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Why does /a/ love Misty so much?
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I love May more.
Not even the best girl of her own seasons
Why are pokegirls so hot?
Tsunderes are best
Look at her, dipshit. You have to be gay AND retarded to not like Misty.
90% of /a/ are gay retards so why Misty is so popular?
>what is pretending to be gay for shits and giggles
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For a lot of us, she was the original best girl.
It is a mistery
How old are these girls?
First aired in 1997
Out of ten!
First pokegirl, great design, good personality, has a dream, used best type of pokemon back in the day, whoever picks another pokegirl over her is because they were born in another poke gen
They aren't, thankfully.
Old enough to breast feed our children.
quads of nourishment
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She was the first tsundere redhead that most millennials(you know, the ones who made this site) encountered in getting into anime.
You never forget your first love.
Damn, those are some smooth long legs
Because she was one of my first faps. Maybe my very first.
Because she was my first wet dream and then some more.
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I like Verity.
I was only 5 when I first watched Pokemon, I never had a chance
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Her endearing personality
These girls are underage you guys know that..?
These threads are kinda creepy ngl
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Based, Jessie was my day one and truly shaped my taste in anime waifus
Cute and canon breast size.
definitely nostalgia since pokemon was first anime most seen including me!

yeah i know she is 14.....OUT OF 10 FICTIONAL CRUSHES RULE
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Nobody fucking knows. Somewhere from 10 to twenty-something. Anyone's guess. With her new outfit, Misty might be in her thirties maybe.
We do know she's still 10 just like Ash because no one ever ages in the anime.
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She use to have the hottest cosplays back then.
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Pokegirls are for instant loss.
I thought Marnie was /a/'s favorite pokegirl.
We're all 35.
Based as fuck. Jessie was my first true waifu, kickstarted my love of 'evil' but loveably dumb anime girls.
The weirdest part is all these years later and I still can’t think of her as younger than me. She’ll always be onee-san.
Shouldn't we like the one that was made for father-daughter incest bait then (Lillie)?
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I love you Bianca!
Chocolate is good.
Found the dubfag
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DA mods pls.
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wish her voice wasn't like that, I was really surprised when I heard it

she also needs her own game/anime
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H-how many mid-30s anons are there?

In addition to those other things, Misty also got me into legs.
I dreamed I made tender love to Misty in a 1980s indoor swimming pool.

The fact that I somehow knew it was the 80s was important to my state of arousal. I wasn't even born then I don't know what it means.
>wish her voice wasn't like that, I was really surprised when I heard it
Which one? She has 3 different voices.
I believe this means we should post more Misty.
Back to >>>/R/eddit
Pokemon 2019
>wait there's more..?
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The best.
I was expecting something a bit higher and more nasal.
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Misty, May and Jessie are top tier but Delia is the actual first girl best girl.
Pokemon Masters and Twilight Wings. I only point that out because she only has one episode where she speaks in 2019.
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No wonder she won that beauty contest
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Misty and Nessa should sit on my face
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Does Marnie have the highest-level tummy?
She's my first, my last, my everything
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Good loyal anon.
I wasn’t prepared for an Asuka clone with a midriff and booty shorts at 5 years old.
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>nugirl spam in a Misty thread
Why are they like this?
>asuka clone
I never made that connection until just now. damn
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Imagine being Ash and having Misty follow you around everywhere.
she's also exposing her midriff so I'll let it slide
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Wet Misty
She gave half of this board their first erection
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And what an erection it was.
First cute anime girl i ever saw.
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I miss Pokemon’s early franchise weirdness.
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Yep. Shudo was based.
>Bikini episode
>Beauty Pageant episode
>Ghost episode
>Pokemon 2000
She’s cute Brock is the best companion tho
After a long history of appreciating lewd drawings of girls, this is the only image on the internet that honest to goodness makes me attracted to knees. Very impressive.
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Sexiest pokegirl.
No because we're manchildren.
is 31 old enough?
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Tits too big
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Love milking people as Rosa on discord
>milking Rosa
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The big three are pretty much perfect designs. Hilda is hot but these are on another level, arguably as good of a design as the Pokeball or the most iconic mons.
I do not think of pokemon characters at all. I am over the age of 12.
Generation Pokemon is the core base of this website. You’re likely too young to have been a part of it unless you’re a tape trading Bubblegum Crisis boomer.
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This picture always makes me laugh
>I am 15
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As a Pokeboomer I felt Misty was too much like my sister's to ever feel attracted to her. I was more into some gym leaders and some CotDs instead. Giselle being a high maintenance stacy, Jeanette being my intro to Nadesiko archetypes, Sabrina being a spooky bitch in tight clothes, Lorelei and Prof Ivy being big titted island bitches. All much more attractive to me.
A classic. Should be in a museum.
Pic is a quality choice. I watched her episode a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed her.
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Massive downgrade. I know she has her fans but wtf is that hairstyle? It’s like cutting Mickey Mouse’s ears off.
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Yeah I prefer my older Mistys with long hair.
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I like the hairstyle better in gen 2. Her ears being completely hidden makes it look worse
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She was among the introductory "hot, sexually presented teen girls drawn by Japanese studies" that the 30-year-old 4channers had seen. She's genuinely the common cartoon reason pubescent males of the 90s, now posting on 4chan, were obtaining their first boners and masturbatory ejaculations.

