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*japanese engrish* Yes. Yes. I have it. I have Sukuna's finger. How much do you want for it? I'm sure you americans will make good use of it
I can totally see her selling Yuta and Gojo’s corpses to the US after this is over.
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I’ll never forget you as long as I live
I have been thinking that. Rika still has the finger but she will probably die to save yuta, leaving the finger behind. Also she should have that sukuna footage
>Sukuna will be reborn in some american's kid
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I think love SUCKS
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Yuji and Sukuna will fuse together
what's on his mind after jobbing to kozo?
>Gojo had to beat the shit out of me to get 1 tenth of a second advatage in the domain battles
>Kozo straight up BLITZED me
Does it fit up your butthole?
She can also do the same with Higuruma’s, Yuta’s and Gojo’s corpse.
>learned both Reversed cursed Energy AND Domain Expansion in less than one month
>AND Sukuna cursed technique
>AND Soul Swamp punch
>AND can Black Flash at will, something not even Gojo could achieve

It's time to admit Yuji is just bad as protagonist like Sukuna is a villain
Would Mei-Mei be a good gf?
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As a sukunafag this page doesn't scare me but the excitement in yuji's face is very funny. I think next week we will get the full rundown of what he got from eating his brothers. I hope gege draws yuji eating them. There's no real reason to but it'd be based.
Sukuna's technique was imbued in his body also considering how black flash and divergent fist are pretty much parallel to each other, the at will BF makes sense.
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It would be a transactional relationship - which could good depending on your means.
Shut up
Still looks like asspull to me
She would milk you dry.
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You don't have anything to back up your claim of it being an asspull. It's a very clear cut setup and reveal in the most basic way ever.
Memento mori.
I really like when Gojo explains stuff, and him not doing this more throughout the story kinda sucked.
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I think plenty of people enjoy both yuji and sukuna no matter the outcome, they are the soul
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Sukuna is SPECIALZ, and his son I mean nephew is SPECIALZ too
So happy we have Yujikuna back, he looks so much better.
>Beats Gojo in a domain battle 3 times
>Then survives a 4th against Yuta
>Gets one shot by Kozo’s literal anti-Sukuna technique domain
I love yujikuna but I'm gonna miss Heiankuna, wish Gege have him some more kills
>Only sukuna can defeat sukuna
Sukuna won
>Break someone's 4 limbs with his 4 arms
>Bite someone with his stomach mouth
How the fuck did he waste a design like this like that lmao. Hope the anime improves it
The fact Yuji’s domain uses the Mudra of the bodisatva responsible for overseeing the souls of irredeemable people in an attempt to empty hell, which just so happens to be two middle fingers, is so freaking hilarious given it’s the perfect anti-Sukuna technique
>The Fallen
So sukuna was good at some point? We will never get the flashback i guess
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I'm gonna miss the kunas
>and his son I mean nephew
I mean at this point they're twins also
Susano-O or Asura.
Read the fanbook retard
What the FUCK is up with yuji's arms?
Nta but a divergent fist is pretty much the opposite of a black flash, it's having low control over reinforcement, (in fact the main compplaint I have on the series is the handling of black flash).
I miss the you are my special era so bad. I know the ride isn't exactly over but still.
I'm dumb. Why didn't Sukuna suffer from the light beam?
Bro is straight up dumbfounded.
No internal monologue, just straight up baffled.
He tanked it.
DF was born from yujis bad habits of CE control, he learned to control his energy while fighting choso. Pay attention
Because it destroys cursed object.
He learned to control his CE but the fact stand that a divergent fist is exactly letting your CE lag, instead of being precise.
Hana isn't a sorcerer, she's a weak host for angel. Hana isn't skilled enough to do any kind of vow or improve to make the technique as strong as it was. Losing her arm made the technique a lot weaker. Yuji chased sukuna through the fucking light. The original Jacob was stronger because Hana had her entire body. Sukuna's thought are exactly what I just said. I don't know how you can't understand it.
>Literally how else are you supposed to interpret this?
Yuji has an old style domain like Higuruma and he's gonna try to coax Megumi out of Sukuna with the buddy friends act.
Hel literally climbed the ladder. Also >>269229491
You can also bring up Naobito being nerfed from missing an arm.
I feel like Megumi has already been separated, it’s why Sukuna is in his Domain as Yujikuna. No longer attached to Megumi, Sukuna’s soul returned to the shape it was forced to take being attached to Yuji for si long.
Meant this >>269229518
Why did you (you) me?
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Read. There is no more time lag with DF it's a pure double impact.
Literally sukunas best look. Nothing looks more pleasing than yujikuna
Current Yuji would mop the floor with Mahito, Dagon, Hanami. Jogo counters him due to him being more experienced.
Forgive me anon... butter fingers
He control it but there is still a lag, that's a point, if not it wouldn't be a double impact, there must be a lag between the two.
You are forgiven.
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I want to see this happen just for the normalfag reactions. Need to make Mei Mei a social experiment on how much hate it's possible for a fictional character to receive.
The fucking manga says right there that yuji controls his CE now. That means there's no time lag. Is your ability to comprehend gone?
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>Nothing surpassed this moment yet
Is your ability gone? He control the lag but divergent fist is a lag between his CE and his body, now he can do it willingly thanks to his control but this doesn't change its inherent nature.
This. Yeah Meguna had its moments but overall Yujikuna feels/looks more like Sukuna, specially bc of the hair.
Are you retarded? If there's no delay, then there is no double impact, just one regular
ce reinforced hit. That page says he can control the delay.
Did Gojo win?
Nothing ever will.
I’d shit myself if yuji came at me like that
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Why is he so zetsy here?
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We know sukuna
Shut the fuck up.
Wow, a competent protagonist in a world of broken characters. How dare they?
Black Flash is essentially an (innovative) version of crit as a game phenomenon, woven into the setting.
For some reason the MC runs a crit build. and it's not even an assassin manga.
Go back to playing Roblox, kid. And don't quote me ever again.
You’re a fucking retard using that speak. Talk normal you homosexual pussy queef.
Sukuna is cute
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Sukuna dont open
Yuji is such a smart fighter
Does anyone actually want Sukuna to escape this?
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The cutest.
Me. I would like if since it's his first time he fails, while he recharge his technique Uro uses her domain vs Sukuna and only after Yuji reuses the domain and wins.
cut her some slack, she needs the money to take care of ui ui jr.
I do.
I think Sukuna winning the fight would be great.
Then he fights the merger solo.
The prettiest and beefiest kozo.
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>sukuna and yuji talk it out next chapter, yuji finally does his final "deciding how to die" monologue
>sukuna goes "you were the coolest guy"
>cuts to yuji taking out his heart a la chapter 8
>picrel happens
you're crazy if you don't think this is what we're getting next chapter
its not happening
she looks like she fuck her brother
anything to end the fight
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Look at the top of this man's head!
SoL manga about Yuji and Sukunas hijinks when?
MadTM. Would like to take it out on kozo. Feels like he can't like before, which is very baffling & upsetting. He also doesn't want to run either cause why would he? & that's what makes it even worse.

