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Subs out!
Why is she so happy?
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she's spent ages on the road and now she finally has a real bed to sleep for the first time in a long time
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Damn, I didn't think they would show it so explicitly.
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Wait, the dev team still responds to their bug reports? I didn't think they had communication with the outside. Why hasn't anybody used that to ask about the logout situation?
another great episode. but jesus christ this anime is brutal
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This one is definitely in my top 5 this season
>simping for a cute quest npc
Nobody does this, it's so silly, haha.
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i half to say i wasn't expecting that either
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jesus fucking CHRIST man
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I thought they're gonna show that she never had legs to begin with, like it wasn't part of her model. but yea this is kinda fucked up.
I thought this was supposed to be a light hearted comedy..
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I fucking knew something like would happen even before the opening has started playing
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is this real!?
Maternity tests came in
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this is a very good question because i'm pretty sure they mentioned earlier they couldn't contact any of them
+the fact that they've been stuck in this game for YEARS at this point
you would have thought that the first thing they reported was that they couldn't log out or something
Drone cat lives on.
it could be a very tough bug to fix. or maybe there's a nefarious reason for why they can't log out. how far does the manga go in answering those questions?
even if they can't fix the bug they're clearly capable of altering game files, so they could have idk, dropped the testers an ingame note saying "ok we're aware of the log out issue, we're working on it" or something
>npc die when they are killed
>somehow in the very first episode MC claims the village was destroyed and respawned dozens of times
he was restarting the quest for that iirc so it caused them to respawn

and luu is a special npc so maybe if her quest fails or she dies you can't redo it?
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>ai generated npc quests
>this was one of the games big selling points
They explained that that village is part of the main quest, and the main quest is replayable, which causes all NPCs associated with it to be reset.
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some NPCs can respawn, some can't. it's really up to how the game is set up. I don't see a problem here.
kek'd here
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just use debug mode and remove the crippled flag from her, ez
Maybe the entire village is part of a history mission. It is possible that this programmed to always be a loop of events
I actually thought it might go into a different tragic end, where she gets healed but then she disappears because either that's how her quest is ends up as or it's not fully implemented
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these bitch ass motherfuckers
total dragon death
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is it wrong to fall in love with a NPC?
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>1 robowife show
>1 robodaughterwife show
>1 NPCwife show
it's a new era
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why is it always sadness
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total debugger death
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debuggerbros... we're being slandered
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This kusoge has more soul put in it than any kamigeimu.
The NPC needs pregnancy correction
Maybe there is a part of the AI still responding to menial bug reports. Giving some movement files to NPCs or filling in some geometry can be solved by AI once it's advanced enough to actively talk to you.
They could've killed her instantly with the stomp but no, they had to give us hope, just to crush it.
>>1 robowife show
>>1 robodaughterwife show
which is which?
>Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
>Atri - My Dear Moments
ah, yeah, that one i dropped after ep1
It's only an npc, you can reset them.
Fuck you
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>no episode next week because of the olympics
>episode 5 will be on the thursday after instead
FUCK the olympics
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a-at least it's only a week, unlike Yatagarasu, haha...
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why doesn't she just /ban the troublemakers and force them to log out?
Haga sends a bug report daily about the logout issue. It's being deliberately ignored.
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revenge we must have revenge
maybe they are NPCs as well?
Did you miss the 1st episode?
Why don't they just teach normal high functioning NPCs how to debug and have a giant army of debuggers to help them fix the game and hopefully GTFO?
Did you miss the debuggers being caught in the allusion of Dante's Inferno?
what if they're bugged? you'll have to double check their reports. can't rely on their independent work
My guess is that this is all basically like the game SOMA where they're all just AI. Which would be pretty damn horrific.
That's why they recruit them from the least bug free city where they already debugged it.
that's not really a solution. if you give them tasks they were never really programmed to do you never know how it's gonna turn out. still need to monitor them
You just have them report whatever is unnatural to them. The little girl NPC saw the T pose as weird.
If they can still communicate with outside and tell them to fix shit why not just tell them that they are trapped inside?
Haga could have used the debug mode to bring Luu back, ;_;
Yeah, "they" are part of the game now, the real them are long gone and the company used their data to create these AI to save costs I guess, to real people the help message gotta be a meme they laugh about so obviously they are ignoring it, really cool concept and so far they are doing everything well.
Are 4 legged models also modeled in T-Pose? I thought it was an humanoid thing only.
a t-pose is just the default state of a model with no animations, so anything can t-pose
I guess that makes sense. Can't really imagine modelling something like a horse on T-Pose being easier, considering it's not a pose they can have naturally.
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>high functioning npcs
That's pretty much the ai and they have their own agenda.
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>Can't really imagine modelling something like a horse on T-Pose being easier, considering it's not a pose they can have naturally.
nah they just look normal, it's only a "real" t-pose when a human does it, even though they're both the same thing - animationless models
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>one more for the smiles >>(You) couldn't protect list
this anime is making me feel bad for all the atrocities I did or watched in shit like CK2 or city simulators
now just seriously try and imagine them as REAL human beings, each with their own lives and families
now think about how what you did affected them all individually
the BILLIONS of lives i've taken in 4X games..
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the suffering ever ends...
this has no right being as good as it is
Why is this show so unpopular here?
easily top 3 this season
I kind of watched this show on a whim not expecting it to be as good as it is. This is the only show I'm watching on fridays so I'm not sure if there's more popular shows airing or people just don't want to give it a chance.
fuck off, slower threads are better
the show is ok
Feels good to be a sufferingfag.

