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More revenge is on the menu! Dump commencing.
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Fucking Christ man
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About time this nigga felt fear.
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End of Chapter 29. The next chapter releases in 2 weeks. Gonna dump the next volume's extras and the bios.
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End of dump.
shark = jumped
ok now im sad
This is some Home Alone bulshit
i hope she saws his limbs off so he can be truly helpless
So from the looks of what it says about their parents, I'm guessing that Shikimi's honeypotting and connections to lowlives like Iijima comes from her mom being a sleazy club owner while Kowase being a moneygrubbing little asshole comes from the fact that he's likely the only one of the group who doesn't have wealthy parents.
We going full slasher movie huh
I haven't paid attention to this manga since the girl died but this seems to have escalated
Why does he have superhero durability?
>same likes
is her pussy still feel worth it, buddy boy?
The Yakitori dynasty ends.....
he can still win this, she hasnt cut off his gyaru-oh penis. he can belly flop to rape victory
he obviously stays in shape and is pumped on adrenaline but he's finally starting to crack
Kowase's dad seems to be the sort of guy who's a spineless pushover at work but a petty tyrant at home, so that's another factor in Kowase's sycophancy and sadism.
The placement of that chainsaw can't be a coincidence.
Look OP, unless it's a chapter where Maria blows or fucks someone, don't bother posting this shitty manga
Pegging is going to get messy
Nice chapter. I was pissed how long it took but this was satisfying
Maria my beloved, this is so fucking ridiculous
Fucking lol, I really appreciate that this lady takes no half measures
Oh no...
These two would make a cute couple
How long until the head bully rapes her? Series needs more sex instead of that one panel of her fucking the principal
>Thinking Okaya is straight after the previous chapter
She's the closest thing he can get to the boy-toy he broke.
Did you miss his cuteboy friend? >>269222458
Maria is so based. No talking. No wasting time. She gets shit done.
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>Three students go missing
>Their teacher just so happens to buy a small militia's worth of weaponry and explosives around the same time
>The police never put two and two together
And don't tell me she got them off the black market because how would a random middle class housewife gain access to those kinds of connections?
Our tan-skin Kinu brotha needs to give Maria dat big half-gaijin D she is envying. Those two are like angry couples in a dispute, or like mother and son.
I mean didn't she disappear for a year? She could have bought all that shit during that time. But yeah, the money cost part makes no sense. But then again, her skills make no sense. I don't care though. I'm just enjoying revenge thats actually revenge rather then fake larp
He would never stand up to Okaya so he can't make him go doki-doki.
this case is the worst so far tbfh, the other ones were smart, this one's just plain stupid stupid.
I mean, her traps and explosions are smart. And it fits with with what happened to her son. This is what macho man did to her son. She is just repaying the bullying back ten fold in the exact same manner.

Honestly a lot of her actions in this arc is kinda irrational, there are many instances where she would she had easily been bodied if she wasn't the main character.
Behead those who hurt Kiri-kun
Sure, but this manga just doesn't give a shit
Indeed. Her skills and resources are just ridiculous. I don't care though. This is revenge kino so far. Just doing actual revenge instead of talking about it.
Brotha Kinu needs to give her dat Big Yakitori to calm her down.
the giant doll is a nice touch
we needed more female bullies to punish
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Shikimi should pop the antilolicon whistle and ui-beamed Maria.
The divorce settlement must have covered some of the costs. Other than that, there clearly is something being hidden about Mari's past, which might help explain it.
> *Slurp slurp slurp
> " The principal is such a foolish man for letting me suck his cock"
That BJ is gonna cost the lives of 5 of his students.
There isn't. She was just a typical bubbly, airheaded anime mommy. That part of her still leaks out from time to time like >>269222491 or when she went to the Karaoke bar for 'research'
Think about that next time you let someone blow you in exchange for non-financial compensation.
she fucked the black marketers for goods, isnt that right my fellow filipino brother? hahaha
It's possible. Doesn't mean anything though. Just more manipulation to get revenge
okaya likes it when his bottoms have a little bit of power bottom in them
it does matter brother, she is no longer pure! she is defiled and we need to see more. hahaha
She was married before. She sucked off the principal to get the job. She was never pure.
that is right, brother, she is a whore
And? I don't get your point.
For me as long as she doesn't fuck the bully targets, I don't really care. I don't do waifu shit anyway
Thanks for the dump.
Also a biweekly reminder to anyone itt that its perfectly fine if you want maria to bget roiped by the bully and you're not a cuck like what that vanillafag said several weeks ago. Its neither ntr nor nts at this point, so its fine, its natural
Not that vanillafag. But you're cucks. Romance shit and NTR don't belong here. Just more death and torture.
>a small militia's worth of weaponry and explosives around the same time
Every contraption and device she made can be built from inconspicuous tools. Even the flour bomb.
Besides, from where will the cops get the sales records for what she bought?
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>a story about a son being killed by bullies and his mother leaving her husband to seek revenge
So, how many does she have to kill? Does she torture them for days at least?
>mental gymnastics on cuck philosophy
Every time
fuck, I forgot this manga existed, need to catch up after she drowned her first victim
She's killed 2/5 so far. Third is about to die. The torture's been pretty hardcore.One got basically killed by scaphism
Thumbnail makes it look like Maria is flexing a giant dick.
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>rhe arrow in the knee sent exactly as deep as the one in the eye
I'm not laughing, this is terrible
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I mean, look at the arrows. They don't look built to kill and they were designed to deliver electricity. The whole thing is meant to torture him. The real killing blow will be the chainsaw
>Maria blows or fucks someone
What chapter?

