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Would you seek immortality in isekai?
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depends what metaphysics of the world is
but I would seek to extend life for sure
Nah, fuck you, this is just the writer coping.
Give me immortality any day.
Aging is worse than dying.
But I'm already immortal?
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I've noticed that there are 3 kinds of mono fans:
>idealists who believe that true love can only be shared with one person
>realists who understand the impossibility of a woman staying loyal to you while you're sleeping with other women, and the in-fighting between haremettes
Which group are you in?
Both one and two are correct though
As I said, Bible isn't against multiple wives. It's against favoritism. If you treat your wives and your children from them equally, at least two wives are allowed.

That said, I don't even fap to hentai with multiple women. I would still read harem isekai, and I understand why more girls are introduced, but I'm not partial to 3somes or more. It feels you're doing subpar job when splitting attention.

Also when presented with rigid options to choose from I am always inclined to tell the person to go fuck himself. So go fuck yourself, I shan't be boxed.
You missed the group that is fine with either as long as it's well written.
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GOD she's so fucking CUTE
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Is dragon inflation a real fetish?
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The dragon's not the important part.
Go back.
Stop trying to make me lik Christians
Something needs pounding there...
Assuming I wasn't forced to outlast the stars, sure. But then again, if you found yourself in the ultimate sensory deprivation tank that was the heat death of the universe, I expect you'll just lose your mind in your own imagination, and would that be such a bad end?
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>Catfight chapter.
bro you got time, figure out how to isekai or kick-start new universe
Eventually it will come full circle when a new universe comes into being so you can see new shit
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it's not proven that you will but if you don't waste your time, you would have options
or if civilization survives - it would definitely figure out how to carry forward
or perhaps backwards
why would being told that Christians hate women and want to subjugate them make you like Chritstians?
something something super computers around blackholes something
Depending on the mechanism of your immortality you might actually become the energy source of such a civilization actually
How the fuck the 22 pathways are so broken? I expected more of a challenge coming from two fucking demigods even if was just boons, or did Amon and Adam interfered further here? Holy shit it was anticlimactic.
Also why the only connection Lumian felt closer is his sister when all the town is in?
God turned off blessings when Jacob was mistreating his 2nd wife. Also being with agency of dog doesn't require subjugation: it is a natural and happy state of its being. The only ones who want to unsubjugate women are people that want them to work on their factories to line pockets.
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>golems are a Abrahamic concept
If not too much more changes the arc the manga has just started should be the last before that happens.
black holes would be last, but not infinite sources of energy
they too fizzle out eventually
>realists who understand the impossibility of a woman staying loyal to you while you're sleeping with other women
Harems should only take place in survival series on a deserted island away from civilization where the girls depend on the male and each other to survive, that or some apocalyptic shit like the "Now & Then" game.
This anon is wise.
also I think you're confusing immortality with invincibility
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>golems in isekai
masturbating megane?
Should ride her like a body board.
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Here's all the discussion you need;
Van is a vapid emotionless husk. The community hates Heinz only because Van hates him. Heinz is not only a commendable person who regrets his actions but also tries redeem himself. The author plays this like he's still deserving of punishment and morons who can't think for themselves eat up the retarded drivel.
Vans harem is absurdly large, to the point that all of them are on permanent rotation in order to remind you that they fucking exist, and each and every one is somehow more hollow than Van himself. None of them carry an ounce of personality except maybe the centipede (who isn't even a monstergirl)
The only interesting part of the plot is his split clone back on Origin and that is watered once a month like a fucking cactus.
>read this
>be reminded of Isaac Arthur's videos
>go check his YouTube
>he's still going strong
Huh good for him, I liked his videos back then
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I don't remember why I dropped it.
I love harem but knowing myself, I would feel so emotionally drained that I would just ditch all the waifus. All those harem protagonists are extroverts or turned extrovert when they isekai
Settle down and have a Slow Life With Your Harem.
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Would you take care of a demon nugget or would you not even save her?
That's what I was thinking of when I wrote my comment actually
His videos were good
Hero parties, take note.
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they're on isekai cheats anon
probably energy levels of nuclear reactor
Probably because there isn't a plot beyond "mc develops more and more intricate magical sex toys"
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KEK fuck you
Golems are just Jews playing god since Adam was made from dirt. First god's golems revolted by gaining knowledge of good and evil and cast out of paradise of total servitude to god. Second they were building a grand tower to heaven threatening god, so god destroyed the tower and muddled people's languages never again threatening god's position. Jews always keep the golem running for too long and get rekt.
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>side characters mog limp-wristed MC
You love to see it
Isekai where the MC is actually evil and is trying to actually destroy the world
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Is this sex?
>How the fuck the 22 pathways are so broken?
The abilities of the pathways are basically all conceptual in nature. Even if the universe didn't have combustion, a pyromaniacs abilities would still work. That's the nature of beyonder characteristics, and why the spectator pathway is so fucking scary. It's literal mind-reading and reality warping.
>I expected more of a challenge coming from two fucking demigods even if was just boons
That's a huge fucking qualifier right there; they're boon recipients, which means they'll never be on the same level as a potion drinker of the same sequence.
The barrier of demigod-hood is so wide that even a boon recipient would dominate anyone below them, even if they drank potions.
It's also worth acknowledging that the fight itself wasn't the climax, it's the falling resolution. The Climax was Lumian and Amons conversation.
>Also why the only connection Lumian felt closer is his sister when all the town is in?
He shares a connection with her, mystically and literally as they lived their lives together. You could also consider this as part of his obsession.
The only choice is rape.
okay dude, you’re an amputee fetishist; we get it
they were led astray by Satan, who tried to replace God at the Throne of Kingdom of Heaven at the end of times, in the future, but lost and got locked out of heaven (future). Now he's stuck between firmament of the past and ban of the future, trying to undermine God and failing. Israilites keep fucking around so much because as Jacob said "What will God do? I can do anything, I've already been blessed". God need Jews/Israilites to bring forth Kingdom of Heaven in the same way Sarah Connor must be protected from Terminator. They'll get their due eventually, during "harvest" or Judgement Day, where good crops would be saparated from the weeds, and the weeds would be burned in fire.
uh, isekai?
Isn't she like 10 years old
Powerscaler here. How strong are Sequence 0, 1, 2, etc in term of destructive power?
with tits like that? at least 13
Road to Kingdom I'm not sure it's isekai but it's hilarious for a while. MC is a cuck tho
For me, while I don't mind potentially being alone forever, infinite life is only useful when I have infinite resources to spend that life with. At the very least, I would need something that can regenerate food and water indefinitely, and whatever else counts as valuable in whatever setting I'm in. And the immortality I seek should allow me to modify my body to my ideal — at the very least, I don't want to be stuck in an old body with aches forever.
I thought it was rose garten since that's the only manga that gets away with showing pixelated erections and assholes(male) on-screen
The sun has expanded and stripped notEarth of its life, oceans, and atmosphere. In a billion years, the barren planet will be subsumed by plasma and nothing will remain, save for yourself, adrift.
Nah, she's 10. She sure as shit doesn't look like it, but it gets mentioned a bunch in the first volume
Anime when?
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well that's even hotter
>already that horny before ever undergoing puberty
I'm scared lol
It's difficult to say.
Each individual pathway is very unique and varies from retardedly OP to hilariously dogshit between sequences.
For example, the error pathway is so ridiculous at sequence 3 and above that it literally breaks the rules of things that have immutable rules (by virtue of being the Error pathway, abusing loopholes)
There's a pathway called Dreamless that literally gets nothing of value for like 5 sequences straight before finally getting the ability to dodge fated deaths.
It's safe to assume that if you're not talking about the Seer, Marauder, Apprentice (all three belonging to the Lord of Mysteries group), or the Spectator pathway specifically, it's planetary at sequence 0, but it's very much a case-by-case basis. The power system of Lord of the Mysteries allows you to basically abuse mystical connections to things and achieve results far beyond your regular purview.
fuck off then
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forgot to ask newfag tourist
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It's got a comic, which means it's allowed on /a/
It's got an anime coming out, which means it's doubly-allowed on /a/
we're in isek/a/i which is a containment thread for a billion isekai series, which means it's triply-allowed.
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so it's not isekai? then make your own thread and fuck off
or just fuck off anyway
but it's an isekai tho
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It's an isekai and it was discussed here before your sorry brown ass discovered 4chan and crawled here from /pol/
YOU fuck off
It is an isekai.
You've been at this for fucking weeks man, give it a rest. Your bordering on delusion.
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I like japanese isekai anime and japanese isekai manga
Fool. Anything that fulfills at least one of the following is allowed here, even if it's not anime or manga.
>childhood friend betrayal
>group suffers after kicking out shoelacer
And LOTM is isekai.
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"It's revealed 5+ books in that it's not actually isekai" still count as isekai because else it's a spoiler. It'd be like adding a sci-fi tag to a story that is 99% fantasy until the final 1% that reveals that it was all secretly nano-machine tech all along. The sci-fi tag would completely spoil the late-stage plot twist.
There's a donghua (2D) in the works.
There's a manhua although it's axed. And manhua are welcome on /a/ (pic related).
>It'd be like adding a sci-fi tag to a story that is 99% fantasy until the final 1% that reveals that it was all secretly nano-machine tech all along. The sci-fi tag would completely spoil the late-stage plot twist.
That'd be science fantasy, so it'd be both sci-fi and fantasy.
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>Bible isn't against multiple wives
Yeah, but the sci-fi genre tag shouldn't be included in that scenario regardless.
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What did she mean by this?
Of course.
>Jacob: Had two wives, Leah and Rachel, and two concubines, Bilhah and Zilpah
>Esau: Had three wives
>King David: Had at least eight wives
>Solomon: Had seven hundred wives
>Lamech: Took two wives
It's all newcuckery.
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she big gae
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aieee lipfag tasuketeee
Monster reincarnation with or without human form?
>A Chinese dude got transported to a magical world with gods and shits
>“Not isekai”
>childhood friend betrayal
So i can just shill bisque doll and all those other romcoms that have cf betrayal in 1% of the plot here?
dragon egg
Are we going to forget how it all bit them?
Jacob was tricked into marrying someone else

