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>romcom slowly dying now that Abe died
Reproducebros..... How are they going to solve fertility rate?
Seems it's time for Rapid Aided Professional Engraving
the bully gf wave didn't work, what next? race mixing with hafu gf?
But the lesson from that is how inbreeding is the solution?
This is not true. Romcoms are bigger than isekai in the LN market now.
>feed our ponzi economy
>even though your kids will live likely in poverty and be miserable because they can't compete in this job market at all

Do people actually like this abe meme?
Dying out? Anon there's tons of them and new ones pop up left and right. What's ending is the specific era of tesing romcoms.
But my favorite romcom ever got adapted this very season!
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If anything romcoms only ruin the fertility rates because they show an unrealistic standard of love and wholesomeness
Pretty much. I have a gf but ever since I started reading VN and romcoms I realized how 3D can't even compete.
With a homemade shotgun
>Even if you go to a good school, even if you work for a good company
Find me a case where the reverse is true. It's exceedingly rare even for wish fulfillment romance anime.
> The number of Japanese residents in the country fell by 861,237, or 0.7%, in 2023 from a year prior, marking the steepest decline ever and dropping for the 15th year in a row.

It's Shinzover
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there's 8 billion people on earth, just get the workers to tend to the pensioners from elsewhere.
Good riddance nagatoro! It ruined an entire genre and now it can heal
>How are they going to solve fertility rate?
It will solve by itself
In 50 years half of the japanese population would be halved and 98% of them will still be japanese
in 50 years americans will be 10% white
Japan will prevail
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government mandated dating
>Rom com dying
Now kill off slice of life
>romcom slowly dying
Good, we need more none comedy shows with heavy romance elements instead of the typical JAPENIS blue balling romcoms.
Maison Ikkoku, Godai fails at life and becomes a full time kindergarten teacher, and Kyoko stays faithful to him and they have a baby too.
romcom is neither romantic or comedy tbqh
Yeah, this is the core of the genre too. It's just shit fundamentally.
Bonnouji for example, an actual romance, was way funnier in certain moments than any of the romcoms.
How can you say that if most romcoms end with the MCs still being in school?
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>What's the deal with romantic comedies? They're not romantic and they're not comedies!
Nothing will fix it except for a complete societal collapse.
Unlike romcom, Abe deserved worse
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>why are teenagers always getting sent to other worlds via a truck??
haven't you guys ever heard of greyhound buses?!
>reproduce with fat foreigners wave
Maybe i'll have a chance???
They gotta fix their enyasu first
Brazilian and Russian hafus is the new plan.
Once there was this elite lapdog anon who told that they don't need more children because the world would be better if it's emptier while also claiming Japan is the best country ever. To this day I stand for a 50/50.
Import migrants, duh.
>Rapid Aided Professional Engraving
Indeed, we need government sponsored R-A-P-E. Also fpbp
Most romcoms suck anyway
>Never reproduced himself
>Raised the daughter of another man
He deserved to die
why did the deathrate go up?
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>Sasuga just shit out another woman moment kino
>Seo continue to produce well quality drawn slops
>Blue box has cute art but nothing is ever happening
>Teasing romcom sub genre fad has finally pass
>had a little bit of gyaru fad spark but its already over
>Mona a cute
its not that bad
aside from the ending, I thought Bokutachi was really good
I don't like them but they suck because the people that makes them suck.
Fuck that guy. He can rot in the ground.
Not like he can do anything else, everything goes back to nothing. One day all populations will too.
I see him as I see everyone,. can't get fucked while you're dead.
>yfw Japan agreed with his assassin
It's over reproduce bros...
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real life romance is nothing like anime
They should make a harem romcom that runs for hundreds of chapters with a final chapter reveal that the protag is a homosexual who mistakenly assumed the bitches orbiting him knew about his gayness or at least were able to figure out he doesn't care about pussy.
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They point out the comedic lack of romance in your life
It's time for mandated government marriage plan to commence. Virgins must partake in sexual intercourse with their arranged partner until they got offspring.
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Give me Anko and Choi and I could solve the birthrate issue by myself.

Tranny detected
Maybe he's a sister, maybe not. What matters is that he thinks just like most young japs.
Jerry would definitely make this joke. God, his comedy show in Seinfeld was trasth. Was he just poking fun at himself?

Nope, just a proud child hater.
Invest in IPS cells research.
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I think its because they are made by virgins with no idea of how relationships work. Its like if one asked the average anon to make a romcom, it would all be rape rape rape and trannies.
I'm not into romance to begin with, all you say is true tho.
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We still have CHADgon Ball
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Rom-Coms will die and will pave the way to only Romance stories. TRUST THE PLAN
I mean reality is we all know that any attempt to raise birth rates will never work unless you're willing to stop corporations from doing their usual tug of war between salaries for employees and raising goods pricing to appease Profit Margin seeking Shareholder leeches.

A Kirby...light novel?
Yeah 3dpig has no chance against superior 2dwaifus. There is a lot of conceding someone's faults, cons, negatives when it comes to 3dpd.
No, it will pave the way to the "noble prostitute" genre so japs get used to the loose holes, std ridden OnlyFans using stacies like the West does.
Japan is a first world country.
....nobody tell this anon the truth....
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What happened to Japan and its anime community? Years ago it was loved by everyone and really strong with every westerner wanting to marry a cute japanese trad wife.
>If you let your bloodline die, you win.
Is this another textbook note from Trudeau's diary?
Not even anime could make Western onlyfans hags desirable
I wont let my bloodline become slaves and get the genes of my bloodline rewired into tranies
Fuck off american
Stop dating those types, then.
Other types? Not made for him and vice versa.
>just stop dating
not really a solution. Bitches and/or whores make up the vast majority of the dating population
Shut the fuck, Schaub.
There is too many japs on that tiny island, depopulation is good in their case.
Absolute retard
Chinks and gooks got into the game too imitating the japanese model with their mobage and stuff like that, to the point that gooks make some stuff that looks straight outta japan like BA, also a ton of the notable authors of the showa/early heisei era are dying and the reiwa ones aren't filling their shoes.
No, it isn't, depopulation is actually a terrible thing, sure, it might look good on 50 years in the future, but the generations that are going to be in-between are gonna be absolutely miserable.
Can an anon do me a solid and post that huge ass comfy romcom chart?
Can't find it in the archives for the life of me, and I forgot to save it last time.
Shit happens and boomers know that, sacrifices must be done.
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They are trying, just take a look at the Harley Quinn anime show this season
Boomers aren't the one that are gonna suffer, it's the younger generations that are the ones that will suffer the most, specially in Japan.
I know, that's why they do it and so it will begin once more.
No other type exists, anon.
On moments like this I'm glad I'm a millennial, my suffering won't compare to the alphas and beyond, zoomers are gonna suffer a lot though since they will be on their prime working age when the first ripples start to appear in the form of increased taxes.
There is no saving it. This is Japan's last generation.
I'm a zoomer but I'm at peace with all of it because I won't be a cog either, I got it all sort out already.
What will happen to japan afterwards? Not like people there will magically disappear
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maybe if they killed their culture of overwork and always going out with coworkers after work.... japs are spending basically every bit of their time either working or having mandatory hang out time. maybe if they made living affordable women wouldnt have to work as much as men do, and people could actually stay home and take care of children. the answer is so obvious, how is romcoms gonna make people have the time and money to raise a family?
If something like that happened, probably China would be the first to claim the land. But I've heard they're struggling as well or whatever.
Step 1: Organize a communist party
Step 2: Overthrow the state
Step 3: Kill all caps
Step 4: Make work tolerable
Step 5: Line go up
Not at all.
It would be a very good thing to reduce japanese population down to like 70 million. No disadvantages, only benefits.

