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Why can't people understand male friendship without degrading it to homosexuality?
Griffith literally was a gay faggot who let men fuck his ass and was so sexually triggered by Guts rejecting him he raped a child in return the same night.
Friendship is a foreign concept to homosexual "men" and w*men. It's that simple.
Only straight men are capable of true friendship.
Theres nothing to understand.
Griffith purposefuly went and ruined his whole life and everything else on spite and sadness after discovering his best bro/crush got a lover that wasnt him.
And its obvious his destructive reaction wasnt because of Casca because he never really showed much interest on her despite the fact Casca was initially simping very hard after him.
It might help if both of them didn't literally take dick up the ass at some point.
berserk fans dont know that and havent read berserk, they look at cool pics of guts and then imagine what happened in it
Did you miss the part where Griffith is a massive faggot?
This is seriously the answer even in real life they can't understand the bonds men have so they project something they do understand which is sexual attraction.
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>bussy so good it makes a nigga go insane
What exactly did Griffith...do? Presumably he didn't lay there motionless with a frown on his face.
Women don't make friends like men do and vice versa.
Griffith didn't know about Guts and Casca fucking until after he had his autistic meltdown and slept with the princess.
16, i.e an old maid.
>he raped a child
The consequences of first wave feminism have been a disaster for the human race.
The berserk fandom isn't this retarded is it? This is bait right?
Casca is kind of a cunt. If she's such a great friend then why did she tell Guts about Griffith and Gennon? Imagine the bitch you keep around tells your best friend that you got fucked in the ass for money because you were desperate and she found you later trying to scratch the old man smell off yourself.
Bitches can't keep secrets.
I was about to say that straight friends don’t get naked and splash each other with water but I literally streak with my friends so I guess I can’t talk lol
>male friendship
Pseudo homosexuality
Western/christian shaming
the same can be said for female characters in ALL anime and manga lmao
I've seen the dumbest retardation on this board that automatically assume a girl being friendly to another girl means it's a confirmed yuri ship.
Griffith is proto gay. He has no way to resolve his feels for Guts in a way that would satisfy him because he can't be honest with himself. Guts just wanted to be best bros. So the potential for gayness is there but it would never actually cross that line because Griffith is both delusional but also rational about how the world treats homos and Guts would never do gay stuff in a million billion years.
Only if you're a pdf file
There is a panel where Griffith comes to terms with his gay feels for Guts. "Junk grows old". It only took an entire year of constant torture for Griffith to finally admit it.
Or someone who isn't a retard. Clearly you don't fall into that category.
berserkbros... we got exposed as faggot lovers...
because everyone grew up with "no homo" jokes so all instances of male closeness are seen as homoerotic in nature even if they're nothing of the sort
go back to tumblr
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berserk is literally gay tho
He was totally gay for guts
Guts got his asshole fucked and cummed in by a black man lol
But Griffith was bisexual leaning to gay.
Guts is straight though.
You mean elevating
Men having sexual attraction to each other is actual romance, because it isn't something that's actively encouraged by majority
And Griffith is 100% gay, even if you need to cope by denying that for some reason
Both these guys canonically have had cock and cum in their butts lol
The homosexuality in Berserk is simultaneously overstated by fujos and understated by shonenfags.

Overstated because there is no possible way for Guts and Griffith to be gay together and understated because the potential for gayness is baked into the story.
I'm here longer than you
4chan will never be an echo chamber
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So true
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Be honest, you would.
this isn't gay though;
The torture was an attempt to wake him up from homosexuality, it failed.
Some just people arent gay
Japanese media is often vague and subtle about if a relationship is a friendship or not, more so when it involves homosexuality.

Sometimes friendship also runs that deep that the only reason you aren't fucking each other in the ass is that you're both straight and/or one of you isn't a woman.

There's also like several scenes such as Griffith, while naked, giggling like a child or literal girl as he splashes water on Guts.