David's infidelity got him cursed where every son borne of his lineage would die a painful death. David spent half his life killing his own children for they kept on trying to coup him

Solomon got Israel destroyed by paganism precisely because of his harem.

It was never depicted as something morally correct, let alone safe. And Jesus finally put an end in tolerating it
No, I'm asking if you prefer if they eventually get a human form or not.
I can’t determine if 3 or 4 harem members is the perfect number. 3 feel too little while 4 seem too much flesh out
>>Solomon: Had seven hundred wives
You run out of funny archetypes way before that
East Asian culture and mythology considers the "human form" the ultimate peak form of existence. It's certainly part of the reason why nips were such /m/echafags for a while, as /m/echas are essentially "warmachines given human form" and voila, they overpower everything else.
Did you notice the LoTM shilling stopped again after they got called out on it?
3 anons made 1 post each after it came up and stopped because there's not much to discuss anymore unless some new anon reads it and wants to, you nigger tourist need to go back.
I would say 3 is the golden number. The Trinity.
immortal shota fucking immortal loli
>Are we going to forget how it all bit them?
Doesn't undo the fact that God was only angry with Jacob for mistreating his 2nd wife, not taking 2nd wife to begin with.
Evangeline A.K McDonnell isn't isekai.

It's romcom. Get your genre straight.
>Solomon got Israel destroyed by paganism precisely because of his harem.
Explain how that was caused by him having multiple wives
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Was it kino?
Because he was tricked and his concubines happen out of desperation to have children

