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Reminder that Esemori is not the father.
Are you saying…ARE YOU SAYING…that I, Esemori, are NOT THE FATHER???? And Yuko…MY PRECIOUS YUKO…had nasty sweaty SEX with someone who looks JUST LIKE ME?????

It was a misunderstanding. If you think otherwise you're probably underage and dumb.

You're the spiritual father. The father of the abyss of you will.
True and canon.
There was already a thread that actually discussed something relevant, retard
This thread will just be two retards arguing over something that shouldn't even be a question in the first place
I'll spell it out for the faggots that don't know how to read. Esemori visited the town twice before, his return to Yuko's side during his final hours marks the third.
When Yuko asks it was him, Esemori assumes she's referring to his first visit. He's shocked because he hadn't told anyone about his return, and didn't expect Yuko to know. Yuko, however, REALLY doesn't know he was in the town then. In her schizophrenia, she counts molesting his bedridden cousin as his first return to the town.
Many anons seem confused by this, so I just wanted to clear things up.
This guy is just a troll, filter the words father for your own sanity in Abyss threads.
I'm not really interested in discussing any of the other side characters. I'm content with how things ended for the most part, with the exception of Sensei and Mao, but I'm hoping Ryo will elaborate on their fates when the volume releases.
So mindbroken that his retarded headcanon got destroyed he has to resort to calling everybody calling his garbage headcanon out a "troll". Genuine autism right here people.
Don't forget that Esemori is literally infertile kek
This is the retard btw, that says that Yuko only turned schizo in that episode, when she always thought Esemori was really Reiji's father
Yuko said the same thing and somehow didn't get pregnant even though she has a past
Genuine fucking schizo. Seek help.
> Doesn't even try to argue anymore because he contradicted himself so much it's now impossible to defend his theory
Why did you make this thread? Is this how you cope with the ending?
You're gonna have to summarize your points again anon-kun. That thread is a garbled mess of (you)s and I can hardly read it.
Please take your meds. This isn't my thread. Most people simply aren't autist in denial like yourself.
Happy for Nagi finally getting her happy ending despite having been reject by Rei like 10x throughout the manga.
Esemori: "I found out I was infertile after my first marriage."
You: He's not infertile
Yuko: "I had trouble getting pregnant"
You: She said she was infertile but wasn't, that means Esemori must have been lying too.

Your slight of hand won't escape.
Yuko never said he was infertile. Only that she was able to concieve with her husband at the time. Esemori outright says he checked and was confirmed infertile during his first marriage.
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She was*
Basically, guy's full of shit. In his view Yuko = schizo, but if Yuko = schizo then
1st You can't take the details in her "episodes" to say that a part of the story was fake and another wasn't
2nd The whole manga wouldn't work with a last minute asspull character, no hints of Yuko being delusional ever existed, in fact, the opposite, she always took trauma without deluding herself
3rd Ryo would be contradicting her own characters in a level beyond salvation, Esemori and Yuko story wouldn't even exist anymore now that she's also a schizo
Do you believe all the guys forced her to take a pill or something? And chronologically the first marriage was likely after the hospital incident
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Sensei spinoff doko?
>Esemori lied to his friend when he had absolutely no reason to do so about being infertile but him lying to Yuko is not possible despite him having every reason to
You can't argue with the schizo mind anon.
>entire argument is literally just "author wouldn't do X because my headcanon says she wouldn't"
Please, just take your medicine already.
And this is of course not to mention Esemori being a established liar that lied until his death even to himself
Literally the panel of Shinooka saying he has no reason to lie to Reiji in his deathbed despite doing it so, it even makes more sense now, he lied to himself he was infertile to not believe he was Reiji's father
>Do you believe all the guys forced her to take a pill or something? And chronologically the first marriage was likely after the hospital incident
She stated she only started to try to concieve with her husband and had trouble doing it. That's it. Nothing states she was infertile nor that she tried prior to her husband. You're making to many baseless assumptions here.
I'm enjoying this, I'm noticing even more details and foreshadowing Esemori was the father all along, this ending just gets better for me holy shit
He never lied to Reiji at his deathbed. Shinooka literally states it means he genuinely believed he was the one thay kicked Uryu. Which we find out that he did. But that us not lying.
Based schizo. Did the walls help you start noticing these """hints"""?
But that's it, he's still lying to himself, are you ESL? He genuinely believes he's infertile and he isn't Reiji's father until the end that he is true to himself
>chronologically the first marriage was likely after the hospital incident
He was around 30 during the hospital incident.
He's also a known playboy, so I'd say it's much more likely he married and divorced before the hospital encounter ever happened.
You can't lie when you genuinely believe it yourself. That is contradicting. It doesn't show Esemori as liar but somebody with trauma over that specific incident. Lying by definition needs to be intentional.

Why do you mutts have such a poor grasp on your own language?
This, it's fucking retarded to assume otherwise. He had like four marriages. Assuming all of them happened past 30 is retarded.
Holy ESL
There is 17 years between that incident and the past. Tell me how it couldn't have been between those 17 years. This is a non-issue you created
See those two pages and check if it was intentional or not
He wanted to make his novel, he wanted Yuko to be that way, you can specifically see this in his reaction when he saw Yuko "laughing" and told her about that and she didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, Ever since he was a kid, he wanted to be a novelist, so much that he even pushed Nagi to Reiji as an old man
>The deliberate act of deviating from the truth.
Thanks for proving my point kek.
This was the first result for me
There's no lie in those two pages. It's literally Esemori having a realization and laying everything bare to Reiji.
Yet he conveniently didn't mention Uryuu or any of the other things he lied about
It literally says the dictionary definition is:
>The dictionary definition of lying is “to make a false statement with the intention to deceive”
>with the intention to decieve
Fuck you mutts are embarrassing. This toddler language called English is the third language I learned yet I got a better grasp on it than you. Stop with the bad faith """arguments""" already christ.
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You either suffer serious delusion or cerebral disability, cognitive disfunction, or ocular malfunction.
>Yet he conveniently didn't mention Uryuu
He literally did, he still genuinely believe he killed him. That was the story he told Reiji because he thinks that is what actually happened.
>any of the other things he lied about
There are no "other things". He didn't lie to him during the hospital visit at all.
1.5 Objections to the Traditional Definition of Lying

Two kinds of objections have been made to L1. First, objections have been made to each necessary condition, on the basis that it is not necessary for lying. According to these objections, L1 is too narrow. Second, objections have been made to the four necessary conditions being jointly sufficient for lying, on the basis that some further condition is necessary for lying. According to these objections, L1 is too broad.
1.5.1 Conditions Are Not Necessary

Against the statement condition of L1 it has been objected that the making of a statement is not necessary for lying. Lying to others may be defined as “any form of behavior the function of which is to provide others with false information or to deprive them of true information” (Smith 2004, 14), or as “a successful or unsuccessful deliberate attempt, without forewarning, to create in another a belief which the communicator considers to be untrue” (Vrij 2000, 6). Importantly, this entails that lying can consist of simply withholding information with the intent to deceive, without making any statement at all (Ekman 1985, 28; Scott 2006, 4). Those who make this objection would make lying the same as intentionally deceiving (Ekman 1985, 26).

