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Is the series too dark? Started reading when the ending got announced and just reached the part where Midnight gets beaten, gangraped and killed right after Twice got betrayed by his friend and assassinated, with his clone turning to goo in front of his kid friend. What the hell? I thought this would be like Mirko were the author likes showing people gored, but you can tell the others are saving her. There are actual consequence now. What kind of child would go away happy after reading these books?
Cut the bullshit and post porn.
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Hot. Which chapters should I read for this?
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Do you think Allmight and his master ever... you know?
Would you guys let your 12 year old kid watch My Hero Academia?
If seeing a fully clothed grown women makes you think about porn, you're the problem.
Only reward bjs after training
Twice deserved to die, anon.
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How do you feel about Toga's death?
>where Midnight gets beaten, gangraped and killed
I can see beaten and killed, but gang-raped. Did that part actually happen?
Well done. She got to know love and got out on her own terms.
>AFO specialises in mindbreaking people
>never attempted to rape her

>Heroes face no consequences

Enji, Bakugo, Hawks, and Aoyama all sort of got punished for what they did. Enji is the worst off, being permanently crippled, missing an arm, and burned everywhere. Bakugo's hand is damaged, his heart weaker, plus he feels bad that Izuku lost his Quirk so they can't compete the same way he wanted them to. Aoyama, despite doing way less wrong and even helping his class during the forest raid, still leaves school because he doesn't feel he has earned being there yet. Hawks lost his Quirk and even though him running the HPSC could be seen as good for him, Hawks always wanted a break, but now he has one of the most time consuming and stressful jobs out there.
I liked it
I like the sad sentiment of her and Ochako wishing that they could have been best friends in a better time
midnight deserved better
Don't bother OP is a pussy, all of that is off screen and you don't even get to see the body
Her murder has been defeated and is in jail.
What will Deku's job be?

>Teacher in UA
>Police officer
>works as a social worker to help problem children
>works at HPSC and becomes Hawk's successor
AfO was gay, anon
Like really gay
He only had eyes for his brother
She was a slut who refused to settle down in her early years and then started going after young boys but failed miserably and died like the whore she was, all of it was karma
>Do you know how your beloved mentor have died?
>You said it lots of times, so shut-
>She was damn tight
>And her boobs. Yeah, they even bigger without clothing!
>Oh, what's with that face? You got a boner, didn't you?
>Maybe I should tell the whole story, huh?
It would be damn good.
lul wat
Enji isn't cripple, just like All Might they both are still recovering. Both will be walking in the final chapter.
you see the body in the manga, the villians leave her in doggystyle even though the last time we see her alive she is facing them to fight and the kids later only touch her hand

i wish i was joking
Nah if anything it just masquerades as a dark series by offsetting all the major consequences to adult side characters. Adult pro heroes like Endeavor get completely mutilated by the end whilst students get comparatively lighter injuries that don't completely strip away their bright futures. Yeah Deku lost his quirk but it's not like he's an amputee like Mirko, dude even got his arms rewinded back. The entire final arc is students going to war and not a single person out of the overbloated Class 1A cast gets a debilitating injury that will majorly impact their future careers.

>What kind of child would go away happy after reading these books?
It's the exact type of story that appeals to them because the juvenile characters they connect to get to stand side by side with adults in the stories big conflicts as equals. Even though that's just an illusion since they're getting meatshielded and handheld by those adults the whole time.
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Reminder that Dekusheep is real.
Bakugo is a rat dog
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Bakugo is so handsome
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...the whole time she was walking around nude? Like the entire manga she just had her smelly pussy out and no one said anything about it?
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very sad
>beaten, gangraped and killed
Never happened, stop making this limp-wristed series more "dark" or "mature" than it is.
Hawks x Mirko is hot
>19 Months Past Due
still ugly. i would however rape bakudog.
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Kaminari inadvertently saved the world

Kaminari encourages Jiro to have confidence in her musical abilities
Confident in their abilities, Jiro and Tokoyami take on AfO and hit him with the Legato attack that causes his quirks to revolt against him
AfO is forced to use the Eri's rewind
All of hero society deals rewind damage to AfO with Bakugo dealing the final to rewind him out of existence

In summary, this idiot set off a chain reaction that brought down AfO. Sasuga, Horikoshi
I hope by the time he starts his next work, he will have his profiles fixed. Because everyone having that stupid and flat snout looks so stupd.
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of course
bruh lay off the porn
It must smell really good so everyone thought it's just her perfume.
predictions for next chapter? I know some crazy anon here managed to predict edgeshot becoming bakugo's pacemaker somehow kek. let's see if we can once again do the impossible
Showing her face was a mistake
Killed all fanart of her being invisible (her superior form)
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Hawks has achieved his goal
Could no. 2-10 heroes working together defeat AFO? Would it depend entirely on Eraserhead?
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Should they be canon?
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>axed clover
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If I were Hori, I'd just kill almost everyone in the series. Particularly Mirko, All Might, Uraraka, Mom, Bakugou, Aizawa, the rest of class 1-A. Spare Deku and Toga and ship them both with Mirio as as a hot wife and Mei as a wet nurse and have Nagant and Hawks, both shipped, covering for them. Todoroki is incapacitated and will be set up for a revenge arc and duel against Izuku similar to Hiei vs Yusuke and SSJ2 Goku vs Majin Vegeta. The ending pulls a watchmen where the hero association crumbles and quirks are removed from everyone, leaving off a temporal message telling everyone how they can be heroes without being or feeling special about themselves and have the surviving main cast watching over Japan as its guardian angels with a newfound sense of justice built from their hardships.

This series did not deserve to go out the way it did. But it seemed necessary considering how it was basically the end of an era for spics, tumblrfags, fightfags, and shipfags all rolled into one.
I think the solid breath guy from class B whom she forcefully gave a new fetish to during the A vs B arc would be a cuter match for her, personally.
Probably not. Unlike some of the other side couples I don't know if there's legitimately any setup for them
Edgeshot has the worst fate...
Live in this form forever...