He took wives from pagan countries
Being a wife means they have control over the inner circle of the country
Solomon sold government positions for pussy
still better than mutsumifag
This is never going to happen cause of that tokyo bill but if a romcom gets an incest twist at the final 1% end (as in the heroine he marries was his blood related sister) does it mean it's not incest because the 99% wasnt?
Recommend me some despairkino.
Re:zero was good but I fell asleep trying to read the LNs and during S2. Does it get better in S3?
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Stop being so frosty, Northern Duke. Get yourself a southern lass and relax a little.
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This look cringe as shit
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I’m starting to read these gook villainess stories for the hot fem mc
All that Solomon proved was that God did not actually give him wisdom. Solomon would have avoided it by either not being influenced by his wives, or by only marrying non-pagan women.
They are very shallow.
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Is failing to save your friend from comitting suicide grounds to become a villainess?
I get the fetish now, dayum
sir this is an isekai thread
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Wow, what a shit thread
Only take 699 Jewish wives, got it
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If they just go "lol, LMAO, who cares?" then it would essentially just be a jab at the readers' expense so I don't really care about that.
But if it's setting up an outright tragedy then it would change the nature of the whole story. Fantasy/Sci-fi flip is mostly just a world-building/lore revelation, like the reveal of a secret as a sort of reward for the whole journey, learning something that no one else knew, etc. But, for example, an 11th hour plot twist where an almost happy ending turns into a tragedy of one of the suddenly incestuous pairing committing suicide from the shock would usually also involve set-up for that kind of ending before-hand and most tragedies are properly tagged as such. It's a bit of a different case.
But in the case of isekai it's really more like the former case of the fantasy/sci-fi flip because it being isekai or not does matter for the MC's motivations and goals, but it doesn't change the very heart of the story. LotM was still an victorianesque steampunk eldritch horror kinda-cultivation story with quite some bitter-sweet elements and a bit of "bizarre comedy" at times as well in the end, even after the twist reveal.
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Yes it was kino.
>Chinese love cold beauty
>Japanese love incest/slave/tsundere
Korean love???
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I want an elven mama.
women nut to THIS?
From what I have noticed, foreigners? Non-KR looking women, despite the men being traditional gooks.
Arc 6 is the best arc in the series alongside arc 3
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Anon did you know i feel bad every time i post mutsumi azul because she's too perfect and its not fair shes not real actually its because i feel bad for posting not isekai but i wanted to share a cf whos too wholesome to betray in a world where betraying cfs have become the norm
Well this did actually happen to muvluv total eclipse when it was revealed yui and yuuya were half siblings and all the doujins got tagged to incest overnight
Travel between worlds is a lot more fun than pure isekai. Too bad sasaki to pii chan is absolute garbage.
Something inside of me told me not to touch muvluv and the more I hear about it the more I feel like it should stay that way. I am no stranger to VNs (although I have only read very few) but I just didn't feel it with this one.
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>modern day school
big titty student council president (someone else's cf)
>magic academy
big titty girl with sunny attitude
somewhat tomboyish prodigy
>hunter shit
idk don't read
It's a horribly mismanaged franchise. The Alternative anime was just culmination of that.
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For me a lolibaba elf mom.
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So i can share Natsume who's a CF that's currently remote controlling a fake CF doll she made called Hokuto who betrays by never revealing she was Natsume until Hokuto takes a fatal blow and then Natsume still doesn't reveal that she's the fake CF the MC was obsessed with until she dies for real in his arms and then he betrays her by reviving her and ghosting her for 2 years
>your CF subscription expired
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same, but only for her butt cleavage
love her thicc thighs
Which reminds me
Was the holy ice coffin thing ever resolved, or even explained?
I kind of forgot all the minor subplots of slime wn.
Most people talk about muv luv because the main story (alternative) suddenly went full suffering with no breaks and has one of the most iconic ptsd scenes out there when it started out as a regular moege(or whatever term its called) vn
Negima literally has them go to a inverse mars, a realm created by magic. Tota and gang go to Dana's realm in UQH and there is quite literally an isekai'd guy complete with status screen in the numbers, who's world Tota and the sword autist go to visit.
So yes, it is isekai.
>arc 3
ah yes, the arc the author made Subaru act like a colossal retard to convince readers that he needed a character development arc (which is funny because after his duel, he just did his same old acts like provoking Julius and claiming to be a knight, so he didn’t really change at all)
You don't actually know what the duel was about do you?
enlighten me
Yes and?
Chainsmoking sailor who's also a pure virgin.
What happened to the anime? I remember browsing the threads around when s1 was airing and there was something about how kouki was on full copium even though his series was getting butchered infront of him with the anime, and somehow it got a season two? did chomp get animated?
>I want an obese blonde woman with ear cancer
Juilius wasn't actually mad at him.
He challenged him to a duel because SOMEONE was going to do it after Subaru pulled his stunt and that person would have most likely fucking killed him instead of just beating the shit out of him.
They already skipped Extra and Unlimited to begin with so how good could it possibly have been?
It's one or the other. No fence-sitting allowed.
I want that furoufushi and fujimi.
There was no way they would've ever been able to include extra in the first place
You would have to merge unlimited and alternative into one and rewrite most of the plot but then takeru's whole character would also have to be rewritten.
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What else is the goal of life, if not to live eternal?
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Gentleman... isekai bad!
At least use the proper gentlemen image.
I would take true immortality in a heartbeat. The kind where you can't even kill yourself. I want to live forever
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Monofagging is okay if the main girl is not absolute trash.
Pic unrelated.
No, the pic is very much related because emilia is absolute trash.
Anyone read massive harem of 8+ lovers? I feel like at that point, the characters are just reduced to living onahole
Some cultivation stories are like that. Woman enters harem and stays there doing absolutely nothing.
That's because isekai is already a crutch for bad authors. Even good authors struggle to handle a large cast of characters, properly giving them time in the limelight and then keeping them relevant afterwards.
There is a point where you cannot increase the size of the cast without damaging the integrity of the characters.
That's what I was bitching about earlier with death mage
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One girl pretending to be 8 different girls is all the harem you need
Uuuuuuuoooooooooohhhhhhhh seeeeeeexxxxxooooooooooo!
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So there are some people here who blasphemed against our Lady Noah by claiming that she never scored and never will?
>did Amon and Adam interfered further here?
How did you miss CHADselle distorting everything and Amon becoming a proxy of Fool of sorts with at least one mention of "sudden bout of stupidity"?
Also Team Lumian surviving so long was 100% Adam's manipulation to get Demoness of Despair Lumian(a). It was "written" on the report as such.
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Marry Childhood Friends!
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I'd rather marry some muscle gorilla who nobody else wants to marry. I want to treat her like a princess when its just the two of us.
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what happened
Did she finally defeat Denseness-sama?
Koreans love chaebol daughters.
>picture is the queen of cf betrayal
>text says to marry cfs
Is this the one with the subversion ntr?
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No. The blasphemers were right pretty much.
I hate elves with voluptuous bodies, just seems wrong. Elves should only range from Slender to Slightly below average human in body characteristics. Demons can range anywhere from Loli to Amazoness, Dwarves can go from Loli to Shortstack, Dragonkin should only be Loli-daughter tier or Curvy to Voluptuous.
of course
Denseness-sama stands undefeated
I haven’t check up on that novel for a while. How strong is he now and what’s his stats
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Hykkano shits on every isekai harem except for MT
That skill really went from SSS-level to divinity when Makoto became a god.
She is the one who got marketed as the pure love cf main heroine but had a boyfriend and to progress on her route you need to run into her walking out of love hotels with her cf and collect cgs of her being kissed and groped by her bf.
She eventually gets dumped and then mc is the rebound.
If that's what you meant then yes
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>one dick
>100 vaginas, maybe more
yeah that's not going to work
>one dick
>one vagina that pretends to be multiple
sounds more reasonable
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neither MC has sex so that's not a problem
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I just want to correct evil girls. Why is that so hard to find in isekai?
Noah was done so dirty it's unbelievable
>female character
>lives alone in the woods
>only company are wolf pets and golem sex dildos
you just know
does she do the gyaru personality with the right make up and hair color?
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I still hope that some Makoto - Noah romance happens after the marriage arc. But I have been waiting for a while now.
I knew that much, but Subaru didn’t really change after that; not in a meaningful sense anyway. In fact, I think the LN specifically called it “the Subaru special” when he was verbally lashing out at Julius after the White Whale fight (but before the Betelgeuse stuff). It’s clear Arc 3 was supposed to be the character development arc but even afterwards Subaru was still doing the kinds of things he’s done before the duel. It’s like when Emilia got mad at Subaru for breaking his promise in Arc 4 only for him to break it again (by leaving her while she slept to write on the damn cave walls). He didn’t really learn humility or anything; if anything, he became more stubborn.
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Shoelacer women become salads instead?
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Yes, correct evil unlawful thief girls into becoming respectable working members of society!
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I dont remember the exact chapter but they did have sex offscreen for a whole week during summer break
she got cucked to death because her cf thought her breast was too small not because her skills were trash
depends - how cute am i?
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>>one dick
>>100 vaginas, maybe more
Rentarou can literally multiply himself, and break the bonds of infinity... times 10.
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I dont really remember but the manga ended before the current gyaru trend got popular
Okay but how does that last more than one chapter?
newbwo here, can you post the infamous cucking from death mage 4th time? It’s not that bad right?
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mostly she keeps being molested by various creatures and keeps going from one "almost raped" scenario to the next endlessly
Negima is not isekai.
to be fair van only cares about his mom and he puts her in a refurbished body and marries her against her will while keeping her isolated from everyone else and she just feels awkward about the whole thing
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It's kinda overblown by cuckfag and co
>cuck mage
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Gentementlemen... even if isekai bad... Catgirls good, yes?
>reading manga
>24yo screaming at 32yo for being "a middle aged old man" for entering the tournament and besting him, in the same manga a 46yo who is married with kids tells 32yo he is also an old middle aged man and can understand him
>another isekai manga has a 36yo woman referred to as an 'old lady'
The japanese concept of age seems to be an arbitrary cutoff around 25 when you become officially 'old' and must retire to become a salaryman raising one kid with your wife who spends all your money or else you are failure.
I would rather have a regular animal pet cat than a catgirl
Until the mystery of if catgirl have 2 pair of ears and how they would work, I’ll prefer a human waifu
Don't let the cucks gaslight you. Readers are presented with beautiful ghoul women as main heroines/possible harem members with hot art and bodies etc only to later read about how MC uses mana to guide male ghoul sperm into their wombs so they get impregnated by said male ghouls. inb4 just see it as mc being a obgyn there is literally no reason other than to thinly veil their cuck fetish to have that in writing instead something like him being there gave a passive buff and increased their fertility and also stopped bestia from aging so she can wait until he is of age.
No. Beasts are always subhuman. I will marry a blonde blue-eyed saint and exterminate all these abominations.
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pick your poison
the real mystery is how do catgirls wear headphones
This reminds me i really hate when in hentai the girl mentions her previous sex experience was traumatic but instead of just leaving it at that the retarded cuck artist has to show a flashback of it with more effort put into it than any of the actual sex she has with the mc
That one manga about the traumatized pink haired cf who gets healed by her gigachad cf was the only one that ever did the traumatized used goods thing right even though retarded cucks in the exhentai comments were complaining that there was no flashback shown of her getting raped
To add to it every girl in MC's orbit is used goods at worst its just to get pregnant however most of the time the girls in orbit have been raped to death or just used as an onahole. The "purest" girl is only pure in physical form as she used astral/dream magic to go around fucking tons of men.
cat ear on the side is the only logical conclusion without them looking like abominations.
I miss hair intakes
The Utawarerumono special, good taste
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Isekai but the catch is that the protagonist has a metal slime waifu that he found but didn't try to kill for exp because he was kicked from the party for being a shoelacer nippon
and the demons are good and heroes' kingdom is actually bad
He made friends with Julius, that was the change.
After the stupid bout of jealousy and Julius humiliating Subaru publicly, he made friends with him and fought along side him.
He realised that his judgement was completely off about an actually decent guy.
>kicked out of the party for having d-rank boobs
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Yes! Confirmed! Catgirls good!
So what stops them from turning it into actual rape?
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In this thread?
Less likely than you think.
I want to impregnate Fran while the sword watches
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What is this phenotype called?
>He believes Negima isn't a romcom