Sukuna doesn't know how to deal with Yuji when he can't bring him under foot, violence isn't an option, and verbal assault doesn't work either.
It's like monkey king v.s. Buddha. Yuji's a mountain here and the mountain doesn't move for the beast.
>yuji can finally use domain expansion
i want to impregnate maki.
Yutajo destroyed my interest and now im meh’ing along
This but Mei Mei.
Weak willed retard.
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Filtered by the MONSTER
>Yuji chased sukuna through the fucking light.
Fuck, that's so damn kino. I want to see that animated so badly.
It was such a whiplash of mood man and it ended so fast like okay, that just happened
Where is he? Is he dead? Would Gege off screen him?
Legit. Yuji can glue his body back together so world slash might not kill and at this point he might even survive a domain expansion. This is the first time in Sukuna's life where he just can't do shit against someone.
It wouldn't be so egregious if it wasn't for the Yuta glazebacks and if he ENTERed abit earlier, like during DE as another anon said
ass blasting Uraume desu
>next chapter
>it's revealed that uraume killed hakari
>arrives to see sukuna dead
>enraged, kills almost everyone present
>nails down and rapes itadori
>several decades later
>adult yuji will have to face off uraume son the reincarnated sukuna
you rike it?
>nails down and rapes itadori
With what?
No amount of RCT can make a butt baby
offscreened Uraume and fled the country (the smart thing to do)
iirc uraumes vessel is a female
Yeah but Uraume is a femboy and incarnation overwrites the host's body
not really unless the sorcerer specifically chooses to fully incarnate like sukuna did. everyone else is just basically just walking inside a different person's body
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>months training with the strongest sorcerer of modernity
>all he was able to learn was how to punch harder
>...but by punching the strongest sorcery in history really hard eight consecutive times, he learned:
>"his" CT
>binding vows
>soul slashes
>domain expansion
Bravo, Gege.
Uraume's souls is feminine. There would be no penis shape there.
You make it sound as if they were teaching him anything. Gojo can't teach for shit.
Next week doomposters will scream from the raptors as yuji itadori's character arc reaches yet another peak.
>Gojofags lost
>Yutafags lost
I'm pretty much a fan of every JJK character so I win no matter what. Gege wrote a great cast.
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I'm glad you're not writing this
Every single doomposter spontaneously combusted right after Yuji said "Domain Expansion"
Sukuna really is the best sensei in JJK
Wait a minute. What's stopping Sukuna from using Hollow Wicker Basket now that all his arms are back? Unless Yuji pulled off a 0.2 domain activation that caught Sukuna off guard. But how can he be caught off guard if he knows about the spark?
That's fair, Gojo was a shit teacher but they still had classes with others. Nevertheless, I wished that Itadori's growth was more gradual - maybe he could've learned some of those things during the CG and finally reveal his DE now. Hell, not even a prodigy like Megumi, with his broken ass CT and his summoned treasure, improved so fast - Megumi couldn't even finish his own domain and here is Yuji offscreening Sukuna by blitzing a DE after just switching-training with Kusakabe once and punching Sukuna real hard.
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The answer is simple: Megumi was just an overhyped bum, 99% of his potential is contained in Mahoraga, and he can't even control it
assuming gege doesn't fuck over yuji to keep drawing out this fight
I see. I forgot about that. Okay now explain how Sukuna's debuffs are all gone despite getting BLACKED Flashed to shit
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>But how can he be caught off guard
"I fucking HATE this brat and I refuse to believe that he can just IDEALS AND DETERMINATION to get to my level"
Sukuna would choose to believe it was a big bluff 10 times out of 10 for the fraction of a second it was happening.
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Both Sukuna and Yuji are dead, the last page is not his domain, but the antechamber to the afterlife. He likely sacrificed his life to drag Sukuna with him, which is why he is so happy and fully healed too.
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Megumi is going to live and remain a good boy.
I don't think hollow wicker basket can help if the sure hit already separated Sukuna's soul from Megumi's.
If Yuji's sure hit for his domain is still the soul dismantle, then that means he's already forced Sukuna's ( & his own ) fingers out of Megumi.
Sukuna's waking here would just be the final courtsey Yuji gives him before walking him (or both of them) off stage. Aka they're both in their soul form and in Yuji's inner domain. We've already seen from the bouts with mahito that there's limits to being able to destroy a soul ( he can rehape it but he can't erase is)& mahito's technique never actually worked on Yujikuna. So sukuna is stuck which ever way it is for why he's gotten to this place now.