Ever play Tokyo Jungle?
As an unironic battle autist zoomer "ZOGbot", I'm looking forward to getting to apply my skills in the inevitable scuffle against the chinks.
For everybody else, have fun getting conscripted lol.
Commies get the rope/bullet/sword.
sure if you're just looking at numbers on a spreadsheet instead of the quality of life for all people involved during the process
They can't do ut if I'm not useful for it anymore.
It would drastically increase.
Poop + pee.
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...no, not really. I just miss Abe
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People will just give up, humans will simply wither and age away. humanity won't end in a bang or some kind of blaze of glory, humans will just sort of stop caring about life, stop reproducing, and then the space they took up will be occupied by fairies instead.
So you're saying to stop dating women altogether?
This. At least they can have my des, even if there's no do ut and they won by default.
I...feel happy about the prospect.
Japan is too decadent and the young population are gooners or retards. They digest too much romance and ecchi slop and have no social interaction.

'Twas bound to happen.
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That's not how reality will play out. In reality it will come down to war. As population ages and the strain on young men to provide becomes higher, so does the the demand for their labor.
Hey, loovers and geniuses can have it. It's only rightful for them to see nature and its final consequences.
Fairies work in mysterious ways, huh?
Can't be helped, the elevens know they're gonna have to take care of their parents until they die at 80-90 and they're on their early 60s, sometime ago there was a guy that murdered his parents because he reached his breaking point and snapped at them.
Why the fuck do people care about birthrates so fucking much?
Do you really want every country to be an India or China tier shithole?
China got fucked over hard by their 1 kid policy, when they realized the extend of the damage it was already too late, China will never reach the heights is has today ever again.

Good, we can stop pandering to them.
Had an argument with my gf about why guys would ever use hip sextoys over just finding a woman. How easy it would be to just go outside to a place where common interests are shared and talk to a woman. How they like guys being straight forward and just asking them on a date.

She then proceeded to tell me how women are constantly afraid of men. How women don't like feeling harassed outside. How woman tend to avoid typical nerdy places where guys typically like to be. How you can't be too nerdy or else they won't talk to you. How they totally make their wants clear, but also use layers upon layers of tests and doublespeak which guys should just understand and get. How befriending a woman, finding out you like her and asking her out can make a woman feel like you only became friends with her to fuck her and if you feel awkward after asking and stop talking to her you're an asshole.

The longer I spend with women the more I hate them
Those who care are the ones at the top, they need the a fresh generation of tax payers to oil up the machine of society, sadly they got too greedy and now household prices are super high around the world.
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owari da...
They need to remind people that they're part of the cattle because these days it's easy to forget about it.
your population not wanting to have children aka the most basic instinct in life indicates that something is going horribly wrong in your community. This is compounded by the fact that most countries offset it by mass importing immigrants which often creates even more problems
They don't care, why do you think they're exporting africans and indians everywhere to squat entire countries and turn them to slums
The idea itself is good, if birth rates go down then bring foreigners to keep them up, they didn't count with those foreigners wanting to live from free handouts.
the usurists create an artificial problem then supply a depraved solution
Taxes don't pay for the government, bond equity does. Basically taxes are there to repress the population and ensure compliance. Taxation is legalized theft.
>he idea itself is good
no the idea is trash that anyone not a psychopath can see through
Nobody will stop them until they have what they want and then everything is just forgotten. Invaders know this very well.
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The entire civilised world is dying. This is by no means just a Japanese phenomenon.
People die when they are killed
You people are forgetting that it results in some screaming, whining, drooling little piss and shit factory. Of course people don't want that.
Haven't been at /pol/ for a while but it's nice to know that. Thanks for the news I guess, mods.
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Even my third world country is going to hell, I'm Chilean and the new generation doesn't want kids.
I wonder how's that going for Colombia, I also want this country to burn of course.
Two more weeks™
>China tier shithole
They have a higher quality of life than your shithole, so I guess it would be an improvement
>the further north you go, the less people want to breed
They're not retards, they know damn well there's no winning as a young man. With feminism many of them could bust their ass for 80 hours a week and still not meet the requirements of the average woman.

So why not just work a normal work week and enjoy your life on your own without worries? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BH-Rxd-NBo
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It's a similar story, just not as bad as Chile. Fertility in Bogota is almost below 1.
I'm not a population expert but I think low fertility rates are good (and necessary) if seen in a larger context. you can't have high fertility rates forever because eventually your population is gonna starve among other problems, but you also don't want to forcibly cull the population so instead you lower fertility rates and over the years the population size will balance itself out. then if it gets too low you incentivize high fertility to replenish and increase the population and repeat the cycles over and over
obviously those who were born in the negative cycle have it worse but I think it's better than being born in a high dense population too
You guessed right, wonder if it could be good enough for how long...
Too bad, it won't take long anyway.
>he thinks the "foreigners" japan importing will be white europeans
don't get your hopes up anon. we all know it's gonna be huetards/pajeets/pinoys etc
Or we might be facing a bronze collapse or Roman/Han collapse scenario. Everything's gradually going to shit and then implodes.
>you can't have high fertility rates forever because eventually your population is gonna starve
Retards like you have been saying this since before the global population reached 1 billion. And yet at 8 billion we have more food available than ever in our history.
the problem with this is you have low fertility rates in places where you don't want low fertility rates and high fertility rates in places where you don't want them. The most productive and advanced societies not having children at least near replacement levels is bad
Based fertile Okinawanas, soon the glorious Ryukyu Kingdom shall be restored
You need replacement level fertility. In particular when at the same time you are suffering from record rates of immigration.
>bringing in foreigners with completely different values on stuff like liberty and human rights is a good idea
Good catalyst for civil wars.
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It didn't use to be like this. The North was less developed and had the highest birth rates in Japan.
>The most productive and advanced societies
Societies full of TikTok stars and McDonald's degree flippers isn't productive, though it looks nice on the stock market.
Lasciate mi cantare with sorrow and the world's smallest voice
There's a reason all societies for thousands of years didn't give women rights
The consequences of feminism have been disastrous for developed nations.
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What's so bad about the population declining?
What if it's all part of a coordinated plan to nuke birthrates of peoples with a non retarded iq so that a certain group can rule over billions of low iq mystery slaves