Did you even read the text?
Motherfucker Shinooka confronted him on that and he still told that same lies all those years later to make himself look good for Reiji, hell he literally just told him his novel
> There are no "other things". He didn't lie to him during the hospital visit at all.
Read the manga retard, is it really that hard?
Anon, we both know you're just a coping fucking faggot that just can't admit you were wrong. The commonly used definition that is in the dictionary states clearly it needs to be intentional. You posting a wall of text written by some pseud about the philosophy of lying is pathetic beyind belief.

Stop arguing in such bad faith. It's that simple.
I think you're just confused. Note that that whole flash back to the hospital wasn't said to Esemori.
When Yuko begings elaborating, these are not speech bubbles but inner bubbles. So, Esemori has no idea about how Reiji was conceived.
Shinooka LITERALLY states he wasn't lying but genuinely believed it. Disingeuous subhuman mutt.
>Read the manga retard, is it really that hard?
Again, can't give any example because you have none. Pathetic.
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>Okay Mao it's time for your daily milking session
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Again, this is just your reading comprehension failing to understand rhe order of events. The panel you posted is what happens after she notice Esemori. It's not the same panel from two perspective. That is why you see her eyes gaining the same light and the literal fucking word "the light" being shown.

Try to read the manga.
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Might go after the panels about what actually happen here later
There's nothing to go over. Your reading comprehension is just garbage. It's that simple. You made the mistake of believing the two panels represented the exact same moment from their own perspectives but they didn't.
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Yep, this is after she notice is him here >>269210788 which is then followed by her smiling to him here >>269210739 at which point he starts running away. There's no contradiction shown here. Your garbage reading comprehension failing to understand that >>269210739
happened right after this moment >>269210788 rather than being the same moment is the entire problem here.

Not only is your grasp of your native language garbage but you can't even follow basic storytelling it seems.
This is after he has ran away and she finds him gone. Again, complete lack of understanding of the order of event from your part. Esemori ran away before she could come down as shown here >>269210891
and then it switches to Yuko's perspective there she finds herself standing alone after having come down here >>269210904

They're not the exact same moment. Get it in your head retard.
Explain she not knowing what he was talking about and when mentioning again that specific scene being completely serious and not smiling like that at all?

She's not smiling because she had not noticed Esemori yet when she makes that expression. You literally see that she only notice him AFTER she does it here >>269210788. When she notice him the light in her eyes return and she smiles to him, which is shown here >>269210739

Again, NOT THE SAME FUCKING MOMENT. One shows before she see him. The other after.
No... I was talking about after that encounter >>269210792
Even Esemori admitted he manipulated her, Shinooka and Ray G agrees, I don't even know why you guys are arguing about this part
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And in regard to her "what do you mean by that", it's referring to Akira saying it's "too late now". It has nothing to do with her smiling. But you being a disingeuous subhuman lying through your teeth that you are you decided to not post the page before >>269210792
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the real boys' abyss is this circular argument
Why do you post this? Yes, we know he got such trauma from the event coupled with his obsession with having Yuko be a certain way that he deluded himself that he kicked Uryu. That is not something new. That is him having trauma. He wasn't fucking lying when he told Reiji this. Even Shinooka literally fucking says he didn't lie because he genuinely believed it himself.
It ain't just about the Uryuu incident, Reiji didn't even know this when he was at the hospital and this happened
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Wrong quote, this is the image
And there's no lie there. Do you have genuine schizophrenia? What exactly do you think we're throwing a fit over here exactly?
And where is the lie he told Reiji at the hospital here?
> Manipulated, used, toying
> Did the same with my mom too
What's your point? That he couldn't have made up to himself he was infertile subconsciously to cope with actually having a kid and not taking responsibility? To not ruin the image that he had of Yuko like >>269211063
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Other than that, what reason would he have to be mortified like this other than seeing Reiji with Yuko and realizing what happened at the hospital? And no it wasn't just seeing Yuko because he fucking wrote a novel on that
And what would be the point in him outright lying about it to Shinooka? There's literally no motive for it. They were just having casual small talk. And this happened when he visited town for his mother funeral before he started setting things up with Nagi.

Incredibly flimsy """argument""
He was mortified because Reiji literally called him out for being the fucking coward he was you absolute retard. He literally fucking paraphrases it ffs.
He wrote a novel BECAUSE he couldn't handle the real thing.
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> There's literally no motive for it.
This is getting old already
> When I saw her again, back then...
> I could do nothing but tremble in terror...
Is it that hard to read
Your page is completely irrelevant to Esemori casually telling her he is infertile during small talk. I have no idea what mental gymnastics you're even trying to pull off at this point.
> He has no reason to lie to you...
> He still believes that to be true
Yes, he was afraid of seeing Yuki again when he returned the bike because he had obsessed with her for +2 decades without seeing her at that point. Wtf are you on about schizo?
Again, what kind of schizo shit are you seeing for thinking whatever mental gymnastics you try and depserately fail to make sense of for you to post this?

This has literally nothing to do with him stating he is infertile.
Yes, he's trembling in terror because he's standing face to face with Yuko and all that entails. I really don't follow..Also remember that somebody died because of them and their shenanigans, don't you think that's cause enough to be terrified?.
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Here is Esemori lying on the spot btw
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And Yuko believing him (or not, considering the next page)
Incredibly bad faith example. A white lie to save Reiji's ass is says absolutely nothing.
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>Reiji wakes up to this every day
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Probably saw through Reiji and realized it was a lie
Her asshole got destroyed by old man cock btw
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...What does this have anything to do with what was previously discussed? You need to explain yourself schizo
I like how the argument has boiled down to
>Esemori lied about being infertile because he lied about how he got Reiji's bike for his sake +100 chapters earlier
There is nothing left to be argued on, both sides have made their minds, just tweet at Ryo for an answer. His argument also relies on Esemori lying to Yuko so that's that
Then do it. Making a twitter account is simple enough and you claimed you knew japanese.
Not lying, misunderstanding. Their conversation went like this
>Yuko:That's the third time now...
>Esemori: You knew?
>Yuko: Was that you?
>Esemori: Yeah.