Hawks is just quirkless and not a cripple like Endeavor and Mirko...
Obviously not
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Dabi win!
Endeavor is a cripple and forever in a wheelchair.
Fuyumi lost her job
Natsuo disowned Endeavor and marry a rat
No they just beat her to death offscreen. This is a shonen for 12 year olds. Anon just has pornbrain.
>rejects allmight's micro penis
yeah I'm thinking this was a setup
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Surely there will be a surprise in the last chapter, right?
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>Is that characters actually dying in a battle shonen
This whole generation is kids gloves. Even in Superhero comics this kind of shit happened all the time.
Yes. I want to see, which kind of la creatura will be born.
I will miss Endeavor.
We will not see an iconic bara character like him anytime soon.

Thank you so much Horikoshi.
Haha that would be like so crazy!
Got the sauce on this? Found the artist page, but no trace of it.
Damn I never thought about that aspect
Those things would be abominations
No. This fanart is over 3 years old
Post more Midnight.
Same for Kirimina
That porn of Endeavor, Twice and Compress is so fucking hot.
My big problem with her is she is useless. She was never used in a way that invisible humans used in movies and manga. She could have been a hell of a spy but no she is not doing anything for 400 chapters.
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I wish Hori bothered to explore Momo's headspace after the first war. Both Midnight and Majestic died praising Momo and pinning their hopes on her, and she still failed to stop Machoa from rampaging
me on the bottom
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Here's a fresh batch of maximum fujo cope right out of the oven. Also apparently a Japanese native speaker called Rukasu out in a thread for mistranslating the leaks and leaving important stuff out on purpose.
What do fujos want? Should Deku's whole character just be "Kacchan sugoi!" every chapter?
>instead of physical abuse, femdeavor would fuck Shoto
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Thank you for all the god tier porn, MHA.
It's fine, her juice is the reason they were able to capture Machia later.
Doing some doodles.
Taking requests.
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Please draw my waifu Toga
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unironically yes
Deku and Ochako at the cliffside getting held at gunpoint by Ashido who demands they resolve their romantic tension immediately
No i will redraw last chap of me and toga having sex,
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DEKU'S FUCKING HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reminder that he drew both ochako and shoto as cats in this... dont be surprised when they becoem canon
Real question: Is there any character of this franchise that it not pornified????

They ruined even Daigoro Banjo and he barely appears in the anime
>Would you guys let your 12 year old kid watch a show for their intended audience
Well yeah I guess
Shoto pouring soba into Dabi's bacta tank
That's so sad. It's like his relationship with Bakugo is the only thing that matters. I like the idea of Shoto and Momo ending up together but his friendship with Iida is one of my favorites
No. This manga is way too popular. There is porn even of Recovery Girl and Tsuyu Mother
That is fucking hot. Horikoshi is based.
Final chapter will make these two canon
Toga being revealed to be alive
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These are your timeskip designs. What do you think of them?
Kiri should be bulkier, rest looks good.
This. Kirishima should be at least Inasa tier
Would it have been better or worse?
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How are some people still coping that Toga's alive? Do they seriously think Ochako didn't make sure to confirm it? She's had more than enough time to go around asking questions since she woke up.
i wish there had been actual build up to that conclusion
>no filelr arc in the anime were the cast gets genderbent and have to defeat some villian to turn back normal

bakugo married to a 50 year old sugar daddy who looks like jeffrey epstein
It would explain Bakugo's incompetence and penchant for getting penetrated by a man on average once every 60 chapters or so.
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Wow Bakugo is way less hot as a girl
my wife lives
So... Dabi.. WON?
This series opens with the glorification of a bully being a hero, it's obvious it's going to be shit
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Todoroki won.
What happened to shadman? did he ever get comeuppance for killing midnight?
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Why do people want to villains to survive?

Twice made it clear, there is no way back. They would be lynched, get executed or get life imprisonment.
>Why do people want to villains to survive?
some people legitimately want "redemption arcs" everywhere
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just following the hero's morality
Hawks is the only hero that deserved to die. Jin was the only villain that it was possible to save and Hawks fucked up. Endeavor and All Might never killed anyone
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>Todoroki gets a loving, beautiful wife with whom he can raise a family far better than the one he grew up in
>Momo gets personal heater/cooler
They both won
He's getting cancelled on xitter
>tied up and locked away in a basement by grandparents
>gets "resolved" by granny saying "my bad, I'm back now though"
So the message of my hero is that no matter what you do, saying sorry and crying fixes EVERYTHING
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Did we ever find out what the shirt meant?
No. He is the biggest loser among LoV.
I understand why All Might is in a wheelchair. AFO almost split him into two pieces. But why is Endeavor in a wheelchair? His spine was fine. AFO ate his side, not his back.
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He got the worst punishment by far.
He IS EVIL and Twitter will never admit.
the villains being infinitely more likable than the main protag will do that
Because they believe the villains had a point, which was proven they don't. They think the villains are victims of society, they weren't. They believe the villains should be rehabilitated and redeemed, which was debunked by every single villain doubling down on their crimes. Villainfags want Endeavor and Hawks to be punished for Dabi and Twice’s sake.
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>What kind of child would go away happy after reading these books?
Jap kids read stuff that Murican teens aren't allowed to. They can handle it unlike (you)
Anyway let's talk about the real villain of MHA, Grandma is way worse than AFO and the League of Villains put together.
She indirectly destroyed Japan, it's all her fault.
that pussy deep, tight and juicy
I agree only with Touya, but they could save Jin. Jin was not evil.
Hawks fucked up.
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Why won't they admit that? Clearly among the league villains he is the most irredeemable. He was the only villain shown to be enjoying Machia killing innocents. What do they need more?
Please don't compare Dabi with Twice. In Twice case, heroes helped to kill him because he was too powerful.
Hawks didn't have a choice.
nah making her 24/7 invisible in the first place was the mistake. Could've had tons of smut with that cute face but instead 90% of it is lame April fools jokes where the artist goes "haha I drew le invisible girl lewds by drawing gloves in suggestive positions" (This definitely wasn't overdone by the time season 1 finished airing)
Dabi is the reason Hawks killed Twice.
He did??? Bring Aizawa and arrest Twice. Twice could be saved.
they did have a point
they were victims
they should be rehabilitated
Endeavor and Hawks do deserve to be punished
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canon next chapter
>If seeing an in-universe equivalent of a porn star makes you think of porn, you're the problem
They did not, they wanted to destroy society because it didn't go their way
They weren't victims, even Shigaraki.
You can’t rehabilitatedpeople if they don't want to change
No, they don't.
Ochako is so lucky...
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I don't think she was raped. I just think her innards were outside of her body
Aizawa was on the team to take a bigger threat. Shigaraki. Hawks had faith in Twice but Twice rejected every chance of redemption.
Why does Bakugo need a picture of Ochako covered in Deku's cum?
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She's holding Bakugo's dick in the uncropped version. It's obviously Bakugo's cum.
Because he's about to lick it, he asked if she could share
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she will become as fat as his mother
Sad that Bakugo needs gravity powers to get his dick up
enjoy being wrong then
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He deserves it. Dabi was never abused. He was a spoiled brat who wanted attention. He burned himself and blamed everyone but himself.
What was the purpose of the All Might mecha suit? He should have used it to reach Shigaraki and have a final talk or something
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is this the based thread?
If any ship got explicitly killed by this week's chapter you'd think it'd be the Kacchako ones considering Bakugo had absolutely zero interest in anything going on with her and sperged out about OFA embers instead.
I'm not wrong. Society didn't wrong Shogaraki, it already established it was AFO. The villains didn't want to change society for the better, not even Spinner, he said it twice, he doesn't give a fuck about the mutant discrimination. Toga wants to live in a society where they accept her murders as something normal. They don't want to change, they want the world to change. Even Jon who was offered a way of redemption and a second chance to build a new life didn't accept it, he was willing to slaughter innocents for the league’s sake. Shigaraki wanted to destroy just for the sake of destruction. Endeavor and Hawks didn't do anything wrong to be punished and Endeavor’s family doesn't want him dead or imprisoned. Just say you like villains.
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>Hawks had faith in Twice
deku is fugly so shippers would still rather have ochako be with a hot guy even if that hot guy is gay.
Kacchan is an Ace King. Deku is the homo.
I'm self inserting as Ochako in ALL these images btw.
He did. He expected Twice to surrender.
>Shigaraki wanted to destroy just for the sake of destruction.
Nah, even better