>>269233400 happens in chapter 2
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It is over, cock socking time
can't wait to see these two fuck
No. That's Maria. Macho man is hallucinating Maria as Okaya
Terminator the teenage years
it makes sense they aren't meant to kill but then the one in the knee shouldn't have penetrated as deep as the eye one
Ah, gotcha. You're right on that. I concede
Hes a real bro but at the same time he's an insane piece of shit.
sex with Maria
I need a mom like that
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>Blows the principal to get the school nurse job.

Not based. I'm not that interested anymore.

Can anyone give the archetype summary of the five criminals, and how Maria caught and tortured them to death.
She needed a way to get the job and that was the fastest and easiest way. He didn't have anything to do with the bullying if that's your issue with it
a mom that wears thongs?
This dude is a fucking Xmen, how the fuck do you even stay alive after that, adrenaline can make you sustain a couple of 9mm to non lethal organs, adrenaline cannot make you sustain intense hemorrhage after several minutes, multiple arrows piercing major articulations, removal of an eyeball, high voltage electrochoc and a FUCKING EXPLOSION straight to your body.
This is not an japanese high school boy this is a spetznaz under multiple pain supressing drugs.
She knew it would work because the guy is retarded
everyone is incredibly retarded in this manga
not the bully gang leader, he's gonna outsmart Maria and possibly fuck her pussy
Like I don't see how anything in current chapter is stupid. Macho man wants to punish Maria for killing his friends so he chases after her in a mansion she has built to be anti said macho man.
Why all of the males bullies seems to be gay for this kid ?
He's just fucking beautiful, probably like kpop boy band beautiful

>>269222407 got put into a box slowly being filled with water. Hand is cuffed so he can't climb out unless he either cuts it off with a jagged cleaver knife or inputs a 4-digit passcode representing "the worst crime he committed". Thinks it is the day Maria's son died, but he doesn't remember when it happened, and then tries to cut his hand off but drowns before able to. The passcode was actually his birthday.