Tldr: either Yuji's sure hit excised Sukuna from Megumi & this is in Yuji's inner domain after he ate the rest of Sukuna. Or the effect of Yuji's Domain expansion has already separated both Yuji and Sukuna soul from their respective bodies. The soul has already been remarked as one Sukuna can't destroy & not one easily destroyed period. HWB in that sense can't return or mend a connection already ripped apart/ cut. It would have worked had he used it before Yuji did the last strike, but Sukuna missed the window for that.
Editor's note does say the fight will continue. But we don't know for sure until next chapter
It'll be an inner domain rematch, Sukuna won't take getting TRAIN'd lightly.
Your argument doesn't make sense - you presented a situation where HWB wasn't activated due to two (or three) reasons:
>the sure-hit effect being harmless
>the activation being insanely fast
>an information dump so huge it actually gives the receiver low-grade autism

...which none of three can be true, or infered as truth, in case of Yuji's DE. Chapters 263 and 264 hammers in that Soul Slash, Yuji's trump card against Sukuna, means jack shit if Yuji can't actually hit him and shortly after we have Yuji having a flashback about Gojo saying that DEs are a guarantee way of landing a CT.

With that, we can and should assume that this expansion was to ensure a Soul Slash hit.

Thus, it would be lethal to Sukuna, as he said it himself.

Therefore the first two premises of your argument are invalid, which leaves activation time as a reason for Sukuna's brainfarting and not HWBing: and for that, I have no ammo to fire against - we don't have anything in the recent chapters implying Yuji's DE speed or lack of thereof.

TL;DR: you're a faggot, stop namefagging.
I didn't really get why Yuji is called unbreakable when he has literally broke in Shibuya. If Todo didn't came in time Yuji would've just continued crying on the floor until Mahito inevitably killed him. Is Mahito really better than Sukuna?
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I find it funny that if Todo hadn't saved her, it would have been the second time Yuji left Hana to potentially die lmao
The stuff that happened in Shibuya is why Yuji is unbreakable.
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Don't mind me. Just drinking me fetus cola
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Feel free to show me the harm.
Sukuna went overboard against Makora just to spite Yuji you know, he would have went bigger but he stopped so Megumi wouldn't get hit.
Then brought himself right in front of the crater so Yuji could saviour it.
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Like in some sense yeah. But I think Sukuna's pov is that Todo is someone who helped Yuji stand up. Yuji keeps walking forward though on his own accord. If Yuji was truely broken or perma breakable, he would have stayed on the ground as the worm he seems him.
But Yuji doesn't stay down. He's just as much as an unbreakable spear/ impenetrable shield as Sukuna views himself.
Maybe not under the same paradigms he operates, but one nonetheless that's always enabled Yuji to ever resist submitting to him for reals.
Hana deserved to die after letting the entire fambase down and wasting everyone's time with that bullshit Jacob's Ladder cliffhanger
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okay? what are you trying to imply with that? did you even read the current chapter or my post?
Jobbershimo gave up on HWB only because of the points I brought on my previous post and after understanding the technique. Sukuna just said, in the literal current chapter, that he would not be taking any risks anymore - why would he try to understand a domain with a potential lethal sure-hit? I'm not sure if you are just functionally illiterate or if you're just trolling
Where's the harm.
What is compelling people to say Yuji has a harmless domain?
He has a regular offensive CT, Higuruma and Hakari do not have normal CTs they come with the harmless domains.
Those are not his CTs.
Nta but if Yuji's domain isn't his soul dismantle sure hit'd, then what was the point of Sukuna mentioning that if Yuji can't hit him then his soul dismantle is useless, shortly followed by flashback of Gojo mentioning that any CT imbued in a domain can't miss, and then Yuji immediately opening his domain? It seems the implications of this are pretty clear
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It can also mean Yuji has another way of attacking the soul without a dismantle or a fist. I am also working under the implications of;
What? How is it any different from people like higu and takaba who awakened their CT later in life?
That is the imprint of BM from the cursed wombs, and the imprint of being Sukuna's vessel. Yuji's use of dismantle has to be touching an object, which we do not see him do.
>Sukuna: man it would be a shame if his LETHAL cursed tech actually LANDED
>Itadori's thoughts: "hmm if only there was a way to GUARANTEE a HIT"
>flashback Gojo: "there is, retard"
>literal same page is him DE-ing
fucking retard. your entire argument is a meta-narrative component in a shounen manga with pretty explicit implications. you COULD be remotely right, which you probably aren't btw, but there is absolutely nothing WITHIN the chapters that point to anything other than Soul Slash being the sure-hit effect.
Show the harmful hit anon.
What's to say Yuji's CT is actually harmful for most people?
If his technique is generally a separation of soul and body, then pressing the person he uses it against is someone normal/ unpossessed like kusakabe, then the soul could probably return to the body. If we consider that it's a temporary separation for most people, the it is a non lethal hit.