idiocracy was a eutopia compared to this.
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Who cares, why would I want a 3dpd bpd std ridden whore when anime girls are much better and cuter trad wives?
>in the inevitable scuffle against the chinks
Yeah nah you're going to die in some shithole in iran if Trump is elected (and it looks like he will)
They got US to back them up even if they don't want to, they surely will be just fine
And who spread and promoted feminism?
The southern islands including Okinawa became tourist hotspots for the wealthy. The very wealthy don't have the same issue with birth rates. It's mainly affecting lower and middle class people because the standards in first world countries for starting a family have drastically gone up despite income equity going down. Those two things combined with each other are a death sentence.
but that's only possible due to technology. a tiny island nation cannot sustain hundreds of millions of people without trade and other tech
*mystery meat consoomer slaves
those very same societies also have tons of engineers, programmers, researches, etc. that have raised the quality of life several magnitudes especially when compared to some other civilizations

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>those very same societies also have tons of engineers, programmers, researches, etc
Not anymore.
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It's 2024. Almost 2025, if you can believe it.
Today, young men do not have the same access to a sustainable living that their parents did. Governments have become corporate-centric in their approach to the economy. This is fact.
It also means that when corporations buy houses in a city, they do not have to fear any sort of accountability for selling them at highly inflated prices to the people local to that area.

When young men have no access to sustainable living, they have no way to start a family responsibly. They cannot live on their own and still have enough for everything that would keep them alive, not merely surviving.

Younger generations will be robbed far more than you or I are today in our early 20s.
Even men in their mid 20s are extremely fucked. This will take generations to fix.
You can't vote your way out of this level of corruption.

Today, the old eat the young. And we're not smart enough or ambitious enough to stop them from doing it.

This isn't some sort of conspiracy theory. This is reality. The level of class warfare happening today is something that would justify abandoning your elders to fend for themselves.
That would be completely justifiable.

Nobody fought for you. Nobody will fight for you. Nobody is in your corner. You are on your own, and worse, you are bare for the taking and exploitation that will follow.

You are cattle for the old faggots shoving their hands into your pocket hand over fist.
Fewer people have to fund the retirement of masses of elderly people. Companies will have a harder time replacing their workers, providing motivation for immigration and replacement of the local population. Low life satisfaction and elevated rates of depression from people who are involuntarily childless.
Paying more taxes to aid dying boomers, no innovation, wage repression, societal stagnation, and no incentive for families to be established. The late Roman Empire had pretty much a similar problem as local urban populations collapsed and they had to replace their armies with barbarians.
Aren't we going to be hitting the wall in many resources in the coming decades? Like phosphates are going to be a bitch so goodbye industrial fertilizers. Have fun feeding 10 billion with pre-green revolution agriculture.
the only groups reprodicing at above replacement rates in britain are those where both parents are on welfare

within our lifetimes we are watching government sponsored dysgenics
capitalism and welfare systems of any kind cannot function with a declining population. It also leads to young people effectively having no human rights because the biggest voting base is always going to be old fucks by an immense amount. Countries like Germany have already passed new laws that siphon away even more money away from young people to stop the pension system from collapsing.
Why do the hate christianity so much?
The era of used goods, unironically
Upper class birth rates have always been low, they don't repress but a mere 5% of the population at best.
one man who fought against it, but he is officially the most evil man in history
Can't make the omelette without making eggs to break.
>but that's only possible due to technology
And technological development will stop why exactly?
>tiny island nation cannot sustain hundreds of millions of people without trade and other tech
So continue trade and technological development?

The ironic thing is that a population collapse like what Japan is going down will ruin their trade and developmental prospects as their society loses the skills and labour needed to sustain itself. It would be a different story if they were able to maintain their population numbers, but they're soon going to be losing a million people a year or more.
Its values go against their genetic nature to swindle and deceive.
So...I still have a chance?
Yes, most current generation anons have a chance now.
Betaman is nothing without Juker, the coin relies on karma
Isn't it fucking crazy how Ben predicted the future? Americans shoved the 2nd amendment up their fucking ass and are using it to defend Kikes from facing reprecaution for what they've done to their own country.

Imagine pointing this out makes their retard brains freeze up and think I'm defending Mudslimes.

Literally too retarded to comprehend.
>Okinawa is where most of the US Military bases are
Hmmm really makes you think
first gen immigrants will typically work much harder than almost anyone else, their children will be as lazy and entitled as the natives they grow up around, ideally you'd keep all populations moving, uprooted and supplicant.

rents, taxes and tariffs fund government, they can borrow money based on their ability to raise those incomes I don't think there's many countries with significant equity incomes other than Norway and SA.

thanks to artificial fertilizer and higher yield crops we're nowhere near theoretical limits for human populations with regards to food production.
Imagine if you're naturally invisible and able to run around doing what you want. Christianity is like a giant bucket of paint that splashes everyone in the room. If you're already visible then it won't matter that much but if you're an invisible man and everyone is a Christian(or Muslim even) then suddenly you can't go unnoticed. Abrahamic religions evolved for a very good reason and it probably has to do with the existence of Jews.
>Isn't it fucking crazy how Ben predicted the future?
He just studied history.
True, but we're talking about religions that evolved around the existence of Joker. Imagine a race of Jokers running around and these religions were basically folklore that evolved into Batman to detect that evil.
>ideally you'd keep all populations moving, uprooted and supplicant.
remember the WEF goals?
They always knew, if you evolve to be nice why not make you nicer while they do the opposite.
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You're right, they should be importing the esteemed members from the so called 1st world, home of universal culture.

