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Next episode preview.
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cute rinrin episode
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2 very cute stuffed animals
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Kanashimi no mukou e to~
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its almost time...
the goth idle is meh
Mitsuki sharpens her knife and prepares to take down Obake with her own hands...
Silverware is nice. I want to buy some.
shh idles are sleeping
aipri is a horror anime
im genuinely scared...and my expectation are low
Also, how would Tsumugi react to a massage on shoulders?
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silly ainon you can't touch a ghost
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im glad the obake is starting to get some love, shes cute
haunted ghostly hands sent this post through the ether
>rice rinne crowd is ded
it's all obake
You're just jealous that Himari will be mine.
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i expect theres a lot of ghosts here, /ai/ seems like a logical haunting ground for spirits from the great milky suicide...
the ghost of idles past
I can eat dinner.
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what the
Chii already suffers from the jobber curse, the Obake can't make that much worse.
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it's hot
Alec my beloved.
Only one more day until Aikatsu dies!
Rinrin goes to Brazil
Doroth sucks and is irrelevant
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rude and untrue
Has the zu been fired from her new “job” yet?
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ribbon gremlin
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taiwan activities
strawberry and the blue one playing mirai's game
Alecbros... Why is he white?
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>Superstar S3 downgraded even further to baby timeslot on educational channel
Does the Aikatsu series still have meaning? Love Live has replaced all the functions of Aikatsu.
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kinda weird to just copypaste a post from the Nijigasaki thread and post it here, with the only change being to attach a precure song...
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It's been a long time since Aikatsu was here
it makes his streetification that much more powerful
Here’s your (You).
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Don't open this
Remove Miyutan
>the traitor show
thanks i pshuu'd all over my keyboard
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I blame Sakisama.
airi's popularity needs a boost.
She should ask daddy to rig the system for her
impossible, greens will never be popular.
she could try being a color other than green, everyone loves blues, she should try that
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Sara’s so kawaii you guys.
>Who'd have thunk that our strategy of only competing when we're sure to win could backfire...
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I love Sakisama.
donuts are delicious
i'd fill her donut hole
wait is the kinpri movie going to be a (partial?) recap?
pretty amane.
Yes, Dramatic Prism.1 is SSS with some new scenes and performances added. Tomy said there's a new movie or anime in the works at their recent shareholder's meeting so it's a matter of time before the announcement.
They did away type style system of the previous anime but rinrin is still the depressed ethnic type idol.
Sounds logical, considering that it's pretty much the audience that they chased with Superstar.
Have they made a Cardass Love Live yet?
Chii was not chosen for the Bazrium Change because she had a BAKA mentality in her previous life.
Thanks mate. Here's hoping they sell enough Prism Watches to make it a reality.
Chimumu did everything right.
I think the green just told a bad joke
Tomy's decision to end the Primagi anime after just one year while leaving behind some unsolved mysteries is as foolish as Starscream, so I hope they don't make the same mistake again with Aipri...
Tamaki needs a saxophone.
>"Hey, Rinrin, why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9! Haha"
>"This the 27th time you have told me this joke."
Lovely: Himari
Pop: Airi
Cool: Mitsuki, Tamaki, Chii
Sexy: Sakura
Feminine: Rinrin
Ethnic: ?
Star: Tsumugi
Can't they have a show consistently airing anymore?
When Sakura woke up from her unconscious state, her hands and feet were tied to a chair.
"Tamaki? What is the meaning of this?"
"You ate the expensive cake I was planning to enjoy after school... that's why I can't forgive you..."
How does each AiPri smell like?
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How does each AiPri taste like?
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From this scene in the movie it can be surmised that Kouji only cheats on Ito with Naru.
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Obake visiting obaka
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how hard will this flop?
Did it air already? Link?
Just 12 more hours ainon
Is Tsumugi really the will of a deceased girl that has taken form and remained in the Aipri verse?
no she's the frog's ghost
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Mitsuki discovering that Himari has been using her "secret charm" on Tsumugi might be the start of the real hell for Himari...
No she's like sleeping beauty and only hinata can bring her back.
Tsumugi is actually Airi's daddy in virtual disguise
Flop harder than Zucchans solo career
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Bring back michiru.
Nobody cares about her.
We want Miichiru.
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cute sheep vtuber idle
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Someone is missing.
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no one is missing.
No one would miss Puri if she left.
Tsumugi is the mystical mermaid
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treats for rinrin
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you wouldnt accept candy from a green
"MERMAIDS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this Prism Stone before. There could be MERMAIDS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare neck. "I HATE MERMAIDS" she thought, Suki Suki Sensor reverberated her entire Pritama GO, making it pulsate as her emoi vibes circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of mermaids after dark. "With a Pritama GO, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.
Oh hey, I just noticed the animation error (they didn't put a white dot in one of her eyes)
back when no one was missing
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Please do not open this
Everyone is here.
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Can't believe hinata likes such a stuffy girl.
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individual channels are up now too
only following the meh one
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I know that /ai/ will get instantly filtered by moonspeak, still, I'm curious to see how scripted they pretend to do this, how much are they going to "break" character?
Oh my god, Taiga, you can't just ask someone why they're white.
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man there's just barely 200 people with only 30 minutes until the stream starts....
This won't even reach 10k
Aikatsu is dead
Only following the sheep
I can't believe the green ruined it.
Will this get archived later? Im not used to watching live stream
this is so dead
dead on arrival
might stick around if theres good music but not interested in vtubers
They are so bad they couldn't pass any auditions, so they became streamers.
Seems realistic.
This is cheap.
Nobody asked vtuberkatsu, what did we even expect
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yeah dead
They said they want 1M subs...
I don't think it'll ever happen.
100k is a more reasonable goal.
Even the dancing is bad.
They did fail all their auditions
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wait a minute there is a stream today???
oh no, i have to go out just about now
please keep me posted on any aikatsu news on the thread
They will do a "relay stream" now
There will be a stream in each channel one after the other, each lasting 20 minutes

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