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>Lilysa's ass will never land on your face
>you will never see or stare at Lilysa's white panties
Why even live?
Censored as fuck.
What killed the hype?
I like glasses Lilysa more than cosplay Lilysa
The hype's still there given we've left the roughest arc.
What hype?
This was one of the most pushed and promoted shows of the season along with Roshidere and Makeine.
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Considering it pulled off the only two scenes in needed too from the first nine chapters, I'm excited for today's episode. Because if you made it this far, you've pretty much arrived at the rest of what the anime's about.
Will the restaurant be skipped? I didn't see it in the preview pics in the website.
That's not hype, that's just marketing trying to artificially create hype.
If nothing else, the pantyshot will be, or will look like >>269212146
It can go either way because its
>actually a costume
Haha no, otherwise the outfits so far wouldn't have been censored.
But did it work?
Anon we had a bunch of underwear shots last episode.

Considering the comment sections on the manga have pretty much doubled and tripled, I think they're doing its job.
>Anon we had a bunch of underwear shots last episode.
I believe there were more than enough comparisons made by anons to see how much was censored.
I don't see any particular hype in the west. Dunno how it's in japan but I don't think sales have increased by much compared to other shows, but I'm not a salesfag so what do I know.
They were censored but they were still shown.
Yes, but you claimed they could show her pantsu completely unobstructed next episode because it's part of her costume.
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I love all of them.
That wasn't me, it was a different anon. For what it's worth, given the censorship I'm keeping my expectations low and not keeping my hopes up.
The censorship,

True but the manga version is superior. I assume the logic of why those panties/crotch shots were allowed is the two girls are basically wearing a costume, it's like how idols seem to wear a second pair of panties that's ok to flash but the regular pair she wears at home isn't because it's too personal (even if new and/or perfectly clean).
which is pretty much what
>but the regular pair she wears at home isn't because it's too personal (even if new and/or perfectly clean).
But they were still shown even if in a censored angle, as seen in the OP pic. They also showed her pink panties when she was changing in episode 1.
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I like the anime putting in all the little details for the manga covers and the like.
>even if in a censored angle
what's the point then? it's not about seeing panties. only weirdos get excited seeing panties just sitting in a drawer. the point of panties is the pussy that's underneath them, and this show clearly isn't allowed to show it.
To me a pantyshot is still a pantyshot.
>But they were still shown even if in a censored angle
It's always the crotch area they're not showing.
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Oh right I forgot, this was actually one of the only really good shots we've gotten so far. So they're just unwilling to show that area most of the time, not always. Those not being panties probably helped too.
The mangaka's commentary for the episodes is always interesting.
They technically are, they're just panties meant to be shown.
Looking at Japanese social media they seem to be pissed about the censorship and are flocking to other shows like Roshidere instead. Not seeing much interest for it compared to other shows and especially compared to the pushing.
Seems like twitter's got a lot of the newbies interested. And that's from my general search of things. A lot of people picking up the manga too, but quite a few basically had to be encouraged to get past the first volume or two.

>flocking to Roshidere
They're gonna have even less fanservice over there.
Nah, they're clearly closer to swimsuit panties, or bondage ones in a way.
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Hype died because it's >>269212664 pansterilized, another part of otaku humiliation ritual.
Why don't you just watch Elf? You get pan there every episode and even nipples.
Isn’t this the manga about a lesbian girl going into the past and molesting her crush or am I thinking of something else?
Nah that's My Younger Senpai.
If you're just gonna complain about censorship all the time, just watch a show that actually delivers like Goddess Cafe Terrace. Why don't you just do that? I never even see you posting in its threads.
>that actually delivers like Goddess Cafe Terrace
Not him, but how can you say that when that show is also censored?
He's specifically asking for "panservice" and that show is full of it. If he wants to watch a show with "panservice", he already has it and other choices, yet he keeps ignoring them.
>Goddess Cafe Terrace
>actually delivers
lol lmao even
One uncensored show does not redeem one censored show. Though I agree he and his made up words are autistic.
I was specifically talking about panty scenes. Yes I know the bath scenes in that show are censored, but he was specifically bringing up "panservice" and I told him there's a show that has all the panservice he wants.
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This nipservice in the manga
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Is nipcensored in the anime
What's the point of ecchi if you cut the ecchi?
You still haven't answered the question of why you ignore shows that actually deliver on panties or nipples. You have Cafe and Elf this season yet it doesn't even seem like you're watching them.
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>essential scenes removed? just eat it up!
>j-just watch one show for the nipples, the other for pan, the other for non fat elves to have a comlete package
Anon says. Pathetic
We want ecchi to be kept intact in ecchi
Simulated blowjobs with popsicles? They don't warrant omission.
Nipples do not have to be deleted.
Panservice doesn't have to be censored.
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I'm here for the anime original content the mangaka was too lazy to put in the manga.
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What anime original content is there? Aside from making panservice worse of course.
Anytime they show the Ashford Chronicles anime, that's original to the anime.
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Do you love anime original angles of nipcensorship?
At least they're doing one thing right for the anime.
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or do you want them to stay faithful with nippleservice?
I prefer the latter.
I did like the whiteboard yes.