But Sukuna possessing Megumi isn't most people. Incarnated sorcerers aren't most people. The bond then between soul and body is obviously weaker in an incarnated sorcerer then that of the body's original inhabitant.

Tldr: I don't think Yuji's ability is lethal for most people, it's probably closer to forced astral projection or something like that then a permenant separation. It's Megkuna where this separation is more permenant, because he's not the original inhabitant of the body, Megumi is.
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Chapter 27 btw
Sukuna get repeating nuh uh you can't hit me, so producing a Non-Combat domain doesn't make sense when he needs the sure hit I think.
Nta but gojo was trapped in jogo's DE and there was no harmful hit and jogo said any normal sorcerer would've been burnt up just by entering. Just entering jogo's domain is harmful but that's just an after effect of the domain. He attempted to attack within his domain and then got stomped but not all harmful domains flood you with info. Yuji's DE has to be from his dismantle that's the CT imbued in his body. DE are techniques imbued into a barrier.
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Feel free to show it.
Soul punch is an after effect of him eating his brothers. All vessels like Hana also understand the contours of the soul. That's why JL was the "trump" card against sukuna.
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Show the hit.
Can you niggers stop arguing about Yuji's domain and just wait for the next chapter? We all already know what happens when somebody tries to predict what will happen in Gege's writing
>Guys STOP discussing the MATERIAL
Go back to /dbs/.
man I hate going on a thread about a manga and people are discussing the manga
You're the one trying to argue about something you literally don't know for sure. We don't fucking know what Yuji's domain does or how it works. We don't even know it's name. So just wait and see before making up headcanons
>Speculation about the CONTENT at hand rather than thread meta, picture spamming, cuckposting, reddit parroting, twitter screencap posting?
Does it not make sense? One of the things I've gripped about a lot is how Gege refuses to actually show a heinan flashback that'd lay of the history of his world.

But I understand why he didn't in a sense becuase he wanted the freedom to show how CT's and domain's developed in the past, again now in this re-done golden age.
From that perspective, there's a gap between domains like Higu's & Hikari's which purely non lethal without a sure hit as we know it. To something like gojo's and Sukuna's that always have a sure hit.

I don't think is unprecedented for Yuji to develop his domain while influenced by people like kusakabe, Higu & even his past experience with Sukuna himself & mahito.
It's not unbelievable Yuji would come up with a sure hit that's selective in it's lethality. I.e. it's 99.999% unlethal against the population of normal sorcerers, humans, and curses ( since pure curses don't even have a body), but it does break something in incarnated sorcerers (0.001%). That's not a huge selective difference/ upgrade from Higu having executioners sword be actually lethal, but on the conditions:
A. The person he uses against is judged by judge man of deserving a death sentence &.
B. That he can actually strike said target down himself.