Does that help illuminate you about /a/'s love for the pokemon love-interest, Misty?
One of the few early episodes where the lack of game rules benefit the actual battles. Worlds strongest Belsprout is memorable as fuck.

Also I thought it was cool that she's basically a Johto girl prototype. Would've been nice if they had her return years later.
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Side pony supremacy.
>Big three
Hate to break it to you, but that spot belongs to Serena
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My personal favorite has always been picrel, but that doesn't stop the rest of them from being pretty great too. It's impressive how high their success rate is with pokegirls.
However old you want at whatever time, she imaginary. Unlike reality where "age" is a representation of the tangible age a person has existed, a fictional character's age is completely arbitrary and can change with a button press. One person can think she's a cute child, while another can jack off to her as a sexy 18yrold, and both are correct. Personally I jack off to her as a cute child, but if you asked I'd say she's old enough, and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Lmao the most boring design. Literally just a Lass, they had to change her design in a desperate attempt to give her some non-generic appeal.
Least inferiority-complex suffering Serenafaggot.
I was beating off to Misty before my body even produced cum.
>Literal designed by committee character
The "Naked Misty" card was talked about in near mythological proportions in my elementary school. Kids were a lot easier to impress back then...I kinda hate the internet for killing childhood mysteries.
No matter how old I get I can’t imagine Misty younger than me. She’ll always be big sis.
Goddamn you faggots got so easily triggered by sexo French girl. I'm an oldfag myself, and I always hated Misty, especially when every female side character/gym leader/professor during her time was infinitely better, of course she wouldn't stand a chance to girl specifically made to be wife material
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Here’s your waifu lmao.
Doing Lass in the ass behind a bush on a random route
>Filtered by the tsundere
Many such cases!
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tbf the anime lass was pretty top tier
JIZZelle is a better design, yeah.
>Putting plain Japanese children as the same category as a French woman
cope and seethe

Keep your discount Asuka, I'll take a woman that knows her place
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Cause she's simply the very best, like no one ever was!
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She's such a brat. I wish she appeared again.
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You’re in good company.
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made for gattai
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What went wrong? Misty attracts pic related, a handsome doctor and several other good looking characters that are charmed by her.
>May attracts a fag with green hair and that fat guy in the Deoxys movie
>Dawn attracts a super nerd and a dweeb
>Serena attracts a fat fuck dancer
I swear it, she is basically asking for it
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For me, it's Hex.
god DAMN
This artist is too powerful.
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His chicken is super cute.
You retards realize that by that logic, that makes Giselle best girl, right?
Nah, for me it was May. I used to love humping my mattress to her when I was a little boy.

If May sparked my lusts in early puberty, Hilda carried me through my teens.
bottomless pokegirls!
>manages to charm older women lover Brock and Pokephilia practicer Ash
She has a good case going for her.
I prefer Misty as a character but May’s design is peak. Literally Pikachu-tier design, iconic and unsurpassed.
Old May*
NuMay is just “good”.
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May's design is masterful I agree. Cute, sexy, cool, evocative of her personality and demeanour, easy to draw, easy to cosplay, with a unique silhouette and an excellent use of colour.