>I-I wanna be a hero... a hero to mass murderers, rapists and other shitbags, so I m-must destroy the world and create a fucking wasteland where t-they can do what they want
Even more childish shit, than AFO.
Few big manga are based enough to have canon genderbending. Soul Eater is the only one off the top of my head. At least we have that one drawing by Hori.
yes I'm sure having faith equals poniting a gun at someone and telling them either they go to prison or you shoot
classic moralfag education
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man im gonna miss Dad for One and Architect for One posting
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That is Shigaraki for you
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For me, it’s Hawks.
This is a moralfag manga. The only way for a dirty criminal to get redeemed is by going to prison willingly and then saving hundreds of people, see Gentle and La Brava. Everyone else gets to rot.
That pic someone drew of him putting them in his IV is even funnier
Sure, if the person is a fucking army willing to slaughter millions just to make a little girl wet her panties, yes.
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it has only ever been a shitpost ship meant to degrade the protagonist
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>No confession
>No kiss
>Not even talking about romance
Yeah, forgot about this. So all the jazz about "hero for scum" was just a petty excuse.
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more than any other shipper, Kacchakos don't give a fuck about canon
Mirio with penlights cheering Eri on as she sings
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Jesus Christ, I would almost feel sad for them if they hadn't been the most insufferable bratty pieces of shit about their fujo ship for last 5 years.
So instead, I will laugh.
These are funny as hell
Hawks did everything he could the save Twice, he gave him multiple chances to back down and specifically didn't aim at any of his vital points so he could take him kicking and screaming. Why do people forget that Dabi enabled Twice during the fight so that he could go fight for his friends, when that was just a ruse for his recording to get Hawks to kill a villain who wouldn't back down.
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It's always so cute when Ochako is looking at Dek- wait a minute...
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why is Kirishima staring at us with such lustful bedroom eyes?
why is Shoto looking back at him with that knowing smile?
why is Bakugou not sperging out about the fact that Kirishima is using his head as an armrest?
God Deku is ugly
Bakugo needs to show some ankle
We saw suneater is officially working under fatgum now, and I assume nejire is with ryuko stilll, but I wonder what mirio is up too now that they graduated? I mainly just can't remember what nighteye's agency is up to after his death.
>save the world from a mass killer
>still just a sidekick
lmao this shit is so ass
Fucking this. Why do villainfags pretend Dabi cared about the league when he literally says he doesn't give a fuck?
Centipeder took over the agency. Mirio is probably working under him now or just outright assumed control of it
Mirio didn't do shit in the final ar neither did Aisawa.
No they're watching a better series instead like jjk or dbz even chainsawman over mha
He showed his butt to Shiggy. If Deku had done the same he could have saved him and stopped the mayhem much earlier.
Why isn't afo hated even more? Like he's just behind everything bad in mha for japan at least he should've been hated way more than shigiraki especially since they'd have to know shigiraki is connected to AFO.
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no one wants to see deku's long back. if bakugo showed his ass we would have world peace by now.
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What's your endgame now that we are a hop skip and a jump from the final chapter?
Because he keeps his activities too much to the shadows. The worst of his reign was over 100 years ago, so the people that lived through that are dead. All Might also kept his trap shut and didn't want any help to defeat him.
I like how Bakugo is always more swaggy with his outfit than everybody else
mass shitposting
Any of the default couples you don't want to happen?
shoto x momo
she doesn't deserve him
I wish it was Aoyama/Hagakure rather than Tail/Hagakure. No specific reason, I just find them to be cuter.
because they're going to spitroast bakugo later.
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why do people even think they have a thing for each other
Anyone find it weird how AfO’s top skill is talk-no-jutsu but he NEVER tries to use it on Deku who is weak to talking?
t. fujo
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they're going to make a Kirishima sandwich
>My Heroine Academia
>Societal expectation is that 99% of female quirk users become sidekicks
>Femdeku is the sole exception in her school as she wants to be a Heroine
>Drama ensues
I was going to say Hori why didn’t adapt something like the Red Hood but then I guess that’s basically Dabi. Anyway my idea was one of the students die during their internship a la Jason Todd and comes back later as Red Hood esque villain.
They both have light/shining quirks and she knew he was the traitor, it isn´t an bad idea
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>make sexy female character who runs around naked/near naked
>don't do anything with her
>roll over like a bitch when anime censors her design
>kill her off because she has no fans
>readers don't even care
why is shonenshit so shit?
The message is that if you see a crazy person mumbling to themselves that you should always approach them because that's what being a hero is all about.
Just try not to trip over any nearbly benches when he pulls a knife.
The funny part is that this applies to the entire student cast, at least Mirio got to graduate after it. Deku and the rest of the first years still have to attend three more years of classes they're way overqualified for by now. This shit needed more time skips.
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That's it for today.
Good night, everyone.
Havent bothered reading the final arc besides the pages anon translated here every two or three weeks. What happened to the gasmask guy who killed Midnight anyway?
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What’s the point in releasing a movie this late into the series
Possibly pancaked by a mindcontrolled Machia.
If not, probably in jail.
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dont you dare try and say otherwise!
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what you're describing is how the series lacks catharsis. It's unsatisfying in ways that are weird for a battle shounen. I wouldn't call it super dark but it feels like the payoffs are lacking so it leaves a weird aftertaste
They’ll get a brief kiss on the cheek and nothing else.
Last spurt before the series gets shelved and forgotten forever
Shit got done so poorly
Grandma planned the entire events all along and waited for AFO to die so that she can take over as the next villain, "helping" out scissorman so that she can use him for her own evil reasons. The cycle continues.
What's wrong with them?
shit ship that was born simply due to a team-up
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>Old costume is a direct reference to kill la kill as well as the most based character to exist in all of anime
>gets censored to be some generic bdsm shit
Fuck the world of mha
Toga x Death
No because bakugo is alive
All might is alive