Yuji's just taken out condition B. in his case & hard programing condition A. I.e. it affects everyone, but is basically non lethal to everyone but unnatural edge cases ( i.e. incarnated sorcerers & himself since he ate his blood painting siblings too)
you don't need to wait on the manga to give you an answer, whats wrong with some theory crafting
bros... why do the jannies let him use his imagination about the topic... so unfair!
I genuinely think you should kill yourself also you need to be 18 to post here
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Technically a non harmful domain that has a sure hit if you agree to it.
When the fuck did I say any of that is better than theories
Well because it's one thing to make theories, but it's another one when you autisticly argue with eachother over who's headcanon is true, the answer is always gonna be "don't know for certain" until the chapter actually comes out
>Wow these two guys are trying to reason with one another using their imaginative processes
>Yeah no, this gotta stop and we all have to wait to be spoonfed the answer
>That way I am not shut out of the conversation they are having
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I mean yeah basically. All the domains have some sort of conditions. That's the whole idea of creating a domain, it's a separation from normal reality, to a different/adjusted environment. The sorcerers eventually moved towards lethal sure hit ones that effect any target, on the trade off that they're slower.
Non lethals ones also effect any target, but they're faster because they're non lethal.
Like the logic of this makes sense even if you take out the magi part of it and just treat it like entering someone's house.
Of course your gonna be hesitant, slower, and resistant to entering if the owner/ doorman is pointing a gun at you.
There'd be less hesitancy and resistance if they're just acting like they're giving you a house tour.
Domain expansion is taking out the invite part of it, but it doesn't take out the emotions and reaction speeds/ types of reactions from the visitor.
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>The sorcerers eventually moved towards lethal sure hit ones that effect any target, on the trade off that they're slower.
Which also resulted only in High level sorcerers being the ones to DE. I don't think Yuji is on the level of Yuta, Yuki, Yoruzu, so on, so him having a non-lethal domain makes EVEN more sense to me. Although I am happy enough to accept if I am wrong when the chapter comes out, I think this is fun to think about. If it is non-lethal, what are the rules? If it is lethal, what is the scene we're seeing? Is it Yuji's innate domain or are we seeing Sukuna's afterlife scene?
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I also want to point out that their reactions are similar.
He will kill everyone and kickstart the merger and become the cuckren of JJK
It definitely feels like it makes sense to me at the end of the day for Yuji has arrived at what he did.
There's still lots of room for things to be interesting since Yuji does have a nice collection of techniques now, that mirrors Sukuna having a wide wide range of use with Shrine. We don't know how the rest of their battle / confrontation will still go or it's gridwork & game rules, but it's fun to think about because for once it doesn't feel like the steering wheel is other people's hands. It's finally in Yuji's & I'm glad to see it.
Boy's had 100's of chapters where it was him discovering the jjk world for all its dangers, pains/deaths/tortures, and strangeness, of course it's gonna be interesting to see what he chooses and makes of it as a maker/ sorcerer himself instead of a witness/ subject of it. It makes sense even as one, he's still pragmatic as they come.
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Yuji really is like Mahito considering they both have the highest potentials in the series. When we talk about Yuji, we're actually interested since he breaks the cycle. Since I see him this way personally, I definitely want to see him use DE's differently as well. Hell, he even uses Shrine differently.
>has the same potential as Sukuna due to sharing the same body for a while
>also learned Yuta and Kusakabe's skills through the soul swap which is an even more absurd training method than the hyperbolic time chamber
>obtained more skills through black flash spam
Yuta outright says they cheated, it all works.
>See if you can chew on all my suffering
Kino beyond belief
I love Yuji so much...
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Domain expansion is an advanced technique where the sorcerer manifests their innate domain into the real world. This is done by the sorcerer using a unique hand sign or signal to initiate the expansion, and then using their cursed energy to expand the domain and enclose it in a barrier.
>Domain expansion is [headcanon].
I didn't know that. Thank you, Ino.
Thanks 1st Grade Sorcerer Ino.
He only learned most of those things because someone else was in his body and did them until it was muscle memory.
gege really hates showing the final hit
Uh no? :)
Shiesty SCHOLAR Ino
If Gege goes for that, it should reveal she sold their bodies in different chapters, just so we can see the wildly different reactions.
>Mei Mei sold Yuta's body
>Yas queen
>Next chapter she sells Gojo's
Nothing. He's just S E E T H I N G.

Maybe, when he stops throwing a tantrum, something akin to "my hate boner for the kozo made me fucking die" will form on his mind. I say "maybe" because Sukuna isn't precisely the kind of person to admit he fucked up.
I see
I think the build up is pretty underwhelming. Because Sukuna was just beating up Yuji and then the next page is just Yuji doing it. I'd expected a more of "gotcha" moment when Sukuna thinks he got Yuji cornered or something, but it just happens mid fist fight
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>even though he was on the losing end for 90% of it
Nah, after rereading it Sukuna always had Gojo in the palm of his hand. It doesn't matter if Gojo got times where he was beating Sukuna in CQC because Sukuna can just spam RCT as he sets up Mahoraga.
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>Hell, he even uses Shrine differently.
Exactly, Sukuna calls Yuji lame and undeveloped for it, but I like it shows how different they are as people on the same ability. Sukuna generalizes it to be anything from a flaming bomb, a cut through space itself, to a knife chop, but Yuji specializes it to be something very narrow instead of cutting everything.

