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New episode out NOW

More Sakuya to watch
>bath scene is censored vs theatrical version
It's over...
looks really ugly
nu /a/ really finds this attractive? lmao
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This. They all have nothing on Cornelia.
Wait did the movie have nipples during this >>269211414 scene?
nah, no nipples in movie ver either
I was told there were nipples though... then what was even censored?
>we're about to get crushed by the Damocles!
>sike! nobody gets hurt
>Ash killed Sakuya's father!
>sike! he actually didn't
This kind of toothless writing is really something I expect from the Build Divers and Kyoukai Senki writer.
What happened to Ember Encode's?
And why does OP use the same gif for every thread opener?
It's pretty consistent with the bait & switches all over R2.
Roomba bugs
NTA, it's true, but it kinda cheapens the relationship between Sakuya and Ash and Lelouche's failures were very important to how the story and subplots progressed in R1&2.
Narah driving around as she and Ash hold eachother at gunpoint is great
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what the fuck
How cold are those nipples
>drops Damocles on their heads
>doesn't kill anybody
>unobscured view of boobs
>no nipples
Is this truly Code Geass?
it's like morning wood but for girls
Why is Norland such a dick?
Because he's wearing the mask.
What's with mecha anime and masked villains anyway. Is it an opera reference?
I mean, where it originated from
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She's alone but somehow is covering her chests nani? That's not how you take a proper hot steamy bath.
Why won't nuSunrise show nipples in nugeass? The original had nipples in a much earlier episode where ruru hands karen the phone. Where's my nipservice, why did nu-geass nipcensored them and is now turned into a fiction for >>269211430 women?
What an ugly outfit by nu-sunrise devoid of panservice, yes you can see pan through shorts. People also sleep naked they should have made her nude instead for us to see her actual nipples instead of nunipples sticking out but being censored behind her clothes.
What, there's a new Gode Geass series?
Can I get a qrd, what is the setting and story?
Is it as bad as everything after the two seasons?
Will you fuck off? Seriously every fucking week with this shit.
Google is your friend
This is the first time I'm hearing of this and that I'm in a thread.
Guess I'm not the only one surprised that there is still new Geass content.
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Tried altering brightness/contrast, that kind of looks like a nipple.
everything looks better with the 90s anime filter
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>Narahfags kept saying how she was the best girl based on theater spoilers
>Episode finally comes out
>She's more retarded than Suzaku

Admittingly a story of people having resentment for those with Britannian blond would have been vastly more interesting than whatever the fuck Roze is doing but she is out her fucking mind if she believe Neo Britannian is a better option than I don't know THE FUCKING BK WHERE CORENLIA AND SCHINZEL ARE IN WITH NUNALLY
Yuuko, my wife.
God I just love hard nipples visible under clothes. Happens far too rarely nowadays.
lurk more faggot
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Yeah those are definitely nipples. They better deliver on those Blurays.
Just give me Lelouch and C.C. already!
I came
Subs still not out? I can't watch the show like this
What do you mean? When did R2 end on a cliffhanger just to immediately invalidate it next episode?
>code geass episode thread is dead with 50 replies
I would ask what killed the hype but I know it's just bad.
started just skipping ahead a minute in. don't know if i can give any more fucks
I feel like the implication in this episode is that Norland has a geass and adopted Ash and the other kid to use them as weapons.
>post-credits scene