Only villains and no name heros die.

So he isnt confirmed dead and might have just been offscreened too?

Not sure if that is sad or fitting.
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cute and canon
LMAO not what I was expecting at all, thank you very much Anon, I shall cherish this. Have a good night!
>these three get to penetrate deku's holes every night
it's simply not fair
kirishima's too ugly to be the filling
fanservice where the hot guys get into awkward and vaguely sexual situations with each other
The word you're looking for is redundant, which makes some of the sacrifices lackluster and nonsensical at times

>talks about how there shouldn't be any ranking system and everyone should be highlighted
>...when chapters ago when All Might embers fizzled out when taking on OfA gave other heroes and even governments talks about how teams should be more highlighted
>heroic sacrifices are mostly heroes being nerfed/crippled/scarred and nothing really that fatal for them, billions in damage where they even had to repair with citizens with a smile on their faces(???) vs.
>...villains dying and becoming martyrs for others to pick up where they left off(Stain was nothing short of foreshadowing), namely Shigaraki with Spinner and who knows how many more, people realizing they were misunderstood to do the same
>Deku introduction about how he's the greatest hero that's ever been
>...when he sacrificed OfA to make Shiggy self-destruct and has been using it for about 1 year plus, didn't even face AfO himself like he was supposed to, and teased about ever since the beginning, but a shadow of him and didn't even do it himself, All Might feats still crush Deku's because he took on AfO on several times, not to mention other major villains he took down, how the fuck is he the greatest hero when his impact was nothing compared to All Might and other heroes?

To top it off, not even BNHA is sure about its fine message.
you didnt draw mine you coward
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>To top it off, not even BNHA is sure about its fine message.
this is by far the worst offender
these last chapter have absolutely no dorection and serve close to no purpose
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Kirishima is beautiful, hot and sexy
bakugo wouldn't have dumped him for todoroki if that were true
Gotta agree with the other anon, hes fugly but has an endearing personality
He's much less fugly than Deku.
so bakugo has shit taste in men?
Bakugo is asexual.
Also something that has been nagging me ever since that training arc which should go for a bigger scope
>quirk singularity
>...becoming effectively a dropped plot point, much like other things that were shortened or repurposed off like Yakuza, Re-Destro, Eri's quirk etc, instead of getting more intrigue going with another villain groups, Eri not being just an emergency health kit because Deku is a fucking retard, just to name a few from the top of my head. While we're at it, makes the name of the manga ALSO fall short when your focus wasn't even the academy itself, I get that it was a battle shonen but that also felt like it was thrown away to wrap it up ASAP
At the very least, I'm glad that quirks were explained how they came to be, even if the explanation felt a little rushed and out of pocket.
he didn't dump him, kirishima invited todo into their polycule
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speaking of kiribaku, I just want everyone here to know that Shoco already has people making fanart of kiribaku 2.0 in Phantom Busters, and they even have an official ship name in the Japanese fandom now
So uhh, I have a few questions about this anime, so basically I have an 11 year old niece who I watch anime with and I was wondering if this anime would be ok for an 11 year old girl to watch, does it have a lot of gore, blood, mature themes? Fanservice is not that important unless it's very explicit and raw, also mind you I'm talking about the anime only since it looks like something made for kids between 10-14
Bakugo is straight
you'll just turn her into a fujo
cant she just go back to making more kiribaku porn
Don't show it to her anon. Not because it's too graphic, it's literally a no stakes, disney-tier show Shonen shit for babbies, but because she deserves a better introduction into anime that will set her up right to develop some goddamn taste.
Also, definitely don't show it to her if you don't want her turning into a fujo.
>mature themes
straight up into having dicks in his nitroglycerin-soaked asshole
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no unfortunately, that's the trade-off for carrying kiribaku's legacy on into the future
maybe in the future she will make a fake account she can finally post porn on again, because she unironically misses it
Will Bakugo be single or married in the last chapter?