To be fair to Sukuna's perspective, CT wise, we also haven't yet seen him use the halbred thing either, & im tempted to believe there's still more he has his own storehouse so to speak as king of curses he'd want to lob out there. It's just pleasing to feel like yuji will have his own thoughts and method for countering that and whatever else Sukuna throws at him. Yuji's game for anything, which is an interesting dichotomy to his goals i.e. unquestionable aims to still end it, + an ease & willingness to go far & go anywhere to match Sukuna by meeting him halfway.
>just spam RCT
retard kun
The rest of the chapter is cool, but I have to admit "I'm just gonna take jacobs ladder to the face and beat angel up anyways" is probably the lamest way sukuna could have got out of that
Yuta won btw
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He won a knuckle sandwich..
Won an award for the biggest Mary Sue in Shōnen.
Not under Mei Mei watch
KASPAROVta keep winning
Yes? Sukuna was hardly ever in danger.
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reread slower the part where they both get brain damage from spamming RCT
I remember the SHEER hype when people thought this was Yuji being a tank instead of SURRENDERmi fucking with Sukuna's output. All those theories that he would have an anti-Shrine quality that made Sukuna's powers not work as well on him.
Sukuna still had Mahoraga which was slowly making Gojo's moves useless, and it was also creating an upgraded Dismantle that bypasses Gojo's technique. At this point Gojo only could have won if Purple completely obliterated Sukuna and it didn't.
>Sukuna was just beating up Yuji
I'm fine with not everyone enjoying the last fight since Jjk certainly isn't prefect. But i've never felt like it was just "Sukuna was just beating up Yuji" the entire time. His own narration of the fight literally always threw that into question because his thoughts never matched his actions or words. Aka always calling Yuji boring or a nothing burger, while internally hitting the wall that Yuji's technique wasn't one he had a real defense against. Sukuna's a character full of contradictions when it comes to Yuji & an unreliable narrator, so it never made sense to me to take what he actuallys says to others at face value v.s. what he thinks in the safety of his own head.
>B-but Yuji got bfto'd cause backhand Sukuna!!!
Yes, and? There were way worse things Sukuna has done to Yuji over the course of the story, and worse breaking points Yuji experienced in shibuya. A physical thrashing doesn't mean much when Yuji's always stood back up again to dish the same disrespect in return. Itadori's not a perfectly reliable pov either, but he's much more unified between his thoughts, actions & what he says, then Sukuna. He's been that way this entire Shinjuku arc.
the true value of sukuna's heian form is that he can pet four cats at once
And that he has 4 armpits.
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The initial Megumikuna and Yuji confrontation was so hype. Should have had more chapters of them fighting
>fight ends with yuij's BM still being shit
gege you confuse me why even give it to him
You like that? *raughs*
Yuji will unlock PEAK BLOOD (which is limitless level btw) to beat the merger.
Sukuna is back in Yujikuna form because:
a.) he's re-sealed in Yuji's body
b.) he's not sealed in Yuji's body, but his soul has been separated and sealed inside the DE itself, which considering DE's are literally the user's innate domain could explain his appearance switch, i.e. he's now attached to Yuji's soul again
c.) Yuji's DE controls the targets senses?
which theory do we prefer?
I dont understand this meme, we literally see Sukuna killing people whereas we only hear BB fought characters
Yuji's domain expansion is probably the quickest in the seriesto activate since we didn't even hear the name of it, and Sukuna is completely bamboozled
Gojofags don't understand what impactful means, which is funny since Gojo did the same with Toji
The biggest unknown is why the fuck yuji's smiling at this jackass.
Yuji found a way to depower him, either he left all of Sukuna's CE behind in megumi or he made Megumi puke up the fingers and Yuji just ate 1 (So sukuna is at 5%) and he's about to force him into a binding vow or something. That or Sukuna is already dead and Yuji is just happy it's all over.
>kozo waited for Sukek to regenerate the heart before dropping the dome on him
The fraud got swindled by his own nephew.
Rika has a finger, assuming gege isn't misdirecting that's still a factor.
Yujis DE drags opponents inside his soul, so sukuna has reverted to how he looked when inside Yuji
Yuji is always a positive guy
Do people unironically think Sukuna got offscreened and the last two panels are his airport scene? If Yuji's domain was a standard sure hit one then Sukuna not being able to put up HWB in time to nullify its sure hit effect would make zero sense especially after he regained RCT. This scenario would only make sense if he hadn't regained RCT and didn't have the necessary arms to make HWB, which wouldn't really change how the fight would play out because he's gonna win the moment his CT burnout ended to start another domain spam.
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It's a non lethal one that subject those trapped in its to its own rules. Similar to takaba's powers but in domain form. >>269240186
The way he split yuta in two amplified the meme. He was getting restrained by rika while yuta was right in front of him, slicing his limbs off yet he managed to somehow free his hands and chant the necessary words to asspull a world slash. Gege knew how stupid this would've looked so he offscreened the process.
It's pretty much a retell of this
is this worst than bleach with ichigo being literally everything
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I wonder why sukuna is using yuji clothes and not his own style. He probably got infected by Yuji's own essence which is why he is so confused
Yuji and Sukuna are the SOUL of the manga, unironically
>Sukuna agrees to challenge Yuji for control of their body
>gets one shot because his CE got left behind in Megumi because of how he got pulled out
>Do people unironically think Sukuna got offscreened and the last two panels are his airport scene?
That was my initial assumption, but it's not the hill I'm gonna die on or anything.
And Gojo and Yuta
Nta but anon.....
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This. I just wish Gege didn't abandon Yuji and Sukuna gimmick so soon after shibuya. No current jump manga has such an interesting duo like this one now sadly
I wouldn't mind the Yuji controlling Sukuna theory sequel memes, I just want more of them (and fujos too I guess)
I love how Yuji goes straight to the neck while Sukuna toys with Yuji's chin. It's like Sukuna doesn't want to take Yuji seriously
So Jacob's Ladder was never actually a threat since Sukuna can just go apeshit and escape it then.
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>I wouldn't mind the Yuji controlling Sukuna theory sequel memes
Soon. They will destroy curses and the worst curses of all: America.
>Sukuna adapted to death and he can now follow the kozo and annoy him everyday
Holy based
Now seriously speaking, Sukuna will lose this match and the deal may be that Sukuna is only allowed to kill curses, not humans, that way Yuji gets a better Rika
I bet 50 bucks that Sukuna will possess Yuta's body with the last finger after he got BTFO'd by Yuji
I miss Yujikuna so much, bros....
It can be that rika will leave the finger behind after she died to heal Yuta
>main hero learns extremely important technique entirely off panel
This is not going to age well
I think Yutakuna would look too ugly, Yuji and Megumi were good looking at least
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>extremely important
>guaranteed one shot against the king of curses
>apex of jujutsu mastery
>only winning move for the good guys
>not extremely important
Now sukufemcels would know the Gojosisters pain
I don't think he's dead, we don't even know what the domain does
To be fair, the soul splitting dismantle with guaranteed hit alone would fuck him real bad.
he lost about a quarter of his fingers from getting hit once, he is completely and unequivocally fucked without HWB
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Hana and Yutajo could have been skipped
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Yutajo and hana are about 4 chapters total, gege spamming breaks and shitty cliffhangers are the main issues.
Not really
I'm actually curious to know how long Yuji has had his domain. Has it been months, weeks, or was he only able to grasp it now in the middle of combat? I could see it being that last one to show the difference between him and Megumi.
Post black flash barrage?
While I never cared about Yuta (i join the anons saying his story should have been done in 0) imo I could read a manga without Gojo, but not without Yuji/Sukuna. For me Gojo always felt more like a fanservice than a character and his conflict with Sukuna is boring compared to Yuji vs Sukuna. I understand why he is popular though, but he is more style than substance for me
>he isn't a UGLY CHAD
you will never be a MONSTER
I feel like sukuna will be one of those characters people will appreciate with time while gojo ones will move on to the next pretty boy
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This fight would have worked better as Sukuna's taming
Also Uraume needs to be bred
Why the fuck is Japan full of Sukuna x Sukuna x Sukuna
Based and truthpilled.
Couldnt pull a proper domain even after several arcs and timeskips

