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Tensura Season 3 episode 16 soon

Kneel down to your Slime King
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Meeting status?
which LN is this season going to adapt up to? 10?
No meeting, no watch.
How many hours left slimeanons?
Milim anal
Does the slime have a harem?
Yeah it's called Tempest and friends.
Upto and including volume 9.
i want an empire like rimuru
shuna is cute
is it out yet?
Will this episode cause a lawsuit?

Benimaru is a lucky
pls, tell me she gets a chance to see Hakuro one last time
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>Both tengus too
This has to be intentional..? I've been confused about it ever since she appeared in the manga
me too
rip in piece benimaru
also i can't believe rimuru married diablo
good morning sisters
I don't know fucking why but this part of the OP makes me emotional for some reason.
i like cute girls with their pits exposed so the segment appeals to me
i am a simple man
>literally named momiji
Are they even trying
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More meetings should end in shotgun marriage proposals.
>In some versions Momiji is the wife of The Great King of oni
left or right?
Shion always
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i don't like the look on the slime's face in this picture for some reason.
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Made stitches.
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Don't know about that, but what I know is that Rimuru's rice infused with magicules improves her health a lot, so she is no longer on the verge of death.
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meetings are over
now it's 5 episodes of ceremonies
Hakuro is basically never the same after this arc, he turns into a doting father and also this whole subplot around his past that's not been revealed yet
God he's so fucking cute.
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let him, he's papa jiisan
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this episode was just Abe propaganda
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who wins the benibowl? I can comfort snek lady if she loses
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Rimuru felt weirdly racist this episode
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Last stitch.
Sag Hex
Momiji stop posting
I guess Gabiru is a chud now
How could a woman cope with the fact that she was pregnant for entire centuries?
>tfw no cute tengu girl to fight over you
also I expected rimuru to simple take care of the magicule problem her mom has
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It's really well framed. Confetti falling, spinning camera, smiling and lip syncing the lyrics, climax of music, follows Geld's serious walk-in, and gives those "AND NOW LET THE GAMES BEGIN" feelings.
I wish I was a slime
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Stupid sexy rimuru
He should get fucked by old men goblins pegasi etc in that order!
Slime is still boring, the manga did it better
Tensura girls suck ass no wonder this series is getting less and less popular despite having seiyuu like MAO working on it
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S4 will finally bring the primordial demoness trio into the main story, so that's going to change.
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>Wank this bitch off in a movie, ova gacha and shitty manga spinoff
>Still not popular
I'm convinced tensura is horribly mismanaged or something, this is a hyped character from later on in the novels that fans have been waiting years for and the result we got was a huge nothingburger
It wasn't exactly wanking. More like compensation, since unlike the other two, "Violet" had no exclusive story about herself before then, while the other two got some canon backstories that made them more significant in certain regards.
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The guys are 10/10 though.
>The camera pan
i laughed so hard here
I was already expecting him to show up.
They should have just animated the Blanc chapter instead. I'll laugh if they just skip it over since I think it was in a .5 volume.
>Tensura girls suck ass
Not really, it's just that their designs peaked early with Milim and Ramiris
I don't know how this show has managed to keep my attention this season with literally almost every episode just being meetings, conversation, and with all drama and stuff being effortlessly dealt with. Every time there's a problem they seem to have an instant solution, why bother pretending it's a problem to begin with instead of just quickly noting how they solved it. It feels very drawn out and like we don't need to see all of the things they're showing us.