Good lord, is that Paris today?
Romcoms are dying because they are the same.
Remember the japan olympic ceremony?
vile creatures display their plans in plain sight to mock us
You are describing 'wapanese' people, who were wordfiltered to 'weeaboos' here literally 20 years ago. 4chan has always made fun of weeaboos who think that Ken-sama can go to japan and become a salaryman with an anime hag office lady wife like in your favorite animes.
I thought baby-boom happened after the war.
True and many humans are dying because they're the same

Yes, I do remember that glorious night when they played the Star Light Zone them from Sonic 1 and Frog's Theme from Chrono Trigger.
Japan was trying to stabilise control of hokkaido after the russian war
The point of abrahamic religions is to reward niceness and courtesy. If you're naturally a nice person then it is not much of a burden to follow these religions. But if you are genetically opposed to honesty and virtue like a certain big nosed peoples then you stand out like a sore thumb and it makes it easier to be excommunicated.

Which is why they hate Christianity and every Jewish/communist revolution always starts with destroying Christian symbols such as the Spanish revolution or Russian Bolshevik revolution or in Weimar.
If you're nice that's good for you, not different from dogs and their human pals. As for the wolves, they go beyond boundaries as they're meant to.
>How are they going to solve fertility rate?
I have some ideas. They may be sourced from doujins but they are ideas nonetheless.
>The point of abrahamic religions is to reward niceness and courtesy.

Judaism is just legalistic race cult. You have strict rules how to treat other Jews but non-Jews are fair game. The ten commandments only apply to Jews for example.
The point of these religions is for the sheep to detect the wolves. Because if wolves have their way then society collapses back into the dark ages of wolves fighting and killing each other to control a flock of sheep for themselves.
romcoms are written by psychopaths, we should celebrate their demise.
I pray for the day sasuga kei and her ilk are begging in the streets
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That's why I don't consider Judaism an abrahamic religion or rather it's just a Jewish survival code for living and taking advantage of goyim. If you read the Talmud it is full of spite and hatred like what you would see from your average commie on a college campus upset that someone else isn't paying their way through life.
oh, yeah, I remember Mauro Biglino describing how a more correct translaton of covet not they neighbours wife was something like don't pursue after women outside the tribe
Farmers are the ones to do it once in a while, but if you live close to wolves they'll win their fair share sometimes. Nothing that can touch one who doesn't care about those packs of meat.
>If you read the Talmud it is full of spite and hatred
Of course it is. It was written up by a bunch of exiles hiding out in Mesopotamia after multiple failed revolts.
It's called law and order but that only functions when society as a whole is playing the same game. There are 100x more sheep than wolves and religion/God acts like the shepard when the wolves desperately want to be the shepard instead.

Which is why communist dictators always try to abolish religion.
Jews have always been exiles though because of their hedonistic and parasitic nature and their holy texts reflect that.
You can have them, I'm no farmer, sheep nor wolf. A game isn't fun when it's always the same.
What did Napoleon think of romcoms?
He just wanted a hot rich broad to give him heirs.
I remember he was into BO fetish so he would have liked those for sure.
Okinawa is full of mutts.
And that's a good thing, just like Japan accepting the "suggestion" of opening to the world back then
He'd be a chudcel who felt betrayed by women. He started off by emancipating Jews only to do a 180 and talk shit about them and suppress them.
go back to bunkerchan
>blames stable employment and investment.
I know you must have no interest in economics, and this is the board for anime.... but really? How fucking wrong could you be.
Because they really are declining pretty fast. You consume anime and manga right? You or anyone could probably care less about every other country's birthrates but for Japan. Less Japanese, the less "Japanese" influences in anime, video games, VN's, and other media. Sure you'll still get content from Japan but not made by or even influenced by actual Japanese. Their animation studios are a good reflection on what's going on over there because they have been hit hard with the low birthrates. 80 to 90 year olds still working, always having production problems due to lack of staff. Newer seasons are constantly changing studios like a hot potato and taking longer to produce. Hell I don't even think they even wanted to do those binge seasonal formats until streaming fucked everything up because those long running filler shows were how they were always trying to avoid seasonal format. Speaking of, long runners are also dying out and they just can't keep up.

So because they have to hire and import foreigners all the time just to make all their stuff, Japanese culture as a whole will eventually bleed out of the medium and soon you'll have more soulless crap made for normalfag Americans that'll make China animation and AI look good by comparison. This also means stricter and heavier censorship on all Japanese content because you now have a staff of mostly foreigners and immigrants with their own beliefs and religion and you also have normalfags fake anime fans that hate some of the stuff Japanese have in anime and other media so imagine these people getting the director's position.

The saddest part is newfags and normalfags don't know let alone care how bad its gotten for the animation industry over there and just want to keep consuming streaming services like literal slop. Nobody is saying you need several billion people in the country. Just enough to not have all jobs being over taken by American, Indian, Chinese. Which is what you're slowly seeing right now.
Clearly not given the current predicaments of countries that have tried destroying their homogenity.
Don't forget how most big japanese creators don't have proteges or successors so when they die of old age/stop working then nobody will fill their shoes and continue on their stuff, which is a real shame since some genders are pretty much defined by certain people.
It was sarcasm, but anyway. They were already toast from the beginning.
don't worry bros when I'm a billionaire I'm gonna fund all the animes
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Shonen Romance is our last saviour
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>marry and reproduce
>a genre that barely even ends with a kiss, let alone sex and marriage
Ah yes because shareholders are saints who never demand a company do morally bankrupt shit to raise profit margin.
No sir, Banana Republic never happened.
Love is a battlefield after all. Faito, japs!
Not that one unfortunately
Literally endless NTRbait
Just faito moar, it's what real men do
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No Mayor I will not come back to your dying town. You shouldn't have kicked me out for not marrying. Enjoy your soon to be Indian government.
these all kinda fuckin' suck

Eh, I'm bored.
You could just continue the bloodline instead of ending it because you being a faggot, you know?
If it ends it's over, if it continues it will continue.
It's not a hard decision unless you believe existence is suffering only.
Also kill yourself angloid, I'm not amerimutt or of your kind.
It's obviously not good for everyone, let him kill himself because that's better than his bloodline for everyone else

...No clue who that is.
It is you but from an earth with another number, no schizophrenia involved or anything
>Dooming your bloodline to being slaves
Good goy
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No, it will die too due to competition. Censorship of expression always results in total expressive death. The more you strangle it the more studios have to compete within ever shrinking walls until it's no longer profitable and the whole industry collapses.

You can see it happening in the West with Hollywood/gaming and it's slowly infecting Japan too and rapidly over the past even 2-3 years.