They're taking full advantage of having VAs and actual animators.
>liking hags
You're evading the question. Answer it directly: why are you not watching Cafe and Elf if you care so much about panties?
>not even sideboobs from behind despite her boobs being big enough for that and the scene clearly needing that to support Mikari's expression of awe and jelousy
Beyond weak. This is insulting.
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They censored it.
t. time traveller
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i know, it's grim
Then why don't you just watch uncensored series? Don't tell me you skipped/ignored MahoAko too?
She has not dick!
We definitely need more futa anime.
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She's packing heat here though.
Am I the only one who prefers glasses Lilysa to Liliel Lilysa?
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I prefer normal Lilysa versus Cosplay Lilysa.
All I see is Mash when I see her
That's exactly what I was saying.
censorship and its retarded apologists
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I don't think anime onlies will be ready for Nagomi.
>panservice anon still hasn't answered my questions about why he doesn't just watch uncensored shows, or if he's watched MahoAko
He's doing this on purpose isn't he?
at this point just ignore him.
kys autismo
Definitely not ready for that dumb hair, what the fuck. Did two girls get sewn together vertically or some shit?
How can that happen when he just won't shut up and does nothing but spam threads? He's ruined the Futakire and Nanare threads too.
First time watching anime anon?
I really like Lilysa
>The Entire Cast
Generally people are fine if the work had less fan service to begin with. What people hate is censorship.
I dread the day mangakas don't bother putting it in in the first place.
Which makes the complaints about the lack of fanservice in Roshidere after episode 2 hilarious because the series actually doesn't have that much fanservice to begin with. They should have expected it if they read or were familiar with the source.
I wonder how many episodes it will take before the threads stop hitting bump limit. Last week barely managed.
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The same goes with this series, pretty much things get toned down quite a bit until we get pass where the anime is gonna end.
Another problem is that the Roshidere manga is pretty divergent from the LN so you got a lot of people complaining about that.
I want to see Lilysa's anus.
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>Looking at Japanese social media they seem to be pissed about the censorship and are flocking to other shows
Good, the japs are fighting the good fight. They have to be vocal against it to let the people who hold the power know that they won't be abused like a husband who serves as an ATM without sexy time.
>the Roshidere manga is pretty divergent from the LN
Is it? In what way? I've only read the manga and not the LN so I don't know what's different.
They've added a bunch of scenes and manga only stuff. I think people were complaining about the swimsuit scene in another thread.
Was the bath scene that wasn't the episode manga-original? I know some were pissed it wasn't adapted.
Is the armpit scene only in the manga or was it in the LN too? Some anons seem looking forward to it.
If I recall there's basically only two more major fanservice scenes that will happen in the anime.
The onsen scene, the changing scene, and the Alya shirt scene?
Did the LN not have the shower scene that we didn't get last episode?
If in an alternate universe 2.5 was an original anime and there was no manga to compare to, the OP pic would actually be considered a decent pantyshot if not a good one.
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Hasn't even aired yet but changing scene already pretty much confirmed censored considering the girls in the background being fully clothed.
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Time for another week of Lilysa's censored adventures.
A lot of the censorship complaints aren't even noticible to anime onlies.
It would be better than nothing at best.
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Nice ass. How many of you guys died just now?
I'm starting to lose interest in watching this
Attention whoring, the anime
Attention whores, the anime

Or well, the manga, the anime sucks
The entire restaurant scene got removed lmao.
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Pointless censoring on background girls yet again.
Tighs for one girl and a skirt for the other? Why?
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imagine whoring your cosplay gf for other men to fap
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No pasties or underwear anymore.
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hows sugita this episode?
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japan's current administration doesn't allow anything that might "offend" foreigners.
the creative freedom in this medium is rapidly dying.
from uninspired stories (generic romcom, battle shonen, isekai) to heavy censorship
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This is more censored than even I expected.
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anime is so fucking dead holy shit. it's actually over.
I had a feeling it was going to happen so I'm not surprised. Still sucks though.
not sugita enough yet, given this is his introduction episode. Next week maybe
So why did they cut out the restaurant scene anyway? Is it because of the panty scene or they wanted to rush through the chapters?

>restaurant scene and her panties bad
>this is somehow okay
Seriously: why is this allowed?

I was actually expecting this, as disappointing as it was. When I saw the preview pics and saw that they seemed to be skipping ahead I already had a feeling it wouldn't make it.
2 cours... 6 whole months of this censorfest humiliation ritual...
How is it possible for even pasties to not be allowed anymore?
I didn't realize how much of a dick he was at the start.
post link to japanese thread please.
the disappointment must be immeasurable
Should I just drop the anime? I was actually somewhat looking forward to this and episode 1 gave me some cautious optimism, but now they're taking away what I wanted. The desk panty scene getting cut was already a blow but I thought the restaurant scene would make up for it. With it gone and the ecchi going away soon I feel too disappointed to even continue. If I do push through with the anime I feel like skipping this episode entirely out of frustration.
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Restaurant scene being cut makes sense if you wanted to end things at the end of chapter 13 from the middle of chapter 10.