sorry anon, that's the truth

you literally said negima wasn't a romcom
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>please be kind and water me
oh no...
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That anon really hates gynecologists for some reason. Maybe one ran him over in the past or something.
Her poisonous tentacles.
>childhood friends HAVE to be loyal and HAVE to get together
oh yeah, r/isekai?
>get isekai'd, genderbent
>make a male childhood friend
>he confesses
Made for giving head
No promise = no betrayal.
Is there any isekai or regular romcom where the mc and cf have no interest in each other and theres no cuckshit or broken promises or anything happening? Alya doesnt count.
Hmm nyo.
Alright, this is very reasonable. I believe you, anon.

I mean, yeah, but I didn't think it will keep going even after his change of sequence. And now that I think about, Adam's script implies Lumian will win no matter what. Goddammit Adam.
Your okaa-san casually made a joke about the two of you getting married when you both grow up, and being the calm, mature 40 year old virgin soul you are you laughed it off instead of vehemently denying it or saying "gross." He took this as consent.
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>he thinks you can only have one genre
Battle autist ones are the best for that.
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Doesn't matter as the slime is going to have a human form in like 10 chapters in.
sorry cf... i can't stop fucking every dick in town
It wasn't too bad, as far as NTR goes. Basdia was only part of the harem, pic-related was the sole girl.
>lotm discussion
Seafag gonna freak
Isekai with sexy battle maids?
Cf betrayed first by being born a guy, so don't blame me for being ruthless
My nigga.
I'm reading failure frame and caught up on that manga. The protag saw the goddess for like an hour. Is already OP as fuck and has apparentely the hottest elf in history who drives men mad with her beauty by his side (who still hasn't fucked).

Why is he still edgy about the goddess bitch?
This is beyond too many levels of irony for my actual alcohol content in my blood.

You're like a not too clever goblin that ask why is the sky blue but not purple, when the atmosphere filters the lowest wavelengths (and purple is the highest, so the sky should be purple).

You're touching something fundamentals, but answering it is far too much at even decoding what you're saying, before even answering the question.
that's a lot of words to avoid the question of whether or not you'd take a dick to sate your convictions
this the manga where some dude finds an island with a portal and sell out to the government? what happen did the elf get fuck by someone else? and dead mage isn't necessarily ntr as the shota was there as the gigaghoul fucks his girl, its unironically cuckold.
Every female, CF or not betrays every day when they destroy toilets with those nasty shits they take.
Plot contrivances
Mc-chan becoming powerful
Would be rapists cockblocking each other because they don't want to share
All of mc-chan's body secretions are super addictive mind affecting drugs
Or some combination of the above
so far there has never even been a hint of romantic interest in Fran, right? not that sword dad would ever approve of any suitor
No and the story ends with them being forever sealed inside a dungeon as secret bosses of the world so Fran stays a forever kid away from society
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I'd absolutely not take a dick to sate my conviction, if that was the weirdly phrased, weirdly incoherent, somewhat wandering, "what the hell is he even asking and can he speak English" question.
I fucking love pretentious pseudo-intellectual posts like these
Why wouldn't I take his confession seriously in isekai? Cant an adult say no, or will think about it when they grow older, or yes?
>he chooses to betray
and so betrayal will come unto you
I eat my childhood friend's soul and refine his corpse into a puppet
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How do we deal with desperate knights who missed their chance at getting a husband?
There's several ways to tackle that.
1. Yes route: Just give in and let your new body redefine your soul. Become a true woman who lets herself get dicked not only without resistance but also with full pleasure. Also might or might not cheat on him in the future, depends on you and your "woman moments".
2. No route: Tell him "no way, fag, not interested" or use some excuse such as coming out as a dyke or wanting to become a celibate nun or some other reason.
3. Eh? Nande? route: Try to endlessly delay officially hearing his confession by creating all sorts of "interruption" scenarios that break the mood. Has a moderate chance of turning the male CF into a rapechad yandere as a result though, so be careful when playing with fire like that.
4. Dorkness Excuse route: Something that's only possible if you are an OP GB MC. Tell the male CF "I will only go out with someone stronger than me, so good luck with your training!" If he has a protagonist halo he might actually manage to do it at some point thought so you should not optimistically assume that he will not be able to do it. But it's a fairly safe way to at least buy time with certainty with no negative side-effects.
5. Femdom route: Tell him that you find him the cutest when he squirms beneath you. If it works as intended then you control the pace and can keep the relationship at a level you are comfortable with, but depending on your and his mentality, there's moderate risk that it ends up turning into the "Yes route" (you fail to be the dominant one and experience domination loss) or a variant "No route" (he doesn't like being controlled and rejects you) instead.