This is also why, of all things, gacha games are exploding culturally and financially. It's sad that China/Korea are pretty much stealing Japan's culture from them because Japan is obsessed with bending to Western values.

The West killed their own media then everyone flocked to Japanese media and now they're doing the same thing to Japanese media. Imagine how retarded the JP government must be to not see what's happening in terms of cultural shifts.
C'mon man, sheeple will never know from where their ideals came from/don't care since it's the best they have. Scorpions need somebody to be the frog, if not then... anyways
Slavemasters need slaves. Why would you give them what they want?
Soviet union communism collapsed because men refused to work and reproduce until revolution was forced. A relatively peaceful one at that compared to when the Jews slaughtered 10 million Christians in order to force communism.
Shounen romance is fucking shit most of the time.
Right... There's only one way out because I don't want to be a gorilla either.
OK m8 are you going to stop paying your taxes and get arrested? If you're paying taxes you're never getting out of the system.
System? I'm not Mr. Anderson tho, they will have a problem capturing someone that's not there or even outside.
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want! Lord Knows It’ll Be The First Time!!

Hafus with freckles are my weakness
Yeah, that's our present indeed with stuff like Meguru and Runa.
Every goddamn time birth rates get brought up it does nothing but attract the weirdest self-contradictory fascists. Let's just roll on the waifu table.
>living under the system
I don't even know who the fuck that is.
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>Every goddamn time birth rates get brought up it does nothing but attract the weirdest self-contradictory fascists.
We obsess with what we don’t and can’t have and we don’t want others to have it.
Samurai were kinda like them, yaoi was another principle of the katana
I'm just having a slow day, whatever floats their boat at the end of it.
More and more people are loving Japshit to the point of /a/ whining and complaining about it being too popular
It's even funnier when you realize mudslimes aren't a problem until the jews made them the 9/11 scapegoat. And thanks to the war done by America they became refugees in european countries.
The west deserve what they brought upon themselves.
>The west deserve what they brought upon themselves
You couldn't be more right if you wanted.
>Gook shilling and Chink shilling out of nowhere on an unrelated topic
I hate you Gookfaggots and Chinkfaggots so much it's not even funny.
/a/ is currently whining about Japan being too popular over and over again
Or just don’t read romcoms or her works. Nobody's forcing you to.
The interpretation I'm familiar with is that adultery was meant to be mixing, i.e. the current definition of "unadulterated", whereas covet not thy neighbor's wife was meant to be the "don't fuck married wives" interpretation.
Still overall same end result I suppose.
Anyone with any sense would see there's something more to it for it to be included twice in the commandments.
...sense is in short supply these days.

Anyway, the problem with birthrates is beyond the simply replacement or even pensions. Many business models are built off of current population and to reduce that is to throw a wrench in things. If you lower the population of a city and they need less buses as a result, you now have to shove the people who would have been drivers somewhere. Which, sure, you might think "less population means less bus drivers", but it's not that clean cut. When routes get cut you get older people staying in for longer because it's their career, and then you have no young people penetrating the field and then you have problems in passing down skills (not so much for bus drivers sure, but for machinists, animators, etc. absolutely).
It probably wouldn't be an issue at 1.9 over time as the economy / culture adapted to it, but places are dipping below 1 even which is way too fast.
Examples? I know Toriyama's son wants to fill his shoes.
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>when it was the rule of the land for all of recorded history until the industrial revolution and feminism
Fascism is just men having the total say in the direction of society and nature and it's been proven time-and-time again that it's the only functional way of maintaining a society.

Every society that tries something different invariably just collapses back into a fascist government.
anon, that's the kind of thing that kills industries but men are too wired to be horny to stop buying so I wouldn't worry at all.

True, filtering them out can be draining.

Depends if you know how and where to look and pick. See my second response above.
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Any other "miracle towns" besides Nagi?

This, especially since Jews constantly make it seem like a bigger problem than it actually is.
I blame gachashit.
We have a legit Gookmod here. Why do you think that this board shit on Jap cinema so much nowadays when other boards could talk about it without going "muh Japanese acting" all the time
They sometimes worry, sometimes not. The point is moving some people to act as they want and the others were always a lost cause.
>Chinkshit and Gookshit out of nowhere
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You know romcoms aren't the only genre with romance right? Even if romcoms die we still have romance in 99% of shonen
I don't want to admit it either but Japanese "otakus" are quite literally paying chinks and gooks to steal their culture in the form of gachaslop. Only a matter of time until it bleeds over to anime.
That's not the fault of Japanese artists but of stricter and stricter regulations and censorship because of Western pressure. The reason anime/manga got big in the first place was because it was a bastion of pure creative freedom where anyone could create anything.

Westerners killed their own culture and media with censorship so all the sane people flocked to anime/manga and normalfags followed. Now they're trying to strangle and destroy anime/manga with censorship too. JP government is retarded for going along with it.
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I'm calling bullshit. The Japanese animation industry is putting out more shows than they ever have, and it's raking in more revenue than its entire history. Outsourcing animation is a result of how the domestic Japanese animation industry simply can't fulfill the demand. All of the hallmarks of the industry from 20 years ago still exist today, but there's just so much more of it that some high profile projects that have a lot of money put into it will tend to be marketed to larger demographics. Late night anime, however, will still put out a variety of content. The fucking fat elf show has been tits out for three straight episodes, and simulcast uncensored for western eyes. Winter season we had a show about a middle schooler magical girl villain sexually molesting her magical girls, also simulcast in its least-censored broadcast form. Dollars to donuts the Blu Ray sets will be the same as the Japanese. The degenerate bullshit hasn't ended. Westerners aren't imposing their values, at least not successfully. There's just way more out there, and you're worried about what, the same censor steam and light streaks that've been in anime and manga for four decades? From the same country that requires all genitals to be censored in porn? They gotta get you to buy the Blu Ray somehow. Your doom and gloom is so ridiculous you seem like you're selling something. Have a (You).
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It's not going to bleed over into anime because anime is censored to shit now. If anime and manga were uncensored like 10 years ago then chink/gook gachashit would have never become popular in the first place.

You censored the lolis out of anime and manga and guess what happened? People retreated to the media where they can still find lolis.
Not as long as we keep gorging them economically.
You can still find Loli in manga and anime though
>Japanese "otakus" are quite literally paying chinks and gooks to steal their culture in the form of gachaslop.
Why are you Gookfaggots and Chinkfaggots love to use super Exaggarated statement so much?
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This autismo gets more handshaking action than me
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No you can't, not with the fanservice and innuendo you find in gacha games(that used to also be commonplace in anime).