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I don't care if it's fujo. Phantom Busters is unironically great, and I hope it wins the tsugimanga awards.
I've watched Lucky Star and Azumanga with her, I was thinking of showing her shonen and remembered this anime existed and it has a cutesy child friendly artstyle, also why are you so adament about her becoming a fujo?
You done thought a lot about this subject huh
toga will marry me in the last chap
>why are you so adament about her becoming a fujo
Because almost the entire fandom is made up of fujos who WILL indoctrinate her into their ranks if she becomes a fan.
If you want to introduce her to Shonen, then show her a classic with a focus on het romance like Inuyasha instead.
>Because almost the entire fandom is made up of fujos who WILL indoctrinate her into their ranks if she becomes a fan.
Her internet access is severely limited and monitored so she won't be able to get indoctrinated that easily by people online, also doesn't Inuyasha have a lotnof nudity and sex or is that just me confusing it with something else
Kagurabachi definitely is winning, sorry
he will be sold to a rich old man and kept as a sex slave. does that count as marriage?
We nees to start cutting fingers of fujos so they don't make up scnearios like>>269234916
did we get volume extras yet?
Next week on Thursday
>Her internet access is severely limited and monitored
It won't matter if she starts talking about the series at school. The other girls in her class will get her roped into reading bakudeku fanfiction or some shit, it really is that prevalent. MHA fujos are a breed of their own, so it's best to completely avoid the show as a whole if you can.
>doesn't Inuyasha have a lot of nudity and sex
Not that I remember. The only scene I remember there being nudity is when Inuyasha accidentally walks in on Kagome bathing, but she freaks out and nothing comes of it. There could very well be other scenes of nudity, but none that are significant enough they come to mind. And there are zero sex scenes. It's a pretty wholesome show.
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>You are My Hero Academia!
Holy fucking kino
>Ochako finally confesses to Deku
>Deku says yes
>They enter the dorms lobby hand in hand
>Everyone there (that cares) cheers, because Ochako's crush was somewhat of an open secret and they were all rooting for her
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The meta liberation army and Re destro were unironically right despite the terrorism and the fact the heroes never had to disprove their viewpoints is gay as fuck for a western comic inspired series.
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Would Dekusheep taste good?
This is something I have always wanted to happen. At least Aoyama, Gunhead, Mina and Toga know it but it´s implied Tsuyu, Hagakure, Momo, Jirou and Recovery Girl do as well. I would like they to confess on 430 and then everybody to be happy or just be like "finally", maybe someone like Shoto, Mineta or Denki could be like "weren´t they alredy together?"
It's exactly what MHA needed. Especially after spending so much time on canon filler like the internet groomer petty thief and the talent show arcs.
Then Ochunko wakes up and shlicks off to Deku's Instagram feed of working out with the boys.
Deku working at a Chick-Fil-A.
What about an curveball? Draw whatever you want 430 to be, it doesn´t matter how unrealistic, weird and how much it would give to the HoAD, just what you want
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Did the Jobbing Hero inspire this choice?
Spinner writing a manifesto that looks like Mein Kampf
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You're probably right, but the fact that PB is giving the fresh blood in WSJ a run for it's money says something.
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At first I think myself and a lot of other anons loved the series' darker moments, like thinking back it's honestly we saw Tsuyu almost get Shiggy'd when just a few chapters earlier her biggest problem was Mineta copping a feel.

That said I was so put off by the darker shift in volume 30 that I put down the series for a long time, but after finally coming back and reading on, I can understand that it was a good decision for the sake of the story.
I just want to see Deku in a Chick-Fil-A outfit.
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Nonsense. Momo will be the Number 1 sidekick
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Why is he so ugly?
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He's cute.
Notice how civilians are soulless lowlife trash? Like, realistically, would you care that much if they lived or died?
Considering they're the cause of nearly every bad thing in the series, I wouldn't care if they died. I'd be happy.
Number one if only quirk people could be on the billboard, now thanks to All might and to Hori so his MC gets his goal not mattering what OUR HERO DEKU WILL BE THE SAIKOU NO HERO
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Nah Deku will eventually retire after the embers fade away and work at a Chick-Fil-A while being Ochako's househusband.
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>What's that, Ochaco? You didn't confess?
>There I was leading the rest of the class on a wild goose chase to give you time, and you were talking about that serial killer instead
Okay but what if Hori actually made it canon?
Mass hysteria from both fujos and vanillafags
deku self-inserts would take a swan dive off the roof.
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Imagine if they had sex on that cliff and everyone shows up in the middle of it. That would have been awkward.
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>Uwaaah I'm so sad about Himik---mffff....

THIS is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes.
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Everyday until canon.
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would be kino
The bakugou fujos would probably kill themselves.
>op is sexy lady with her boobs out
>fpbp is calling for people to post porn
>300 posts later and there's only a single reply with the op character
>everyone else is talking about power levels and fujoshi
is there something about animes named boku?
My thoughts have created a masterpiece
Women being overconfident in their sexuality is shit
They would if he ends with whatever girl. It´s not gonna happen tho as both the actual manga and novels have claimed he has never been into girls and he doesn´t give a shit about anyone (as he wasn´t even paying attention to the Uraraka speech, didn´t even knew who she was before the sport festival and was pretty much the only 2A student who didn´t cared about her status
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Naked AFO tomorrow?
There won´t be an episode tomorrow due to the Olympics
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We're too busy talking about the imminent anal devastation to worry about Midnight
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Does this help?
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>mfw without Eri's power, Endeavor + AM + Deku would won the war and Bakugou would be 100% useless
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If Inosuke can end with a girl there's no reason to think Bakugo can't
My preferred couples will surely get together. All the pictures I've saved over the years wouldn't lie to me
I miss midnight but horikoshi had to kill off a character that he didn't like instead of killing off torino
Realistically it’s impossible to beat awakened Shigaraki. Story wrote itself into an impossible corner so had to do all sorts of asspulls and other bullshit to get out of it,
Which one are those? I pretty much only rooting for IzuOcha and KamiJirou but I would also like TodoMomo, KiriMina and Mt. Woods
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What couples are they?
Now this is a ship I wish would be canon.
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Yeah it's mostly the default couples. Todoroki x Momo and Mt. Lady x Kamui Woods have been my favorites
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Understandable, but I don't get the other ones. I never seen much of them hang out together that much. The only thing I can think of was when they took their final exams before the training camp but that's it.
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Because the faggots can't read Kinnikuman for their miserable lives and wants other mankas making shittier ripoffs of it, mainly narutofags.
Todomomo also has the fact that they are the two 1/2A students by recomendation and Shoto had her on his sport festival group, voted for her for president and made her grow to be an better person
If Togo got to kill someone leaving their bloody corpse behind who should it be?
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They had some decent moments in part 1 but Hori basically dropped them after that. Since then it's only been Shoto hyping her up during the joint training and Momo visiting him after the first war
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she should have lived
you should question why the sexy exhibitionist was a character he didn't like, but even kubo titty underuses his big tit bitches.
If she did we would have gotten an Fire Force kinda ending lmao
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Oh, you know...
Shippers are so dumb lol.
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Wait what kind of ending did Fire Force have?
Unironically he did it because he was only willing to kill one popular/well liked character that being twice
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Should have killed Aizawa or at least Present Mic.
So, nothing romantic.
Hawks should have died.
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Must make her live with my art
He only killed characters he knew people would be pretty much fine with dying which is a really cowardly move on his part. I think Torino should've died I also think a kid should've died
Any title drops in this entire story?
IIRC on S3 Deku said something like "this is my hero academia" right before the opening or something. On Uraraka´s speech she begs people to let Deku have UA as his hero academy tho
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Keep it up.
Torino definitely feels like cowardice because amost everyone reading the comic at the time thought he died for real and his survival also made no sense, since he got impaled by a fist half the size of his torso multiple times.