What exactly were you expecting from this anime, because that'll really depend whether its worth it or not.
true. he get better later on,thou not as important on later arc
I did it on week 1. marathon'd the manga in 1 day. it's better that way. no need to go through this bastardization of the source material. it's quite literally a >>269217952 for ecchi-loving otakus
But it was a rare chance for us to get a proper upskirt pantyshot. We got denied even that. Now panservice anon is going to celebrate and make fun of us optimists. This will only add to his fuel. He won again this week.
>her room is full of waifu-shit and trash

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Author comment
jeez calm the fuck down. the manga itself tones down the trope romcom horny in favor of power of friendship not long after this. you should know this if you read all 160+ chapters. you keep watching for the soulful befriending, nerdy bants, and the girls being cute.
>no more proper panties upskirts until after where the anime will end
It's not fucking fair... we got fucking betrayed. I'm so upset right now, I don't think I can bear to watch the anime right now, or maybe ever again. If chapter 16 and 17's scenes get censored too it will be truly over.
>random isekaislop is sexier than this anime that supposedly promotes "being proud in sexiness" mindset
>the manga itself tones down the trope romcom horny in favor of power of friendship not long after this.
That actually makes it worse. The fact that after this set the ecchi largely disappears means there's less chances to get any form of consolation.
Everyone who is mad about the panties being censored/cut, go watch Cafe with me.
keking at you ecchifags getting butthurt. Spokonfags where are you at?
he's a cuck hack who genuinely enjoys getting his magnum opus censored to death. his words are worthless just like last 100 chapters or so of the manga.
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The same crowd that ignored Wedding Rings.
The censorship fucking sucks and it makes me mad, but the fact we still get any pantyshots of any kind at all is at least some consolation. It's still a lot better than shows where ALL pantyshots got cut or censored entirely like Cuckoo or Mamahaha. I can't even defend this anymore, but as bad as the censorship here is, I've seen far worse and at least this show still has some consolations, which is better than none at all.
It's not worse, it's just being more consitent with the tone of the current source material. If you haven't read it you should. It's one of the best long running manga in Jump right now, probably the best sportsclub + cute girls doing cute things + light romcom manga out there. Consistently good arc after arc.
this. cafe mogs this
"IN YOUR FACE" ecchi disappeared but there are still tons of "casual ecchi" here and there, for example changing scenes or sexy revealing cosplay outfits of background characters... which were censored in this episode >>269217798 >>269217774 >>269217644 , so yeah, there's no hope.
probaby the only one that is now on going? i can't really remember that many otaku-lish club story that take places in modern times
>watch Cafe
Oh yes watch yet another censored anime.
We all knew how badly s1 was censored, everyone gave it a second chance with the second season but they still decided to abuse the hell out of censorship.
Everyone can see through your lies.
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Is anyone going to play this? Is the download available yet?
I really don't get the nitpicking about panties when the girls are practically naked half the time in the current manga.
>more consitent with the tone of the current source material
Not. The manga still has lots of changing scenes with the girls in various levels of undress, unlike this shit >>269217774
it's amazing that there's still that 1 bootlicker defending this censored garbage
>g-g-guys! there's no ecchi in the future anyway (lies), so the censorship is fine ackshually! (it's not)
fuck off and kys
i dont have high hope about this game beside excutive lore. this also dont have original author story to back it up
Like there's not that many cosplay mangas in the first place. Like I recall the one where the guy cosplayed as Saber. I think Lilysa interacted with more cosplayers this episode then Marin ever has in her manga.
No one cares about Cafe ever since the censored S1 and BD that didn't even remove the lazily applied Censor Light. I refuse to continue watching it.
The episode actually still has three pantyshots including https://imgur.com/mbzmE6B, but it's probably little consolation when the restaurant scene got censored. That was what we were all looking for. We still did get some pantyshots this episode which is better than nothing, but they won't really ease the pain much if at all.

I was talking about panty scene specifically, stop bringing up the bath/shower scenes getting censored since I wasn't even talking about them.
I will still play for Mikari
It's one of the best running manga period right now.

see >>269218244

there is a tonal shift as the START of the manga had more romcom trope in your face lucky pervert moments. those are gone by very early in the manga. but make no mistake, the manga is still sexy reigns supreme. just no "kya" mc falls in heroines exposed panties type of ecchi.
Predownloads are available, but I think its coming out september. So far it hit 250k predownloads.
I can't be satisfied with just scraps.
too early to say it is the best running manga right now. there still some plot author needed to settle after all the fun slice of life stuff is done
As you can see with this GIF, the episode still had some pantyshots after all. Still, too little too late.