Easily pulls a Sukuna-mogging, full-fledged domain at the first try

He truly is our COGtagonist.
It's just making believe that yuji's innate ct is 'vessel', since he's the only instance that a (more powerful) sorcrer did not or could not incarnate over him
Give me yuji and sukuna vs evilgumi
Given he learned Dismantle/Cleave midfight during the Black Flash combo, it wouldn't make sense for him to have a DE prior to now, ergo he just pulled it out of his ass. Some people take offense to this, but I don't really see the issue, this dude was punching for 95% of the series, it was about time.
It's like someone told Gege
People really dislike what Gege said in anime expo about Yuji and being a fake tard
>Next time I will focus on the mc!
While jjk manga was still running
Babykuna soon
Yuji's handling was questionable, who knows what was Gaygay's purpose with the character, I was all about making him suffer but a series of powerups unpacked midfight throught a box that is a month worth of flashbacks is not as cathartic as he may have thought. I think he stopped trying at some point.
do you think gege was mad fans figured out yuji’s memory manipulation technique and said no it doesn’t exist seems kinda odd to say it’s just a painting and todo autism thing.
So what is Uraume
>The mastermind
My bf
i hope ino is ok
Mastermind, prepare for some Black Zetsu level subversion
>Didn’t reincarnate
>Hasn’t used her DE yet
>Is literally outlasting the guy with infinite energy
Yuta needs to come back quick, Maki and others are just gonna get frozen over by Frost Calm if they try to engage that MONSTER
Yes, breed his bussy
I went over this whole little drawn out travesty and the off screening followed by sukuna glazing really did kill the hype. Its like every opportunity gege had to make things notable he defaulted for the generic and stereotypical.
>gojo at his peak
>o my binding vow'd unseen hand
>lightning twink
>lawyer man gets case closed
>yuta and yuji have so little value its a fist fight
>female toji goes for the heart
>gets fisted
>modern samurai displays his mastery of the blade
>black tap dancing man goes for the heart
>yuji uses his blackflash barrage keikaku
>sukuna is jealous
>nothing interesting happens
>kill off goth blood twink for emotional value or some shit
>yuji goes for the heart
>nothing happens
>jacob snakes and ladders
>yuji expansion
>sukuna is mildly inconvenienced
Uraume even appearing this arc was a mistake. It would have worked so much better if the sorcerers were stressing out
>Shit, we’ve been fighting Sukuna for 40 chapters now and no sign of Uraume anywhere. What are they planning?
sukuna sucks
his novelty wore off so fast
they need to hurry up and kill him already, so the fuckuing plot can progress
>Didn’t reincarnate
I forgot about that plot point. Although didn't Gege say she is incarnated after all?
Sukuna didn’t recognise her at first back in Shibuya. Looks different than in the flashback.
Stopping Sukuna was always the plot retard
Then the plot sucks
? Sukuna also glazed his opponents
You faggots have been saying this ever since Shibuya ended so fuck off
What plot retard
All the evilgumi theories suck
I like it, it's the closest to an old anime classic fight
Just caught up from the end of s2 due to how hype everyone seems to be and how shit s3 supposedly would be so I didn't want to wait.