For reference. Fake Saint of the Year chooses something in-between 2. and 3.
>did the elf get fuck by someone else?
She only kissed another man, as far as I know. She blushed at him as well, but I don't know what's she saying here.
The GB process left your CF with a soul mark. Once you devour his soul, it takes over your own. You watch from the corner of his mind as he spends an eternity mastering the Dao of Gooning with your body.
Suppose you were isekai'd as a jade beauty with an extreme yin physique perfect for dual cultivation. You could give huge gains to people at any cultivation level should they dual cultivate with you. What golden finger would you want to both protect yourself from rapists as well as thrive in the cultivation world?
Systems are not allowed
Pretty much any attempt at dissuading people from immortality is always just cope
So do normal people if they happen to outlive them.
Something that won't happen until 100,000x longer than the estimate age of our Earth and if the collective universe can't figure it out then fuck it.
Assuming God doesn't want someone to see the end of time with or that he wants humanity to ascend to Godhood
Clear my backlog. Which includes Disgaea games.
What even is this? I have been seeing this word a bunch in the past few days
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Can't be pseudo-intellectual when I'm drunk. That was a legit question. Sometimes when /a/ goes full nuanimation fakeplot forcedframes unkinoplot, and I'm drunk, I can't literally understand what you're trying to say behind twelves layers of kinofakeforcedanimations. I'm sure what you're trying to say is profound. I don't understand how dinosaurs relate to tsundere and tsundere relate to the fire of Kyoani studios and all of this is obviously a transexual plot because you're gay if you like women.
Edging for long periods of time over a single subject before ejaculating.
It's just shorthand for degenerate masturbation over [insert thing].
Sexo and have him be my personal dildo just like my ts oji-san djs.
I believe it's when you take methamphetamines, then edge for as long as possible. Can be done alone or with company. Preferred location is a cave.
Very flexible time travel. Or a protagonist halo that can't be lost/suppressed/etc. Realistically nothing short of that can help be beat the odds.
UQH more or less comes to the conclusion it is fine, as long as you have good company. Which is pretty reasonable imo.
NTA, your post dipped into pseud-territory when you started rambling (albeit briefly) about fundamentals. You should have stopped with the analogy instead of trying to justify it with an explanation.
It belies how you look down on other anons, assuming they're too ignorant to understand what you meant. - See? It's fucking obnoxious as shit.
Is it really that bad?
Cultivation master levels above you will kill everyone you love and mind ape you into submission.
h-harem sisters, I don't think we can come back from this...
Do some cartoonishly evil betrayal stuff, keeping yanking his chain and tormenting him all the while before turning around in the very last moment and saying "ot was just a prank bro" "sorry lol" and turning it into forgivenessslop. Whatever happens afterwards I'll be happy knowing readers will have gotten mad over it
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That's a bit extreme, innit
Is this the novel where the MC only steals kisses?
This. I've heard countless people try to argue that immortality is bad and it always comes off as some kind of cope about how you'll degrade and suffer.
Immortality /= invincibility
Other than that, it's some absolutely pants-on-head commie take about how only rich people would have immortality which is so fucking pants on head retarded that I don't want to legitimize the comment by responding to it.
use the three magic words: NO WAY FAG
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>cf and mc became sexfriends before becoming lovers
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Big tits good.
>no one bows to Shirone
>not in contact with Kuroki
>rumored to possess autism
>used to control Kuroki's social life with an iron fist
>owns various beach outfits she models for the Hero
>direct descendent of the Akamine samurai bloodline
>will bankroll the first human cities in Nargol (Shironegrad will be the first city)
>owns family dojo back on Earth
>first Kuroki babies are not Shirone babies
>said to possessan IQ of 13
>such stupidity has never seen outside of modern theoretical neurology scientific papers
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Please be patient, she is a woman.
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>watch 7th time loop villainess
>le ebil gunpowder
jesus christ
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>nipple indentions
this one is great and looks great, but the artist is probably terminally ill considering the hiatuses
>young nobleman has a harem
>local friendly vampire acts as love consultant
>vampire convinced girls to leave the harem and join their true loves
>noblemen seethes, lies to hero and mc to get vampire killed
>they find out the truth and vampire corrects nobleman, who now pursues a gardener girl he was in love with
I've never seen a series dunk this hard on harems
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Please REMEMBER to always have a HEALTHY meal so as to not worry your LOYAL CHILDHOOD FRIEND.
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this >>269228520
cuckfag mind broken a baby van didnt have sex with the girls instead helped them have babies (keeping their young look forever in the process)
Van later has two giant kids a dragons son and titan daughter
gets married to his reincanated mom at the end while the harem waits their turn
I dont have any childhood friends
>keeping their young look forever in the process
which later was solved without any impregnation involved, so he cucked himself for nothing
Your impostor replaced you and now nobody remembers the OG mutsumiplatafag anymore
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That is for when you reach isekai but FOR NOW treat your FRIENDS with kindness and COMPASSION desu.
That's IT, anon I'm tired of your faggotery. I'll isekai with you with josei ml system, that should teach you how to stop being forever alone. Now choose whatever you want to be isekai'd into a standard medieval fantasy setting, a victorian otome fantasy setting, a modern day dungeon hunter setting, or a chinese court drama setting. Either way it's to the academy with you.
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Impostor? It does not MATTER. I am IRRELEVANT in the greater span of things.

But what is RELEVANT is that CHILDHOOD FRIENDS are a CORNERSTONE of isekai life desu
The real issue is that the only way for any "immortality... bad!" argument to even be made you need a very specific "version" or "package" of immortality.
Specifically it has to be the kind where you somehow get this weirdly ultra-mega-specialized type of immortality where you cannot be killed by a star's heat, nor by black holes, nor the heat-death of the universe, yet some random hoodlum can still beat you up until you are knocked out and you can somehow still have muscle soreness, as if the universal laws are specifically rewritten specifically for the one single purpose only of you "not dying" but it somehow automatically detects when it's not related to "not dying" and deactivates itself in such cases. It's dumb and ridiculous. Also you are somehow the one sole person like that in existence and can't turn the immortality of in any way to kill yourself.
Only if all those conditions are met can you start making up a strawman to argue about "immortality... bad!"
Once you add anything else into the equation the whole point falls apart. If you can also create or destroy whole multiverses with a flick of your fingers, then the "existing in heat-death void for all eternity" point becomes moot. If other immortals exist then the loneliness aspect becomes insignificant, etc.
The whole thing is bullshit.
post apo setting, where we cultivate the T virus to get superpowers and fight mutant zombies. yes, it exists
Yeah. We have fake rishia's and now we have fake rishiafags
This one is just too aggressive. She wont make a good friend.
>josei ml system
Jesus christ how horrifying
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Thank you so much kami sama.
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Ehh it does not matter to me really since I DO NOT post here often.

But it SHOULD be fine as long as she gives Licia a good IMPRESSION.
Embers Ad Infinitum (by Cuttlefish)? Close enough.
*clap, clap, clap*
Men will never understand the hotness of dubcon
What a cope.
I still miss him...
>Specifically it has to be the kind where you somehow get this weirdly ultra-mega-specialized type of immortality where you cannot be killed by a star's heat, nor by black holes, nor the heat-death of the universe, yet some random hoodlum can still beat you up until you are knocked out and you can somehow still have muscle soreness, as if the universal laws are specifically rewritten specifically for the one single purpose only of you "not dying" but it somehow automatically detects when it's not related to "not dying" and deactivates itself in such cases.
It's called immortality, not invulnerability.
Sounds like literally every single Chinese zombie apocalypse thing I've ever read.
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I always remember Fujiwara no Mokou's quote
>Only an Emperor would want Immortality
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Don't be like that Anon-kun.

