it and most people are distanced or dead inside after growing up. The issue is finding someone that isn't just your boring colleague that talks about the weather and politics with you. I feel like they don't exist past the age of 25 or so so I spent the last 15 years alone myself and followed my interests.

Regarding romance, I don't think that you will ever care if you didn't care about it before. Didn't happen to me either (35 now).
I relate to Kiho, who was feeling like she didn't fit in with the friend group, with the other 4 people being pairs.
Yeah this is a curse. Since early childhood I was never there when people met each other the first time. Always the rando that joins later, after everybody is already friends with each other. You go to a new school but stay the class-immigrant since the rest already bonded, you get a new job but everybody already knows each other, you join some completely new group but turns out that some of the people already knew each other from elsewhere and the rest are instantly drawn to each other because they share a problem or hobby that you don't have.
See a lot of randos bonding immediately because they are veganfags, have the same illness or complain about their family but all of that is foreign to me so I end up never talking to them.
Yeah, it seems hard to find someone you could talk to naturally, and even harder when you take into account generational gaps which is something I found out recently that made me feel conflicted, it happened when I was talking about anime and some youtubers with japanese content and they talked about the new version of this "stuff" while my mind was on the older version that I watched of this "stuff", and it was only a 6 year gap between us but it felt so massive.
Can't relate to youtube stuff since I am not watching and I am not into trends so some years don't matter. The only problem I have is that even my own generation (millennials) barely know anime in my country, let alone the older people. Anime are just one of my hobbies, but the problem is that my other hobbies are shit only 80 year olds and some crazies care about and it's hard finding them, you don't really meet them when you're drinking a beer in park at night or something, they are usually at home and watch tv. The only people that probably like anime are those in their 20s, but no idea about younger generations I never had the chance to interact with them.
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fuck me, i noticed it too, but was too lazy to fix it.
as you can see im more survivalist minded, experiencing things is cool, but its all moot if you kick the bucket.
going back to the world of dededede, i'd stick around tokyo and even seek the aylmaos, but i would make sure to have a fuck off plan, just in case.
>i supose my best to not get killed would be create something artistic, hopefully it gets troughth the language barrier.
i supose my best BET to not get killed would be create something artistic, hopefully SOME MEANING gets troughth the language barrier.

absolutely shamefur dispray i gotta stop staying up till 3am.
unsolicited advice: get more into your hobbies, go to local centers of related activity, join local groups, you will hopefully find like minded retards.
i found my group in my neighbors, who were nerds like me, except they are way cooler than me. im not kidding these guys are like ascended nerds.
well, i have always given a fuck about other people ('cept when i was an edgy teen) so we differ there

>what made you go from not dating to dating
i want sex, women owe me sex.
kidding aside, i felt like i was missing a chunk of the human experience, so i finally got off my ass and decided to give it a shot, despite my fears and lack of exp, im glad i did that.

>very apathetic towards human interaction
i can relate very fucking hard, but needing to migrate to another country and having to become a wagie, chipped away at that aspect of my personality. i used to HATE small talk with a passion. now i dont mind it.

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