That doesn't seem very high does it?
play censored game adaptation of the censored anime? no thanks.
Nonoa arc is noticibly absent of most ecchi moments.
censorship as always.
I thought it was just the pre registration, not the download. Gonna check
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I'm already sure pic related will be censored in some way next episode, but if/when it happens it will be over.
in the romcom/drama department it is the best character dynamic/story-wise. No challenge.
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I dunno how many people normally play anime mobile games.
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Why did they slightly alter/censor the green lady's scene though? Legit don't get this one.
it is the most normie thing to do these day
It will die the moment the anime is done
Its more weird she has to take off the skirt to pull it off
anime is two cour with a good chance of getting picked up for more. 6 months for the level of investment they put for that png collector should be good roi
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watching this actually makes me seethe and blackpilled
it's the realization that going forward, japan will never ever be the same again.
the standards are rapidly changing, in a very bad way.
>stop talking about one form of censorship, it's okay if nipples are censored if it has a few not as badly censored panties
Nipples and pantsu go hand in hand in ecchi. You can't kill off one or the other. You're not arguing in good faith.
The procensorship faggot's caught samefagging and ban evading https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/269073149/#269076350
He's the guy who will always ask, "but did you watch / are you watching / watch x show instead" and no matter how many times you reply to him yes I watched kekkon/ring mahoako etc he will repeat the same questions all over again >>269216371 >>269215097 >>269214877 like a bot in deep freeze.
muh japan
muh kishida
muh uncensored nipples
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>people complaining about lack of panties
meanwhile people actually watching the anime...
This is what I really don't get. If they cut out the restaurant scene due to the pantyshot, then why even include the pantyshot later on anyway? Lilysa's wearing the same white panties in both scenes yet somehow only one scene is okay. And once again it doesn't seem to be something against upskirts in general since we got them this episode anyway and >>269212146 made it anyway.

Not necessarily. Bofuri had a mobage that launched at the same time as S1, yet despite S2 being an insta-announce, the game closed down before S2 aired.

>The procensorship faggot's caught samefagging and ban evading
Dude, that wasn't even me. There's multiple people calling you out because you're one of the most annoying anons in all of /a/. With the attitude you have and the spam you make, did you really think I was going to be the only one who'd have an issue with you?

>yes I watched kekkon/ring mahoako etc
If you watched them how come I never saw you praising them or posting in their threads?
>The procensorship faggot's caught samefagging and ban evading https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/269073149/#269076350
>He's the guy who will always ask, "but did you watch / are you watching / watch x show instead" and no matter how many times you reply to him yes I watched kekkon/ring mahoako etc he will repeat the same questions all over again like a bot in deep freeze.
yeah everyone can tell
>If you watched them how come you never complained about them
Exactly. Uncensored animu should be the standard. You don't complain when you get what you asked for do you?
Liliel is a kusoaniime and Ashford-sama is worse than Himmel the Hero
agree. Should've made Miliella the winner
I wasn't the fucking ban evader okay? Never in my life would I have thought of phrasing like "cleanup crew to do some garbage collection," that's just not in my vocabulary. Besides, I'm not even "procensorship". I made it clear that I'm actually very very very pissed at the episode and the anime. The only difference is that I'm not as extreme as you are.
>If they cut out the restaurant scene due to the pantyshot, then why even include the pantyshot later on anyway? Lilysa's wearing the same white panties in both scenes yet somehow only one scene is okay.
Probably partly has to do with the details. Full frontal between her legs clearly emphasizing her pussy is NG. (Unless you're a certain russian)
eh,unlike shadow-sama game it doesn't have the staying power to keep it running. not even mushoku mobage were safe from closing down
The panties's she'd be wearing would also be pretty pink so that's like a double no go.
*not as extreme as he is
But the panties she wore then and the panties she wore during the changing scene were the same anyway (the pink color was original to the colorized version).

That makes no sense when that scene was actually pretty tame and we got a full-frontal and far more detailed pantyshot back in episode 1.
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>correcting the tilt
The crossdressers were great.
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As an Iruma-kun fan, I'm kinda jealous all these figs are coming out.
It's white here?
>that scene was actually pretty tame and we got a full-frontal and far more detailed pantyshot back in episode 1.
This >>269215997 is not tame. What's the "more detailed" pantyshot you're talking about? Don't think it exists.
>so many figurines
>not a single underboob one
he's a coping censorship apologist >>269218284
This is definitely censored, but you should also lead by example.

