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Come witness a story of courage and trust. A tale of honor among men and the strength of their bonds. A saga that depicts the inner strength and wisdom of the tenacious underdog. A righteous message to stay strong against adversity and to never ever give up on your ideals. A manga where all of Japan's virgins start dying suddenly.

Chapter 13: BLUFF
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Chapters 11 and 12 >>269153385
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>slut propaganda
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She sure is informed.
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Another moderately important tl note, Japs sure have a lot of sayings about sex stuff.
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They're right. It doesn't matter if you got your dick wet, what's matter is that girls actually wanted to get your dick wet.
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>super hairy
Sounds pretty based to me
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>tfw no amateur gf
That's all for today folks! Tune in tomorrow for the next chapter, same Virgin Time(-ish), same Virgin Chan(nel).

Let's break the ice: Is it a dealbreaker for you if someone is super hairy down there? Have you ever booked a hotel room?
>Is it a dealbreaker for you if someone is super hairy down there?
Why? It's my preference.
>Is it a dealbreaker for you if someone is super hairy down there?
like SUPER hairy? for a first time, yeah. but it would be nice to have some variety later on I suppose.

>Have you ever booked a hotel room?
no, but im 31yo now, might just hire a hooker one of these days.
Whore propaganda. Don't listen to her.
Oh, she's a rapist.
At the age we like them, you know, hair is a bit rare.
i fucking WISH a professional hooker raped me.
Thanks OP
Suppose it depends on what 'super' means. I'd typically prefer smooth, but some peach fuzz can be pretty cute. And I have booked a hotel room, but it was just for me
You're a natural born whore then.
He went from level 1 virgin to level 100 yankee grandma slayer. What a chad.
That's what a lot of people believe here too. We have the word "escortcel" for those people.
Never been with a woman with actual wild bush, I'd like to check if I acutally like it or not.
>I'm officially ready to join the man-whores.
>Are we gonna go pick up chicks after class?
Shiragiku is hilarious.
This bitch is evil. She started the NO ASS NO CLASS chant, exposed Kira, and now she's exposing Shiragiku.
>Is it a dealbreaker for you if someone is super hairy down there?
I don't like super hairy but it wouldn't be a deal breaker if I liked the person.
>Have you ever booked a hotel room?
Yes, but not for sex.

Answer your own questions, OP.
Nice digits.
Also is hairy supposed to be a bad thing now?
She's the worst girl I've seen in quite a while
So what is glasses deal? Kurumi helped her when she was being harassed and she threw him under the bus with the chanting. Now this.
IS she just a bitch?
Good old hookers don't count.
I feel like i wont like where this is going.Thanks OP.
I'm hairy, so it wouldn't bother me i guess. Never booked a hotel room for any reason.
>Answer your own questions, OP.
I definitely prefer clean shaven, but what is true love if not being willing to eat out a girl who has a massively untamed bush when you yourself aren't into bushes?
I've never booked a hotel room, never even stayed at one, only time I've been a guest at a hotel was when my homecoming dance was held at a Mariott.
Yes. She's a strait-laced dork who got a whiff of popularity and now she's joined in whole-heartedly. She's a cunt
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>go to virgin jail
>50/50 chance you'll be cured by the hot redhead slut...
>or this

Even among virgins, some get to be winners, and some losers.
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>Is it a dealbreaker for you if someone is super hairy down there?
As long as it's well kept
>Have you ever booked a hotel room?
Only for normal occasions. I would love to book a room at a love hotel someday. Try to look some of them up, you have some of the craziest love hotels out there. Rooms with a private swimming pool, some with a slide, rooms that look like a train interior, you name it.
Japanese don't get THAT hairy compared to western countries.
Was this a Chinese to English translation or did that last panel just somehow have no kana in it?
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This panel is so sad. In the previous chapter, Shiragiku's head was held up high and now he's been defeated.
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>Sure, just got to www.4chan.org
This is why hiring hookers for incels is not a solution.
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Well this was the credits page for this chapter, I'm pretty sure those are Korean moonrunes so the scans may have been Korean, I don't really know any other reason they'd show the title in K runes here if it wasn't the case. This series gets dropped by this group (or maybe they dissolved or something) and gets another scanlation group a couple of chapters later, pretty much all of the terms stay consistent though. The typesetting and scan quality improves with the new group iirc.
thanks for the dump, op.
>super hairy down there?
i expect him to be hairy.
>have you ever booked a hotel room?
for guests, yeah. i used to work a hotel front desk. most miserable job of my life and the closest i ever came to killing myself. don't work a hotel front desk.
there were a lot of "couples" that came in trying to book a room "just for a couple hours," but even at shitty motels like the one i worked at you needed to pay for the full night, so there were no cheaper prices. saw lots of eyebrow-raising pairs enter and exit in the span of a few hours. looooots of age gap couples of all gender combinations.
fwiw the straight couples always trashed the rooms worse than any other demographic.
Thank you for posting.
He looks like a Cromartie High character now.
> whops, I am gay
makes sense, korean raws usually dump sooner. they were probably impatient.
I started reading on ahead, holy shit the TL is garbage.
Thankfully it's just a silly joke manga

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