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Just got hired as Subaru's throne. About to start training. What should I expect?
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>steals your heart
>won't give it back
>steal a kiss instead
>she uses tongue
Yofukashi waiting room
I still haven't watched ep 12/13
>Steals her anal virginity
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She is so tiny man.
Is this yuri thread?
Who's Yuri?
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no this is /a/ we talk about how much we want to fuck them here
for mental illness talk, >>>/u/ is that way
How much do you want to fuck Hina?
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I'm getting at least three kids out of her
maybe more
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>wanting to fuck Hina when Rin exists
she's like a succubus
bold of you to assume I don't also want to fuck Rin
Incredibly sour and somewhat stinky smells
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violent drunk!
I LOVE Hina, I want to FUCK Ai
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speaking of DD, anyone got a good quality pic of their recent outfits that was being posted around a couple days back?
I got some good quality nudes they sent me but I can't post those
Momoka's VA and the Togetoge guitarist.
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>*pats her on the head*
>*snuggles with her while we watch her favorite soaps starting Awa Tendou* (I'm half paying attention, but mostly shitposting on /a/ on my phone until we start making out)
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you'll need to watch gory horror movies to warm up Tomo
soaps will just make her want to talk for an hour
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I don't mind her talking
It's all the better when her tongue is active when I shove mine down her throat
By the way, since I know we were all trying to gauge a timeline in the threads while the show was going on and the only definitive date we had was for the Serbian Night show taking place in June --- some Korean noticed that 1. the package Nina sends back to her dad when she gets rid of her checkbook is postmarked for August, 2. the principal's letter of (fake) apology is also dated for August.

Nina sent the checkbook back in episode 8 which is assumed to be not long after they get back from Suwa, so eps 7-10 probably take place in a very short time span all within the month of August.
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Momoka is so cool.
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hell yeah
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>our favorite schizo still at it
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>4 episodes take about a month
>then we get basically a half year long timeskip
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My Shin-Kawasaki shirts arrived.
If only all schizophrenics could be as wholesome.
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No we don't? Episode 11 takes place in September since BAYCAMP takes place mid-September.

We skip from mid-Sept to whenever they started recording I'm here after being signed to the agency.

Episode 12 takes place throughout a few weeks if not months while they record I'm here. And that time period definitely includes December + January (possibly some of November).

Then the final episode is in February.
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I've overblown my point I suppose
Still, wish we just got more stuff inbetween those episodes
God damn feed me my filler content
I'll even take a filler manga at this point
Too explicit to broadcast I'm afraid
Really though, would be neat if we got some OVAs in the meantime while everyone waits for S2. JELEE got a manga and LN, why not GBC?
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Soobs thred.
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Momocat or Ninacat?
Post them faggot
somebody buy the tejima’s gbc book at comiket for me please thank you
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it's not bad, but I wish it went a bit harder
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I agree and wish we got more inbetween scenes, but the time skips(s) towards the end are nowhere near as egregious as Jellyfish like some other anons had been saying a few threads back.

I wonder what the rest of the things they have planned for the project are. I suppose it's too early to expect anything? I didn't follow Bandori until it was actually popular, but was there a wait between when that started and additional media was added to the franchise?
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Lots of thoughts from Momoka, I'm sure.
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ninners strong!
Maybe they left it to the doujinshi circles to fill in the blank.
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look man, I don't want just porn (though I want some of that)
I want the band just hanging out doing silly shit together
I want dates, I want gay drama, I want to see the dumbasses grow as people
I want Nina's dumb ass realize she's no longer getting 20 grand a month from the agency and the bills she has aren't going away
but most importantly, I want that shit to be actually canon
Sakiko would destroy Togetoge...
>not a single moe expression.
She really is an Ikemen…
What a dyke.
I haven't been around since last ep, but I assume people know kero's account is back.
honestly, yeah. they wouldn't even stand a chance.
Not like he subbed ep 1 as well anyway if you're serious.
I didn’t. What’s he been posting?
Didn't really look, just found out it was back. Seemed the usual miss pink at glance.
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Not red?
>I wanted freedom, bound and restricted
>I tried to give you up but I'm addicted
>Now that you know I'm trapped, sense of elation
>You'd never dream of breaking this fixation
>You will squeeze the life out of me