oh, that's new
I'm sure Norland is gonna be able to back track Geass users by who they hypnotized here soon
oh, I already deleted the episode. aint downloading it again
Huh. Sakura shaves.
I just woke up
Now this thread's future is in your hand
What killed the hype was the the whole story already being spoiled because of the movie releases. There's no plot twist to look forward.
Crazy how being on Disney+ is a death knell to an anime. Even Netflix anime don't have it this bad!
Nah it's because it's mecha, not Isekai, no self insert, female MC, and just cringe
wtf I got my dick out for checking that booty, that sexy tongue and when it talks, it was a guy?? Glad I didn't start fapping, I'm still straight.
I don't think the movies are the only culprits. You can see the entire plot coming just by watching the OP attentively and keeping in mind every single beat and trope of original geass will be recycled somehow. You can tell Ash is geass brainwashed and Norland was Ash's adoptive father since episode 1. Now I don't believe in twists for the sake of twists or even that spoilers and strong foreshadowing are bad but maybe that shouldn't be the case. Because the story is just not good enough to retain the audience's interest even after all the twists are laid bare.
Catherine throwing a fit over Sakura was the highlight of the episode
No???? I thought it was awful. A random car is boring background for such a reunion scene. Not to mention the maid café was right fucking there. No need for bugs in Ash's pockets or holding a driver at gunpoint like a suicidal retard. Just have Raspberry listen in from behind a door and let keeping the pretense of civility and normality be the only tension you need, not fucking guns you know neither is gonna fire.
Not to mention the scene takes 2 whole minutes of mostly parasitic actions to justify Sakuya being able to catch the interaction and listen in when I just know Okouchi could have densified the information exposed and wrapped it up in 30 seconds. The show is just not very good at exposition. It looked like we were only a script writer away from Nala becoming a billboard woman to advertise the fact Ash did not kill Juugo. Actually, that would have been better than what we got.
10 seconds of Arnold butt, episode saved from complete mediocrity.
I'm sorry, anon
You are a gay
Another failing when comparing this against Code Geass is the OST and the use of music in scenes.
This, also Sakuya isn't nowhere near a strong protagonist as Lelouch,.
>Schneizel after twink-death
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yes, it's a sequel to the resurrection movie
as expected of an empress
When was the last time you saw pubic hair in an anime?>>269219016
Nah, the gunpoint stuff is just hilarious
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I wish I reacted like you did, I just cringed hard.
I guess I should just throw the towel and get into the trainwreck mindset watching this. Instead of the "I want this to be good and I will hold this show to the Geass standard" mindset.
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Welcome to homosexuality. Enjoy your stay
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Thought that was a girl first. Was extremely disappointed after hearing his voice
The gunpoint shit is exactly Geass standards. Its silly in the way the original could be.
Original geass wouldn't have played this shit like it was tense serious business, they would have stranded Ash and Nara on an island naked so they can have a conversation.
Hiakkimaru, you're deaf. Probably
Berserk movie
I'm not, I noticed the trap at the last moment.
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I cant think of any other time offhand
I watch this dubbed
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>eavesdrop on their conversation while distracted by taking customers' orders
>or a needlessly complicated scene with MOTORCYCLE THIEVAN
The way she just pops off geass commands willy-nilly is bothering me. Lelouch would never use his geass so thoughtlessly. Like, imagine he can't be bothered to get his wallet so he just says GIVE ME THOSE THREE PIZZAS FOR FREE...
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I totally get that love at the first sight by a bro, if I was in his situation I'd be down bad too.
I feel like the plot overall is weak because it's only 5 years after last Geass. Just send there Suzaku in some unrecognizable knightmare and let him rape neo-brittania, muh optics won't work when they won't know who is raping them.
I still enjoy it though, but I hate the new direction of mecha where every mech is 3D/CGI shit, I think it's decent enough, but first few episodes were hard to adjust to.

Nothing was censored, except for some people's brains maybe.

Holy fuck you peopole are the biggest fucking whiners in the fucking world. No it's not the original Code Geass. No you won't see Lelouch, or CC or Kallen again. Holy fuck accept it's a sequel that's trying to stand on it's own. God fuck dude, your fucking fat greasy fingers need to lay off the nostalgia chicken tenders and fucking enjoy watching the show, not fucking remanence about a fucking show 12 years ago
Devilman Crybaby
Nandesuka is lacking...
To be fair - she's 1) a woman, and 2) not very smart. Could never hope to match up to Lulu.
I can accept that, but clearly writers can't when they keep shoving in characters from past geass, you seething faggot, or when they create a new series while not resolving issues with said past characters existing in this new series. They atleast explained CC and Lulu somehow. Don't care about Kallen, but Suzaku not doing anything is dumb, they probably will show him though and involve him at some point.
>12 years ago
It's a continuation of the 2019 movie.
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I love her
>Lelouch vi Brittania commands you to kill yourself
The power of big tits is stronger than any geass though, whenever they showed Sakuya's big badonkers I suddenly started loving her even more.
there you go, it's not even part of the original geass. It's akito. And nobody gives a flying fuck about akito.