Show the other anon how it's done!
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>What's the "more detailed" pantyshot you're talking about
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Man the cast credits page is gonna get real long in the Comiket arc...
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No one is defending the censorship though? Even I said the censorship this episode was bad and made me consider dropping the show entirely.
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I think we're getting another scene next episode.
That isn't detailed at all, nor is the angle as extreme as the restaurant scene. Heck, it's not even a real upskirt shot.
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Just look at the details of the panties.
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>I'm not as extreme as you are
>not as extreme as he is
t.>>268627454 >>268554598 >>268626747
>tame censorship
>Actual censorship
>I-it's not pancensorship unless it's my recent favorite series okay? Cropping doesn't count and moves the goalpost.
>Nobody is allowed to use my image and words!
I just did. Anyone can pick up on terms in this weaving forum and is part of / builds 4chan original culture.
A detailed pantyshot is supposed to emphasize the thing it is hiding.
You know that I'm one of the biggest critics of that scene right? It's weird you'd call me a censorship apologist when I use that pic you just posted all the time as an example of extreme censorship.
That's what you get for humouring the schizo, he thinks everyone is out to get him
I still remember clearly how you were complaining about the pantyshots in Tenshi-tsuki despite those being actual high quality ones. Explain yourself then. For that show you got your fucking panservice, and they were actually good upskirt pantyshots. Why did you still hate them? They were everything you asked for.
I don't know where he got the impression that it's one guy calling him out when it's always been multiple, or how he thinks anyone who doesn't share his views is "defending" censorship even when people who call him out make it clear that they are angry too. If anything, we'd be his allies since we too are angry about the censorship, but all he does is alienate his potential allies due to how polarized he is. To him, you can't have any nuance or see anything in shades of gray. You have to be as extreme as him: if you aren't, even if you are still against censorship he'll call you a censorship apologist.
We must have different working definitions of what a "detailed" pantyshot is, because objectively the one in episode 1 was more explicit and more detailed than the restaurant one.
Censorship of the ecchi fanservice in the anime adaptation of a ecchi story is like eating pizza without cheese, not good. If those idiots think that I'm going to spend money on the gacha after such insult, they are fucking wrong.
dump the manga anon
Sensei finally taught Mikari what to do when she has Okamura alone.
I'll do it in another thread.
Here we go
>He still hasn't answered why he was not satisfied with Tenshi-tsuki's pantyshots despite being actual uncensored and not tame pantyshots
I even remember him getting angry that Lilishka never got any pantyshots, even though she never had them in the manga to begin with. I also remember him dismissing Towa/Noel/Hisui as "hags". What is his deal anyway, and so what if they were "hags"? If what he was looking for was "panservice", and uncensored ones at that, shouldn't they have been enough?
In no way lmao
So the one I posted doesn't count as a detailed pantyshot?
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>sh-she's still 16, an actual prepuberty child she can't lewd cosplay or show underwear
What the fuck happened to Japan, the land that once had a thriving u-149 idolm@ster fertilephile gravure industry before they were subverted by jav?
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>g-g-guys there's no fanservice after chapter 10
meanwhile chapter 168
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yikes that's ugly
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I already spelled it out to you what makes a pantyshot detailed. Where are the creases?
It's not like the restaurant scene had them either. The anime scene showed the embroidery at least, which is more that can be said for most other anime pantyshots.
Dude you can clearly see her slit.
At least we have Dandadan next season, which is already confirmed to have uncensored pantyshots.
Isn't that the normalfag cuckshit manga?
No? It's an action series.
Even more yuribait, lots of skinship.
Unsurprisingly Okumura wasn't invited to the sex-ed class.
He's got even more gay and doesn't even have nosebleeds seeing the girls.
The summer training camp is a bust.
The only fanservice that's allowed lately is yuri.
>Even more yuribait, lots of skinship.
>The only fanservice that's allowed lately is yuri.
and that's a good thing!
Aria and Nonoa are about to be another confirmed lesbian couple.
read the thread. there's still fanservice (tasteful nudity and lots of it). there's just no more TLR style lucky pervert type in your face ecchi moments.
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Anorexic girls are popular.
Every week I enjoy the new episode only to read the manga and just get mad at the shit they're skipping.
>there's just no more TLR style lucky pervert type in your face ecchi moments.
In other words, nothing involving the only "relevant" male character.
He's not a lucky pervert mc, he's the reliable older sempai mc.
There are people who argue the censorship is fine because it aligns the early parts with what the manga became later on when in reality the manga never became nearly as tame as the anime.
Not one person said the censorship was fine. Some may have said it made sense, but only shitposters claimed that the censorship was good.
Doujinshi will never stop.
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Coming this Summer Comiket...
The VA's pretty much nailed Okumura's lines thusfar, so I can't wait for his other big scenes.
Most unnecessary change of 2024.
Every single girl in the manga is gay or bi choose the only one that never really reciprocated the gay testing. Why not senpai with the trap?
Why can't 16 sell pantyshots in cosplay roms?
Dear diary, today the ass was extra PHAT.
soft core porn laws
explain imouto tv then
God I wanna rape her
Most likely a limit from the organizers of the event.
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imagine the warmth
>the restaurant scene was so bad to them that they omitted the restaurant from the anime entirely
>yet this was okay
>if you're quick they'll still be warm when you put them on
She' really blowing things up!
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>fresh off her body
How are they supposed to answer this?
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Japan no longer cater to fertilephiles.
Nippon's aidorus aren't as good anymore as it was in the past
How is this yuri! she wants the dick
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Tsubaki and Mikarin are cosplaying reformed devils that's why they're different, right?
dear god the kouhai is obscene
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>smug dog
This is a first for me.
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Was it necessary to linger on this shot for over four seconds?
Mikarin is, Tsubaki’s like the older nun who’s super strict in all those nun stories
Man the way the breasts push against the transparent cloth is lewd
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with the rise of onlyfans girlfriends that's the modern male experience
Why the fuck are they selling this to Americans
americans only censor japanese video games, they don't have much power in anime except the one that Netflix fully funded.
I'll cosplay as the knight who rapes elves.
Is that a dark stalkers character?
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>they don't have much power in anime
roshidere airs in china and comes uncensored, same for russians as they do panworship
what's to roru about? chinese and (lol) toilet stealer market means nothing to the japanese.
You guys know that Eri is gay right
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Ririsa could cosplay without holding her powerlevel back in the aforementioned countries
Meanwhile in this fictional anime she can't because of the imposed western morals.
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Exproitabre Lilisa.
Which one is Eri?
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Seriously, why don't they force-feed her already?!