Yuko didn't tell him about the hospital and her rape of his cousin.
you know she's talking out loud on this page, right?
> Making a twitter account is simple enough
You do it, I write the tweet
> Yuko didn't tell him about the hospital and her rape of his cousin.
That's your assumption, she did tell him, it wasn't a dialogue inside her head
meant for >>269211603
Though I dunno if she would respond to a brand new account
you know she replies to english tweets right?
Nope, you brought this twitter thing up in the first place. Either you do it or you keep your mouth shut in the future. Don't make provocations and claims if you can't follow through.
i guess i'll link her reply
She isn't. It was all in her head.
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Esemori lying again
>not saying anything is the same as lying
Not how it works. Me not telling you my credit card number is not me lying to you retard.
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It wasn't me who brought this up, it was an Anon in the previous thread, and also, it's you who need the author to confirm this, Esemori literally said yes at the end
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Esemori lying to get some pussy... Where have I seen this before?
He had no interest in pussy at this point. He couldn't even get his dick hard with Nagi. He was just trying fan the flames.
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Seriously how can you see this and think he isn't "that boy", he's literally doing the same thing, unless it runs on the family
In the original Japanese the gender of who died is not stated nor how many they where. This is partly Chako's own assumptions filling in the blanks.

His motive is clear here however of why he's acting like this. So what motive would he have to say he was infertile?
Because I'm not retarded? Sorry but I can't suspend my disbelief into thinking that Esemori somehow got himself into hospice care, de-aged himself 15 years, larped as an entirely different person and somehow had complete memory loss over this whole thing for +15 years.

The relative looking like him making Yuko fuck him requires far less suspense of disbelief.
> His motive is clear here however of why he's acting like this. So what motive would he have to say he was infertile?
He really is a motherfucker that likes to lie, that's literally it
This, Nagatoro, and Mao Mao's artist have all let me down this week.
Great point. Further proof that the supernatural is a real element in "the town".
>managed to find one time he was "lying"
>somehow this means hr always lies despite not telling Reiji a single lie during the hospitls visit,which you have several times now claimed he did without example
Show me the motive. It's that simple.
We're you born yesterday? Official releases are notorious for shoddy translations, just look at the travesty that is JJK. Sounds more like you're ignoring what Ryo actually wrote to suit your needs.
>official release
And you think those are accurate? Literal pajeets being paid peanuts to MTL it. Even shitty fanscans are more accurate nowadays for manga.
> We're
> Official releases are notorious for shoddy translations
You talk from experience it seems
There is at least 4 times in this thread, and I can find more
There isn't. The only other "lie" was the white lie he told to protect Reiji's ass. All others was just examples of your garbage reading comprehension and that been throughly explained already.
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> Bad release
This was literally a plot point you retards, Reiji even notices his lying in here
I don't write official translations for manga, but I'm not surprised you would just jump to conclusions.
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No, in the original Japanese Chanko makes an assumption because Esemori is vague as shit about who actually died. Here's he's trying to put together who Esemori actually is because he never really said anything about more about it.

You're moving the goalpost regardless. Again, what motive would he have for lying about being infertile?
> Again, what motive would he have for lying about being infertile?
Removing suspicion about Reiji being his kid?
>Removing suspicion about Reiji being his kid
He never thought he was his kid. We literally see his internal dialogue about it. And there was zero suspicion from proto Chako about it in the first place.
You can't be actually this retarded. You clearly don't read this manga lmao
>keeps posting based on what Reiji heard from Chanko's assumption
>keeps loving the goalpost rather than explaining what the motive for lying about being infertile was
He lied to the piglett which means he clearly lied to Yuko about it being him btw.
>keeps posting based on what Reiji heard from Chanko's assumption
Dude he literally mentions woman to Chako
> "Will you be the woman who finishes me off?"
You're retarded, first you said it was bad translation, then now you say it's vague lmao, show me the japanese page and I will analyze it
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How the schizo had fallen. Everything in his retarded headcanon has gotten destroyed and proven wrong. He has become so desperate he has resorted to arguing about something completely irrelevant that happened in the very beginning of the manga kek. Not a good day to be an esemori-is-the-dad tard.
Admitted lol, you're slowing backing out of your contradictions
Of course, he's a notorious lier after all. I'm glad somebody gets it.
>keeps loving the goalpost rather than explaining what the motive for lying about being infertile was
This easy to make the schizo reply kek. I know you're autistic but it's called being sarcastic. No, this irrelevant nonsense that you for some reason choose to move the goalpost towards doesn't prove anything of what happened literally +150ch later.
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Some anon should do a storytime.
> Has history of lying
> Has history of being schizo
> Lies to a confused Yuko about being his relative
> Has lied to Chako the same way in the past to get pussy
> Distorts Yuko's image to make a novel
> Says he killed Uryuu and Yuko smiled because he wanted her to be that woman
> Repeat the same lies to Reiji
> Says he's infertile to make it so that he can't have been Reiji's father
> Finally admits the truth just before he passes and frees Yuko
> Somehow retards think he is actually the father and only lied 1 minute before his death making his character nonsense and the story basically a Ash Ketchum creepypasta
Ah man, the judge judged that the kid as being my son because I lied about how I got his bike when I returned it. How the HECK did they figure out I snuck into hospice care, used a potion to make myself look 15 years younger, took acting classes so I could larp as a terminally ill person 24/7 all to fuck his fool his nurse mom and fuck her, I even took a potion that erased the memory of those months from my memory! Damn...I shouldn't have lied about that bike...
> Somehow retards think he isn't* actually the father
Completely ignoring what he did to Chako...
I have acquired indisputable proof he is actually the father
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> Has history of lying
He hasn't. Literally only been able to show one lie that is completely irrelevant.
> Has history of being schizo
He had one episode that is very clearly explained as being a one off
> Lies to a confused Yuko about being his relative
Entirely your garbage headcanon
> Has lied to Chako the same way in the past to get pussy
He didn't lie the same way at all. He was just incredibly vague about it.
> Distorts Yuko's image to make a novel
Which he acknowledge he did and irrelevant
> Says he killed Uryuu and Yuko smiled because he wanted her to be that woman
Yes, you're just repeating your previous point
> Repeat the same lies to Reiji
He never told a single lie to Reiji. He genuinely believd this. Repeating the same point.
> Says he's infertile to make it so that he can't have been Reiji's father
Your garbage headcanon.
> Finally admits the truth just before he passes and frees Yuko
Your garbage headcanon.
> Somehow retards think he is actually the father and only lied 1 minute before his death making his character nonsense and the story basically a Ash Ketchum creepypasta
Your garbage turbo contrived and convoluted headcanons are to convincing arguments.
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He recognized him right away
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He didn't want to sleep with Chako, he was manipulating her.
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How does it imply that he didn't want that? He literally took her to his room and hugged her from behind while making an invitation
>Esemori lays everything bare to Reiji doing his hospital visit, not lying about a single thing and admitting his fault. He admit here along with everything else he's not the father
>has absolutely no reason to lie about being infertile. Literally was just casual small talk with an old friend and was way before he started his whole plot with Nagi and Reiji
>Is never shown to have shape shifting abilities able to de-age himself to make himself look how he looked in middle school while being almost 30
>is never shown to be able to brainwash people to the point that he can make alm the staff in a hospital think he's a terminally ill teen
>never shown to be sich a schizo that he has an entirely seperate personality that takes over when he shape shifts into a kid
>never shown episodes of losing months of his memory for no apperant reason
>yet retards still believe it was him rather than just a relative of his that looked like him which made Yuko fuck him. Something that is not new as relatives got same face in this manga.
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I will stop arguing, there has been enough proof in this very thread and you have contradicted yourself so much it now became low effort bait, it was fun in the beginning but enabling this delusion isn't good for you, you're just sinking deeper into your interpretation
Literally not a single fucking lie is told her. Genuine schizo posts.
You have not posted a single proof of any real substance. Only headcanons and irrelevant pages that either makes no sense or are ENTIRELY only relevant to some goalpost you moved.