Without knowing anything about CG, are you enjoying the show? And if the answer is yes, then the show is good.
erect nipples is her geass powers.
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Yeah, geass here is just a deus ex machina, we literally don't know anything about her geass halfway into the show besides it's voice based. We literally haven't seen any actual limit on it.
So why not put it 50 years into the future? You can't both copy a setting and not get compared to it.
If Sakuya doesnt apologise to Ash shes a whore
they could and probably should, but didn't
>>or a needlessly complicated scene with MOTORCYCLE THIEVAN
There is nothing wrong with the way Sakuya used her Geass.
They also should have made a good show, but didn't. At this point the only reason to keep watching is fanservice.
Wrong. They did make a good show. Now have better critical thinking skills. You have no complaints except "ITS NOT THE OLD CODE GEASSSSSSS!!!!"
Also, as proof,
>you keep checking in week after week
thus, as a continuous viewer, they made a good show
Thread is full of complaints, retard.
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What the fuck is Norland's problem? Is this any way to treat a lady?
>Is this any way to treat a lady?
it'd be real torture if they used vibro straps and nipple shock clamps, haha...
are there any good subs yet?
why did he put the metal latch and clamp directly on her pussy?
it seems unrealistic for bindings to keep these contained
I bet she smells lovely.
anything to look for other than fanservice?
The mystery behind Ash, how Sakuya will save Sakura, how Norland will fall, will sakuya become queen.
i wish i knew who those guys are
Maybe battle shonen is more your speed
maybe. who knows
Why would I watch code gayass if ledouches gay ass isnt present?
Its just a bunch of literally who characters with big tits.
So who will end up becoming good, Narah or Catherine?
>Why would I watch code gayass if ledouches gay ass isnt present?

>he doesn't know
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She's beautiful
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>Without knowing
wdym? You can see that stuff with naked eyes.
>then the show is good
Never said it's bad, I just prefer old drawn mecha fights over CG ones. Watching something like gundam freedom after 100 episodes of normal SEED, even with bunch of reused cutscenes it looked way more pleasant than a CG movie.
You mean the one with evil lelouch? Come on now, you are just being dishonest, it's not the same at all.

I really like the show, it's just I think the plot is in an awkward position, like in some sort of "shadow realm" where a lot of things don't make sense or shouldn't happen if we take into account everything that happened previously.
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Apologize as in babylock him into marriage, while pretending to be Raspberry? Yes, i'd like to see that.
Bikinischizo doko?
What part doesn't make sense? It's just a rescue plot
Whos this guy?
No, that part makes sense, but the outside world of it, they sneak in resources for rebels, but can't sneak in top tier pilot from previous war in some unmarked knightmare and instead have some old fart fighting in a mech? That part doesn't make sense to me.
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look at this retard lmao
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A beautiful woman named Narah
The twin tails ruin her. Sakuya looks best with messy long hair
Looks like a man.
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Men don't have boobs, faggot
objectively not truth
Would impregnate and marry
Some do and so does the man in your pic.
Suzaku Rouge
why point a gun at someone's head if you're not going to shoot them when they respond by pointing a gun at you?
Whore or not it doesn't matter, no apology can fix this.
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My terroristo meido wife Raspberry can't be this cute.
This episode is where I'm officially tuning out of the plot because its just not interesting or doesn't make sense. Why didn't Roze just use that nifty backdoor earlier? She could access the whole energy system? Also no one died no buldings were destroyed from the Damocles falling. It just kinda gently was laid down far away from the city. Makes the plan they had to dump a valuable asset like the damocles onto people and waste their last fleija look even more retarded because it was so easy to stop. And that was before the OP even started. I dont really remember the rest of the episode other than the variety of cleavage and Sakuya's hard nips. Also its kinda pame that Ash didn't kill her father. That was the one interesting dynamic they had and now its just...gone. Him being Norland's adoptive son is not as interesting. So I'm just here for fanservice wrapped in Code Geass packaging, which is very nice to look at.

captcha: 0000 I miss Zero...
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This is not kino.
People talking about the Damocles fall being inconsequential, and meanwhile I'm just sitting here thinking about the roombas.
good episode today, but it's usually hit or miss with roze
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Why does the Japanese 2.0 and Japanese 5.1 have a different OST for R2?