>>269222420 tried to get her gangster friend to rape Maria, but Maria rapes him first (maybe? or at least she does some S&M shit until the guy submits). Maria ties her above an insect-infested well, but gives her a chance to text message anyone for help. She texts the gangster, but he tells her to fuck off because he thinks she was posting all of his crimes on a twitter account for fun (Maria made it up). Maria drops her into the well and she gets eaten alive.
>She needed
That's the thing, she didn't needs to do anything of this
if she doo all this jigsaw stuff and still get away she could do the same without whoring herself and causing her husband a lot of colateral damage
>Office worker - subservient to superior
>Part-Time Cleaner - subservient to father
>no father, mother is "Owner of a member restricted club"
>no mother
Well, any bets on fatty's family situation?
>Yuda in these
does Kiri just a field of inducing homosexuality in his peers?
She divorced her husband and she needed the job to observe her targets and gain info presumably
pegging by maria!
He looked the other way and pretended like it wasn't going on because he wanted to maintain the schools image. He punished and reprimanded anyone that would bring it up or mention it. Maria is 100% going to take him down by either killing him or having all the evidence point to him. If the dude has a wife and kids then he's probably gonna sudoku.
feels like the manga might be reaching a "final arc" or close to it, as the head bully had all his goons' phones tagged with tracking devices after 2 went missing and he has the location of the brown superhuman, no way Maria will be able to kill her current target and clean everything up in time.
Is there a chapter saying this? I must have missed it
She can just burn the mansion down to dispose of the evidence.
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It was during the teacher gathering. I think the good guy teacher also mentions it later on again after Shinkimi gets killed.
Ah I see. Thanks. I will reread it. Fair enough then. Still there is a degree of separation. He just covered up and he covered up everyone who were getting shat on rather then specifically Maria's son. But yeah, hopefully she takes care of him too.
rape when?
I'm figuring that like the others save for Kowase, he also comes from a relatively privileged background.
We know from an early chapter that Kowase's distant from his dad though. And that his mom knew Maria.
Is this ending soon? I mean, three out of the five bullies are already dead (Gyaru-oh is pretty much dead, right?). Will the fatty and mastermind die as quickly as the others? (don't remember their names lol) or will the plot be drag out for more chapters for the mastermind? (or the husband). It would be pretty funny if the author pulled a "it was a dream all along" and it shows how the mother is in a psychiatric ward.
it could always pull a Juujika no Rokunin
care to spoon feed me?
>(Gyaru-oh is pretty much dead, right?)
The other bullies are heading to his GPS-tracked location at the moment, so there's a chance he lives.
another edgy revenge manga. 5 bullies, MC takes care of 4, last main bully is drawn out and ends up being the leader of cult, while new pyschopaths appear to extend the manga for a while. It sucks and I dropped it a long time ago
Hopefully author doesn't fag out and try and extend this with retardation. I like the manga but it's charm is the MC doesn't waste time. She gets shit done. Dragging the manga out removes that charm
Many thanks, just checked that manga and it feels very similar to Maria no Danzai lol, but the later has a good pair of boobs to look at
Kinu pissing himself when his adrenaline's ran out. You love to see it. Hopefully his death is drawn out.
So is he realizing that all this time he didn't follow Okaya because he considered him as a friend but because he feared him? That it was better to become useful tool to that psychopath than a potential target?
wait why is his son gay and friends with gay kids???????

no wonder why he got bullied.
good shit
Yeah, that seems to be what's happening in that panel. Like Shikimi, he was subconsciously suppressing all the warning signs that Okaya doesn't give a damn about them.
Maybe he'll get a flashback in the next chapter showing how Okaya made him his loyal henchman.
Supposedly this is only planned to go a few more volumes at most so it's unlikely. You could extend things a little with the school now very clearly dealing with a serial killer out to kill students and the almost certainly escalating investigation, the loose-end copycat kid and the dad, as well as maybe Okaya's ultimate motivation and backstory. All of that shit is going to have to come from other scenes though, Maria's getting downright cheeky the worse the bullies are, doesn't look like she gives a shit at all about how or why they're the way they are, she just wants to murder them and make it hurt
holy shit
wtf is going on, i have only read the first chpter yet
Maria went full psycho and is killing everyone in horrible ways. That's the whole plot.
>doesn't look like she gives a shit at all about how or why they're the way they are
It ain't that kind of manga. The bullies are a bunch of kids with sociopathic traits who have been egging each other on since kindergarten. That's all there really is to them.
lmao and to think she wasted this talent for years being a housewife
Bless you Maria, you sweet angel.
Maria won this arc because Kinugawa is that dumb. "I can take her" was an unnecessary risk when he could have focused all energy to escaping her and the arrows and getting help, but Kinugawa's stupid retard rage kept him there so he could kill and rape her immediately. Now the last time she truly was in danger was from gangster bitchboy. She lucked out with that one.
>Maria is 100% going to take him down by either killing him or having all the evidence point to him.
His reputation is going to burn either way.
5 kids missing under his watch will be bad.
3-5 kids murdered under his watch by the woman he was fucking in secret will be bad.
No matter how this ends, principal is toast.

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