Also, fucking light rays make their appearance.
Jesus fuck that thigh.
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This image was supposed to accompany my commentary on that thigh.
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>I want to make blood shoot out of his nose
The chinese market is way bigger than the american or even the japanese one, ameriturd.
The elf.
All elves are hot and gay
But you can talk to stranger and be an otaku at same time.
>I dread the day mangakas don't bother putting it in in the first place.
They don't draw comics in order to get adapted, only a handful of them achieve that.
As long as comic magazines exist, they'll support them at what they're doing. The big problem is the move to app distribution which tends to be at the mercy of foreign actors and mean readers no longer see the updated volume versions.
Remember this is japan
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This show was made thinking in MODERN AUDIENCES isn't it?
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hey guys, just wanted to say i really really like this pose, gaze, and overall chara!
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Bakiel was a demon, she gets to be the warden later on. I guess that's why her and Mirella costumes are a bit different than the other girls and show more skin.
are they selling ririsa goods irl?
why the dog blushin
oh my goshhhh
lezbos look like that!
this shit is go garbage
dropped again
>what panties you wearing?
Guy is actually really decent and know how to treat a girl.
>Nice to feet you
i wish i could watch more anime
good lord
He did not ask so she did not show her ero pantsu.
this honestly makes me want to play an ero vn again
last time i did was in 2017
I'm dying here
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nooooooooooooooooooooo it ended here nooooooo
I wonder if the mobile game allows us to make the right choice
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dark ririsa.... intriguing
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Sounds like a Lilysa that doesn’t eat a lot.
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>tfw no weeb gf to watch anime with then fuck in her cosplay
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How many times have been caught a couple having sex in the bathroom during the event?
When Onimai got adapted, the author was disappointed in being unable to do more lewd stuff within the manga (the manga itself still had toilet scenes and changing scenes and other shit). He knew Bind were degenerates (look at Mushoku Tensei), and was overseeing the production, mostly agreeing with all the degenerate fanservice upgrades Bind wanted to make.