>Diethard did not live to see Zero Requiem to its completion
The greatest tragedy
How did they get Damocles in the first olace? What the fuck is Schneizel doing?
he stopped giving a fuck about zero, literally killed his story as black knights betrayed him and jumped ship to Schneizel , fuck diethard
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>Sunrise makes a genderbent lelouch who disguies herself as a genderbent suzaku
Clampface, laziness, or someone at Sunrise just a closeted gay?
Is this worth picking up?
agree with you, she might be sexo but shes turbo retarded
The fact that Roze could hack the floater alone doesn't sit right with me. Since when is she computer sawwy enough to do that? Why not make a Britannian she geassed hack the Damocles, then have Roze hacking the Damocles himself be the cover story? Or just make Yoko do it, why the fuck not. Why not strive to make the named terrorist into something beside background noise?
Not to mention that Kuroto was clearly the mind of the operation here. "Kuroto-saaan, should I do X" "is X alright" what the fuck, she masterminded most of the operations thus far and now she defers to Kuroto and asks his opinion mid operation about every little thing? Fuck that shit. Kuroto should be her dog not her master
I'm not watching the show yet but maybe she's calling a bluff. If not then yes that's retarded
I assume she left it in there when she tried to take it over
It wasn't really viable for much when the control room could override her, but the control room was gone by that point
The characters involved are childhood friends, so yeah, you're correct.
Ahhh nevermind you're right, I completely forgot she geassed the control room. I'm an idiot
>Not to mention that Kuroto was clearly the mind of the operation here. "Kuroto-saaan, should I do X" "is X alright" what the fuck, she masterminded most of the operations thus far and now she defers to Kuroto and asks his opinion mid operation about every little thing? Fuck that shit. Kuroto should be her dog not her master
As far as the rest of the organization knows, Kuroto is the leader and Roze is just a hired merc. She has to report to him in situations like this where no one else knows who she is.
I get it but considering the assignment here is "female Lelouch" it just doesn't sit right with me.
Everything sunrise makes now is gay, it's over.
They used to make based anime but now they're all alphabet cringe.
Shes the Lelouch, but the narrative isn't trying to say shes as good or better

In fact, the Scissorman scenes the last few eps are highlight how much she isn't as careful.
I'm convinced she's using some Geass Magic to control the size of her tits
>didn't kill her father
I thought they meant as in "he was killed by his hands but he wasn't a killer", but if he actually didn't do anything then yeah, that's very lame. I'd rather Sakuya warming up to him and forgiving him for being a weapon in bad hands against her father.
Wasn't that meant to drift into the sun?
hmm I didn't think about him being controlled maybe I miss read what was being said. I hope thats the case and would make more sense
The writers need to make Sakuya somewhat cool and capable. She hasn't done shit except tell Ash to do everything. What? You think she's should just be eye candy with her hard perky nipples?
Roze is really impressing me. If it continues like this it may possibly end up being a 2/10 show.
They had a spare
Narah is so fucking dead.
Ash gonna murder that pussy
it's a 7.5 show
Not if I murder those lips first.
>The writers need to make Sakuya somewhat cool and capable.
I don't think they know how to do that, unfortunately.
>She hasn't done shit except tell Ash to do everything. What? You think she's should just be eye candy with her hard perky nipples
Hard perky nipples aside, I think she should have genius tier intelligence or knowledge in some area that pertains to war and use that in combination with her geass every episode. For Lelouch it was his strategic mind trained on chess with fellow geniuses since infancy, but for Sakuya, what is it? I suspect neither her nor the writers know. The fact that we got the distinct impression all she does every episode is tell more competent people to do what they were gonna do anyways is a huge problem. You can make her hack as many Damocles floaters as you want, it's not gonna make her cool or solve the problem of what her superpower is as a protag.
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Roze is such cute effeminate boy

It's a pity she's actually a girl with Schrodinger's tits
I blame that on a 12 EP format. Roze would benefit way more being 24 episodes
I agree. I thing Roze is good. But it could be better with more episodes.
Good episode
Two cours could have fixed much but not the lack of non horny, intelligent thoughts that went into Sakuya. Two cours would just make that more obvious.
People need to stop blaming episode count for everything the problem is that the script is fucking weak and more episodes wouldn't fix it
Nah, I don't at all agree with either of you. Sakuya and the script are fine.
This dead thread is proof enough that its not
people just prefer hand holding moe shit, look at the series with russian heroine, it's got like 1 whole point higher score on mal than roze which is honestly cringe
Well executed moeshit fully deserves to be scored higher than some poorman's Code Geass. It's not a matter of genre.
People prefer hand holding moe... which is why they're complaining about the erasure of life-threatening stakes, consequence, and agency...?
But none of that is being erased
Another week, another episode of shitty writing.
Who did the redhaired knight was reffering to with plural "you" (she specifically used "-tachi") when she was telling Ash that she understands that being under Norland must be hard? You could assume that she talks about Ash and his brother but there's a small detail that Ash has no fucking brother because he's brainwashed to think so with Sakuya's Geass.
Though in the aftercredit scenes there was shown a younger blond kid near young Ash so it's weird.
The main point of this episode was to advertise to Sakuya that Ash didn't kill Juugo.
Learn how fabric works, retards.
>Ash has no fucking brother because he's brainwashed to think so with Sakuya's Geass
Kekaroo, how the fuck did you reach that conclusion? Come the fuck on>>269232786