You have no real arguments. It's pathetic.
None of those were about lying, faggot, he says he recognized Reiji immediately and the next fucking page is his fake father. Illiterate
Which is not relevant to anything here. He knew who Reiji was because he looks like a genderbent version of his mother with the exact same fucking eyes. The page about his fake dad was just the set up for the bait and switch for whether Esemori being his father or not. Which is confirmed not true later on at the hospital.
Now you call it bait and switch when you're contradicted lmao, switch to what? your headcanon?
> Yuko: he's the father
> Esemori: I'm the father
> Reiji: He's my dad
> Ryo: He's the father
> Retard: NO! NO! NO!!
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>Is never shown to have shape shifting abilities able to de-age himself to make himself look how he looked in middle school while being almost 30
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2002 June
Yuko meets boy in hospice care.

2002 July
Yuko and hospice boy conceive Reiji. (Calculated from 40 weeks before Reiji's birthday.)
Yuko/Esemori are around 28.

2003 May 1
Reiji is born. Kazumasa is 7.
Yuko's 29th birthday.
Esemori is also around 29.
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Masaharu's sperm may have been failing him, leading to Yuko's inability to get pregnant.
Did all the other guys that got with Yuko also fail?
None of this answer the counterpoints raised in this thread lmao
A point towards schizo Yuko.

>B- but it was ACTUALLY Esemori and she was hallucinating!

Wrong. Note that whenever she sees young Akira when it's actually old Akira, she's unable to keep the illusion for long. That is because the real Esemori doesn't match her expectations (until the end that is.). If it really would have been Esemori at the hospital, she wouldn't have been able to maintain the illusion, because the reality of the man that is Esemori would have shattered it. Only by placing her fantasies on a person that was completely unrelated was she able to consummate her love and get pregnant with Reiji.
>Did all the other guys that got with Yuko also fail?
No, either they, or Yuko herself left no chance for her to carry a pregnancy.
It would be a major inconvenience if she got pregnant.
They used condoms and/or pills.
Alright so let's go with what your saying, Yuko is a schizo, how to take details from her fever dream into consideration for her to be a schizo? The thing might as well have never happened. See how retarded your theory is?
Yeah I imagine the guys that taped her cared about that
>Yeah I imagine the guys that taped her cared about that
Why would they leave physical evidence of a crime they committed in the form of a teenage pregnancy? Are you a dumbass?
Not so fast. There indeed was a cousin, and she did indeed have sex with him to bear Reiji. The schizoness is in that she hallucinated the young (and ideal) Esemori unto him. Note that whenever she sees the young the young Akira, there's an actual body bearing her hallucinations.
> Caught on tape
> Everyone in the town saw the tape and that's why they were looking so much at Yuko
> Physical evidence mattering when the police was clearly aware of anything but didn't do shit because Gen's dad
That's not how it works, either she's a schizo or she isn't, don't you see your own point here? She out of nowhere in the last few chapters developed schizophrenia for a brief moment in the past for no reason and no prior history of ever doing that and somehow this makes sense to you
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Is there an archive for the memesubs for the series, I missed most of the threads reading this manga but just discovered them. There's something hilarious about F-tier jokes with this suffer porn anime in the background.
If Yuko by chance did get pregnant, do you honestly think they'll spend time and money to take care of the baby?
Of course not, they'd force her to abort it and continue their crime.
Don't you think that if that was the case, Ryo would show that to make Yuko's life even more miserable? She didn't hold back on details
Schizo, there's a whole category in the psychiatric journal of medicine for what Yuko is experiencing. It's called Delusional misidentification syndromes, and it's a real thing. And the trigger is obviously Esemori. So when she sees a relative that closely resembles him, it triggers it.

>B- but the history

Reiji. Her schizophrenia compels her to do all sorts of things to make sure Reiji doesn't leave her side or the town. Do you think normal people act like she does?
> Schizo, there's a whole category in the psychiatric journal of medicine for what Yuko is experiencing. It's called Delusional misidentification syndromes, and it's a real thing. And the trigger is obviously Esemori. So when she sees a relative that closely resembles him, it triggers it.
We could say the same for Esemori and it would fit because he is the one with the history of being like that... Are you even thinking before you post on possible counterpoints?
> Reiji. Her schizophrenia compels her to do all sorts of things to make sure Reiji doesn't leave her side or the town. Do you think normal people act like she does?
When has Yuko ever lied to herself or caught in a lie like Esemori was multiple times? (you'll probably want me to show you the pages again because you can't read, maybe those pages were your triggers)
Well, nice to see you're just going to ignore what was posted less than 5 minutes ago. I get it, we've been going at it all night, and I bet your schizo juice needs refilling. I'm gonna hit the sack, if you actually go through and ask Ryo on twitter and she confirms your delusions, I will take off my hat in respect.

Goodnight schizo, don't let the voices from the walls keep you awake.
Love you too man. This was honestly very fun. I want to ask her about it but I don't feel like creating an account just for that, don't think she would reply, probably would be flagged as a bot or something
If someone does it and confirms you're right I will apologize and become the number 1 hater of this manga forever
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Hi, uhh, I'm here to get treated for uhh, *checks notes* stage 4 leukemia... or something. Mind if I borrow one of your rooms for a month? Yeah, the one where people die in a couple weeks.
Oh, and make sure this Kurose Yuko girl is one of the nurses tending to me. I'd really like to tap tha- I mean, she looks very professional and well trained.
Whuh? Documents? Oh, yeah, here's my ID. *hands over high school library card*
Please don't xerox that, my hair is so embarrassing in that picture.
Funny that Yuko didn't mention the boy's illness and even commented how young and not sickly he was, almost as if he only told that to her
Actually I’m the dad
We all are, anon
>Chako push him away, call him out on being a shit and tell him she's no longer a fan of him
>He laugh and go "atta girl"
It was the reaction he expected and wanted
Yuko is a virgin mother
He had three mariage, including Nagi and god only know how many relationship outside that as he kept running from the fact he loved none of them.
I wish Yuko was my mom.
Why would you hurt yourself like that anon ? What happened with your life ?
Always felt Yuko birthday being May 1 was bullshit considering we get a "Yuko just turned 14" in one of the flashback chapter.