But none of the kids was really built up to die, other than maybe Bakugo and killing him off would have gotten bombs mailed in to Hori/Shueisha.
He's going to be a batman-like hero whose main work is social work and less combative types of heroism while still being able to kick ass from his experiences, plus maybe one-for-all-lite or something.
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>I also think a kid should've died
Like Eri or Kouta? Definitely would have added to Deku's suffering, feeling hate and guilt from not saving them.
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Okay but who is Sugarman marrying?
thank you i still want to believe she lived since it felt vague really.
I feel they just mean an student, specially someone from 1/2A
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Would he even have the money to afford the things to do that?
Does anyone care about him, Shoji, Sero or Koda tho? I know it´s sarcasm but still
That´s when Hisashi reappears to give him money (maximus cope)
>Deku doesnt plap Ochunko or Hajime

A waste of time
After Deku’s return to the academy there should have been a mass-die-off of students. Just to get rid of the useless characters and make use of their deaths for dramatic pressure, ie, no, the students weren’t ready to face AfO.
Did Ochako forget this psycho killed an old lady for fun earlier?
Did Hori ever confirm she actually killed her?
Shoji is based. Sero to a lesser extent too
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it's okay, she's cute when she smiles
You mean Hatsume?
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Oh yh her shes cute and high IQ
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Imagine Toga joining the class
Nonetheless the fact no students except bakugo and deku were grievously injured is ridiculous I'm still baffled jirou only lost an earlobe.
I'd want a student to die hell I'd even be fine with a class b student dying
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>Horikoshi seriously believes in the bystander effect
>Actual, unironic "Le society made me evil" backstories for all the mass murderers
Evil apologists should be sterilized so they don't pass on their beliefs to their children.
Anyone specific from 1-B?
Like, was there any point or anything that would have changed on the plot if Gran Torino died? It would even helped to make Deku doubt about helping Shiggy after seeing him killing someone near to him
Isn't it funny how in my hero academia the villains fuck over villains more than they ever fuck over heroes?
Isnt OFA a genetic psychopath?
Kill the solid air kid
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Isn't that a popular fanfic idea? Seen and heard tons of things like that where she isn't a villain and is part of 1-A like with a one shot I did a month ago.
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>killing froppy's future husband
Does anyone have that pic of Deku slamming his dick full nelson in Toga?
The art style looked a lot like ssambatea's art (picrel).
I really, really, really fucking hate stories that have the main characters lose their powers. This one is no exception, and to make it even worse Hori has the audacity to have Izuku still have embers of OFA???? Come the fuck on. It completely ruins the impact of its loss, he even uses what I assume are dregs of it to jump for no real reason. I actually felt the plot was getting really goddamn good, and then it seemed like right after the Chisaki arc Hori decided he wanted to end everything as quickly as possible. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by other longer-running shonen, but I felt like it was barely at the halfway point and had a lot of room for development. It’s really a shame, I like it a lot but I feel like this series could have been much, much better.
Maybe, it becomes a bit too violent for a 12-year-old in later parts I would say.
I fap to futa females raping Midoriya
Rather forced. I felt that Horikoshi had planned out arcs for each of the characters except her and just decided to pair her with the first person she had a meaningful interaction with. Uraraka’s entire connection with her is very tenuous. I found it touching, but still odd
>Froppy's future husband
I thought that was Tokoyami?
I always got the impression Toga was a breakout character who Hori didn't have a plan for, too.
Nobody would care about his death but you could pretend it actually matters when it really doesn't hell I'd even be fine with a shiketsu high student like inasa or cammie croaking
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all wrong
So many options for Bakugo
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Didn't he admit that early on? I thought he did mention in an interview or something about how certain characters like Tsuyu and Himiko were fart more popular than he thought they would be and adjust future plans to include them more?
news to me but it makes sense. Toga felt like a joke throwaway character like magne or mustard to me at first. wasn't til the license exam and yakuza arcs where she suddenly felt like a character.
Explain cause I don't see it.
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He'll just have to work overtime to afford all the illegitimate kids he'll be having.
All might bros it's over
But the bystander effect is an observable phenomenon.
No it's not.
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What was this face meant to convey?
For me she always felt like an big part of LoV due to showing on Kurogiri´s bar after the final exam alongside Dabi, carrying Stain´s will, having an rivalry with Uraraka, stealing her blood and starting to crush on Deku early on
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And yet she dies while Dabi lives. I find that dumb.
Shoto's 10 inch...
Isn't Dabi going to be dead in like few weeks after his last appearance?
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I don't remember actually. But the fact he lives longer than Himiko is still dumb.
Mineta x Momo has to happen for maximum shitposting potential.
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It makes sense for his character arc to get time to speak to his family
Toga had nothing left for hers and just would have went into a cell to rot, it's better this way.
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She could have been a housewife to Deku and Ochako or something.
Seriously, goddamn it got dark. I’m used to the bad guy being impossibly strong and doing bad guy stuff like holding All Might up and cackling and such, but the stuff like showing Tomura as a kid deleting his dog and then his sister, Twice’s fate, etc. just got to me. It’s a real tear-jerker compared to most shonen imo
The main character has a kid, but it's not specified who the mother is. But also a female sort of villainness/rival said she wanted to fuck the protagonist and bear his child, but explicitly doesn't love him. She JUST wanted sex and a kid to raise for her own. She's later seen with a kid, but it's not said who the father is.
Deku and Ochako are poor, they wouldn't have had the funds to set up some sort of arrangement to have her be kept under their care like Endeavor did with Dabi.
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I'm sure once they go pro they would be making a good amount of money to afford something like that for her.
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Where is Deku's "Thanks for Saving the World" pension?
Yes it is, it has been demonstrated in numerous studies over decades.
I mean... par to course for spinsters
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Yeah, and Stockholm Syndrome is also real, I take it?
>it’s not real
>but it’s been demonstrated to exist several times across many studies
>yeah well my brain is rotted by science denialism, check this faggy wojak it’s you