Basically every May enjoyer prefers the original over ORAS May.
She actually has some big tits at that fictional age. Nice.
May > Serena > Lillie > Mallow > Misty > Lana > Iris > Chlore > Dawn
Serena is such a meme, and Dawn that low is a crime.
Misty > May = Dawn > Mallow = Lana > Lillie > Chloe > Serena > Iris
anyone else find it kind of surreal how pokemon became 100% about the waifus
I don’t think that’s true.
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Game Serena is top tier imo with her mature look and long hair. Animerena feels like a meme
Only the horny portion of the fanbase thinks this is true
n-no pan?
The girls are pretty much the only thing about the franchise that has kept up to par all the way through.
The games may falter, the Pokemon designs may get shittier, but the new crop of girls are at least exciting.
I still think she just looks like a Lass you’d fight in the early game, but if that works for you.
Why is her rival version in the game so lame looking? I wish I could find a mod to fix it.
>the new crop of girls are at least exciting.
Every girl except the vtuber from Paldea are shit, Galar was pretty shit too.
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The Evolutions anime just gave her the protagonist cut despite her being the rival as well as some other improvements
Some of the DLC girls were pretty good.
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What gets me is bikini pics are fine, but ass facing the camera is too far.
I want to fuck a French Arab.
The latest gen is full of really shitty girls though.
I need Marnie being shy about her exposed bellybutton in my life.
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Shy blushing Marnie is 2cute!
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Marnie is such a tummyslut
And so freaking skinny!
Licking Marnie's tummy clean
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chicken feet
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holy fuckin shit
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>The shift in tone of this thread when Marine is brought up
Is it just me, or does the way that zoomers talking about sexualizing the girls really creep me out?
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Lickable tumtum
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What I wouldn't give to shove my face up Marnie's loose skirt and snifffff
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are you fucking retarded? i was sexualizing Misty from the beginning.
I'm talking about the words being said faggot, the way this thread started with Misty, May, Dawn and Serena is the same way I've talked about wanting to fuck any other anime girl, but once the Marinefags popped up, talking about licking tummies, it really started creeps me out, must be a zoomer thing
Then be creeped out. You're not going to stop people from talking about what you don't want them to talk about.
Also, Marnie was here before Dawn and Serena were.
Personally I’m not creeped out, but I’ve noticed Marnie and Alolafags love to focus in on the fact that they’re little girls much more than some of the other pokegirlfags (marniefags in particular love using the word hebe) with focus on armpits and tummy. Rosafags will also be the quickest to turn threads into ERPing.
>Rosafags will also be the quickest to turn threads into ERPing.
Probably has to do with so many of them think that she's into yuri
I was 10 when her season came out, and I remember they designed her with visible breasts which I wasn't used to in cartoons. Pretty sure it contributed to my 2d fetish
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For me it's the female rocket grunt
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Funny how you anons reminded me of my first fap, It was after I got my Game Boy Advance SP, one night I realized I can play Sapphire in bed under the sheets (because it was the first one with a backlight) with the volume off so my parents didn't catch be playing late at night, something clicked for me when I got hard staring at how well defined the Lass's breasts were in her sprite, and I came from wanting to see and grab her tits
On /a/ maybe
Serious discussion is on /VP/
Lmao this was one of my favorite games for fapping before I had internet because it had the "vs seeker" which showed a bunch of the characters sprites
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Imagine the world we could be living in if internet keyboard warriors cared about real kids as much as they do fictional ones.
>serious discussion is on /VP/
God I fucking wish.
It was the natural course of things. Have you seen the monsters lately? They've been jokes for at least four generations. But the girls stay consistently hot.
It's the sluttiest Lass sprite they ever made, the pose, the open collar, it's just pure sex, I've fantasize wanting to fuck a busty JK ever since
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For me it's the female magma grunt
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I used to go get the Ruby instruction book, ogle May's illustration and thrust my hips until I orgasmed. I was too young to know how to use my hand for it yet.
what "serious discussion" are you hoping to have about pokemon?
My favorite
Marnie tummmmmyyyyyy
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Definitely a big one for me too. Chest shadow activated those neurons a few years too early.

Then I got the game guide and Flannery opened by third eye.
Will you shut the fuck up?
I'm partial to his Gen...6? ace trainer. I think it's 6, the French one.
It helped my sexual awakening.
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Fuck, I forgot Flannery too, goddamn they were really feeling for the big tiddies in gen 3, weren't they?
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adult bel my beloved
wdym she doesn't get naked in the anime
I don't think anyone should be surprised that an elite water-type trainer wears a swimsuit under her normal clothes.
These new graphics are fucking terrible
She was my childhood.
I'll never understand why Serena's second outfit in the anime makes her boobs disappear.
It's one critical downgrade really.
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[screams internally]
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Huh. So that's what Eevees look like underneath that fur.
tits too big for Misty
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>muh zoomers
Why are pokeniggers such slaves to their childhood? For them you're only supposed to like whatever trash you grew up with, be it games, characters, doesn't matter.
Fyi I grew up with Misty, that doesn't mean she is my favorite, or if I even like her, I'm free to like whatever activates my almonds, be it a new or ancient thing.
The only appeal is the nostalgia. Pokemon isn't actually good.
True, but the girls used to be good until last gen.
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Pokehags are alright sometimes.
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