Nowadays even pretty tame loli designs get censored for anime releases and all the scenes that involved them get removed entirely or completely butchered.
It's not fair but the world isn't fair, so it should have been none of us.
>Shameless Gook shilling and Chink Shilling
>On a Japan doomposting thread
Golly gee, How shocking!
Kadokawa and it's consequences on the animation industry...
Japs also have Gacha with lolishit and they have the same amount of gameplay as Gook gacha and a bunch of Chink Gachas. Not sure why you always try to exclusively mention Gook and Chink Gacha while leaving out Jap Gacha though
Jap gacha has been doing pretty shit these days, lots of EOS outside of the big names like FGO, HBR and CyGa stuff.
mandate? I hardly know him!
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>Japs also have Gacha
what is this, 2011?
The nip gacha games have been more censorious lately as well.
>Thread about Japs birthrate
>Koreanfags, Chinkfags and Gachafags suddenly barge in to hype up their shitty products
Truly the most shameless fanbase on this board
It's fucking hilarious when you realize the Chinks are more respectful towards Anime and shit by not forcing Japan to change and censor themselves. They do it for their own people instead unlike America who censors it for everyone.
I'm sorry, but do you have a specific example of this? The only loli "censorship" I'm familiar with comes out of western payment processers refusing to process for companies that produce pornographic content. The processors themselves, like Visa and Mastercard, do this because of a combination of overreaching anti-child trafficking laws and pressure from right-wing anti-porn organizations. And even then, companies like Fanza or DLsite get around this just by changing their terminology in listings, or just straight up dropping the payment processors, like Fantia did. Meanwhile, mainstream lolicon content just isn't as popular as you think it is, man. Even Uran's lewd lolicon mainstream breakout manga stopped at 8 volumes.

Meanwhile, Chink gatchaslop is heavily regulated by the CCP, and even Korean gatchaslop hits a wall with their far more draconian anti-porn laws. Just because Blue Archive gets flirty and they tacitly promote the lewds doesn't mean they can go much further than they already have.
Most games on the right have the same amount of "gameplay" as Jap gachatrash
Did you know him? I just know that lunatics get to blast off sooner than later
People here talk about no censorship for Chink/Gook gacha when their latest slop (ZZZ) is being censored
You can't hit me ghost
I won't FUCK used goods, no matter how many manga you throw at me about them being taken advantage of or having a hymen of the heart or how much they cried about MC not being their first time.
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>Genre that ends immediately after the relationship starts about 90% of the time
Nothing related to reproduction here. That's also a good thing, this garbage genre and Kadokawa funding all the isekaislop must die as well.
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>unlike America who censors it for everyone.
>literal full frontal in the fat elf simulcast
Why would you lie like this? I don't think you actually watch anime, anon. Seems more like you're just here to grift.
He can't anymore. There's always more like him just in case anyway, sekkusu shall not be ignored
I fucking hate Kadokawa, those faggots got the idea of releasing over 50 anime per year and we get slop after slop.
it's been 12 years and I still don't fucking get that pic
Japan collabed with Hitora maybe? Not like they were exactly their enemies, same with Super Painter Bro.
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We shall retvrn to the feudal days
>JP government is retarded for going along with it
Any recent examples? Last major thing they did was say you can't have explicit loli/shota in mainstream publications outside of hentai.
y tho? I like popcorn.
>heavily regulated by the CCP
For their own countrymen. Chink gachas are fine outside China.
This is what the West should've done instead of dragging everyone down to their 'moral' level.
Chinkshills joined the thread and start to shill their country and gacha. Like we don't know about Mihoyo's constant censorship
Man, it sure feels like /v/ here
I mean, who cares if it happens or not? Censorship can only concern you if you like your gotchas
>>Sasuga just shit out another woman moment kino
What happened this time
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What is a good romance story you think is still worth reading?
Are you retarded? There were a bunch of non gacha Japanese games that got heavily censored.
I dunno, that wouldn't change a thing since lots of guys will stick to their 2D stuff anyway.
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Pic related. Multiple cute love stories that make everything done nowadays look like shit in comparison. You don't need anything else.
Don't know, don't care. Gacha & Gotcha isn't that different
Don't remind me about glasses...
Kumamoto, saga...
America sensor... except the fat. Sounds like pottery.
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Which one of them
Lmao, in what universe has Communism ever increased birthrates? Russia would have over half a billion people if their birthrates didn't plumate after adopting communism.
Universe? Are you sure that's not some kind of conspiracy theory? Dinosaurs too?
But what EXACTLY killed the dinosaurs?
WHAT exactly created them anyway, it makes no sense to end up as chicken nuggets if you're so strong
What about Killing Bites? We need a return to violent ecchi romances
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>The Japanese animation industry is putting out more shows than they ever have, and it's raking in more revenue than its entire history.
I'm guessing you've never herd the term, quality over quantity? More doesn't mean good. There's more Super Hero movies now than ever but that also doesn't mean the comicbook industry is doing good too. In fact look at how shit that turned out. What I mean is there's a huge cost overproducing that many shows at once with few people to do the actual work and Japan has been paying the price one way or another and gee wiz they can produce this much AFTER they started taking in more foreign help.

>Outsourcing animation is a result of how the domestic Japanese animation industry simply can't fulfill the demand.
I never really implied outsourcing was the problem. I was referring to foreigners living in Japan becoming the normal and normal staffers taking over these jobs.

>the same censor steam and light streaks that've been in anime and manga for four decades?
That's not even close to what I meant about censorship.

>The degenerate bullshit hasn't ended.
This isn't what I meant either. Everything about your post is just putting words in my mouth.

