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I should've asked TLanon for the 3D cover page version of the last volume. Oh well, let's try this again.

Summary of the last three issues, followed by the current one:
>Volume 1: "The father of high school girl Katsuragi Yako was murdered. It was a brutal murder in a locked room. This mysterious incident throws Yako's daily life into chaos... As the investigation makes no progress, a man calling himself Nougami Neuro appears before the grieving Yako. He says, "I want to solve the ultimate mystery...!!""
>Volume 2: "Taking over a suspicious agency (?), Neuro and Yako have opened the "Underworld Detective Agency"! Their first customer was Aya Asia, a mysterious diva with enthusiastic fans all over the world! What was the nature of her request...?"
>Volume 3: "The Underworld Detective Agency is still going strong today, with the addition of a secretary and a handyman! While they are searching for the kind of "mystery" that Neuro likes, the hair-raising "Red Box" incident occurs! Who is the culprit known as "X" who kidnaps people and changes them into a certain state...?"
>Volume 4: "A series of random bombings have occurred! What is the purpose of the perpetrator "Hysteria" who continues to carry out bombings by any means possible, betraying the predictions of Inspector Usui, who sees Neuro and Yako as his enemies? Neuro reads the message from the perpetrator hidden in the crime card!"
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Chapter 26 time!
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>I'm not wearing this
>wears it
Tsundere or its just Neuro forcing it on her
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Obviously Neuro threatened her with a loving demon-world massage that would rearrange her spine if she refused.
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Chapter 26 over.
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Chapter 27 time.
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Huh, the u is a little forced but not bad, Matsui. If it was a snake it would have bit me.
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Neuro swinging Yako like a club here was one of his normal attacks in Jump Ultimate Stars
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>Guy with dead eyes and odd hair is great at gambling

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Poor Jun
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That shit looks like it's right out of a horror movie, but I guess that's just regular business for Neuro
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Chapter 27 over.

One of these four women is the serial bomber Histerrier. Who is it and why did she do it? Give us your answer! (Wrong answers only.)
The baby did it
so heroic and sad :(
The hag with hat could be a crossdresser
Hmm, this is a tough one. A student holding a bag is commonplace and makes bomb movement easy but a seemingly bumbling gaijin would make for the perfect disguise/out.
She gives some hard head, yes
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Chapter 28 time.
If only Jump Force didn't had that "action manga only" arbitrary rule, Neuro might've made it.
Then again, it has Yugi and Light (NPC) in it for some reason. That game is also absolutely shit so Neuro might've dodged a bullet
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>"action manga only"
I thought it was a more "manga westerners like only" type of deal. But yes he did dodge a bullet, Koro-sensei as well.
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I remember reading that they explicitly said romcoms and the likes are not taken into consideration in an interview or something. So no TLRs or Shokugekis.
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And the culprit is...!
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My favourite thing about this is Neuro's eyes
Title Obtained: Accidental Pervert
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Oh no, she's a furry.
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>including the name 'WcDonald's' as an actual plot point
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This is just unintentionally (?) hilarious
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Huh, I wasn't expecting kitsunetsuki of all things but it is weirdly fitting for a woman who feels locked into her own life.
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Chapter 28 over.
>Kaku Ayumi
>Hide and Compromise

Try looking at the names of the other culprits, too.
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Clearly intentional, just look at Neuro's
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Poor baby
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Bitch got outskilled
What a long snout.
>fuck that shit, I have a gun
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Baby's suspicious
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Chapter 29 over.
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Chapter 30 time.
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Damn evil trap, living rent free in a police head
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Wow, what a cunt
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Welp, that is the peak of BRUH moments
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Fucking Gyaru Henshin
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Chapter 30 over.

We'll be taking a short break so you can digest the revelations of this one, and continue after about an hour or so.

And what about you? Are you someone hiding your true self from the world, or are you the type to reveal it in inappropriate moments?
Thanks, OP.
I'd say I am pretty good at hiding myself back when I'm still studying, but as I grow older my temper outbursts is getting harder to control.
There's hobbies I don't talk about with my IRL circles but plenty of friends know about. It's all about finding your personal "pressure valve" and knowing when and where to decompress.
I hide many things from /a/, yes.
Thanks OP
It feels like I'm lying to everyone I know all the time
>She accidentally used the wrong face for the baby

Man I really do love this manga, the traumatized baby is great. So many little things.
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Chapter 31 time.
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Makai Express 777
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>Kusarigama valley
Welp, next murderer is a kamaitachi
This girl has nothing but eating in her thoughts
What a cutie. I like a girl who can put it away too
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Yako what are you doing.