Canonically they were just friends and any feelings fall almost entirely on Griffith's side if any exist.
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You wouldn't let evil Taylor Swift suck your soul out of your body through your dick?
Not fucking Griffith is gay.
I wouldn't really mind so much except they're constantly whining for men to be able to show emotion and friendship and the second they do they start going HOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! because Sam cried that his best friend, Frodo, was so broken by war that he had to leave Middle earth.
The weirdest part is when you talk about muscular females the gays chant homo lol. It's almost like they think the world revolves around them.
Griffith absolutely fails this test because of how he reacted to Guts leaving. That is not the reaction of a friend, it's the reaction of BPD girlfriend.
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Damn Griffith lay off the Botox and lip injections.
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Griffith is a god if he really wanted to fuck Guts he would turn himself into a woman.
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Because you never read manga intended for people with male friends and instead read spergslop. Once you find out what filters spergs, everything will become smooth sailing.
>because it isn't something that's actively encouraged by majority
Have you been in a comma for the last 15 years ?
Why did you censor "women"?
It's something ricecels do for some reason.
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tfw the world ended because you didn't dick the aryan femboy
Miura is a huge faggot for dying
His heart exploded from drawing too much loli.
The last thing he drew was a shota cock
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I like homos, male friendship is boring.
They are both faggots who take it up the ass.
>said the tranny pretending to be a woman
god it's so cringe when they pretend to be fujos
Why didn't that sick fuck know that the age of consent in some USA states was 18 ahhhhhhh
wasn't griffith like 24 and she was 16 about to turn 17
Guts is a rape victim and he tried to fight back against a nigga raping him. Griffith bent over, spread his cheeks and said "give it to me, Daddy".

Guts does not have a gay bone in his body (unlike Griffith who has had many gay bones in his body).
and did John Berserk have sex with her when she was younger?
he's just like me
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>Immediately assuming someone is a troon

Spartans where the manliest men to ever exist in mankind and were inseparable in bond because of how deep in bussy they were.
its always wokefags larping in order to try to normalize their weird ass behavior.
echo chambers are loud (reddit)
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I hate faggots as much as any normal guy does but Griffith is totally gay
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>doesnt post the literal next page
Wow Griffith wasn't attracted to a smell old man? This totally changes everything about him selling his ass!
Do you think Griffith itemized the cost of certain sex acts like a true prostie? "1000 gold coins if you want to finish in my ass. No kissing"
>not gay
>didn't like it
>seduced Gannon to the point of obsession

I dunno, seems a bit sus. It couldn't have been his first rodeo
because faggots are mentally ill.
if berserk didn't have homo undertones, people wouldn't be having this discussion permanently for the last 20 years SPECIFICALLY with this manga and not others.