Did editor san pushed for it because he was sweating bullets about her being 13 when her mother forced her into ye old familly curse ? (not that it change much)
The fucking only time Nagi's little ass was shown. She was the tits exposition heroine.
Even Yuri's ass was shown more times.
>Official releases are notorious for shoddy translations
Wait for the official spic TL (they're only 3 volumes behind the jap release so it may be ending this year), it's the best official version.
He didn't say that.
Actually needed.
The final vol. storytime shall coincide with the final vol. release
I'm still kinda mad I never saw chapter 94 thread. The meltdown must have been insane.
>Yuko just turned 14
It was already springtime when Yuuko's pimpout happened and gang wars happened amidst a hanami festival during the golden week.
So it makes sense her bday was on may 1st
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>Oh right, you're a nurse.
How did Esemori know Yuko was a nurse? During his "first" visit back, Shino'oka (considering she knew in the first place) never told him that. Just that Yuko married a guy at Minegishi Construction. So where did he get that information if "distant relative" wasn't him?
>Did editor san pushed for it because he was sweating bullets about her being 13
Still editor had zero qualms to show all the fetishes "Nagi" was being subject of since age 10. So it wasn't editor-kun's fault.
In the end, I still hate that fucking town.
So why would anyone insist that Esemori is NOT the father anyway? Why would they NOT want him to be daddy?
It's not that they don't want him to be the father, it's that for him to actually be the biological father necessitates
1. Esemori convincing a building full of professional doctors and nurses that he's a terminally ill boy to put him in hospice care.
2. Forging and covering the trail of medical paperwork about a terminal patient who didn't die, just disappeared.
3. Esemori completely forgetting the entire experience right after it happened despite all the work required by other people in on the game to pull off the stunt.
It requires world shattering levels of malpractice and incompetence.
But it seems you don't want him to be the dad if you keep pushing that idea even when others showed how and why he is the dad.
I don't want him to be the dad if the cost is making an entire hospital complicit in appealing to the whims of one man who can't get over his childhood crush.
It's a business operation. There's no room for humoring a stalker who goes out of their way to visit the workplace of the person of their affection.
So you lied. You said "it's not that they don't want him to be the father" but now you admit you don't want him to be the dad and that's why you're so insistent.
Esemori was already being a famous (or a rising) writer when "the terminal ill lil shit" fiasco happened.
Should blame the axe, but gotta guess he fucked all the hospice staff to ever let him be "admitted".
Still that line of Shino'oka saying Esemori had no reasons to keep believing his own lies even at this point is gonna keep me running in circles until mayhaps the final vol. release... or maybe forever.
Ok Esemori.
Still wonder what happened after Reiji said he wanted to see the real Nagi during his 1st time, because the scene jumps straight to the penetration and only heavy pantings were shown in between. Still remember Reiji's lil betta wasn't working before the "i want to see the real you" line.
I'm guessing the "Nagi and Reiji's plot was solved since the 3rd chapter and the rest of the story was just untangling themselves from people around's abysses" theory may make more sense. And the scene was skipped because the foreplay went off the rails.
You're not engaging on the main points of the argument.
I think it would be fine if he were the father on a conceptual level. He already is Reiji's father figure.
But as it stands with the information we have, too many people need to take the fall for Esemori's plan to visit Yuko under the guise of a relative. Then they both need to pretend they don't actually know each other while banging on the hospital bed.
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Pls understand, Reiji wanted to have a closure with his mom because he didn't want to have regrets when the time to face the real Nagi came.
That alone, was that shit that made Nagi turn back to chase him?? Or sheer and undistinctive fear for JAVs??
There's another plot hole. How the fuck did "Nagi"'s days as Nagi ended. She had to return to Tokyo to give the resignation letter to her agency, mirroring Reiji's resolution with his mom. Unless paparazzis chose to elaborate a story to justify Nagi's permanent disappearance. Like she died or something.
IIRC, Ishibashi is also involved, she's declared as missing by the authorities.
ideally we would have gotten a second sex scene, too bad we live in a timeline where japs abruptly end their story when the main pair get together
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Or the rest of the foreplay (Reiji's dick 1st awakening, so more tongueplay, titplay and prolly a blowjob) will be shown as flashback, and he'll say some cringekino shit about him realizing wanting to know the person behind his favorite idol since the time they met was all this time his reason to live since that moment, he just wanted to not have regrets to leave everybody behind, then Nagi telling her name. That shit can be perfectly added in 4 pages (2 for the foreplay at that moment with Reiji's reasoning, 1 for thise 2 Nagi panels from picrel)
You'll never post a convincing explanation for him being in the hospital because it doesn't exist.
>How Nagi stopped being Nagi
The time skip was maybe 2 years, so plenty could have happened between then to resolve the issues. Choose your own adventure.

Reiji and Nagi are together and working near Shinooka, so Ishibashi should know.
She could have had another small scandal with the disappearance and then officially retired shortly after. Then the rapid news cycle would just blow over and she'd be a nobody again, living in peace.

Yes, that's my position. He was never there, because if he were, a bunch of hospital staffers would have known and been privy to his antics.
And you are insisting on that argument because you admitted you don't want him to be the dad.
The abyss ? Defeated.
Except for Mao, but fuck that cunt. Get Sensei-ed
It's a pretty solid argument if I say so myself.
I have no grudge against Esemori, he's a cool dude who gave Yuko, and in turn Reiji, what they needed in the end, I just don't think he's the bio father given everything that I listed.
I don't even think anyone else is insisting anymore except for you.
Looking on reaction left and right, and my god, I believed those thread where terrible at media litteracy, but there is retards who genuily think Yuko last speech was to be taken at face value and that she hated everyone/Reiji all this time.
What side are you on? Esemori being daddy or him not being daddy?
This manga plays on face similarities a lot.
notice how chako looks like her parents, how reiji stepbro looks like his stepdad, and how reiji himself literally looks like yuko, his mother? Well, if any of you noticed, there's no similarities between esemori face and reiji aside from the obvious different hair color.
Of course you can argue that esemori is probably his 'spiritual' father, but in biological matter, he's obviously not his father. I couldn't answer who's reiji actual father thoughbeit since I didn't invest much time or simply care about this unnecessary side plot, but please, everyone, stop being a fucking retard for once
So Sensei killed Mao then fled to the mountains with Reiji and Nagi using Esemori's inheritance?
Not my problem if you only think it's one person.
There isn't much more to it, just people thinking she trully just does hate Reiji (and everyone in general) when it's cristal clear the shouting is the last way they have to express any open heart feeling to each other.