Hey that’s great man, yeah the Earth is flat and all that
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Ackchyally the Earth is a cone.
>check this faggy wojak it’s you
Glad you recognize your place. Don't bother replying, I won't read it.
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>joke throwaway character like mustard
>oh no they have gas masks
>good thing I have my trump card, gun-kun
way too good for this story
Reply to my post or you’re a huge fag and your mom will die in her sleep tonight
the power of GUN
Imagine another sports festival with class A. How do they keep the stadium from blowing up every match?
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By not blowing them up.
Mustard will be the sequel's main antagonist, he and the chainsaw nomu
>Get matched up against the one class 1b student who's bullet proof instead of the animal voice guy or something.

rigged and done dirty.
TUM author ships them
Hori ships them
Tiga ran away and is living in another country as a nurse
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>TUM author
I don't know what that is.
>Hori ships them
You sure? I don't know if them working together to fight Shiggy counts as shipping unless there's something else I'm missing here.
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Femgou would be the most hated character ever, you guys couldn't even handle Sakura
>I don't know what that is.
Team Up Mission manga side stories that Hori said are canon
I never watched or read Naruto so this only confuses me. Was she not a good character?
Ah. What did Nejire and Bakugou do in TUM together that works for shipping?
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Cute villain girls should face no consequences for their crimes
Only if they get impregnated.
They did a mission together and Bakugo was nice to her and she was interested in Bakugo and asked him a lot of questions. The typical bare minimum shit you see in Shonen for why characters become a couple.
Nah, there's darker stuff out there in the same demographic
Pic related
>Yandere who wants to kill MC out of love but ends up falling for the FemMC too, who decides to just hire them as a maid.
Sakura was just a normal girl who did some stupid things sometimes, but repented for them later. She's so unpopular because it became a trend to hate on her.
>she was interested in Bakugo and asked him a lot of questions
Being an overbearing question hog who doesn't know what boundaries are is how she acts around literally everyone. This is not shipping fuel.
>has to happen for maximum shitposting potential.
That’s still Bakugo x Ochako, the type of shitposting that would come from that would shake the whole Internet for years, Mineta x Momo would just be talked about for a few days and then forgotten.
>Society didn't wrong Shogaraki
Yes, they did. Starting by his own family who ignored the fact he was beaten by his father.
It is when Bakugo didn’t yell at her like he does to everybody else.
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Nta, but Sakura was terribly written. Kishimoto did not care about her, and Pierrot made her even worse.
>That’s still Bakugo x Ochako
Nah. The gag character hated by the west getting a popular girl would break the normalfags. Would be hilarious.
Does anybody still care that Zenitsu got with Nezuko? It was talked about for a week and then forgotten, the same would happen if Mineta x Momo happens.
Mineta is way more hated. Like irrationally so.
Who knows when they actually hooked up, it could be years after Muzan jobbed so Zenitsu could have had a change in his faggy behavior from you know growing up.
He never yelled at Fuyumi either and has referred to her as “nee-chan”, and she was cordial with him too, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to end up together. Just say you like Nejire and that’s it.
This pic is one of the most underrated memes from this manga
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She just needed an Ochako friend to grow up with
She could have been normal
Anon, you have to understand that being short, ugly, and perverted is the holy trinity of male sins for women
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After cutting everyone's throats during the war? Uhh......
I wonder which manga will have the next military giant buff woman. She was too good for this garbage show and lost too hard to plot armor
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Perfect height for sex.
MHA goes by standard shounen manga convention re civilians — completely meaningless background mobs / filler. Toga could literally murder thousands of them randomly and that will have almost no moral weight on her character or subplot. Only named characters in a shounen manga are people. Toga is probably confused about what Ochaco etc are always blabbering about her killing people, and all the Heroes actually want to hear from her is “sorry I’ll stop being your enemy”.
I had a tear drop humidifier like that before. Blue, but that pink one looks cute.
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>ywn fist bump your wheyfu
Deku when Ochungus gives birth to Kacchan's babies.
Why is he shirtless?
Jerkin it to Ochako giving birth.
The dumbest thing about this manga is basically every hero jobs to a gun no a knife.
Why is that dumb
It means you dont really need superpowers to be a hero as a gut with a gun should be able to handle villains just fine
Unless you're bullet proof or have insane regeneration abilities. Not all heroes with quirks are nigh invulnerable.
no. it's trash for all ages.
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You mean police officers? MHA already has those. Heroes are a separate group of people who are licensed to use their quirks to fight villains.
I completely forgot La Brava actually had heart pupils at some points.
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A fitting end for his crimes
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Leave wifing Momo up to me! She will job no longer
>He got the worst punishment by far.
>He IS EVIL and Twitter will never admit.
Todoroki family is evil. I mean Dabi is too but c'mon the guy would have died happy and on his own terms... yet those pieces of shit did everything within their capabilities to drag out this broken, half-dead's life in the name of "family love". In reality all they did was force pain and regrets on Dabi and for what? He's fucking dying. He won't be able to atone for his crimes, or change and get to enjoy life. They just made the miserable life of their son/brother more miserable! All that matters is they gained closure and are happy right?! Fuck their entire self-absorbed family.

