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Chapter 53: The Phantom of the Haunted Housing Complex
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 >>269020173
And that's it. Spooky stuff
Do you believe in the supernatural? Have you ever experienced it?
Thanks OP
I don't just not believe in the supernatural, I believe the supernatural does not exist
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Yes I absolutely do, but I never really experienced anything. Yet.
Thanks as always OP!
I ship it
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Finally, a good volume cover
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Thanks OP
Absolutely. And I only had an unexplainable experience a few days ago
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>Absolutely. And I only had an unexplainable experience a few days ago
>want to put a song from a game on my phone
>convert the youtube video to an mp3
>email said mp3 to myself
>open phone, open email, download mp3, move it to my mp3 player app
>put phone down
>glance at laptop
>email still unsent
I was doing a couple things at once at the time and a little distracted, so I never actually sent the email. I opened my phone back up and it had a different email open, no sign of the other one. But when I checked the mp3 app, the song was still there.
The email was never sent, there is zero trace of it having ever been sent. But the file is still on my phone
SEXO cover
>i actually like rodents
sea critter bros...
Ren you stupid idiot. This was your chance to be with a scared Ruru clinging to you.
Thanks OP
Depends on what you mean by supernatural but i have spiritual beliefs.
but still very cute

Also, did last chapter imply Muscar stole that kid's body?
I think he meant how long it took to get his human sized form and power.
He did awaken years before the others.
Thank you for posting.
I forgot Rin got a cover
Muscar gets no respect.
Thanks, OP.
I believe in Magu-chan.
Before that, I mean. On >>269193920 we see big spooky Muscar talking to a kid who looks just like his shota-form.
I assume that Muscar assumed the kids form to imitate him
Didn't he get caught up in Magu's explosion?
Who do you mean by "he"? If you mean the kid, then maybe. Doesn't matter. If you mean Muscar, then maybe. But Muscar is a god, he can just retake the kids form once he recovers
I meant the kid yeah. He was Muscar's hope for the human race who was annihilated by Mag Menuek
Sounds like Muscar needs to make more friends.
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Good stuff
Fun as always, thanks for coming
So they gave Rin her own Pokemon?
>Season 2 begins with hachiken thinking mikage is going around braless
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You made me do this.
Don't lewd the Napu!
Thanks for the read, OP
>do you believe in the supernatural
In a sense, or I just have a personal quirk. It feels like sometimes, things that I've been looking for or things I'd want/need without thinking about it would just suddenly pop up in places I knew they weren't before and where I'd be likely to notice it. When it happens, I usually say thanks, just in case there's house spirits or something else looking out for me and put it there. Sometimes it goes the other way: if something goes missing, I feel they briefly took it to play with and just think "well just bring it back soon"
Nah, that's just me. I live under your floor.
No and no.
What about the subnatural?
What counts as subnatural? Everything that isn't supernatural?
Personally, I encounter that every day right here on /a/.
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I can fap to this
One day your secrets will be mine!
I'm going to need a sloppy threesome with these gals.
>Do you believe in the supernatural? Have you ever experienced it?
I hate when this type of question gets asked; my answer is always the same. I have never experienced anything paranormal, but I would love to. I've tried so hard and yet ghosts and goblins elude me.
14-sai no Koi was so close to bump limit, it's too bad.
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