Men can't make their peepee hard by flicking it.
is this achievable natty?
Because in the earlier episodes people he was fighting against who recognized him too were all like "what brother what the fuck are you talking about".
Although, like I said, after orphanage scenes we can conclude that the brother indeed existed but probably died long ago so Sakuya could take his place with Geass. But then how did Sakuya know about him?
>there's a small detail that Ash has no fucking brother
Average retarded speed watcher here
Person. Only Arnold.
Looks like the years of subjugation by the Brits (western) has changed the Japanese culture of accepting/desiring pubic hair.
Lelouch gave it to her so I assume its just a copy paste of his with all the same parameters but its aural based
>Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture
Wtf is this bullshit? Where is Lelouch?
too busy having sex with C.C
Just like real life sadly, only replace Brits with murica
Char is definitely one of the big influences, especially since this is also Sunrise, but I'm not comfortable with saying if he's the only reason as I've actually not watched much older mecha.
That's not how it works at all. Which is why we never had the same geass twice.
that's assuming they care about adhering that
Well, yes, discussions about shows usually assumes it adheres to it's own canon.
>Which is why we never had the same geass twice.
Yes we have
She's an odd combo of Suzaku and Cornelia.
She's a woman of high status who isn't totally on board with her group's bullshit but goes along with it anyways and she's simultaneously an outside who thinks she can make real changes if she does good enough work fo' massa. If the series doesn't end with Ash plapping her, I'll be disappointed.
I wish we got Diethard here to explain the absolute genius that this scene is...
does xhe draws power from adams apple or what
No from her erect titties
finally after 5 eps it's good
wtf but I can
ep 4
He did physically kill him, but it wasn't his order. I bet Norland has Geass as well.
I can't wait for the reactions to episode 9
Whenever I look at the thumbnail, I always think of diffent girl to the point of feeling deceived. Have a free bump.
Rudeus Greyrat's child who inherited his voice.
Sex dungeon restraints have been a Britannian custom for generations.
CC was the historical root of Britannia's bondage fetish. Everyone wanted to tie her up and love her long time as per geass command.
No ORANGE no watch, simple as.
its time for my live reaction
i'm going to name my first son damocles
The Brits in Geass are America.
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they are getting bigger
So her only limitation is that she needs them to hear her real voice? That's way better than having to look at them with your eye.
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im so thirsty
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i like how lynching is such a foreign concept to japan that they don't have their own word for it
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who the fuck is this
miseshime, seibai, houfuku.
rinchi might have been a useful blend of the concepts if they adopted it.
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i'm interested now guys
we're finally getting somewhere
The streets are saying this was censored on D+. True or false?
something tells me ash knows hes geassed and is going along with it
Just because they don't have a 1/1 word that describes a very specific scenario doesn't mean that it's a foreign concept. They do have words for vigilantism and mobs.

Anyone who tries to convince you that a foreign people are like a group of aliens who don't suffer the same problems that all human societies do is a buffoon or a liar.
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rhetorical question cum guzzler
That looks like it was redrawn.
Wait for the blu rays
do I need to watch akito for this
It's not even like she has an actual legitimate grievance. The Britannian's in Japan were literal genocidal colonizers. They had literally been there for less than ten years.So they can't even use "But I grew up here" as an excuse. And there's literally nothing preventing them from going back to their own country, they weren't trapped in Japan, If they didn't want the locals to be mad at them then they could have just gone back home.
Is Sakura's bust as big as Sakuya's? How is she fooling anybody?
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She might actually be bustier.
When she was hired as a child to be Sakuya's double, how did her parents know her future bust size?
Where are the /m/echas...
Not like any of them have seen the real one to be able to compare them.
This. Where is the Lancelot.
She's cute but clinically retarded. "Oh people were mad at Britannian colonists for all the colonizing? Better join the faction that wants to double down on the colonizing."
So what's the difference between the movies and the show? Is the show just the movies chopped up, or is it actually expanded?
They were, quite literally, orphans. They literally didn't have any other home or ways to really leave.