Licia simply wants to PLAY and PRACTICE and you should INDULGE her desu.
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I prefer when your childhood friend from the future reincarnates as your childhood friend in the past and then you reincarnate as your childhood friend's childhood friend in the future so that you can reunite with your childhood friend from the past who was waiting a 100 years for your reincarnation while you meet the original childhood friend in the future before she got spiritually sent back to the past so you can send her soul back to the past to merge the two childhood friends soul's together back as one
No i was thinking of The Last Human. they're cultivating the virus with the traditional chinese tropes, like cores, circulation, viral qi, etc.
If only those were more popular, everyone wants headbandless cat ears
Best boy
Even if the fights are very similar to the ones in LotM?
what ever happened to RI? I stopped reading around ch 2k, at the time I had heard the author stopped writing it. Is that still the case?
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It seems overly COMPLEX to pull off. The best I can do is CHILDHOOD FRIENDS from your previous life once again becomes your CHILDHOOD FRIENDS desu.
I see. But EAI also has that where that which gives people the opportunity to have superpowers of sorts is the same reason why people spontaneously turn into some sort of zombie. The ones with higher-level powers even radiate some sort of forcefield subconsciously that causes the spontaneous transformation of more people into zombie around themselves if they can't contain it in some way.
Chinese government didn't like the author's subversive writing.
She could legit get someone killed with that behavior
Where's the route where I GB him into a cute girl then breed her with my futa cock?
>CHILDHOOD FRIENDS from your previous life once again becomes your CHILDHOOD FRIENDS
Yes thats basically what happened except the childhood friend was reincarnated from the future to the past first and was still alive to the point in the future when she was originally born while the other childhood friend was the one who started in the past and reincarnated to the future
His next story flopped and now he's selling out with a generic nucultivation novel.
Still incomplete. It got banned for "cultural reasons". Things are better. A few years ago you couldn't even find anything about the novel on the chinese web (baidu and google didn't display results about the novel, it was deleted from wiki sites and some big forums, etc). Those days it has a page on baidu wiki and you can find raws, fanfics, and even fanart online.
Gu Zhenren would need to apply for a ban revision and edit out controversial parts to be allowed to continue
Is she right?
Please stop.
it's sad
like Masamune Shirow losing his workshop and wife in a quake and resorting to drawing blacked porn exclusively to make ends meet
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I see.. but what are their OBJECTIVES?

I'm assuming it has something to do with each others WELLBEING desu.
Infinite sufferingcore was just suffering and monsterfucking, no wonder it didn't sell
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how about no?
It was kino
Original childhood friend died and he did an incomplete revival of her while both her and her other fox spirit version from the past were slowly becoming weak and unstable for different reasons so to fix it he had to send the soul of the original childhood friend to the past to save the current fox spirit version
He reincarnated himself to be able to do that along with some other reasons (i think)
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Why not? EATING HEALTHY is a CORNERSTONE of life desu.

EVERYONE will be happy with your HEALTH and LIFE, especially your CHILDHOOD FRIENDS.
The author is unfortunately not the type to give recaps of the current status block so someone would actually have to keep track. Maybe it's for page saving, The author clearly has trouble deciding where to make cuts, with 2 2-parter books now.
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But I have to say, those are some DRASTIC measures.

Are they up against a POWERFUL enemy?
>google didn't display results about the novel,
Sasuga jewgle bowing down to communists
hopefully fishfucking and bear mauling are safe
how did female joker react to second heroine?
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I just saw a post in your style and immediately replied without reading
Built to be plucked.
It's less of bowing down and more of just allowing china-google to be run entirely by the Chinese government while paying Google a fee
Interesting. Do we know what parts or content actually got it banned?
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Yeah sort of but he really just doesn't want to lose her
Also spiritual ying yang onmyouji chuuni autism
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They do not KNOW how to react to each OTHER.

They both just DECLARED their AFFECTIONS to Len to each other and they just BLUSHED to REDNESS desu.
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Embrace Harem Endings
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Don't worry anon i haven't forgotten you
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What is the name of the series if I may ASK desu?
That's alright. Lets talk about how Licia's OVERBEARING attitude is actually a POSITIVE trait desu.
same face syndrome
maybe if you are underage
when you get older you will understand that seras rape endings are the best
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I like these type of things...is there a tag I should look for?
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I love this Licia too. She is very MART and CUNNYING.
why does this faggot type like a redditor?
> hated by a literal murder cult because He taught that women are human beings

Jesus Christ just can't stop winning.
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She is a SAINTESS.

She can HEAL people up so they can CONTINUE practicing swords desu.
>being immortal is le sads :(

i am so tired of this normie bullshit.
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Tokyo ravens but that twist doesnt happen until the end of the 14th volume which was fucking long as fuck and took me half a day to finish
Natsume is also the cutest childhood friend ever
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anon pls, I dropped the WN... after that one copypasta summarizing my reading experience: I don't have much to talk about...
most people are generally sad
without any other additional abilities - immortality would just make them sad forever
Negima is not isekai.
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I loved that COPYPASTA to be HONEST. Reading it was hillarious desu.

I guess my advice for you is to give the Light Novel a shot since it heabily REVAMPED the story. Especially Volume 3 and 4 desu.
14 Volumes is indeed a long INVESTMENT. But if there is a HAPPY ENDING then it is all GOOD.

Also I like the PUBLISHER for that series.
>he doesn't know
She was overworked and harassed by her editor to the point of having a miscarriage and being unable to hold a pen.
What the fuck,damn that's some manhwa tier plot. Did she sue or what
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okay yeah that was it, I knew there was something but I forgot what it was
>Did she sue or what
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It's from the end of volume 3, right as the story is ramping into its climax. For reference volume 4 hits its climax right away and ends about halfway through the book, and the rest of volume 4 is just side stories.
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>Ren's cheeks relaxed
>Licia is strong but Ren is stronger
>Sarah lost to Licia years ago
>Fiona charmed the opposite sex
>Licia challenges Ren only to lose
>Weiss' cheeks relaxed
>Fiona is dainty
>Estelle mentioned her husband
>Licia feels inferior to Ren
>Sarah challenged Licia after years of training only to get beaten to a pulp
>Licia's giggle captivated members of the opposite sex
>Fiona's cheeks relaxed
>Radius demands to be addressed casually
>Licia lost to Ren again
>Ren wants to be a sword saint
>Ulysses is a cunning man
>Fiona laughs with a fufu
>Licia admits that Ren is stronger
>Sarah is no match for Licia; the power gap between them grew
>Mirei goes nya
>Licia's mad that Ren talks to her formally
>Fiona and Licia charmed the opposite sex
>Estelle brought up her husband again
>Fiona is cute
>Licia grew stronger this past year but Ren grew even stronger and at a faster rate
>Marquis Ignat is a powerful man
>Ren ponders on how to become a sword saint
>Klonoa laughs with a fufu
>Licia tells Sarah that she cant beat Ren
>Fiona's smile completely captivated members of the opposite sex
>Licia lost to Ren several times again
>Sarah wants a rematch with Licia, even though she will get destroyed
>Ren comtemplates on how to be a sword saint
>Licia laughs with a fufu
>Estelle lets us know that she has a husband for the upteenth time
>Fiona complains on how Ren speaks formally to her
>Licia's charm would charm members of the opposite sex
>Licia completely lost again to Ren
>Ulysses notices that Ren speaks to Fiona casually
>Fiona is pretty
>Marquis Ulysses is a fearsome man
>Ren brainstorms how he can become a swordsaint
>Licia's cheeks relaxed when Ren started addressing her casually
>Sarah challenged Licia and completely lost again
>Fiona and Licia completely captivated members of the opposite sex
>Estelle laughs with a fufu
>Licia requests that Ren address her informally
>Ren gives up on becoming a swordsaint and decides to become a sword-king instead
The novels haven't ended yet but it most likely will be a happy ending. Though there hasn't been a new volume for a few years now.
The anime covers vol 1-9 if you want to take the shortcut but there will obviously things changed or skipped
Though i just spoiled like 3 or 4 of the major twists lol
Ellize didn't refuse to hear his confession, she heard him out and then straight up told him he should find someone else because she has 6 months left to live at best
Any isekai rapewife?
just find a blonde elf warrior
Of course I would. Then I could spend countless lifetimes updating my journal, and pondering the riddle "what can change the nature of a man?"
>what can change the nature of a man?
cut your balls of off and see if you become a faggot
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29 sai
Koreans love NTR.
Only at a later point. Initially it was a "find the one you should be protecting" and not understanding that (s)he was the one being targeted most of those times by him were Elize's own "Eh? Nande?" moments.
That's a rapehusband
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Yes. It still is pretty FUNNY
The silvet lining is that this is from the Web Novel and many Japanese readers pointed out these FLAWS in the story and author-san has been very PROACTIVE in improving MASTERMIND.
I fear in that case we might have to just PRAY at that point.
Inverse. Mars.
That's not even counting UQH which is Negima part 2.
Yeah I don't personally count those as "nandatte" moments but I can see how they can be framed that way. Maybe there needs to be another option for "obsessively ship them with somebody else" but I can't think of other examples.
Why not go the whole length and chop off everything except the skull, Mort?
well, I hope the manga improves on the WN. maybe one day I'll binge read it.
So…is cultivation the only way to ascend as a human? Are there beings which naturally surpass cultivators, ie, there’s a limit to how much you can normally cultivate?
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So far it has SHORTENED some plots.