Yes, Dabi was straight up evil but the rest of the Todoroki's are selfish, disgusting assholes. Not good people.
I always assumed Torino survived because it was necessary for the reveal that he was Kotaro's father. I still think he's Shiggy's grandpa, but at this point I don't know how the reveal could be meaningful. It's just weird.
Next chapter will be his funeral
Next chapter will be the funeral of this dead manga.
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Guys, I think it is time you realize these are soft confessions.
They are when it's between the students, but telling someone they're your hero isn't always romantic. Kouta and All Might aren't in love with Deku.
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Im expecting atleast 2 children from these two next chapter
Wait for the sequel
>”heroes are evil and the system must be destroyed”
>none of the heroes are actually evil and the villains are just a victim of bad luck
Was Hori retarded?
>It becomes somewhat of a tradition at UA to confess your feelings for someone else by telling them they're your hero
No this action hero manga needs to be specifically written like my favorite romcom.
This series is almost as retarded and inconsistent as The Promised Neverland. Almost.
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>Himiko straddles of your lap
>Gives you a seductive glare
>Says she's in the mood for somethin special
>Pulls out a vial of blood with a pink ribbon
>Himiko starts grinding in your lap
>She consumes said blood
>She turns into 6yo version of herself

You hittin it, anons?
>Pic related
Do you think Mei measured it as part of her costume designing process?
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Rereading some stuff here and there in context of the most recent chapters.
>Ochako says her power isn't for hurting people, and she'd never be happy about dropping someone out of the sky
>Acknowledges that Toga has killed people, and there's no going back from that
>Come the end of the fight Ochako has talk-no-jutsu'd Toga into suicide
>So she has now killed someone, same as Toga
Not surprising she was so absurdly upset, to the point where Tsuyu started panicking and thought she was gonna commit suicide
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Baku is just a failed attempt at copying Sasuke
Baku is better than Sasuke in every way.
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>Ochako says that Toga confused her when they first met, because she was so ecstatically happy despite the terrifying and dangerous situation that she couldn't understand why
>Tsuyu noted before this that Ochako has been suppressing her emotions and feelings for a very long time now, so Toga being able to wear her heart on her sleeve made Ochako incredibly jealous
And even after the war ended Ochako's still suppressing her emotions instead of being honest with them, when she went off to be alone to release her despair. Crying in Deku's shoulder was probably the first time she was honest with herself to someone else (who didn't commit suicide as a result). Ochako seems terrified of being vulnerable.
No, he isn't. Bakugo isn't bad, but that comparison doesn't help him at all.
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Bakugo is the sexiest rival and love interest to exist.
Shoto is a failed attempt at Sasuke, Bakugo is his own entity and created a new Shonen rival archetype, we’ve never seen a rival be as polarizing as Bakugo dominating popularity polls in JP and US for nearly a decade and become the face of franchise.
on opposite day
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>Ochako reveals that she has similar taste in boys to Toga, guys torn to shreds but have a refusal to give up, like how Toga likes boys beaten up and bloody
>Twice's blood runs out just as Toga manages to have a genuine conversation with a friend, causing the waves of darkness in the sky to dissipate, revealing light
>Ochako says she's no replacement for the League, but Twice originally asked Toga why she didn't want a villain name, and Toga replied that she just wants to live as Himiko Toga, and she only ever refers to Twice by his name, Jin
>Thus symbolizing the darkness of the League leaving her, having finally found a friend that she always wanted
I think that speaks more on MHA having a weak cast than Baku being this grandeur character.
He may be porn brained but there is literally no way that wouldn't be what actually happened
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> dead in one week
> Black Clover chapter right after that
I will never forgive Dabi for killing one of the hottest MHA characters by fat. Daddy Snatch
Are you a bot? If you are reply with "axed clover"
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My hero actually end in jump BCuck, the same can't be said about blacked clover
Okay chocoskin
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MHA end with a jump spread. Meanwhile, nobody cares about blacked clover. Ironic
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>Toga admits that her desire to become other people was out of both jealousy and affection, likely because other people were "normal" when she had no idea why people wouldn't accept her
>She says that if she had such a friendship when she was younger she might've wanted to give blood as well as take it, and that would've made life easier for her
>Which mirrors with Ochako's regrets when she's crying later to Deku
Seems to me that Toga is sort of the Bakugo to Ochako's Deku, someone with skill and abilities that the hero admires and wishes they have. Bakugo has the power, skill, and confidence of a top hero, while Toga has the honesty, carefree nature, and confidence to wear her heart on her sleeve. Not surprising Deku and Ochako would find solace in each other.

Also it wasn't just Tsuyu practically praying for Ochako during this fight, but Jiro was too. Both were paying close attention to Ochako's actions.
Are you self inserting as the black guy just because you're black lmao jeremy boy
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I'm laughing at your axed clover manga BCuck
Okay but your race is in the title of black clover kek
>Ochako says her power isn't for hurting people
Part of why that was so important for Toga is because it taught her her power didn't have to be hurtful either. Ochako's quirk has incredible destructive potential, but she doesn't use it for that because it's not how she sees herself. Toga's parents flipped out and basically told her her quirk was evil until she ended up believing it. Ochako's faith in both her own quirk and Toga's quirk made Toga realize she could use her ability to save too.
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And at the end of that battle Toga was freed, in both senses. She was liberated from the darkness of the League, but also the only one left standing at the end of the battle. She could've easily fled, or killed everyone there. But instead she chose to be the only one to die, rather than her precious friend die. A 'light" decision, rather than the "dark" ones she's made up until now.
And you're likely black, too.
Either that, or you're Mexican.
Only blacks and/or hispanics seem to like Black Clover aka medieval Naruto.
Then again, they also like this dogshit manga Boku no Pico, lmao.
Ooh wow light and dark metaphors. How exciting.
Nope but keep posting blacked cope jeremycel kek
Maybe we should rename it Jeremy clover
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