Yako, no, stop.

Yako, don't do this! Don't do this Yako! You don't understand what awaits you!
The biggest mystery in this manga is her staying fit despite being such a glutton
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777 Underworld Abilities #777, the most evil of all:

D :
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Can't beat the Bishounen Pout, even on a goblin like Neuro
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Neuro is absolutely not a goblin.
He really is a shoujo character
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Neuro's most frightening expression in the series. If he aims it towards you, you're fucked.
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A second appearance of #777, and so soon after the first!

||D :||
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There's something worse, actually.
I think she canon has insane metabolism
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How intentional do you think Neuro being like a shojo character is, considering that he's a horrible monster?
100%. The man is Clamp proportions played straight in a mostly regular artstyle.
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It's always a little horrifying to remember that these people are literally being held hostage by a demon
>How intentional do you think Neuro being like a shojo character is, considering that he's a horrible monster?
Just like most shoujo then, except that most of the time they aren't literal monster. Mostly.
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Oh, we're finally at this case.
It's been too long since I've last read this, can't remember what's worse than that
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Chapter 31 over.
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Would you eat an ostrich egg?
sly little ENTER
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I bet it tastes good, yeah
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She's so cute when indulging in her passion
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I ate an ostrich egg omelette once on a trip with my family, and it tastes like your usual egg.
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You think that's cute? Well take a look at this!
Yako's stomach is a pit to hell and god we love her for it.
I want to cook her up a feast
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Ypu will go broke trying to feed her unless you are a billionaire
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Ceiling Neuro IS watching you sleep!

So he can smash you with his elbow.

: D
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Was it worthy, /a/? Was it worthy Yako suffering through the last 32 chapters just for a glimpse of this?

Yes. Yes it was.
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...maybe not worth this, though.
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Chapter 32 over.
very shojo
I swear that's a SaGa boss.
>ywn feed Yako all she can eat, and then elbow drop her in bed.
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Chapter 33 time.
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Alas poor Godai.
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Damn, that's harsh
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She got lucky, really lucky
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>The text completely misses the bubble
Almost as funny as the joke on that page desu
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I told you the scans were bad.
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This man is a few years early for his fedora
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Suicide, or creepy man? You decide!
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If any death in a crime-solving story ever turned out to actually be suicide, it sure would feel like a twist
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Chapter 33 over.
This manga keeps delivering
>pure oriental waifu
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Chapter 34 time.


[b]Prepare your asses.[/b]
Look at his fucking face
I've been waiting for it.
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Is it really unnatural not to have a pen and paper in your purse? I guess the weakness of the actual mystery writing might be showing here
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Chapter 34 - and volume 4 - over.

Now, this IS the part where I say I'll be back tomorrow to continue, but I can't help but notice that the last three threads managed to last about a day or so. I did finish volume 1 in the first thread anyway, but still. Now I'm the one with a question in mind.

Do you guys want me to post the next volume tomorrow on this thread, or I open a new thread like I've been doing so far and post only volume 5 there?
Thanks OP
That was one of the funniest sequence of pages I've ever read in a manga. And I'm pretty easy about which thread, but I suppose doing it in a new one is probably a good idea if the amount of replies ends up being over 300 or so
You should always start a new volume with a new thread.
>I open a new thread like I've been doing so far and post only volume 5 there?
This one
Nice cliffhanger, shits hilarious
Thanks for posting, OP.
America WON
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>killed a Jap chick just cause
>starts humming the star-spangled banner
>insults every facet of Japanese society
My fucking HERO
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Pic related was drawn by Matsui in 2007
I think new threads are the way to go. You'd hit the post limit trying to put two volumes in a thread and it'd probably cut off discussion of the second one since the thread would be archived
I get the guns and hamburgers, but where does the stereotype of the large nose come from? This comes up in other series as well.
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I can post the full cover for this volume at least. Didn't want to interrupt with it while you were posting, but here it is now. I'm not sure if anyone is trying to figure out the 3D shape though.
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I've got the whole page that came from
It’s probably just because a lot of japs have flat noses or something
The stereotype actually goes wayyy back
Was the one for volume 3 posted in the last thread?
This was pretty clever.
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It was not, so here that is. If anyone cares to try to guess what the 3D shapes are, I'll post the solutions later too. I've never been able to see them by crossing my eyes, though. I use photoshop to decipher them like a cheater
Ah, that explains things.
The first two weren't hard at all, but for 3 and 4 I can get it to work but I'm not really sure what I'm looking at
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Other fun fact (if I'm remembering correctly), apparently Yako having a pouch next to her pillow made people speculate that Matsui had a girlfriend because it's a very specific detail to include
Many years later, the speculations ended up being correct because Matsui casually confirmed he has a wife in an Elusive Samurai comment
Was this in the anime?
Some of the shapes are more complex than others for sure. But it's typically something related to the content of the volume in question, so you can sort of use the manga itself as a hint
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Almost none of the (good) jokes were in the anime, it was a tragic excuse for an adaptation
I wish Neuro can get a good re-adaptation since we are now in yet another remake era.
Soon, brother
Just remembered that before I'd bought the bunko editions I got some of the regular ones too, whatever I'd find on a shopping trip to kinokuniya, 10 total. So I've dug them out to check out the back but they're shiny and reflecting the light dammit.
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Volume 3 Solution

