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Why did Caiman never fuck Nikaido?

He gets handed this perfect 10/10 Tomboy GF and he doesn't even try to fuck her? Is he gay?
Caiman is gay
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They are just very good friends.
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Caiman doesn't "fuck" Nikaido because he makes love to her, you fucking degenerate
Is he really ?
Still till today Im not able to understand what caiman is, and i think I read the complete manga 10 years ago.
Anyway 7/11 would recommend
>Why did Caiman never fuck Nikaido?
It was written by a woman
It's heavily hinted at that they love each other, the same with Shin and Noi. The only obvious ones are Chota having a massive crush on En and Ebisu having a crush on Fujita, both played for laughs. It's likely based on their interactions together and fanart such as >>269229389
that they got married. It's not a romance manga and the focus is on friendship, not on romance.

Why do you need everything spoonfed to you and want to insert romance into everything? Be greatful they're not bashing us over the head with this.
Also holy shit a Dorohedoro thread!

Wonderfest is tomorrow so lookout for ThreeZero's Noi figure!

Season 2 any day now!

Dai Dark's next volume releasing next month!
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>Season 2 any day now!
I think Q Hayashida is a very plump woman who enjoys food more than sex
>more Three Zero stuff
Sweet, I still pray for a Curse figure.
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>Also holy shit a Dorohedoro thread!
>Wonderfest is tomorrow so lookout for ThreeZero's Noi figure!
>Season 2 any day now!

Funny how nikaido was pretty slim at the start of the manga turned into a dummy thicc fertility goddess with huge tits and ass like 2/3rds of the way through.

I feel like there were hints in the beginning, but the author dropped that angle like 1/4 through the manga and just kept them as best friends

Shin and Noi, though, kept getting hints to them getting into an actual relationship even to the end.
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oba gyoza
Why did Caiman never fuck Nikaido?

They are emotionally/mentally completely compatible, but physically/sexually completely incompatible. For two reasons

1. Even kaimans normal face is considered just "average" to nikaido, imagine was she thinks of his lizard face.

2. Plus technically kaiman is really a kind of funky chimera who is an amalgamation of like 2 or 3 people plus some lizard magic. He cant even be considered human. He probably doesnt have the "horny feelings" towards nikaido and might not even be able to breed children with her anyway.
>Funny how nikaido was pretty slim at the start of the manga turned into a dummy thicc fertility goddess with huge tits and ass like 2/3rds of the way through.
Kaiman too was not a beefcake, hell he even looked like a lizard in the first chapters.
Kaiman is still the human part of the whole clusterfuck of identities in there
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he gives her the ick
Same reason I also don't want to fuck my best friend, it would be unbelievably weird.
>Ebisu having a crush on Fujita
got more brother/sister vibe than a crush
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>Still till today Im not able to understand what caiman is, and i think I read the complete manga 10 years ago.
same here, I just assume he was a schizo who got tricked and turned into caiman
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>by the series creator
learn something new every day
>nopan Nikaido will be censored
Seras Victoria but too fat.
Not everything is about sex. If sex enters the equation he will lose a friend.
I mean
Reptiles lay eggs so
Nikaido probably has to become a Devil again to make Kaiman fuck her.
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do women really believe that a single woman and a single man that are both heterosexuals can be really close friends with 0 romantic or sexual tension?
He has a normal human body from his neck down
>with 0 romantic or sexual tension?
Yes, I don't piss in my pants or take a crap in the street to satisfy my biological needs. I can maintain relationships with women while keeping my libido in control to gain other advantages.
>keeping my libido in control
Your words betray you. If it's something you "keep in control", the thought has at least occurred to you. Making it a fundamentally different relationship than with your male friends.
Because the manga chose not to focus on their relationship, it was a manga about mystery and weird magic shit.
Yes, and?
Romantic and sexual tension exist even if you don't act on them.
Yes, so?
extremely gay for the squirrel
also me btw
Glad we agree.
>i think I read the complete manga 10 years ago
the manga ended 6 years ago
pray that dai dark doesn't get cg adaptation by crappa
Yes, is possible to have a friendship with a female.
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Since when were you under the impression that they haven't fucked? They will breed like rabbits in the corner of the Hole
Man, I wish Dai Dark had one adaptation too (not CG please). Dorohedoro was a fun ride.
It's the same Coleman's body but different identities
it's possible, but it's definitely not the same as having a friend of the same sex.
Dorohedore has Chidairuma.
Dai Dark doesn't have Chidairuma.
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caiman is just one part of ai coleman and lacked sexual drive as a result
So as if there weren't hints already, this chapter pretty much confirms Damemaru is Chidaruma right?
Granted, there still aren't English translations.
This very good friend wedding photo is cute. I wonder how many very good friend babies they will have.
"Huh, I wonder what one-shot Dorohedoro comic this is from-"
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She's such a big girl!
S2 when?
Female author that wants to humiliate her male audience would be my guess.
Yes, that is indeed how you cope.
legit forcing me to learn slav language with this shit
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To those who own these figures, how is the quality? I haven't heard much of ThreeZero other than the prices are quite high.
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How is that to humiliate her male audience? I'd say only self inserters would be cucked. Not my problem.
only if she's ugly or fat.
being an incel for sure
not at 100%
No man wants to be just friends with an attractive woman. Any man that says they do is just lying. Or you got friend zoned and you're huffing 1000mcf's of pure copium

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