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What is your opinion on this family?
height is everything
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Extremely cute. Fuck Sunrise for robbing us of milf Kagome
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I can't imagine Kagome having sex.
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Peanut butter was used
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I fucking love moroha
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I love Moroha and I love Yashahime, simple as.
y tho
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>street smart
>VERY cute design
This wasn't in the manga. Don't know why Sunrise keeps adding this stupid fucking drama
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>that fucking foot
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I really did like the designs of all the daughters in the show, but the fact that they weren't raised by their families was a little too depressing for me.
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At least in the manga Moroha and Setsuna are raised as sisters. And Towa is raised by her maternal family in both which is pretty good.
The Yashahime anime was first. The Manga was Takahashi's hand picked choice given the unenviable job of trying to fix the train wreck.

Honestly Yashahime would have been better as an episodic comedy with lower stakes.
Would have made the big bad evil guy is the teacher in the future thing work way better.
I'd have sex with all three of them.
No, that was adapted from an Inuyasha bonus chapter Takahashi wrote and drew in 2011. Kagome complaining about Kikyo to Inuyasha wasn't in the anime episode
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I prefer this family.
the whale that made this didn't even watched inuyasha
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Is Moroha canon
Hated it.

But that's do to fact that Inuyasha and kagome didn't actually get to raise her
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are they even relevant?
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Should've never happened.
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Very cute family desu
Rumiko didn't write Yashahime so no.
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Sesshomaru is so lucky
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Yashahime is dogshit
That basically sums it up. No matter how hard Sunrise/Katsuyuki Sumizawa tried to shill Yashahime as if it's part of the Rumic World, it will always be a glorified fanfic. Sure, we have the manga adaption now, but it feels more like Takashi Shiina trying to stay relevant since Ghost Sweeper Mikami is his only real legacy.
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Stop spamming this garbage.
Why angry
They're adorable.
But nobody posted your mom?
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kill yourself
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C'mere and give grandma Kikyo a kiss.
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Milf Kagome in bottom left makes me feel things
it wasnt very good, SOL with a bit of action would have been amazing
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It's great and this one is also great!
Reminder that Moroha is Kikyo's daughter from a parallel past
Not written by Rumiko = not canon
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Will Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru every accept their daughters homosexuality and approve of their relationship? Seems like the kind of thing they aren't ready to understand.
I certainly cant help but wonder about her shifts from Kagome's present to Inuyssha's past.

Like she's fantasy animes response to Dr. Who or something.
The 3 girls were cute and I love them
That Moroha is from a parallel past
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Sorry, but this family took all the focus
Do you think that Kagome got tied to the knot?
Haha just asking for a friend.
Rumiko said it happened.
>source my ass btw
damn that's a nice drawing
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>my ass is the reason mao exists.
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Kikyō's ass is huge.
It is cannon Moroha. Not the one from the overly dark fanfic.
I'm glad my meme is still remembered
Was there even any episode with these 3 just hanging out?
God I loved this show growing up
Glad Inuyasha got his happy ending
We do see them spending time together in between fights but there is not a full episode dedicated to that
Ai loves Junko and will marry her.
Honestly they missed a bunch of huge opportunities by not making it more of a humor series with slice of life episodes.

Locking the well, and making it so none of the new characters knew their parents just ruined so many story opportunities.
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She did nothing wrong.
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I want to pick her up and bend her over every piece of furniture in the house.
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Your response?
Get her ass pregnant as well.
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All I know about this series is I heard people who mindbroken because Sesshomaru and Rin hooked up?

At the end of the day Rumiko Takahashi didn't write any of this.
But she said 'yeah that's how I envisioned it.'
based Rumiko
>All I know about this series is I heard people who mindbroken because Sesshomaru and Rin hooked up?
Holy fucking shit. These people must have the most comfortable lives of all time.
And so was Inuyasha.
Now imagine having to interact with these people daily.
Is yashahime getting a new season?
they all have cute feet
you spoiled me...
Rin being the mom will never stop being based.
>sesshomaru was a cunny bro all along
really makes you think
I share this opinion, but I heard the manga is way better.
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Moroha and her fangs.
She groomed Sesshomaru. Think about it.
>In the anime, at least two adult humans wanted his cock
>heavily implied Kagura and him would have hooked up if she didn't die
I accept your concession.
Thankfully no.
Yes. They never shut the fuck up either, even though they're not welcome here with their normalfaggotry. Complain about the actual writing failures.
>shessomaru had feelings for kagura
this is fan fiction
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Yes she will
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Yes. Just like Calvin and Susie.

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