griffith was clearly written as gay as >>269223567 said
he wasn't obsessed because of anything griffith did. he was obsessed because griffith is gorgeous. same reason the princess was obsessed
Griffith wanted Guts to himself in all meanings of the word, speedreader/watcher
casca only did that because she was already sensing griffiths' insane obsession with guts would cause his downfall
it's sad casca went from the one griffith told everything to to being downgraded to just another member of the band and guts being his new confidant
i don't think griffith told her everything, casca caught him during his lowest moment where he was emotionally vulnerable and spewed shit out. most of the rest of the time he was just as closed off from her as he was from the rest of the hawks
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Yeah bro Griffith just got naked and stood there so Gennon could admire him. Nothing untoward happened that night and Griffith didn't have to do anything gross to make Gennon believe he was like "fine wine" and "worth his weight in gold".
that's displaying griffith's naked body and showing his beauty. "fine wine" and "worth his value" does not imply anything that disproves my point. why do you want to believe he enjoyed fucking the old man so much? i'm pretty sure the torturer said similar things about griffith and he was literally chained down unable to move
If Gennon put Griffith on such a high pedestal then Griffith would not need to sell his ass to begin with. Griffith isn't an OnlyFans model with a simp, he's a backpages kind of whore who needs to work for his pay.
Gennon obviously put that bussy to work and Griffith obliged.
>If Gennon put Griffith on such a high pedestal then Griffith would not need to sell his ass to begin with.
that makes no sense. when you pay for a prostitute you're basically paying for them to starfish and you get to fuck them and cum on their big tits. gennon agreed to the transaction because he liked how griffith looked as he's stated multiple times to be beautiful by both men and women. everything you wrote is pure headcanon
Blame the sexual revolution.
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Woman cannot conceive of a genuine platonic friendship. Same reason why they invented the term "bromance".
>when you pay for a prostitute you're basically paying for them to starfish and you get to fuck them and cum on their big tits
Lol no. You have obvious never fucked anything more expensive that a $20 Phuket whore.
oh that makes sense, you're the kind of person that makes a habit out of it and is proud of it. well i'm not experienced in buying gay prostitutes, i'll proudly say that. you're still a faggot though
Stop idolizing a literal faggot. Griffithfags are completely insane.
i'm not idolizing him or denying griffith is a faggot but only for being obsessed with guts and nothing else
Griffith got paid so much that it saved his army. He didn't just starfish like a crack whore single mother, lol.
9/10, almost spot-on; only thing is she wasn't a child
interesting headcanon
Griffith is gay as fuck. Also, I'm not sure why you'd want to claim Griffith's possessiveness and willingness to use Guts as an example of heterosexual male friendship. Look at almost any shonen protagonist and his best friend/rival and you'd have an example of a relationship that is both healthier and less gay.
Griffith's bussy speedometer has some miles on it. Definitely not bussy straight off the lot from the dealer.
Because women are subhuman.
Death to faggots.
>Death to Griffith
I agree
In this modern world. Postituion is a form of rape. So Griffith selling ass means he was raped. Why are there so many people ITT trying to impose an orientation on rape victims?
>Postituion is a form of rape.
no. rape implies unwillingness. selling ass to fund an army still doesn't mean you're gay though
Guts was a child you dumbfuck
Thank fujoshits for this.
>In this modern world
Good thing Berserk doesn't take place in this modern world
>Those who cannot conceive Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend.
That's not my argument I'm just granting it
I never got the impression Griffith ever had what we'd call sexuality, or at least sexual preference.
He used sex as a tool to gain power over people. The count, the princess, raping Casca in front of Guts just to establish dominance over him.
Even before the godhand, Griffith was seriously fucked in the head.

I'd struggle to call what he and Guts had a "friendship" anyway. Guts wanted to be someone's blade, and Griffith was all too happy to wield him. When Guts figured out that he and Griffith would never be equals as they were and went to follow his own path, Griffith reacted like a child having a toy taken from him.
Berserk is an actual example of a relationship that goes beyond friendship. It wasn't necessarily sexual, but I'm pretty sure Griffith outright says that Guts was the most important part of his life, even more important than his dream of becoming king.
>He thinks the bible was afraid of bromance
Read about Jonathan and David. Literally the reverse is true.
Guts was straight as an arrow, but Griffith was 100% gay for Guts.
Griffith doesn't think in terms of sexual or romantic attraction. Guts is emotionally significant to him because he represents someone he cannot conquer.
In Griffith's mind when he's getting tortured, he realizes that his friendship/longing/love for Guts had surpassed his dream in importance.