When Ririsa started its adaptation, the author knew that he did some kind of bait and switch shit with fanservice in the early chapters but the next 100+ after that barely had any, like Sono Bisque Doll or Gochiusa (Gochiusa had changing scenes and other shit season 1, remember?), so he WANTED the anime to be toned down to what the modern chapter content looks like. The studio choice never mattered (JC Staff made anime with nipples before, they totally could have if the manga panels had them, it would have been lightbeams BD bait but they'd be there), the author is a giga faggot piece of shit gaylord who ordered it to be censored. He needs to an hero himself ASAP.
Ririsa is a SLUT.
The other probable request was a guaranteed two cour. Not many studios would be capable of granting that.
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this board has an incel problem
the manga is a mixed bag for me, has some good highs and lulls that I just want to skip desu. reading it can be such a slog. idk how that one anon binged it in a day, I can barely make 10 chapters a day
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Lilysa likes pussy and rejected senpai's dick.
I believe he pretty much sped read through the series. Not sure how people can make it through Winter Comiket without crying. Chapter 99 was so emotional
Interestingly the pantyfags over at 5ch think that despite the anime censorship, for a 10 pm anime the level of ecchi and fanservice is still decent. Seems to them they're just happy to get any panty scenes at all, and I can't blame them. Maybe we need to be more like them if we want to stop being angry.
Censoring an anime where the appeal of the manga is the censorship kills the hype, unless you're a yurifag.
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>tasked with ascending Miriella to heaven
>she herself once was a demon who fell in love with an angel
>Bakiel and Miriella form a warm teacher student relationship, dispelling wounds of the past
So that's why Tsubaki's been hitting on Mikarin.
No. They had the option of going for a late night slot, but went the mass appeal route instead.
I mean, as long you get the cash...
I guess the important thing is we still got some pantyshots out of it despite being censored. It's honestly better than nothing.
does that mean childhood friend has a shot?
There's zero point doing this show if you censor it. They should have gone the MahoAko route instead
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No one has a shot. He's showing menopausal symptoms.
She got the best chance out of everyone
She's pretty much locked in since long ago.
I like when the Marin clone molests the female MC. Too bad it will never be animated properly
Is this show yurishit?
I can't believe what they took from us.
>in this episode MC discover that cosplay its just a code name for selling your hot photos to pervs, and basically a slippery slope to porn
how many times does it need to be said that a bad adaptation is worse than no adaptation?
>Imagine adapting this manga and censoring it
Lilysa is basically the female version of a shonen MC but instead of battling she wants to wear slutty cosplay and thot around
every healthy human prefer normal clothing instead of meme fake 2D
Only if it causes the manga to get axed. Otherwise advertisement is advertisement
Women would never help other women, unrealistic anime.
as a controversial panty raider i gotta say
white cotton panties are pure kino
It's more a sports manga, where the male character have the role that usually is of the background female supporter. His role is "yes, I'm so happy and proud that those fat asocial otakus are going to fap and lust for my girls while she is in her slutty anime outfit!"
do you really think fans of h mangos that get queen bee adaptations are happy?
girl in the back is texting me
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I’m glad they’re in the mobile game too
Normally I'd agree, but we're specifically talking about panties here, and I'd honestly take an anime where we still get panties and pantyshots, even if they're censored, than a show where we don't get ANY.
I just want to see ririsa's panties. Is that so much to ask?
I was really looking forward to hearing Sugita's voice acting, but then once I heard Ogino talking it didn't feel quite right. Not really sure why.
But you saw her panties this episode, they just cut out the actually good pantyshot. Which fucking sucks and made me so angry I might not even not bother watching this week, but it's better than nothing. We also saw her panties in episode 1 and 2 so it's not a total lost cause.
Third choice is the only correct choice.
Unironically, yeah.
doesn't fucking matter. japanese make anime to satisfy their own ego not to sell to pander to bugmen. otherwise you wouldn't have animators working for bags of rice just for prestige of being associated with XXXX project or being able to say they created something while at kyoani or wit studio or whatever.
that's a false dichotomy. you shouldn't be choosing between "ruined a little" and "ruined a lot" but "not ruined" and "not anime."
It's not a false dichotomy. It's called looking things in a spectrum, or realizing the world isn't black and white but rather shades of gray. It's something you learn from being in the real world and I'm shocked that most anon seem to lack this skill. Then again, with the state of the world right now I shouldn't be surprised that nuance is less common than one might think. It's something like having a son who killed another person. You love your son but you are angry that they did that. But your son killing another person doesn't mean you will now automatically hate your son. Nuance.
no it's like being so mad that the tsukihime anime was shit that everyone pretends it never existed for 20 years. a mango with no anime might get one in the future, but a bad anime existing basically precludes any chance of a better one being made later. you can count the number of re-adaptations on one hand. a poor adaptation is not only disappointing, but erases any hope for a good one.
I was specifically talking about panties, not the quality of the anime itself. I said I would rather get a nerfed pantyshot than it being cut out entirely, if it means we still get to see panties in the end. Those views are independent of what I think about the anime or if I think it's good quality or not. They can affect but they're not the same. Like I can say that a show has good pantyshots but still think it's a bad anime.
if an anime is censored it's shit. simple as. you are just bootlicking and trying to claim that since it's only half censored it's still ok.
I love the reaction faces
We’ve had like four in the past year
You're putting words into my mouth. I did not say it was okay. I am not defending the censorship here. In fact the censorship this episode pissed me off. What I said is that getting pantyshots at all is better than not getting them, and I still appreciate the pantyshots we did get. Those do not excuse the censorship in any way though and it would have been so much better if they didn't censor.
>manga dump thread already died
With how inactive the manga threads are and how the anime threads are dying I'm starting to think it might be better to just keep them in the same thread.
The main problem is that they’re especially spoilerific.
Isn't she 15 so they're basically making CP to sell at cons?
if that the care won't it better to not dump and leave a link to read?
>getting pantyshots at all is better than not getting them
it's not though. half censored garbage is still censored garbage. you are saying "at least the chef only pooped on my food analogy a little instead of all over the plate."
If you had to pick between watching a show where there are some nerfed pantyshots but they were there at all, and a show where all pantyshots from the source were not included in the anime, and if you refused to pick one you will be shot in the head, what will you pick? You can ONLY choose among the three choices.
I refuse to accept these artificial choices and so should you
If you must choose. Are you suggesting you'd rather take the gun?
the reason you are boot licking is because you don't realize you have a choice
Think of it this way. Let's say for no fault of your own you found yourself in a desert, away from civilization, and injured. The only way you can survive is have your leg be amputated. If you aren't amputated, you will die. Amputation won't guarantee your survival but the chances increase, whereas without amputation your chances of surviving are 0%. In such a case, what would you choose: amputation or death?
this is a entrie different case, please
this is a anime,not something life changing
I brought it up to give an analogy since you don't seem to be getting what I mean. You can just directly answer the question instead of evading it. Even if I disagree with your answer I will at least get it.
I really don't understand why anons seem so allergic to nuance. It's like they've never encountered the real world and learned about things like compromise or taking in greater contexts.
>now he's putting his boot licking in real world context.
Best ED of the season
Yes, and? Have you left your house recently? Have you actually interacted with real-life people over the last few weeks?
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While Losing heroine gets bikini for children, in price of Ruining Anna's face.
There are a lot of weeb girls, just go and find one.
You already got your fucking bikini and you're still mad?
my exact reaction to this thread. The characters and VA really sell this show. Panservice is just an extra.
the real world is full of things that have been enshittified because people keep letting them get away with it. a snickers bar is like 2/3ds the size it used to be for triple the cost because people just think "it could be worse." when is it supposed to stop if people won't even stand up for themselves in a consequence free kashmiri shitting field?
Have you been to a woman's room before? Let alone a female otaku's room?
So you're suggesting you don't leave your house anymore?
I'll try that out next week, we'll see what the fallout from people unable to no post spoilers will try to do.
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This song is certifiied earworm. I can't get it out of my head.
The girl in the background bending over with those short blue pants does more for me than nudity could ever hope to.
lel she caught my eyes too
>my personal preference makes censorship good
and it's a gay as fuck one too
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He derails and ruins any thread he touches
I'm on episode 2 of this trash and I find it annoying, MC should just stop pretending he doesn't know Russian.
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>fanservice manga
>everything is censored
What a slut!
>early thread
>no bump limit yet
>over half the thread is complaining about censorship
sasuga japan! thank you for the censorship!!!
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I think the merch is pretty cute
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The series really has come a long way from four years ago.
I'm so sad about the restaurant scene being cut but with the state of the preview I was not surprised.
Where is Mikari?
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God I want to rape mashu so bad
Okumura can't get up anymore. Sad!
>underboobs bad but sideboobs good
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She's probably in the next wave.
>dat crossover
Blessed. Thank you for posting this.