I can't stress this enough when I say your whole post just sounds like your entire world view of Japan is what you see from a streaming services and all you see are anime with pretty flashy lights and think everything is good. I'm no expert either but I'm just basing my information from over a decade of all the documentaries, twitter, and facebook posts, from actual Japanese staffers and directors from different studios and over the decade they all mention very similar things. "Low on staff", "staff shortages", "unable to keep up", "unsure if they can continue". These same things reflect how an anime turns out. Something western animation doesn't have a problem in because they don't rely on 1 old guy trying to direct 5 shows a season every season. Plus I think they unionized.
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>dropped that manga
>look at your pic
>"oh shit, he actually confessed? maybe i'll pick it back u-"
>the tail of the speech bubble is coming from off panel
Stay dropped. Trash.
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That shit was brutal.
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There are millions of romcoms out there. Just because three just ended it doesn't mean is the end of the world. You act as if Nagatoro was the God of Romcoms
>"Low on staff", "staff shortages", "unable to keep up", "unsure if they can continue".
My favorite line from a lot of directors since the 90's

>Japanese animation is dying/dead
Because every fucking normalfag thinks this means less anime
How does fiction tie into a national crisis, anyway?
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STFU faggot
Less anime? Sounds like fixing a mistake
I was there on the thread, jesus fuck that was depressing.
Any good romance anime you'd recommend, anon?
They'll have no choice but to use "that".
Mating visas? Not going.
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Since we are all talking about statistics and posting various graphs, I'll post the most important one of all.
But what if they run out of teenagers for lack of phosphate? Think about it, less is more
Didn't he won at the end?
Clearly the solution is unlimited immigration from countries like India and Pakistan.
Yeah but it was unsatisfying as fuck.
Why is the US obsessed with browns? Can't you guys like, have more children because the government say so?
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Yugami Kun
I know, it's not a good end unless they high five
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This was Abe's plan all along. Now it's time to live YOUR Romcom story /a/
The keikaku is kinda shit, needs more old days conqueror's type of shounen action
but he never fixed the bitches and whores problem among other issues
Where the fuck were the cute senseis looking for immoral relationships with their teenage students when I was in high school?
It's about as first world as the U.S. is, take that as you will.
I'm 28
I'm short
I'm going bald
I have horrible anxiety
I have zero useful skills
I live with my parents
I can hardly take care of myself

Wow so sexy bet girls will be all over me when I make my tinder profile!
At this point it doesn't seem like the worst possible option. They sort of do this with endangered species of animals in captivity already, why not with endagered Japanese
I mean, the paradox is, y'know... the thing
Anime needs some actual good romcoms like Tomo-Chan is a Girl
A well-treated workforce is a productive workforce, Abe-sama. They get less done and less efficiently if they're working 80 hours a week.
A well-treated workforce is also a reproductive workforce, Abe-sama. They actually have the time, energy, and money that are needed to raise kids.
You want people to marry and reproduce, Abe-sama? Fix the systemic issues that overwork the workforce, then we'll talk.
Very easily, actually. Fiction has been using current social, economic, or political issues as the basis or throughline for stories for over a century, usually through allegory but not always.
Sadly, most writers these days are too chickenshit to be blatant.
Yes, and more action so they can attract more latinos and stuff
The issue isn't just the population going down, but also the average age of its citizens going up. Having a bunch of geriatrics making up the bulk of your population isn't great for the economy.
Aren't girls getting their periods earlier now because of microplastics and shit?
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To this day I still say this could have been a well remembered romcom, up there with Tordora. The anime was real popular, sparked tons of fanart, was actually pretty funny, and most of the cast was pretty likeable. Then the author had to ruin it by pissing off Japanese fans by making the main girl not virgin to another guy before meeting the MC After that shitshow not even the anime team wanted to give this show another season. I'm still mad.
Plastic wombs? Maybe they'll run out of that too someday
No, that's because of growth hormones in food and good nuitrition. They naturally develop faster. So yeah, it's probably fine you can fuck down to eight or so. Just make sure she's started bleeding first then it'll be fine.
But anon, women at that age ARE fucking. It's just that a lot of guys aren't.
Over 100 Jimmy-kuns. Maybe more.
>200 chapters for high school kids to hold hands and then the end

Forget that. Mushoku Tensei has actual pregnancy and children.

Shhh, you need to give them some hope to become japs if they ikigai enough
It's over for me...
Thanks, I got it mixed up. 14 is my minimum limit for looking and fucking in my fantasies, though.
Thought criminal anon is going to be sorry for fapping
They do in Amish and other religiously orthodox communities. Last I checked, the Amish birthrate was about 5 or 6 given they pop babies out like machine guns.
Just approve more bills, it's not like people can do something against their rulers
Just wait until the government starts cracking down on white families that have more than one kid. They absolutely will.
So, China's One Child Policy 2.0?
Two more weeks before the NWO forces everyone into FEMA camps, right?
Don't say that, they only shared homework a bit
You're actually retarded if you don't see what's happening right in front of you. Why do you think millions of immigrants are flooding into western countries despite most people wanting immigration reform? Why do you think the government, which is perfectly capable of stopping this nonsense, is doing nothing, or worse, aiding in the importation?

The purpose of a system is what it does anon.
See? Your eyes are lying dude, conspiracy theories sure are one hell of a tru... drug
What about Clannad?
You can never be enough
You mean like in School Days? Which /a/ for some weird reason hates?
> "I wanna a chad MC that fucks every bitch and isn't afraid of anything"
>"noooooo not this MC, not like this"
That's because most of /a/ comes from other interwebs just like /vt/
This is why MT will always be my favorite family series. Outside of Clannad and MT what other series gives us young romance, pregnancy, coming of age, growing up and family moments all in one package without the need of end of story timeskips?
That isn't the problem of the jews or anyone else but your parents and you.
Skill issue + jewel society = the same shit as always but more glittery
My parents should have let me die when I was born. but no, the doctors had to save me all so I could grow up to be a balding loser with no future. My life is a joke.
So... when can we expect to have more Yasuke games?
SDgundam shall have Yasuke as destiny spec 2 with nodachi and kanabo with cannon.
Feminism is too strong right now in america...I want to find a pure girl but also not get taken advantage of and life ruined with the full backing of the leftist legal system. It's a tricky rope to walk these days. Really wish things were just like in my shows.
How odd, aren't americans supposed to be all gigachad thundercocks chasing after some cheeks 24/7?
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There's nothing to solve. The automation revolution is right around the corner. Countries that imported immigrants by the millions will suffer. Japan will rise again. Banzai!
Invasionchads shall do as they please, the reign of murmurica will be crushed like a mouse. Ironic considering they're the elephant in a room
This used to be a thing before jews decided to constantly demonize the concept of male masculinity and promoted whores over proper women.
Sucks not having a.voice, huh? But if a tree falls in a forest...
Subconsciously forgetting that today's internet demographics are wildly different from 20 years ago is something I run into as well. I don't know if it will ever change, even 30 years from now when the numbers are even more extreme.
All I know is that anime made me REALLY into panties to the point where I don't find art hot if there isn't a panchira. Hell, I don't even find nudity all that appealing if there isn't some panty action. And if it isn't the normal brief/hipster type I don't like it.