In case you have not NOTICED, Chapter 21 of the manga covered like 5 Web Novel chapters. Len shopping with Licia, Len going to an adventurers guild, Len moving to another part of Licia's mansion and Len gifting Licia a Dress.

Those 5 web novel chapters are worth 10k characters/words desu.
did the novel change anything?
it depends on the author anon. they impose limits like max potential or some shit like in japanese isekais
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Happy dragon is cute dragon.
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If I pull that off, will she die?
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>read isekai
>half way group stops the english translation
>can only find russian or thai translations
Ironically, real world AIs should be able to beat them once they get started. Cultivators are often limited by talent, but when your entire being is data that you can manipulate at will, you have no limits. And also, unlike cultivators who are limited by all kinds of resource constraints, AIs are only limited by their access to computation.

That is why mind uploading is so desirable. It would allow humans to attain the powers of that would ordinarily be reserved for AIs.
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>monkey king sun wukong
>he was actually brainwashed into attacking heaven by the demon king
>one of the great sin of buddhism is the slaying of a budda aka demon kings can kill buddha
its probably shit anyways
shitsekais are the best sekais
there was recent research in why noble gasses work as anesthetics on humans and it turned out because they inhibit quantum processes inside nanotubes inside neurons that seemingly allow spacially distant parts of brain to interact instantaneously
those nanotubes are now speculated to be base unit of human brain computation, not neurons
so neural networks like modern AI aren't simulating brain and aren't consciousness-able

those AI will be glorified toasters until quantum computing is implemented in them
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See the thing is, in almost all cases simple human is best (in relation to beastgirls anyway).
Have some OC.
There is no official explanation given, and the author never commented on the reason either. The sudden "completely removed from everything" ban was unusual compared to the usual too. It's probably politics (there's a character those name was Xi Jianping, the whole thing with HC having done good in the past but having lost it's way and lost the hearts and minds of the people which feels like a dig at the CCP, the rants about how the powerful distort the truth, Fang Yuan turning the guys on his immortal land in factory wageslaves and this being shown as bad and exploitative, etc). Als GZR tends to get his weibo account suspended every once in a while by going off on drunked political rants so that's probably related.
>gets asked about childhood romances
>proceeds to say he's drunk and starts rambling about the sky being blue
based drunk anon
Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim
I'm so tired of that monkey garbage
i thought you were spouting bullshit until i found a paper on tunneling nanotubes
fiery golden eyes good
Human is the cutest, explain?
what could be the possible advantages of human ears on top?
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>“I’m not happy at all when I’m praised by trash like you.”
>As proof of that, my heart is pounding with anger.
I fucking love tsuns.
well, not surprising. manga adaptations have always been the abridged version of its source material. hopefully they kept the important parts during the fat-trimming process.
That's what I'm saying. (physical) animal traits don't actually improve a girl.

It's just a way to show the oddity of cat ears on top being seen as a the standard.
I'd make a joke about ears being on top makes it easier to hear predators/men(predators) but the truth is ears IRL are actually ever slightly so uneven so that the brain can determine altitude of sound already.
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>he's back
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And HOPEFULLY she higglights some of the LIGHT NOVELS positive changes desu.
Lipanon is that you desu?
Fucking kek. Too bad that it's probably never going to come back at that rate. I really appreciate the full explanation. I think I'll screencap it for reposting purposes later.
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If i were that kind of immortal, the moment i get bored, i just go to sleep for a few eons and wake up when something interesting happens
>Fang Yuan turning the guys on his immortal land in factory wageslaves and this being shown as bad and exploitative
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I choose none.
totally not an amputee fetish psyop btw
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>he chooses no ears
Well you do you I guess.
If you shave your head I'll call you cueball. Or curly. Or moe. Or larry. I don't actually know which was which so I'll switch them up sporadically.
I wonder if in chinkland they banned Dungeon Black Company or not.
I wonder what's his opinion on cat shit. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L38kxR0OW3Q
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when I see "catgirls"
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But if it had been, it would have worked.
>About to kiss his waifu
>Reincarnator reincarnates into his waifus body at the worst possible time
What awful luck
how so?
you shouldn't do this to boobies, however
I want to but Japan isn't giving me enough of them.
Reincarnated as a villainous noble lady in a erotic mecha series. What is your first action? And if it's not pushing down and molesting your maid then it's wrong.
>this is real dialogue and the dude is the ml
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>“We did get the price cut down by a lot, but even so, this girl still cost us 20,000,000 Enels.”
>“Twenty million…”
>2ndLt Paul’s eyes widened.
>“Um, if I remember correctly, a first-class warrant officer’s salary is 4000 Enels a month, right? With that monthly salary, you’d only be able to afford one yourself in about 416 or 417 years. Based on that, I get why you’re so shaken.”
>“Yeah…… Wait, why do you know the monthly salary of a first-class warrant officer anyway?”
>“I was offered a position as a first-class warrant officer a while back. I refused because the salary seemed too low.”
>“……Yeah, I bet you would.”