>inb4 2.5dpd
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see you all next week
It's been about 20 years since ecchi on terrestrial tv was worth a damn.
>m-muh 'p
No piv, not porn
She's fertile, not c
i'm digging cosplay anime
please make more
Or he points out that this cosplay anime is already ruined by censorship. He posted comparisons without fake edits unlike bikinischizo
So Lucy from Fairy Tail
more reasons to put all existing fanservice into the anime while they can
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thankfully i dropped this last week
It's too late gramps. The industry wants to move away from vulva bulge panty shots to attract more viewers/please investors/sponsors. The era of physical media dictating where the market goes is over. Buy more nude figs, make them sell more than anything else and you might get things to reverse course. Remember, towelheads are now a major audience, and they've got restrictions and a huge population to attract/comply for.
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glad i finally dropped in on one of these threads, i had a feeling it was censored but didn't realize it was this bad
time to pick up the manga i guess
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<3 <3
It's poetic to see an author who hates fanservice turn to fanservice to get popular then tank his chance for mega popularity with this tame adaption. I have no doubt he had influence in this.
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tfw no otaku gf..
Do you believe he has his lackeys here defending how it's actually a good decision?
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the next episode acutally has a good chance of being fully uncensored since absolute nothing lewd happens in the next few chapters

aside from cutting out this flashback since the entire scene never happened
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>because nothing happens it's uncensored!
Holy copium
They need to have panty and nipple shots. If an anime has no ecchi it's already bad enough, but if the skirts have shorts or black voids under them or the panties were less detailed and/or displayed only 30% while the rest are obscured, it's a sure sign of western interference and were meddled with through an anime committee and silently enforced broadcasting "standards"
im not disagreeing with you im just saying theres nothing in the next few chapters they could censor from my point of view (they will probably still find something)
>precensorship doesn't happen
Each chapter should have fanservice otherwise it's only correct to assume there wee intents of censorship.
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Let me see holes. Let me see pubes. Let me see piss. Let me see anime girls wiping their asses
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i have been watching anime by myself for so long i don't think i would be able to watch and enjoy something with someone else
you can try it out for free
god i want to have sex with cosplayers
japanese class at your uni
I'm nearly 30, I can't just go to a uni class
Cafe have nipples?
I agree, we need more yuri. Is this yuri by the way?
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no but aside from that they are faithful
People complaining about Cafe is hilarious because the censorship it does get is just the typical light beam censorship that isn't even new. Other than that it's actually arguably ecchier than the manga.
I wish I could share your optimism, but when the restaurant scene got cut entirely...
Naked butts are also censored.
It isn't, and unlike in the past, said light beams aren't uncensored on BD.
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I know, but my point is that other than those points the show is actually a lot more uncensored compared to other shows.
For some reason I have the feeling that most of the people who complain about censorship here are not even watching Elf-san. I'm not either but that's more to do with the artstyle looking ugly to me.
>they are hiding cosplay tech from us like pasties in a show about cosplay
It's not the artstyle, it's that fat people are fucking disgusting. Nobody wants to see that shit. I hope it flops so hard the Japanese government is forced to make fat people in anime illegal.
I'm watching both
censorship is bad in literally all forms. It doesn't matter if there's another show that's uncensored, it's still bad that this is censored
I'm watching it and the mermaid girl last ep was cute.
Not a fan of the fatties but also not really disgusted by it.

But its at least better than Isekai Onsen Paradise a couple seasons ago
Your argument would make more sense if you didn't use a censored version for the comparison.
I don't think the manga version used is censored though.
The translation is censorship.
>For some reason I have the feeling that most of the people who complain about censorship here are not even watching Elf-san
Is that bad? You don't need to watch something else to complain about censorship here. That being said I watch Elf and think it sucks balls.
just checked it seems accurate for those screenshots, what part are you referring to?
Translations are a form of censorship.
/a/ thinks it’s yuri because the girls no longer pay attention to the MC. /u/ thinks it’s not yuri because the girls could go back to paying attention to the MC at any time.
I mean that most people who complain about the censorship don't watch shows that are uncensored to ease their pain.

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