I want a refund on life, japan...
shhh don't tell the americans that other countries have ages of consent reflective of human biology you might start something
Passportbros already departed years ago
>has no idea what he's talking about
You might want to actually read on what Mussolini and Gentile wrote about fascism, dude.
Pro tip: It's not the reactionary/conservative ideology you've been duped by bad actors from both sides into thinking it is.
That's a funny implication from your post because if you look at the stats, the opposite is true. If you look at Japan's birth rate, there's a noticeable drop in the early 2010s around the time Abe took office and the advent of the kind of romcoms you're talking about (Takagi-san started in 2013). And if you look at the fertility rate, it actually started increasing sometime in the 2000s then it started decreasing again around the same time in the early 2010s. Obviously I won't suggest the rise of these romcoms is a major cause of the population decline. But in a society that's increasingly promoting loneliness and people marrying less, a certain subset of the male population will get drawn to those romcoms, and demand will grow with that subset.

I just can't connect with a lot of these new romcoms. It's like they're distilled down to its basic parts which make them feel shallow and mass produced. As if the writers are trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I once thought romcoms with kids in school wasn't for me anymore and I need romcoms with adults but that isn't true. I love puppy love, young romance, seishun, and all that. I do feel a bit bad for new anime and manga fans. Their image of romcoms comes from these new types of romcoms because that's the only kind they watch/read. They just stick to this shallow stuff and probably can't even understand what a good romance is like.
I'm so shocked...
If that was his plan, he made the problem even worse.
All according to burakurokku
>Killing Bites
you never went to /tv/? I thought "Japanese acting" was a /tv/ meme because I see it almost every day there.

Also Japanese live action movies and dramas are usually shit. Usually.
It IS pretty good at it for an ecchi tournament series
Cuz japan’s really old. Old people die, anon.

unlike my love for nagatoro
this. i missed obvious rl waifu thinking real love was some stupid bitch kicking me in the face.
The Abe shit is only pushed by retards and twitterfags who literally only know about Abe from memes. If you took it completely seriously you'd think immigration was literally 0 or something and he personally poked holes into the condoms at 7/11 instead of just giving boomer speeches about how otaku have to grow the fuck up
Yeah, getting into that country is still pretty difficult and even when things aren't so good they're not so bad. Even Hiro knows that if this is still up somehow.
Well it IS a difficult country to immigrate to (and hopefuly stays that way) and they definitely don't want people to stay there long term but for various reasons need to patch certain needs so they're caught between a rock and a hard place since work robots aren't a feasible thing yet.
My main issue that made me make that post is that people on 4chan don't know who the fuck Abe is and only know about him from memes saying he was 1488 FOR THE EMPEROR or he was epic have sex man or that he got shot. I mean why wouldn't the PM of a country address that, it's a pretty big issue but it's no more special of a policy goal than any other country that bitch about overworked millenials not having kids, replacement rate and aging population all that yadda yadda. If you took the memes at their word you'd unironically believe he placed a kill order on foreigners but the reality is that foreign residents/immigrants grew a LOT under his tenures.

I find economic reality to be more in-line with encouraging family growth and people just shit on Abenomics.
What will the future of the anime industry be like?
I see, nothing we should worry about since this place is basically made for shitposting. Whether things get better or worse for them is just something that people who touch grass can determine.
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you know the answer to that question anon. it will be the same as everything else on this godforsaken planet.
I'm sure Japan will bounce back, it's nothing we can affect really outside of being respectful if you were ever to visit and it's up to their own people.
I have little respect for them, but if they keep making decent entertainment at the very least I couldn't care less.
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How does /a/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Hiro is the secret
It's a video. Look it up. He also considers cowboys "samurai".
Nta but/tv/ unironically praised Jap films a lot more than you guys. Granted that it's a film and cinema board so the discussions and opinions are a lot varied when it comes to cinema
Makes sense, they also have "that" kind of films
gachaslop media mix
I honestly feel sorry for Pre-Limbus PMfags. They tried so hard to stay away from Gooktroons and their bullshit only for Limbus Gachatrash to happen and Unironic Gookfags to invade the fanbase
I wish Oshi no Ko was axed.
That's what I did.
Except I didn't want to move to Japan, I wanted her to move to Finland. Also she's not trad she's more autistic than ten average anons.
Eh, close enough.
I can barely remember that thing was a thing.
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I wish romance were still real. People do not read romance manga because they want it to happen because that is impossible, they read it because it reminds them of humanity at our least corrupt
Seriously? Even being that basic is hard to do now
Hilarious considering that samurai were just glorified policemen compared to the cowboys that ventured to the untamed west.
I saw a something like that in a barnes and noble. A slutty teen girl gets isekaied and becomes a prostitute in a fantasy world. I don't know who writes that kind of stuff but I will find them and harm them.
I don't read them, I just think the creators deserve to suffer
Really untamed bachelors
fake graph by the way, doesn't even match the paper
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>This was Abe's plan all along. Now it's time to live YOUR Romcom story /a/
Thank you Abe. Thank you Anno. Omedetou.
Did that stunt at least rise the birth rate a bit?
It raised something on me that's used to make births if you know what I mean.
That's something kek
Why did he save Nia but not Melia?
Being proud of gacha is quite the microdick accomplishment kek
We're getting kino anime like Alya though?
Japs need to accept their not so new gaijin overlords
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villain: anonymous
motive: trying to scare away advertisers to devalue the site in order to buy it and turn it into an FBI honeypot
means: a pair of nipples
>turn it
Watkins couldn't get this one but that doesn't mean it didn't happen
Cope all you want, but It was one of the most important romcom ever made. Your roshi-chan is just generic
Ours. Just look at Romania under Ceaușescu's (mis)management.
Interesting, doing shit so bad even that is better...
>melanoma spots

This trend really needs to be purged.
Except that was the whole initiative he was pushing. Too bad he didn't bother to ensure they had the economic means to provide for them all. It didn't turn out well for those added to the populace.
Sounds familiar
Powermongers never learn from history nor experience.
There are no longer "1st world" look at the shitshow the France Olympics are. Overpopulation caused the world to turn into a giant getto
If that's power then he deserved it. Couldn't even go against gachaland and isn'treal
Unless there's a revolution in Japan, no amount of government policy or laws will change the fertility of the population.
Unless there's a revolution everywhere, they'll keep making problems to be the heroes. What's even a nation if the world is a reddit circlejerk
I thought we were talking about bad governance.
It was.
Nothing, except the problem is that certain populations are declining while others are skyrocketing.
Go look at the stats of multiplying poos, nigs and chinks.
They hate themselves
Can't blame them, looking into a mirror must be difficult with that nose
Yeah, you retarded faggots need to be purged asap

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