It's like thinking all of Akira shooting that he hate Yuko is to be taken at face value, the level of media litteracy is abyssal.

If Yuko hated Reiji, she would have gazlighted him into staying, not told him to leave the town (like she always wanted for herslef deep down per chapter 162).

Unimportant, he's Reiji father figure, see him as a son, and Yuko believe he's the father ; his validation is both him acknowledging his role to Reiji and symbolic of him fucking finaly accepting and understanding Yuko.
Maybe more than one person thinks it but it's only one person who is pushing it.
>the level of media litteracy is abyssal.

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Of all the characters her problem was the most straightforward. She wanted to die because she had nothing to live for, meaning if someone was willing to become her reason for living she'd have no reason to off herself anymore. But she has completely given up on that prospect because she belived she was a worthless human being and that nobody would ever come to love her, until Reiji came into her life that is.

She came back to the town hoping that Reiji would propose her to live alongside him, but not only he turned out to be a depressive mess, he completely failed her when she needed him the most.
On the bridge she rejected his lover suicide advances out of sheer frustration, but then she probably realized that she was about to give up on her last chance of getting a happy life (or death) and immediately turned back to chase him.

But ultimately she got what she wanted most, someone who would love her and live alongside her. In the last chapter Reiji wanted to know her name (as opposed to not wanting to know too much because it'd go against the idea of dying) and with that gesture of his it was basically a "I want to live but only if it's with you" confession.
>Well, if any of you noticed, there's no similarities between esemori face and
They are the only two characters who share the exact same unique eyebrows.
>everyone, stop being a fucking retard for once
Right back at you.
Make the connections.
Those 2 are with Shino'oka, meaning the detective is involved.
Yuri is under suspect and is waiting for a trial in The Town.
>Has a restriction order against Reiji.
If she fled, then it's to be a proper adult and not the loco womanchild i guess.
>it was basically a "I want to live but only if it's with you" confession.
this anon gets it
when Nagi said she was happy he'd die with her, she didn't mean right that moment. the whole manga was one long bait-and-switch.
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Did they redeem themselves as Reiji's parents in the end?
As much as they could, but obviously not wholy redeemed. While Yuko unburdening Reiji from his mental shackles allowed him to leave her, there's no way to fix all the mindfuck he's been through.
But now I'm kind of wondering, if in the distant future Reiji and Yuko could have another heart to heart. Maybe when she's on her deathbed for real.
This was my point here >>269208958
The reason she dropped the honorifics was because she was replying to him after telling her own name and making a promise to live with him for the rest of her life. You can 100% expect that in the epilogue
Yuko sex
I don't think Yuko death is in the so distant future.
Nips think this was axed.
Some think this had a shit end.
Some think the woman at the mountains is Yuri RUMAO. Gotta guess vol18 will include a grim reminder for them.
The manga was solved in vol.1 ch3 then.
Somewhat, I said in the other thread, Nagi and Reiji's relationship was too tied together, that's why developing Nagi was hard for Ryo, if she did, the manga would end, so the other characters had to get in their way, and I would say it was beautifully done because it had to happen in order for Reiji to not make the same mistakes Esemori/Uryuu did, think about what he would do if he knew Nagi's backstory all the way back... He wouldn't be able to accept it. and all of those difficulties helped them both to understand each other more (hence the Nagi thanking Mao for making Reiji "dirty" scene)
he became the father after telling her yeah; reiji has his genes either way so why does it matter whether he was an absent or an adopted father
Nips think this was a new princess hao end. Too abrupt. Also, Chako's last line hints at being axed. A Mikan end.
> axed
How else was this supposed to go on for? What other ending or development would be more valid than this?
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Don't care since I have enough awareness to know Ryo is intentionally making things ambiguous. Posting to call OP a faggot though. Shitting on new thread potential to shill your opinions is definitely faggot antics.
Let’s all love sensei
To the best of their abilities I would say. I don't think you could say they where not completly redeemed, but this was never expected, or what the story was about.
It would be stupid to expect them to behave as responsable, stable, functioning adults.

Obviously Yuko can't just fix years of emotional abuse, but being a good mom was never in the cards. Her being able to free Reiji and make him leave the town is still very significant, and considering her abandonnement issues, is a powerfull action.
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Yuko should've let Reiji hatefuck her and cum inside
I wish she straddled me...
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Just realized...
23yo Nagi with ponytail looks a lot like JC Yuuko.
Mostly. They did what no adult ever did for them by taking action to fix their shit/help their son and broke the curse. It was too late for them, but not for Reiji (and Nagi). Their abyss was beaten.

Kinda yeah, most likely intentional as part of the parrallel between Akira-Yuko and Reiji-Nagi. Litteraly "Eeeeeeer what could have been".
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Just read the last volume (from ch. 174 onwards).
Glad my girl Yuko got her last moment, what a kino character. But the actual ending was ... underwhelming on first reading. Maybe I'll need it to sit more but right now it feels like 3 chapters are missing.
I expected a bad ending from the last few volumes but it didn't really matter all too much to me, because the series is 90% mood/feelings/atmosphere for me.
The amount of trauma, the constant tired "I have given up" faces, the fucked-up-ness of some relationships, it's all some grade A sufferingporn that I love to wallow in.

So, I went from "This is kino" to "Actually, this is badly written" to "Actually, this is fuarking kino" to "This is badly written but I feel it". Reiji in particular is a great character, with all his anti-hero flaws.
Call it bias, I don't care, but I enjoyed Ryos wild ride and gonna continue to finish my collection (9 volumes as of now).

Best girl? Cuteko of course
Peak? Flashback Namek
Of course it was underwelming. After all that talk about committing suicide unsuprisingly Reiji doesn’t follow through because he ran out of reasons to be a little bitch once he had Nagi by his side again and everyone else out of his way for good. Should have just jumped into the river where he belonged since after indirectly causing so much damage to the people in his life he doesn’t deserve to live.
Something to also notice in this is that after this meeting he really panics (even though it's the "second" time they meet), could be him figuring out what actually happened and that Reiji is his kid
This is one of the most pathetic comments I've read about the manga lol
Now you made me wonder something, how tf did Esemori know Yuuko is a nurse??
Almost like they met 17 years prior to make Reiji...
>happy anon, brain empty
>esemori is the father
>ntr-filled, obsessed brain
It's over. Let it go.
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>How did Esemori know Yuko was a nurse?
Putting aside the presupposition that Esemori was the hospital boy (I don't think he is), the way he finds out she's a nurse is the same in both cases.