I read the Yuta execution chapters and they were kino. I really like Yuta. I then became very interested in the culling games, things seem to be getting interesting...... Okay so now here's 100 chapters of random filler characters and the US army out of nowhere with walls of text explaining rules after rules after rules for the culling games just to ditch them immediately after because shit like "kenjaku threatened me lul" happens, so fuck everything I just spent an hour reading I guess.

I then proceeded to just look at pictures up until Gojo was released. Went through like 50 chapters in the span of like 30 mins. Didn't really miss anything at all desu. Wasn't confused once. Lol. Gojo vs Sukuna was kino even though
>aiiieeeeeee save me makuro
was all it was until Gojo was offscreeend
Kashimo sucks
Phoenix wright is awesome but died immediately
Still like Yuta, him and yuji vs Sukuna was great
Maki parts are all terrible. I don't even know which sister is who nor do I care desu. All of these people are incredibly low iq btw they had like 50 instant win options
Kuskbabe is retarded why didn't he do shit in shibuya
Black man being fellated as "stronger and better than japs" was incredibly weird
Even weirder how they just left next chapter???
Todo makes no sense, now all of their previous instant win conditions are 50x better even now holy shit this writing is terrible I'm genuinely glad 9 skipped all culling games dialog at this point
It over
>these chapters
Lmao yeah all I've heard for two decades is crying that people like nardo and the like never earned their powers and now you people cock suck a kid who's been a sorcerer for 6 weeks beating the strongest sorcerer ever
Holy fuck this series is bad
Can't believe I spent time catching up, only ever watched to get in some girls pants which. I failed at anyway
This "I larp as a totally new reader" is so tiresome
We get it dude
It's our resident Yuta schizo, an indian always wanting the approval of Gojofags and Yujibros
Name one thing they wrote that's incorrect
Todo>>>>>>>>>Yuta, Yutard. Keep seething
He is so fucking transparent is hilarious. Only thing Gojogoons and Sukufemcels have in common is that they don't like or give a fuck about Yuta.
I agree. I never said otherwise. Is this the reading comprehension needed to enjoy JjK (ie - negative?)?
the moment his domain expansion happens is still just a middle in of fist fight tho, not at some pendulum swing moment. He just took like a step back and did the hang signs, like Sukuna is close enough but couldn't stop him from doing it?
megumi was more dangerous than kekuna and we both know it
Go fap to gojo doujins
Please don't drag Megumi into your trauma, Gojeet.
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Why shouldn't sukuna use Mahoraga? It was never a 1vs1 match since Sukuna had to fight half of the cast later. Besides Sukuna always wanted to test Megumi's powers. He doesn't even admit he is the strongest, just that he fights people to pass time till he dies. Even Gege said Sorcerers were cheaters

Do people even READ this manga?
They hate to admit Sukuna is Gojo done right
I can't objectively dispute anything written here.
so did they explain what was up with yuji's arms?
non headcanon answers please
COGji is better than Yuta. Cope.
Nope. One theory some anons have here is that if Sukuna is trapped inside Yuji again he won't be able to use Yuji's fingers to escape again
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>need Yunli, her LC and Sparkle
>will not have any pulls for new planet even with good rng
It's over for me, isn't it bros?
Gege hasn’t bothered to explain yet
I got Kafka and I'm happy
Also, wrong thread!
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I'm waiting for SRR Sukuna and the Mahoraga LC
Hmm, no. I think I'll stay and continue to tell you how shitty the plot is.
I wonder what the rules are to make Sukuna so pissed.
I'm not him, and like I already told you multiple times I really don't care about the approval of people here.
If it was shit you would have quit a long time ago
I accept your concession anyway
is jujucaca good yet
i stopped paying attention
sukuna dead?
He just said opinions and opinions can't normally be described as wrong.
But he managed it anyway after confessing that he didn't read any of it. His opinion is objectively worth less.
These are one of the shittiest main character design in shonen. They're basically wearing the same outfit with the same colors. Nothing distinctive about them.
I think they look cute. I like the simple style of their uniforms with some little personal differences.
Oh, in the manga, they go to the same school and what their wearing is a uniform.
Would you say the same about Vol.0 cast?
Anon is discovering the concept of uniforms in 2024, please everyone applaud and congratulate the retard! He learned something today!
I actually like the simple yet iconic enough
>mc has spiky hair
>the rival/deuteragonist has spikier hair
sasuga gege
You're taking this comment from a Watsonian perspective. Gege could have simply written that Jujutsu High had no uniforms and you can wear anything you want so the students had different outfits and color schemes.
Do you think Yuji's dad had game? Do you think Kenjaku was gripping the sheets moaning on his dick?
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God I love them
Kek I love their banters
You're just stuck in your agenda and trying to find flaws in every aspect of the manga. There isn't anything wrong with uniforms and it has a logical reason for them to do so that fits the modern day setting. It isn't even as if everyone in universe wears uniforms and it isn't as if they haven't changed to street clothes for probably half the manga now.
It's a nothing burger of a post.
Can you fucking imagine if on next chapter, the train station was actually for Yuji because Sukuna just ripped his fucking heart out and cleaved both of his arms as soon as he saw the domain expansion incoming and died right there and this whole scene was just Yuji's last attempt at freeing Megumi?
God this would create an even bigger shitstorm than when Gojo died.

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