We love yuri talk here
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why would Nina do this
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>DHL asks for 2 shirts' worth for the shipping fee
I only really want Nina's but it feels wrong not getting all three
FedEx is even more expensive, and my country's postal service is absolute dogshit I just don't want to bother paying less just to get a potential headache
What's with the chinese and gore
I paid 2962 yen (+ VAT) for DHL shipping.
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beats me
I guess if you live in a shithole like that already you ain't coming out right in the head
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the mad dog has been stopped
no more bites
>tejima’s gbc book at comiket
Which one
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My beautiful grey eyed queen.
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The yen is an all-time low that all 3 shirts were insanely cheap for me. I initially only bought Momoka's and then felt like that was so wrong and immediately consolidated Nina's and Subaru's into my order.
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Why is Nina like this?
It should be illegal to be her.
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how is roops so strong?
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Years of enduring Tomo's nagging has given Lupa superhuman qualities.
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Women love choking.
Post you wearing them, dummy
What are you, a pervert?
Sexo on Nina
Should have the snek, too
Are the girls still broke and jobless?
Cum for Subaru
Very much so. I just saw Nina selling Togetoge tickets outside the local 7/11.
Told her that I already paid enough for my Diamond Dust tickets and I've got no 100 yen to waste on watching the local clown circus recite poetry about being sad
Where's episode 17??? I can't find it anywhere
No, they're all AV stars now
>local clown circus recite poetry about being sad
Nina isnf selling tickets to see MyGo!!!!!
this image makes me want to have sex with nina
wtf, why wasn't TogeToge at the olympics ceremony. I got baited.
Imagine ending your show with the girls losing to their rivals and becoming unemployed.
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Did you rike it?
This would have been so much better without the yuribait aspect it's fucking unreal
there'd be no story if not for the relationships between the girls
I think you confused this thread with your romcom general, sir.
Yeah.... no.
I actually agree. About the bait aspect, that is.
Should have either been no romantic subtext at all, which would have been fine, the characters and plot work well enough without it. The entire Nina-Momoka conflict can be written purely platonically as a student-mentor thing and you can rephrase the Kokuhaku scene in a lot of ways that convey the same emotion without leaving any door for romantic interest open. We're talking about two teenagers here after all (Momoka is like 20, but you get the point) who are very emotionally close with each other, get very physical with each other and that just necessarly raises the question of whether or not there is something more to it. If that's not the intention, you can easily disable that entire train of thought with one or two lines of dialogue. Someone doesn't swing that way, has a boyfriend, just isn't into the other like that for whatever reason, everything goes and would still keep the general plot together.

Or it should have just embraced the romance. Doesn't mean that it has to be fetishistic and go all "here you go, WOMEN HAVING SEX WITH WOMEN on your TV screen!", just being open and (ironically) straight with it, and making some kind of romantic relationship between Nina and Momoka a thing. Nina's confession, no matter how you take it, narratively warrants some response.If it's meant to be taken romantically, then have Momoka give some response somewhere that addresses that. If it's not, then have Momoka adress it purely in terms of being close friends.