He had someone find out for him as he did with Nagi's past, or he finds out himself by peering into her life from time to time by checking in with people like Shinooka.
In the case that he was the hospital boy, he obviously finds out Yuko is a nurse BEFORE going to be treated at her specific hospital.
In the case that he isn't the hospital boy, he finds out through hearsay through the woods between collegues during the 28 years he's been away from town but still writing about Yuko in his books.

Here's the panel in Japanese.
>あ そっか 夕子ちゃん看護師さんだったっけ
The だったっけ portion of Esemori's last line just indicates he's minimizing his knowledge through small talk so as to not come across as creepily following her life around all these years.
> Putting aside the presupposition that Esemori was the hospital boy (I don't think he is), the way he finds out she's a nurse is the same in both cases.
How are you going to do that? It's like discarding a clear foreshadow just for the sake or your argument, to do that in the first place his confirmation to Yuko would be a major plot hole considering he knows about this somehow
> He had someone find out for him as he did with Nagi's past, or he finds out himself by peering into her life from time to time by checking in with people like Shinooka.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he fuck off from the city to the point that Shinooka wasn't even sure if he got over the Uryuu thing as she says that to Reiji? Even if they were in contact I think she would avoid mentioning Yuko considering her desire for him to be a novelist and not wanting him to come back to his senses (like how she said she kept quiet)
> he finds out through hearsay through the woods between collegues during the 28 years he's been away from town
I doubt he has anyone near him that knows his past, don't you remember how bullied he was? Part of his plot points was that he had to stay distant from reality/past to write his novels otherwise he would be constantly remembered of reality like with Shinooka
> Here's the panel in Japanese
I don't know what point you're trying to make here

The fact is he was the boy, he just got to the hospital and Yuko happened to be there, said that he had a terminal illness (you can draw parallels to what he said to Chako) and she didn't caught on his bullshit (or at least pretended not to) because she loved him
Why would the bullied 28 year old man with no connections return to the rural town of his trauma for his hospital treatment (hospice at that) when he has perfectly good, maybe even better options in Tokyo.

You're still ignoring that an entire hospital needs to accommodate for a person who clearly isn't dying but claims he is.
> Why would the bullied 28 year old man with no connections return to the rural town of his trauma for his hospital treatment (hospice at that) when he has perfectly good, maybe even better options in Tokyo.
Probably his past with drugs? I don't think it's that far fetched to believe that he went to the hospital for that a few times and maybe one was in his hometown
> You're still ignoring that an entire hospital needs to accommodate for a person who clearly isn't dying but claims he is.
You're being dishonest here, read what I've always said about hospice stuff, he only had to lie to Yuko (like what he did to Chako), she was the only one that had to know about that, if she was sure that he was in hospice she would 100% see him die and wouldn't even think that it could have been Esemori. He was literally a normal patient, just said to Yuko he was dying to get a kiss, that's it
You're stretching. Drugs were never a major plot point and was an off hand remark in a minor panel to show he was fooling around in his youth.

Do you not know how hospice works? The boy can't lie just to Yuko because hospice is something the entire medical facility knows the location of in the building.
Yes, the kid will eventually die, but Yuko being the way she is, was wishfully thinking it was Esemori who impregnated her as a way to feel better about her situation. She believed in non-existent supernatural legends. She believed it was Esemori's spirit in the kid as her coping mechanism.
> You're stretching. Drugs were never a major plot point and was an off hand remark in a minor panel to show he was fooling around in his youth.
This is just cope, you can't disprove this so you're dismissing it
> Do you not know how hospice works? The boy can't lie just to Yuko because hospice is something the entire medical facility knows the location of in the building.
Yes, the kid will eventually die, but Yuko being the way she is, was wishfully thinking it was Esemori who impregnated her as a way to feel better about her situation. She believed in non-existent supernatural legends. She believed it was Esemori's spirit in the kid as her coping mechanism.
I told you, he was a normal patient, the stuff about being a terminal patient probably was what made Yuko question herself if that wasn't just Esemori. The boy didn't even look sick.
Timeline in next reply
> Esemori abuses on drugs
> Is taken to the hospital by his relatives (because they live there)
> Wakes up and sees Yuko
> Either thinks he's still drugged or doesn't recognize her
> Starts lying (specifically JUST TO YUKO, NOT THE WHOLE HOSPITAL) to get pussy like what he did to Chako
> Yuko believes him and doesn't care about details that much because he "resembles" Akira
> Esemori fucks off once he realizes what he has done and Yuko doesn't notice (she didn't mention the boy dying)
> He suppresses that memory like what he did to Yuko's real personality/Uryuu for the sake of his novels (and somehow he still knows about this because his next novel will be about Reiji hence him not forgetting the nurse thing)
> Reiji born, Yuko realizes who the boy in the hospital actually was
> Comes back to town for his mother (and also Reiji as he said he recognized him right away)
> Nagi also picks up on who Reiji's dad is right away
> Boy's Abyss?
Observe how this whole theory builds up (is actually just pointing that out to you) on stuff that was already written, confirmed, foreshadowed and implied on the manga while the theory that Esemori isn't the father relies on Yuko being delusional just at that moment without prior history (and also somehow the boy dying and her not noticing). Your theory relies on something that wasn't ever even hinted throughout the whole manga
That's a whole lotta conspiratorial headcanon.

>lying just to Yuko
Again, that's impossible to do because hospice care requires a team of nurses and doctors around the clock all knowing who the person is and why they are there in that specific hospice ward. If it were Esemori in the hospital, his name "Nozoe Akira" would be right there in the books and Yuko would know immediately it was him and not be swayed around by some lie that he was some distant relative.

Do you think it's just Yuko taking care of him? The care team communicates with each other how to best treat the patient at the end of their life.
Co-worker: "Hey Yuko, go to Nozoe Akira's room to change the sheets."
Yuko: "Nozoe Akira? Okay... where have I heard that name before...?"
See how stupid that is?