Also, if you weren't a speed watcher, you would have noticed that the Hokkaido area had Britannians living there before the invasion because of Sakuya's mother getting married and settling there.
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The red headed bitch is a complete fucking retard. WHY do Britannian's need to stay in Japan. Britannia is still around. Fighting for someone you don't like and view as using you to "defend muh orphanage or whatever" doesn't make any sense.
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That knightmare is an absolute unit.
Who the fuck do you think was setting up Britannian orphanages in Japan anon? They don't just spring up ex-nihilo out of the ground. Besides Sakuya's mother getting hitched is not going to bring over some self-sustaining Britannian population large enough to have its own separate orphanages.
The series really suffers from wanting to still be set in Japan/take place in the original setting, despite being a sequel. So the story gets really contrived tying itself into knots trying to justify the same "Oppressive British Occupiers vs Plucky Japanese Resistance" dynamic. It's kinda like the Star Wars sequels trying to reset everything to Rebels vs Empire in that way.
Anon, how old do you think Narah and Ash are? Because they would have had to have been there pre-invasion unless they were currently 14-15
>It's kinda like the Star Wars sequels trying to reset everything to Rebels vs Empire in that way.
It's depressing how accurate that is. This is still way better than Force Awakens, though.
>But then how did Sakuya know about him?

She didn't, she just geassed him to think she was the most precious person in the world to him, which happened to be his dead brother.
Who is going to save her?
>The red headed bitch is a complete fucking retard
woah woah, calm down miorine
no need to talk about your wife like that
Lady-knight best knight, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's smart.
I never watched code gay ass, is this a reboot or what?
It's a sequel for the sequel that follows a movie adaptation that retconned some things
So it's just a longer adaptation of the movies?
Its just a normal sequel
no, it's a sequel for the sequel (movie) that's a sequel to the movies
Theres no difference, its just a normal sequel
Don't kill me, but do I need to have seen the main series to watch this?
You should watch the old TV series yeah. Its a sequel.
You think they are gonna make their own Orange-kun? Although looking at ep count makes me doubt that, but they'll definitely make some asspull Geass fuckery.
>You think they are gonna make their own Orange-kun?
In what way?
As in Geass canceller, not the character itself, although I'd love to see Orange-kun, but he is busy with oranges, plapping and making 10 kids with Anya, let the man be.
They retrieved geass documents, experimenting with Geass, I expect Sakuya trying to use Geass on someone only to get cancelled at some point.
It's rehash so no.
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I guess the Britannian homeland is like the current west and hates its citizens and past? Lelouch was a commie after all.
Yeah it’s a very short term solution and a huge gamble consider Noland seems eager to sacrifice his people.
Holy dairy
shaved means she's a whore
the seizure looks like the NinaxTable
No Lelouch or Kallen so that's expected.
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It's a pie
It's a bake-off

I'm a knife
And I break off
At the crust and the days go on and on and on and on
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WHY is basically what I'm thinking the whole time I'm watching the show. I hope there's an endgame to this retardation because quite frankly the whole neo bong thing seems so silly. They're cooped up on an island that has ~5m people on it, at least IRL, what the fuck are they going to do? It's akin to fucking Slovakia saying Hitler's back and declaring the fourth reich.
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>It's kinda like the Star Wars sequels trying to reset everything to Rebels vs Empire in that way.
We even had the old protagonist on Skellig Michael just like Disney's sequels.
Wow lmao. I wonder if that's a tongue-in-cheek mockery by the layout artists or something.
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Oven's light
Triple cheese it
Getting bright,
can I reach it?

Fallin' night but the days go on and on and on and on

On and on and on and on
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I, I, I hear those slices always calling after me
Feels like I'm trapped inside
Pizza in my Hut, Pizza in my Hut, Yeeah

I, I, I'm always chasing Dominos never wait for me
Feels like I'm way behind
I'm Pizza in my Hut, Pizza in my Hut, Yeeah
Pizza in my Hut, Pizza in my Hut, Yeeah
>Anyone who tries to convince you that a foreign people are like a group of aliens who don't suffer the same problems
But that's not the case always
The west doesn't suffer the same problems as elevens. While western high schoolers are developing FLEIJA, the nip counterpart (and the larpers >>269238115 >>269238208) are busy learning how to read and write 40k+ scribbles. It's no surprise they were colonized by the superior Brittanians.

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