I really hope it's setting up for something much more where Rimuru has to struggle at least a little to succeed.
We should have had more episodes for this misunderstanding. I was hoping we could have spent a whole season on the proxy war between the Tengu and Tempest until Momiji revealed she was afraid Rimuru was working with Frey. We could have had so many strategy meetings bros.
>Rimuru is loved by literally everyone, but the main girls are Shion and Shuna with Diablo watching
>Hakuro is (so far) the only one who has canonically planted his seed in any woman, said woman being the leader of the tengu race
>Benimaru is being fought over by an overused side character and now Hakuro's own daughter, the princess of the tengu that literally nobody knew about
>Souei is just popular in general, and the only (justifiably winning) girl has him all to herself
>Geld is maidenless
>Gabiru is maidenless, discriminated against, AND has a constant group of invasive wingmen

Geld... Gabiru... They're literally us.
Excuse you, I am literally Diablo.
You are not an attractive man working for silly putty in a fantasy world. You might be an attractive man behind the keyboard, but you are most certainly not in a fantasy world, therefore you are not literally Diablo.
My Diablo Anon wife is so cute.
Is this show worth a watch? Feel like it gets overshadowed.
moonland's culture is that for a certain game series a slime is uber weak
the series then lets him be stupid capable and essentially is just a form
it got a movie, i just initially probably watched because i never really played the slime related stuff and was curious if this could represent it - unrelated really
stupid capable with some progress*
she was quite a bit hotter before she turned dere, but both are fine.
hags are extremely good in this series. not that they're very original, but very very solid.
this and elmesia's episode made the whole season worth it
>moonland's culture is that for a certain game series a slime is uber weak
The author mentioned that he wanted to create this gap between those who treat slimes like the weak DQ slimes and the ones who treat them like the overpowered TTRPG slimes or something along those lines, IIRC.
Me on the right
I am built like Gabiru
wtf rimuru is literally making all the local hags into good neighbors.
what a gigolo.
>Albis-faced Shuna
they're giving Shuna a lot of good faces this season
Milim is great. But she's rare. So you're not wrong.
This series isnt that popular because it doesnt have stellar animation to stick out and have normies check it out not to mention this season had so many people drop Slime because they have low attention spans and cant enjoy the series since there's barely any fights and its mainly meetings
Fuck Tengu.
I repeat, FUCK TENGU!
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Internationally you mean. It doesn't matter because Tensura lives almost entirely on a certain niché in Japan, so throwing off a few people elsewhere in the world from the anime doesn't matter since most of the audience uses aggregate pirate streaming platforms anyway.
Yet somehow it's still #1 in popularity on livechart regardless. And in Japan it's been dominating #1 on dAnimestore's weekly ranking every week it has aired, and somehow even still had #6 the one week it was on break. It also ranks highly on all the other streaming platforms aside from Abema/NicoNico and even manages to get into the top 10 of weekly TV ratings in Japan.
So it's doing just fine. And to be honest even internationally when it was at it's "peak" popularity there were few people discussing it because the core audience tends to be more of a silent majority type. The vocal ones spouting their dissatisfaction are mostly just bandwagoners who really bought the whole "it's just mindless wish-fulfillment where you turn your brain off" BS that some people spread solely for Tensura being isekai during the earlier seasons. Then came the meetings and now they complain that Tensura "goes against its own premise" which, mind you, only existed in their own minds all along.
Beni's gonna
Did Hugo Boss get isekai'd into this world? Cause those uniforms look very Hugo Boss
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You shut your whore moth, Shuna and Shion are 10/10. The elf queen is a 9/10 too.
But yes, the guys are top tier
replace Rimuru with Ramiris
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You couldn't be more wrong, considering best girl Great Sage / Raphael exists.
We hear so much about this guy on the later volumes it's interesting finally getting a visual on him.
I'm guessing he was an other worlder?
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pure trash
We meet with the tengu and the old man got to meet with his daughter. I don’t know what you talking about.
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Yes, but not from Earth.
i only have one single artwork of a bald animal girl with 1 set of ears. it's an iron rule to never show sides of the head for kemomimi characters.