There are roughly 5 billion anime that do the "oh, are they dating? they shared a bottle, that's like an indirect kiss, but there's the childhood friend and the class president, and oh my, I don't know if there's feelings between these two!?" bit. I'll watch these telenovelas when I feel like that scratching that particular itch, I don't need that stuff in higher quality shows
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Didn't read
Just thinkin bout Soob wife
>Should have either been no romantic subtext at all, which would have been fine, the characters and plot work well enough without it
This. There was no reason for the plot to go in this yuribait direction because it would have worked well (in fact, better) without it. If a story doesn't need "thing", it's usually best not to put "thing" into the story. And this wouldn't have prevented anyone using Momoka as a bone thrown at the altar of muh lgbt representation. No need to even add boyfriends or anything, just have the characters make music and act like retarded teenagers for fuck's sake.
>Or it should have just embraced the romance
I don't think this would have been a good choice. The story, quite objectively speaking, was not about romance at all. As such, by the time the confession scene occurred, no such romantic relationship had been built up which warranted that conclusion. The rest of the story would have had to be changed. Had they gone for that, people who are not into that could have long dropped the series. They could have done this, but this was clearly not what they were going for. What they were going for was "pwease tweet about le ebin kokuhaku uwu". They knew this would generate a buzz.
He can make it up to me by writing in Momoka and Nina making out.
We know Nina…
What is this wall of text. The reason people like this series is because of the subtext between NinaMomo…
I want to see the hugest, buffest, strongest, ugliest male alive slug her right in her stupid face.
This but with Hina
Or they could of just drop Momoka’s character completely since she’s literally gay and live with a gay roommate..
Nobody would do that to a girl with a great personality like Hina
Bruh this is Japan they do this trope with straights too. Are you new?
I know. And that's what irritates me, when something follows the general slop formula even though it should be above it
Then deal with it.
Retarded teenagers fuck and nowadays they all think it’s cool to be gay or whatever.
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Hina was Nina's first. Both Nina and Momoka won't ever forget that
>no such romantic relationship had been built up
this is your brain on sobsplease
How many v cards has she claimed?
Five kown, Nina, Ai, Rin, Nana and Miura plus countless fans and producers
Murder? Yes.
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This would have been so much better if it had a character like Sakiko it's fucking unreal
Is this show for gay people?
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>introducing DD's new vocalist
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Post your favorite MomoNina picture.
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No. Sakiko is cringe.
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I love this cute and feral lesbian and her favorite chew toy
This only matters because yuricancer hasn’t been banned from /a/ yet
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NinaMomo forever
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Season 2 when?
daang Nina.
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This artist has consistently made such good fucking pictures of them. Picrel is probably one of my favorites of theirs.
Before season 3
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new volume is very gay
>close cover
More like incredibly
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no kidding
so good
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Momoka boyfriend?
Yeah, she's Nina's boyfriend.
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This thread is dildos
>movie 2
>movie 3
is this show good ?
if it's filled with sappy motivation arcs and stuff like that throughout the episodes let me know so I can avoid
Go back
It's sunshine and rainbows and everyone lives happily ever after.
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Which Nina to pick: Moe or angry
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after the recap movie
this is basically a /u/ thread
after TWO recap movies
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with you posting here it's basically an /lgbt/ thread
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damn they posting some good shit over there
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>Tomo looking envious
Why? She gets to touch them every night
They're supposed to be for her eyes only
bro how would you feel if your girlfriend flashed all of your friends
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when and why did momoka put on so much weight in this episode?
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TogeToge can't even deal with Sakiko's Stand, they'wouldn't last 10 seconds inside her Domain Expansion and they'd instalose against her Bankai.
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So as I pray, Unlimited Thorn Works.
She's always been kinda blobby, you were just seeing through her Ninavision.
Speaking of thorns, I'm making a Nina themed run in ER. Besides the hippo incantation and the briar armor, what else should I use? I don't have INT so Impenetrable Thorns and Mantle of Thorns is a no-go, but if there are more thorny items on INT I can easily respec.
Tomo has a symmetrical docking fetish.
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If the girls were hiking and got approached by a hungry tiger which girl would be the one to get caught and eaten?
Hina looks like she'd be in the top half of the fastest. Tomo looks like the slowest but Subaru is the meatiest so the tiger may just go all out for her.
No, no, you misunderstand, someone would throw Hina at the tiger
The girls should all get eaten together
Yeah, by Nina
briars of punishment/sin, need a staff to cast but the spells use FTH and thorned whip
No, Nina would be perhaps the tastiest dish.
Nina should get a yakuza-style back tattoo
Can't argue with that.
The best is always saved for last
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>listen to VOID
>day is instantly better
Thank you Momoka-san
Dude, Girls have cooties...
who was best girl?
It's alright, I paid for anti-cooties insurance.
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I hope you mean the DD version sung by Hina
How will Ave Mujica compete ?
this is like the anime-music equivalent of saying "I hope you mean the Chris Cornell rendition"
or the anime-anime equivalent of saying "I hope you mean kemono season 2"
I do wonder how the daidus fandom in-universe feels about Hina...
I'm not sure what you mean by Chris Cornell but his cover of patience absolutely slaughters GnR
I'm sure the vast majority of DD fans didn't know who they were before Hina.
Doesn't matter how much you seethe, cry, dilate, mald, whine, bitch, and throw a tantrum.

Diamond Dust won
only until the pipe bomb goes off...
Well they aren't competing on animation or characters. So maybe if they compete with gayness.
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If Sakiko wants Uika she just has to say so
You're gay
i now want nothing more than nina to make out with momoka in front of hina
Um will we get season 2?
momokan eyebrows!!
Pantyhose faces.
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I wonder what happened in that ride back home.
can you trannies give a straight answer
By being AotD.
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Your question doesn't deserve a straight answer. In the time you waited for one you could have watched the entire show already.
How do two girls have sex in the back of a keitora?
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Nina's shirt is so soft.
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this scene draws tears to my eyes every time I watch it.
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can't stop listening to this, send help
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No uta!
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