Smile: unprotected
people probably just hate isekai, also it DOES look kinda cheap
It's not so much that it looks cheap, more that it resembles a kid's show. I was on the fence about it, but I skimmed the first episode's thread and was sold once I saw those "dragons."
I don't see any sourcematerial fag, no shilling campaign, also the artstyle is different and nobody likes that, but yeah, I got into it with 0 expectations and I'm having a really good time with it.
>I don't see any sourcematerial fag
Let's hope it stays that way.
I still can't get over how the MC looks so much like Baki
Damn that is fucked up, if true. Fuck this game company.
When the AI mentioned how every NPC is unique and they are similar to how real life where the NPC also have a life cycle. But didn't we start off with the village Haga was in trying to debug the quest where the dragon goes on a rampage on the village and everyone was supposed to die? And he did that quest multiple times meaning the village reverted back and the quest was re-doable again?
main quests are different
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Then they should have strung them along so they would keep doing their job at least. Just come up with excuses and you'd get years and years from most people before they descended into psychopathy instead of just one.
I wouldn't worry about lives in 4X scale until games start modeling each being personally. So long as they're just a number then that's all they really are.
Let the sloppers stay in their slop threads. Good stuff flies under the radar every season and there's nothing wrong with that.
Would the devs even know they went psycho if nobody filed a bug report about it?
You're no better, newfag.
found the slopslobberer
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>too gory
bug report was sent - will be fixed in the next update.
And now I wonder how Haga did his minimum 5/5 repeats. Sorry, NPCs, stand still while he drops some 40 t weights.
not like this...
is this real?
What is this supposed to be? New chapter?
the meta AI will pause ovulation until you kill all the debuggers
She''s so cute bros.

>killed NPCs won't respawn

What? What about Nikola and her village?
lmao this show IS the slop
Stop speedwatching.
Main Quest vs procedurally generated side quest
Non-respawning npcs are a bad game design in a mmo.
There are lots of griefers who would abuse it out of spite.
Seems like bad design.
>oh some edgy retard decided to go on a NPC murderspree? Better hope they didn't have any subquests associated with them because if they did they're now gone forever
No one cares about procedurally generated quests. There's a million more where they came from.
Maybe it's part of their contract to stay logged in until all bug are fixed, and they're just retards that didn't read it.
Who cares, she'll respawn like the houses next time someone loads the village.
my headcanon is the meta AI saw logout as a very obvious glitch that "killed" agents in her system in mysterious and scary ways, so she destroyed it.
interesting take but I doubt tesla had the ability to do that
Is this a joke about censorship
I'd imagine each time they get respawned its a different village with the same identities.
For all we know this may be instanced and killing the NPC only affects the killer. I mean it has to, or griefers would depopulate the continent so fast Adolph "Mao" Stalin would blush.
Tesla can't even disable the debugger stones, which is just an in game item, and you want her to disable a game function?
>inb4 she is the biggest bad in the end and was just pretending to be powerless.
I feel like the other debuggers are so cartoonishly bad and evil people that it's preventing me from becoming properly invested in the apparently serious story this is trying to tell.

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