I totally forgot that the 3 beastketeers are Gobta tier, Benimaru can do better...
He gets to fuck THIS!?
Isn't Gobta the strongest Goblin in the world?
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>they haven't seen each other in 300 years
>their daughter is 15 years
It was a 285 year long pregnancy.
Why did they give shuna the ED with the ugliest art imaginable
>kaede it's been 285 years you have to give birth let her out please
>not yet
>the childs head is poking out of your vagoo
>not yet
>I can smell you go to the hospital NOW
>not yet
Raphael doesn't get shilled or pushed as much as those shitty hags, that's the point
I'm a fan of that Raphael wife fan manga
>Rimuru same face
Damn the anime did her dirty
It's like how an elephant takes almost 2 years to give birth, but instead Tengu take 285 years.
The ED art is so ugly as fuck, that artist should stick to character designing like Deca-Dence
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I wanted to ask this exact thing
It looks like the weird melting faces the Okusan artist does.
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and it's not even her final form yet
i'm loving the animation in this arc
So how cucked do Shion and Shuna feel oonce Ciel shows up?
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doesn't she basically never show up?
i remember spoilering myself even around volume _18 not even Guy knew she existed.
only people who are confirmed to know as of this episode are Veldora, that fire spirit who played board games with him in the stomach, and Mjulan. no spoilers here.
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her monologue got really muddled in the anime. compressed so much you couldn't get the right idea here. don't know why they skipped it.
It's weird to show them this early since they won't show up till next season and won't have many scenes until the season after that.
>benimaru looks to be in his 30s
>get asked to marry a 15 year old
Umm this is a bit problematic...
I know, right? He'll be alive for thousands of more years, and almost all of them will be with a hag.
I don't buy it. He's loyal, dependable, humble, one of Rimurus trusted friends, and is one of Tempest strongest fighters, maybe in the top 5 if you don't account for Veldora and Diablo. He is extremely respected and kids love him. Geld probably has his own harem he is not aware of.
that lizard has some nice honkers
they're monsters
the weak should feel the strong...
Kaede is so cute. Rimuru should go to the Tengu village and give her magicule.
If I remember correctly monster lifespans are lengthened by power so a lot of the characters that started as weaker races are probably weirdly young compared to their appearance.
I dont get why people ship Rimuru with his AI, if she was sentient I would understand but she is literally nothing but a intangible cpu
Benimaru is just late teenish/early twentyish, IIRC.
Yeah. Even just Kijin already have lifespans of at least a thousand years or so. And they all evolved into mystic/wicked oni, too, so it was extended even further.
Though considering how there are some who only have "normal" lifespan such as the hobgobs who are proud of their goblinhood and refuse further evolutions to ogres/kijin and humans like Mjöllmile, Rimuru would at a minimum offer them some way to life on.
Though Rimuru is also much more of a possessive type than one would think at first glance so if they refused while being satisfied with their lives, he could very well force an extension of their lives anyway.
>Silly Mjöllmile-kun, you said you were satisfied with your life and ready to pass on, yet after death your soul returned to me instead shouting something about "return to the embrace of the goddess!" or such! What am I, a soul-nanny?! Here take this artificial body and get back to work already you spoiled needy soul!
How many more seasons till Kamen Rider Zegion?
they want beni's BENIS
always right
Please tell me Benimaru ends up with her at the end of the series
>denies his subjects the sweet release of death just so they can keep wagecucking for all eternity in a globalist dystopia
Truly the most devilish of demon lords. Rudra was right
i'm glad this snake girl is getting screentime
cute shion and hime shuna
This episode had a lot of nice background art.
Nah. This series has plenty of great girls.
Next season which is in 3 more years
impossible not to
i assume it is the sort of thing that lasted longer in the books so felt more meaningful but in an anime they basically have to just rush through it in a single episode so it never feels like there was a problem that had to be fixed, because it just shows up and resolves in the same episode, or else you would need to have DBZ pacing
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This season does some really great landscape imagery of the capital cities.
I wish Slime was a global hit like the most trending and talked about series so that more there would be much more daily art of Tensura every day.

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