Yuko believes in the supernatural legend passed down her family. That's the part that makes her vulnerable to otherwise outlandish beliefs that normal people can call delusional.
> That's a whole lotta conspiratorial headcanon.
You're just coping, doesn't even try to defend your point anymore, you're just spewing the same shit over and over after being debunked, nothing that was there wasn't already foreshadowed you illiterate fuck
> Do you think it's just Yuko taking care of him? The care team communicates with each other how to best treat the patient at the end of their life.
Are you retarded? Seriously... Can you even read what I wrote? You're still considering the hospice stuff being true for some unknown reason. We only ever hear that from Yuko herself, and the simplest explanation was that she was just fooled by that. She's just an assistant nurse
> Yuko: "Nozoe Akira? Okay... where have I heard that name before...?"
The guy that is a known liar could not have lied about his name? (he could even just lie his first name and still would work because he told Yuko he was Esemori's relative), specially if you consider Gen's dad knows who Akira is and probably holds a grudge for Uryuu, his own family could have done that for him
> Yuko believes in the supernatural legend passed down her family. That's the part that makes her vulnerable to otherwise outlandish beliefs that normal people can call delusional.
Thanks for proving my point retard, she could simply just believe Esemori's lie and realize that when she got close to dying
You're beyond help man. Like a baby with no sense of object permanence, where people cease to exist once they leave your field of vision.

In your version of events, Akira and Yuko are trapped in a bubble with zero outsiders talking with each other for weeks on end.
No one can get away with lying that they are in hospice care to a hospital worker, because they are physically separate from normal patient rooms. For the hospital boy to do so would mean Yuko doesn't know her own hospital's layout and was kept in the dark about the boy's name by her co-workers the entire time.
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You don't understand, for your version to be true, the story wouldn't even make sense. My version is simply in line with what we already know and what was stated in the manga
> In your version of events, Akira and Yuko are trapped in a bubble with zero outsiders talking with each other for weeks on end.
When have I said that?
> No one can get away with lying that they are in hospice care to a hospital worker, because they are physically separate from normal patient rooms. For the hospital boy to do so would mean Yuko doesn't know her own hospital's layout and was kept in the dark about the boy's name by her co-workers the entire time.
My God, retard, Yuko was the only one that needed to be fooled about the terminal thing, his family probably just told his name wrong to the hospital or said he was some sort of celebrity. Yuko is an assistant nurse, this was 17 years ago and she was under pressure of her husband she just didn't question Esemori at the moment and questioned later on. Think about it in this way, if the hospice stuff was true the boy would have to die and Yuko would be there or at least know about it
>his family probably just told his name wrong to the hospital or said he was some sort of celebrity
So his family shipped his drug coma ass from Tokyo to the countryside, flubbed his name on legal documents and Japanese hospitals don't keep paperwork? Nice.

This is what I mean.
For Esemori to be the hospital boy, the entire world needs to be incompetent.
For Esemori to not be the hospital boy, only Yuko needs to be mentally ill. Which she has been for her entire adult life due to trauma and rejection.

The hospice boy did die in reality. But Yuko rationalizes it as Esemori's spirit being in the boy because she wanted so badly to be with Akira that she finds solace in that fantasy.
In the end, Esemori plays along with that fantasy, accepting her with all her faults. Once Yuko gained what she wanted from him her entire life, she finally lets Reiji go.
Sup, Yukobro.

And same. Many decisions Ryo made that I didn't like, but I get it. I think the ending itself was...as solid as it could've been
> For Esemori to not be the hospital boy, only Yuko needs to be mentally ill. Which she has been for her entire adult life due to trauma and rejection.
Yuko never ever deluded herself, her past is literally shown with so much detail as a way to make the readers feel uncomfortable. She never once pretended that everything was fine or that something didn't happen
> The hospice boy did die in reality. But Yuko rationalizes it as Esemori's spirit being in the boy because she wanted so badly to be with Akira that she finds solace in that fantasy.
In the end, Esemori plays along with that fantasy, accepting her with all her faults. Once Yuko gained what she wanted from him her entire life, she finally lets Reiji go.
Be honest, don't you think that this would be a major plot point not explored? Like don't you think that Ryo would ever show us a scene of Yuko struggling with that? Ryo made her the most miserable she could be already, why save on this detail?
You'll need to bring that up with Ryo herself.
You could call it bad writing if you want but it made sense just fine to me having read the story in both Japanese and fan-translated English.
There's hardly any discussion or debate about this topic in Japanese at all so maybe it's just unclear to English readers due to unclear translations.
From what little I could pull up, they seem to be leaning on my side anyways.

>「クソ親父」って台詞を夕子に聞かせたかったんだろう 自分は夕子と野添くんの子供だぞ、と2人ともそうじゃないのは百も承知だけど、それでも夕子の本音を引き出すには必要な儀式だった
> You'll need to bring that up with Ryo herself.
Except it all makes sense if he is the father and your theory is incorrect... You aren't thinking straight, him not being the father would be a plot hole. The signs are there
> having read the story in both Japanese and fan-translated English.
Didn't you say that you couldn't speak japanese when the Twitter thing was brought up?
Besides, I read this in japanese, I literally only come here for the raws, this isn't even an objective point that you're making
Sorry, I'm not that guy you were arguing with the other day.
If you're fluent, why not ask them for their opinion?
>> If you're fluent, why not ask them for their opinion?
Was already brought up here >>269213445
>> Sorry, I'm not that guy you were arguing with the other day.
Don't get fooled by that fuck, he doesn't know what he's talking about
He said those were just translations errors when this was a plot point to figure out that Esemori was full of shit since the beginning
Yuri using Mao to get pregnant?
In the end, the boy's abyss was Esemori's mystery.
Yuri chasing Reiji to the mountains... but Ishibashi is faster this time and arrests her for violating the house arrest order. Mao returns to Yokohama as a traumatized husk of what he was once.
>and arrests her
Shooting her dead.
Akane will win like Nagi
A spinoff that after Reiji finding out Nagi is infertile, he finds some Yuri relative that is also a table tennis player, has terminal illness (despite looking fine) and gets her pregnant
>A spinoff that after Reiji finding out Nagi is infertile, he finds some Yuri relative that is also a table tennis player, has terminal illness (despite looking fine) and gets her pregnant
Knowing Reiji, gotta guess he'll be the last Kurose. Can't see him having children.
He's 17 the whole manga, and by the looks of it, he was very late into puberty, give him a break, he'll have kids, eventually
characters like yuuko always breaks and captivates me that i've lost interest in anything else that happens in the manga that's unrelated to her, even if she's a demon who ruined and manipulated everyone around her i can't bring myself to hate her knowing the terrible things her family forced upon her as a child she reminds of yukiho from journey under the midnight sun but unlike the latter her sun or star was a spineless coward
as some who binged this shit and late to the party it's funny to me to see how people are deluding themselves with the whole esemori is father thing kek
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>try not to put babies into this
literally impossible
> Esemori already established having mental issues, being a liar and memory repression about stuff
> Now in you retards theory Yuko also is schizo
What the fuck do we make out of the chapters about their past? How do we know what even was true? Did Boy's Abyss even happen? You can't answer with "she only was schizo that one time and the details of her schizo dream are totally accurate to say he isn't the father"

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