Hiro, why must you hurt the guy so?
the weak should fear the strong
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Ryoma from Grace of Gods uses Metal Slimes as weapons and armor later in the novel. I wonder if it's off the hiatus. Last I've read he was invited by Duke family over and was speaking to some elf or spirit under the tree or some shit. Preparing his tour to Green Hell Forest.
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this man is a goddamn psycho wtf
this shit is actually hilarious
Its hilarious how her brother was planning to do that. God I love helpless FLs that are just cute and dumb as bricks.
a woman wrote this
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Hiro is a master at incidental insults.
Depends on what state the world is in and how much influence I'd have over my life and society. Being immortal in a hellscape world overrun by orcs and with the female population below 1% is not a place worth living in.
So, continuing the deconstruction talk. There’s no such thing as a "villainess" in otome games, the trope was made up for otome isekai and therefore there is nothing even remotely villainous about the villainess. She’s an isekai trope meant to fulfill the fantasy of being a super-rich, beautiful noble daughter. But what is the villainess was ACTUALLY evil-aligned prior to fMC’s transmigration? That means the fMC is thrust into a situation in which everyone fears, hates and/or is slavishly loyal to her. What will be her relationship with her parents and siblings? How will those around her react to her sudden personality change? How does she deal with her pre-existing entanglements, followers, haters, etc? Or does she seriously try to get rid of the Heroine on the premise of avoiding the Bad End?
>So, continuing the deconstruction talk.
>How will those around her react to her sudden personality change?
from evil to evil? you lost me
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>WN doesn't have a "next chapter" button
how the FUCK do you guys put up with this shit?
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God I love josei so much. Clueless FLs without a thought behind their eyes being consensually preyed upon cause they are dumb as bricks is the hottest shit. Also her brother was planning on doing just that. The Golden Wife-in-Law is another good one.
He seems to think that everyone knows or cares about who he is.
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I think having 1 wife would already be enough of a hassle since I like spending most of my time alone, so having even more than 1 would eventually become agonizing.
I guess this would fit into the realist category.
he was? lmao
what about the old maid then lol?
this girl is too stupid tho
I thought over the top jealousy and possessiveness like this guy was supposed to be a turnoff for women tho
this guy doesn't want the fl to even look at other people including the maids
The LN follows the same plot as the WN, just with more side stories including an Ellize goes to Japan story that explains how this all started which IIRC wasn't in the WN
Problem is a a ton of these translators sites are so dogshit they're not even structured in an easy way where you can just replace the chapter number in the link
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@novelname Asianovel english epub download then pray to kernel gods you don't get 11 trojans from it
man I wish the doujin scene had more horny women writing their rape fantasy.
josei hentai good
Some don't have a good table of contents page, or if they do don't include the titles given by the author there
He had no excuse for making the others wait so long.
She is cheating since she is essentially a copy of the AI.
in negima they go to mars which is technically 'another world'
>copy of the AI
she's like a fork, not a copy
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>That one manga about the traumatized pink haired cf who gets healed by her gigachad cf was the only one that ever did the traumatized used goods thing right
This one?
>Reincarnated as the Villainess, I am Wiretapped, Photographed, and Stalked by the Heroine
>The protagonist only knew the heroine from the game and wanted to befriend her. However, the heroine didn’t just want to be friends with the villainess; she wanted to possess her. When she sneaked into the young villainess’s house to secretly take photos, she was caught by her older brother and had her camera confiscated. But she didn’t give up and continued to peep every day.
>The villainess’s brother was a target for conquest in the game, so the heroine tried to use him to get closer to the villainess. The heroine was willing to do anything: secret photography, wiretapping, stalking. When they reached middle school, the heroine began to eliminate those who would be the cause of the villainess’s downfall, getting them expelled or even sent to prison. However, the heroine miscalculated. The supposed-to-be-hated villainess was well-liked within the school. The heroine decided to make the villainess hers forcefully. The villainess herself was completely unaware of this.
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wolf loli sexo!
>has to show a flashback of it with more effort put into it than any of the actual sex she has with the mc
There is an Isekai I am reading, I like it and would recommend it
>A Dating Sim of Life or Death
It makes the MC at first think that is a dating sim, but is not, and that trick is fine, however every now and then you see other people have sex, the MC doesn't get any, but the author has decided to pair him hard with the crazy Yandere instead of the sweet but cool and sometimes naive ninja girl.
I guess because is a harder pairing to make work so there is more drama, however I am not sure if MC will be able to fix her.
>chad gasses hijacked human brains to make them call them noble gasses for absolutely no reason other than they thought it sounded cool
there should be more wolf girl representation in isekai dang it!
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the reason is that they barely interact with anything chemically, which is why their anesthetic effect was interesting
Damn, imagine knowing that your tax dollars are going to some asshole king just so he can cuck 700 citizens from having a wife.
>someone dies
>it turns into mana and disappears in thin air
>cemeteries still exist for some reason
typically only monsters do
or corpses inside dungeons
>greedy orc pussy

>he doesnt know the insane rates of child abuse and incest among the thirdies his boomer parents happily import into his country

those replacement birthrate levels arent made by getting married at 30 to one women. They are made through having baby making sex with minors, and those minors are groomed into liking it by having drunken sex with their male relatives.
nigger wrong board, manage your tabs properly you fucking tourist
go back too
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>when the japanese hero becomes king
There's more of those than many other types. The best wolf girls tend to get ignored by the MCs.
It''s been a while since I read it, but girl cf got raped during a party or something. Last I remember she and cf got together and were having a kid. All in all pretty wholesome.
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I need a good fantasy manga, it can be native too, please
there's something unsettling about her facial expressions
very menacing
Bard Leon
Did Tsuki ever confirm if Root's husband was Makoto's ancestor?
isn't that that one big french castle place? st michel or something like that
Wolf that don't Sleep
Dungeon Meshi
isn't he a fucking granpa? does it even count?
Munemori founded Kalaenon (the kingdom Makoto's ancestors were nobility of). And he was the conqueror with huge harem type with 60 wives. While it has never been explicitly stated it's pretty clear that Makoto descends from Munemori
Any Isekai where a group of people are Isekai'd and are forced into a battle to the death with each other? Ideally with a CF included.
>While it has never been explicitly stated it's pretty clear that Makoto descends from Munemori
Doesn't that mean Makoto is like Hauka, a "rebounder" who recovered the power of an ancient human ancestor?
Remember that Makoto is Hyuman and is ugly due to some curse?
do you want fries with that?
are the fries vegan?
makoto having human/ningen traits due to being a rebounder is a theory some anons bring up every once in a while but we have no confirmation
>when a manga doesn't make record sales
Is my jizz vegan?
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is it true that she's in her prime?
Stale Christmas cake
they live to like 150
nhentai has the complete version with the pixiv fanbox lewd pages
any female who has consumed less than 150 dicks in a year can be considered in her prime
Yeah, and maybe a Dr.Pepper as well.
CF bros its over.
He isn't cursed.
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People wanting a place to commemorate the dead even without their bodies being there? Impossible.
why is it always childhood friend and never adulthood friend
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who fucking makes friends as an adult lmao after 20 it's over
all those are fake btw
Food Truck isekai when?
there are like two and a dozen about restaurant
No thank you, but I'll take a mexican coke.
you can't make friends in your 20s for the same reason childhood friends betray you
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Why do you think something like that doesn't exist?
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I haven't married them and put three babies in the oven by the time we're 25?
Another part of it is that to get to demigod you have to spend years digesting potions and gradually learning to deal with convergence through fighting and fooling people, whereas for boons you just need to get a deity to agree to sponsor you.
The relative easiness of getting a boon is their biggest benefit and the biggest downside at the same time. By the time people get to demigod, they are ALL natural masterminds and fighters purely by natural selection. You can't get to demigod through potions otherwise since the competition is the only way to get anywhere, and it's completely unavoidable through an outright cosmic law.
That's why a boon demigod will always feel like a discount one compared to potion one. Because the potion one has earned every dreg of power they have, most likely, with very rare exceptions.
This would be perfect if the girl's childhood self has whites in her eyes to give the impression of her being mindbroken.
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She was until editor-kun got ahold of her.

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