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Expectations for the epilogue?
Flashforward to Hayase and Naoto's wedding
Didn't they broke up on the last chapter?
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I wanted to see Senpai introducing Nagatoro to his Yakuza father.
I would like to see a couple more pages at the end of the last chapter, showing the new club returning to the art room and finding Naoto’s drawing. Then time skip to Naoto taking his (and Naga’s) two kids to watch their mother at a judo tournament.
More Shikki aventures, or else would be weird
They did not. Just doomkek cope.
>showing the new club returning to the art room and finding Naoto’s drawing
That's a nice idea
Naga buys a kogai and uses it on senpai.
>ESLfag joins the bad reading comprehension gang
Like pottery
Do you believe everything you read here?
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Gamo's Gamos
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What (permanently) killed the hype?
Are you ready for Nanashi's next work Sounds of Suzuka?
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The blue balling, not enough cutsey dates together, and the summer camp what kills it for me

Also not enough Hana, fucking love Hana
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No. I want to hear the Sounds of Hayase as she rides the BSC all night long.
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If they don't use the anything ticket I will be made.
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Wait is this official? Why Nagatoro is white?
the volume covers always showed her in a lighter skin tone, to boost sales maybe? kek
The less she bully, the less tan she becomes.
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>Dead thread
>Dead series
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>series ended
>hateposter still here
No, I don't think it is
Not even a sex chapter could salvage this manga and the shitty ending. Nanashi should stick to hentai, because he doesn't know a thing about writing romance.
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Nagatoro teases Naoto
Naoto looks at the camera
"Don't toy with me Miss Nagatoro"
Everyone claps
Thanks gatekeeper-kun, but you will never be a janny anyway
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Ah, this one too looks pretty mad
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I want to bite Sana's ass ahhhhhh
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Which one's that?
My wife.
The shittier this manga became, the more smug and obnoxious the fanbase was about it, and the shitty ending just piled it on kek
Romcom faggots are always defensive virgins living vicariously through shitty storytelling, but nagatroons really are the most pathetic of the lot lel
Her tan faded over time because she stopped helping the swimming club.
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Nagatoro loves Lomo Saltado
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I'll miss you too, doomkek
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To make people who don't read the actual chapters like >>269219486 think she lost her tan
And so far it's worked every time
It ended :(
Still hyped for the volume release though
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>+70kg of boobs
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>+70kg of butt
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But you came to us
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>+70kg of Shikki!
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This angle is just to hot
What an cute, acoustic couple of penguins
Love this artist's style
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How do I get into this series without being seen as a pedo by other outside of 4chan?
Next series: Machida Love A Night Date
Stwetching Wabbit
> Expectations for the epilogue?