I think the best argument against Griffith being gay is that he's attracted to strength. He initially uses sex to get power and money, but then that wraps around to being pretty gay when you realize what Guts represents to Griffith. From the moment Griffith laid eyes on Guts he was intrigued by his strength - strength of mind body and spirit. Guts = castle.
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Mmmmmmm castles
>Two guys talked to each other??
It's just light fujo-pandering and fujos picking it up.
This but unironically
We only know about the one because Casca snooped. How does a kid from the streets put together a mercenary band? Charisma is not enough, you need money. Griffith was selling ass.
I'm gay and love having sex with men and taking dicks up my butt, ama
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i didn't mean everything in his life, i mean he told her the truth about what he did. granted she basically found him out, but he could've just lied and went with what she said because she didn't want to believe it. it's obvious he trusted her. she was one of the only ones that stuck around for the long haul
>Spartans where the manliest men to ever exist
that's the mongol horde
bejita or goku?
I hope you get AIDS
i guess this makes sense, but if this is true then now griffith clawing his nails into his arms doesn't make sense. griffith looked traumatized by it, like he'd never done it before
I always took it as him being traumatized by how many people were dying for his dream.
wait this means his character is more stupid than i thought

so he's "traumatized" over people dying for his dream, not fucking the old man right? but he continues to do that after with no problems. and then sells them out for no reason

i can't believe people think this piece of shit is sympathetic. being traumatized over selling his body would have given him a human side, but nah it's just the same sociopathic "muh dream" bs
Griffith had to care about the band of the hawk or else the sacrifice wouldn't have worked. That is what is so chilling about Griffith.
Goku is my hero.
he killed his friends who just saved him, it doesn't matter if he cared or not. he caused his own "trauma" and that's what's so ironic about it
>and then sells them out for no reason
The godhand hit him with a sunk cost fallacy that wasn't even really a fallacy. Griffith becoming an invalid fugitive meant that every single person who had ever died for his dream had thrown their life away for nothing. And the only way for that to not be true was to sacrifice the rest of them. It was a perfectly sensible decision.
That's what's so interesting about the eclipse. Having his comrades torn apart by demons obviously comes across as a horrible betrayal and marked descent into evil. But it's not. It is the logical continuation of everything he had been doing up to that point. He had always been sacrificing them for his dream. The Griffith that we recognize as evil during the eclipse is the same Griffith doing the same things as the one that most people liked and were sympathetic towards for most of the story up to that point.
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>I got fucked in the ass to feed an army and all I got was this "I was brutally tortured for a year" t-shirt.
male friendship, otherwise known as CAMADERIE, has been discouraged since the end of wwii because that means it would lead to antisemitism. so they've convinced a whole world that acting like a fucking cardboard is a way to be a 'man'
that's just yuritard subhumans just ignore them
that's a myth
Griffith is a powersexual
If he gets power from it. then it makes him horny
Frankfurt school.
Succinct. Raping a woman while thinking about your best guy friend leaving for a day is gay behavior even if you are hilt-deep in prime
It's threads like this that make me glad Miura died before finishing berserk. His fans are total fucking retards who don't deserve anything good
I think you'd definitely have to be gay to reject Casca
You say that as if men can understand an equal relationship without raping and breaking another person
>they're such good friends!
>guts abandons griffith at the drop of a hat
>griffith self-destructs over losing guts then when they're reunited fucks his're waifu right in front of him
You have an even more fucked up concept of friendship than the fujos.

Men are supposed to have a wife and a family.
Friends slide back to fourth or fifth place at best.
1., is your own flesh and blood kid; 2., is your wife 3., is grandparents 4., is the dog
Friends come after, if you haven't shit yourself to death after all the work that comes with standing strong for your family.
Otherwise you're just faggots mincing about pretending to be an adult.

4chan is a faggot mincing about
reddit is a troon kidraping faggot mincing about

Kill all jews.
Kill all niggers.
Kill all troons.
Kill all fags.

Have a family.

Berserk is OK, but nothin special. It stands out for island chinks managing to nail and understand the style of Europeann medieval fantasy for the first time, without turning it into their own weird J-europesque style.
>4., is the dog
Lmao you aren't serious
1. is your child
2. is the best friend you've known forever
3. are your parents and possibly grandparents
4. are the long-term friends who stuck with you through thick and thin
5. is the mistress
6. is the wife
7. is the dog
8. are other relatives
9. are acquaintances you have a transactional relationship with

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