the relevant text in pic related says:
The answer is...
A box.
Want to try opening it?
So simple but I keep seeing pointy parts on it that shouldn't be there
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Volume 4 Solution

text says:
The answer is...
A hot spring symbol.
Benefits: Mental abrasion, disappointment, addiction to sumiso.
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When I "solve" it digitally I just get the cube, so I wonder if the pattern for this one is just really distracting or something
Think that I'm not seeing the outer edge on the left properly because of the pale coloring so that arrow looks like it's jutting out beyond it
What's the difference between the 'bunko' and the 'regular' ones?
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When manga is being published it's often released in tankobon format, which consolidates 9 or so manga chapters into a single book volume.

If it's still popular years later sometimes it gets rereleased in bunkoban format, which use slightly smaller paper but each volume contains 2 tankobons worth of content. For this reason I think bunkoban are called "omnibus" in English

If you wanna know more than that, both terms have wikipedia pages you can look up pretty easily
Oh volume 3 is when scans get bad. Why didn't V3 onwards get proper scans?
Even the baby is starting to rebel
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They will eventually. The "good" scans just started this year and the conversion is ongoing
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Not my image but the bunkos are these babies here. They're smaller in height than the regular ones but thicker. for instance vol1 covers 1-15 and vol 2 is 16-31, twelve volumes total while the originals are 23 volumes long . Good quality paper with very nice black ink. Also came with a different Neuro themed postcard in each one(though one of them I had to order off amazon had it missing...)
A big reason why this happens, I think, is the fact that most series on the internet have 'speed scans', AKA translations made as fast as possible, which are usually made with the original magazine scans in some way. Back in the 2000s, these often were from non-digital sources and thus the visuals tended to look worse [as seen from how some parts are way darker or the details are not as correct]. They were also not always from volume releases, which tend to be full monochrome and such.

Because of the focus on doing it fast and first, people don't tend to revisit projects even after several years, if only because the translations are usually good enough for people to understand. Even if they're kind of garbage like here.
Could this guy kill Sai with his American gun?
Keep reading and you will in fact eventually learn how effective guns are against Sai (not this particular gun tho)
Amerimutts are menace to this world
How the fuck did David got passed the airport inspecting?

David Rice is one of my favourite Neuro lesser villain
Hid it up his nose
Is there no official English release?
There isn't and likely never will be one at this point
Thank you for posting.
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See you in the next thread.
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>Taking unholy long time between pages
>Multiple breaks between chapters
>The fucking shitty youtuber trend of asking a question at the end of the dump to bait people to respond and bump the thread (completely unnecessary too because this is a reasonably popular dump)
>Didn't put the volume number in the title
>Didn't put links to the previous threads in the OP, so if you want to catch up you need to bother going through the archives
>Pointing out the chapters beginning and end as if anyone gives a shit

Dumping is truly a lost art on /a/. You'd think this would be the easiest thing but turn out it isn't. You're lucky I like Neuro so much, OP.
>fun and I enjoy talking to my fellow readers
>fuck off
In conclusion, even though most of your points are fair, you're a faggot
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Why was this page so erotic
I forget was Neuro actually the demon emperor or just a generic demon lord?
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I don't think it's ever stated outright so it's open to interpretation really. It is obvious he's at least very powerful and probably high-ranking, but that's all we get.
He's a high-ranking demon according to the only other demon in the manga, but not the Emperor, as he refers to him as someone else.
Don't defend him anon, otherwise he'll never learn

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