my favorite shitty judo manga abruptly finished. its literally the end of the world guys.
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Thank you nagatoro for giving me something to read on my phone while my dying grandpa just wanted to silently play solitaire or had his testicles out. He's gone now.
Why did he have his testocles out? Yeah
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>Naga and Naoto go on a date after the short modelling session
>They go for some shaved ice as he promised the year before
>They catch up with things with Naoto telling her his college adventures and Naga telling him that she's an Olympic candidate now like Orihara
>Have a sweet moment together in the confession gazebo and watch the setting sun
>Naoto has to leave by the evening
>Naga kisses Naoto before he leaves Hayama for Tokyo
>Arriving in Tokyo
>Naoto goes to his apartment
>Takes off his shirt and looks at the sketch of Naga he made that afternoon and smiles
>Womanly hands with black painted nails starts caressing his bare chest
>"What a lovely sketch, Hacchi (heart). Does she know?"
>"No, Machida. She doesn't"
>"Hmph! You're such a bad boy, Hacchi (heart)!"
>Naoto and Machida (his apartment roommate) have a sloppy make out session before fucking that evening
>Naga lies on her bed happy that she met her boyfriend again after so long
>Das Ende
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I miss Yoshi already...
He was bedridden so he would wimp out dick to piss into his piss bottles and stuff
>Wiggle sfx
Where Shikki? Where Sana? If not im not buying the spin-off
>And now, a song by Jimmy Dollar!
Shikki, oh, Shikki
Shikki’s got a short life
If she hadn’ta been so fat
I'da had her for my wife
Shikki’s fat, one more pound, Shikki’s fat
First time I saw her
Saw her from the side
Hard to watch her suffer
But with the second sight, I cried
Shikki’s fat, one more pound, Shikki’s fat
Well, the fattys get a burger
But I ain't gonna give you mine
'Cause Shikki is fatter than you know
Kg more than 69
Shikki’s fat, one more pound, Shikki’s fat
But waiter, oh, waiter
Waiter, I can't eat
'Cause all around my table
I hear the chomping of Shikki’s teeth
Shikki’s fat, one more pound, Shikki’s fat
Now you give me her ozempic
I'll drag the whale by chain
And every step I take
Another pound she seems to gain
Shikki’s fat, one more pound, Shikki’s fat
Shikki’s fat, one more pound, Shikki’s fat
Oh, Shikki
Shikki’s fat like a prize sow
Shikki’s fat
All the shitty romcoms are dying all at once, hopefully some desperate readers will kill themselves now that their escapist garbage is gone
I can't wait for this cancer to disappear from this board
Don't worry they'll keep bumping with ritual posts from Page 9 all weekend. cancer
You know isekai exist right non? And before Nagatoro we had harem anime.
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I hope Nanashi goes back to drawing semon demons rather than these silly high school hijinks.
Whine? Is appreciating a way of dealing with the discomfort of visiting a dying family member who isn't in the mood to chitchat considered whiny? Really?
That’s just Nagatoro if she were a creature of the night
Simple, leave twitter
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>J-jannies! Look what he posted!
Hello whine kek
So many shonentards seething at the same time, good stuff
Sad dead general.
How strong Is she, never saw her full potential
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Is she faster than the merman tho?
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The unshackling will be spread, by force if necessary
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They will reshackled
>the gremlin thinks she can do anything to stop the shogun and her legions
Sempai bully not so tough
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Just read the chapter. This whole ending was really anticlimactic. Could Nanashi's next work be a sequel series à la Takagi, or is it something else? Any word?
Gonna be honest bros, I'm not expecting much of anything from this epilogue.
Yoshi spinoff, it just has to be, he even left us a hint in the finale
With the entire manga narrated from the POV of the ahoge.
>he doomed himself
good. shows you have a working brain.
Fuck the epilogue, Nanashi better give us the damn official doujin.
Senpai's fever dream about Hayacchi becomes reality.
Was she saying that to senpai...or us?
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Yoshi knows she's in a manga, she was definitely talking to us.
NTR soon.
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divorced, they had a kid but it died. the grief and regret destroyed them. senpai wasn’t paying attention. who knew a baby could drown in 1” of water? nao didn’t. the second to last panel is him is him with a gun in his mouth. the final panel is Jim painting a canvas in familiar room with his brains
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HOW is that worse than NTR
Actual worse is what we got, the friendzone ending
There's no need to fight, they are both shit
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Did she release them or did they escape?
They're both dating her, one takes Mon, Wed, Fri the other takes Tues, Thu, Sat; alternating Sundays. They know it's not 'normal' but they all think it can work through the power of love.
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I'm not convinced it's really them and not two random demons wearing their skin
She looked so much better with her really sleepy eyes.
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Lemme fix
>They have a normal marriage
>Except for one problem
>Hayase is sterile
>Of course they dont divorce, no need for that
>Shikki, Sana and Machida have fertile wombs
>They offer themselves to have the babies
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it doesn’t work without a dead baby and gunshot suicide imo but I applaud your effort
Yeah turns out when they aren't psychologically torturing eachother every day the relationship fizzles out rather quickly.
>Yeah turns out when they aren't psychologically torturing eachother every day
nigga what
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This mini arc, irrefutably.
>Massive tonal whiplash from the buildup and payoff of the previous arc
>Predictable outcome
>Rushing through the drama and side character cameos, making it clear something was up
>Gut punching everyone when it finally resolved by announcing the story only has 3 chapters left
I somewhat agree with you, it wasn't a disastrous ending by any means but those who are trying to convince everyone else that it wasn't a plain (and frankly boring) finale are overdosing on copium.
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so what was the conclusion?
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Realise that the main girl is the least interesting of the series and should be discarded as such
Didn't see many anons highly praising it. Trying to convince everyone they broke up is definitely the dumber thing to think still.
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"Senpa-Naoto....I'm sorry I miscarried....again...the doctor said my body isn't broken or anything...I-It's like gachapon! Sometimes you g-get unlucky and a stinker pops out!.......I miss when you smiled...we can try again...don't you want to do lewd stuff together like the old times?....it would be nice to be touched again.........I miss when you smiled....
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Timeskip ending where Nagatoro and her 6 daughters return to Hayama to visit Senpai's grave.

Also the daughters all belong to Sana, Hana, Machida, Orihara, Shikki and Yoshi.
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The only appropriate response to such nonsense
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>Why do people keep putting hooks in these delicious donuts?
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Based, blessed, and the best post in these threads.
This plothole was unforgivable, worse than the missing ticket imo
And the teasing will be something involving the ticket
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Foreshadowing of the epilogue?
This Naga + kids would salvage the ending
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Do we know how many pages the final volume is going to be? If so we can get a rough estimate on how big the epilogue is going to be
>Why arent they under their actual mom's care?
Is it part 2 of>>269237195
>146: 25 pages
>147: 25
>148: 25
>149: 25
>150: 29
>151: 31
>152: 28
>153: 32
>154: 42
That alone is 262 pages, there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to story time this volume in one sitting

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