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ABB non-stop
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Scarlet is so cool...
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>36k for this
I hope it bins.
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I’m pretty happy with this, bros.
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finally got around to watching season 2 and i dont know if i want to get this new one or try to find a decent condition pic related
sex figures never bin.
Which outfit do you like more? I prefer the white/blue outfit and she looks great.

I want a good figure of diver diva, but the faces look off and Ai's hair is too bright. So it's not worth 36k + the expensive shipping.
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Just ordered all 5 Fate/complete material.
Collecting artbooks is so i can copy and redraw all the content.
Well it is a double figure
Is that a poster from the anniversary CD box set? Looks great I still haven't opened mine
I have the Kitasan Black they did later, she's really nice and the paint job is top notch. Makes me want to track down this one and the Saitono Diamond that came out the same time as Kita-chan. Phat's Nica Nature is underwhelming.
I can't believe buyfag is alivefag...
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Hey! That's my Waifu!!
I think you're missing the point anon. The price is too high for the quality of the product.
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It's here!
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Buy more Nendoroids.
free her from prison, anon
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Did you preorder yours?
im the chick (yellow)
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Oh yeah, this bitch still has my June order on hold because they won't officially delay her for some reason. Guess I could just request they split her out, but whatever for now
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Does WF have a lot of amateruish GKs that never really get shown anywhere?
Teach me how to do this.
did you read the guide?
Yeah. It's outdated.
Holy shit, why does everybody want to fuck this girl?
can't be me.
fuck you IS
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bit off model but me want anyway
like belly
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When are they going to make a sexy Sakura figure
>32k for gacha art
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Figures where the girl is on her back and her anus is visible?
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This wonfes, I can feel it
I already do. Waiting for the next batch to show up.
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>D**k h***e
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To whoever recommended the Tamiya brush in a recent thread, I am greatly enjoying the activity of gently dusting my waifu. Previously I had used a microfiber cloth to clean various plastic butts and that was unwieldly.
You're welcome, enjoy your quality time with your figures
I also got them and it has been sitting on my dining room table unopened since it arrived. I haven't even looked at my figures. Everything is such a mess.
Doesnt look good
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>still in customs
it's over
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Good man
is this a gk or prize figure? i dont know who this is
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Because they're sculptors selling their wares and advertising their skills?
WTF do you think?
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>1/4 Scale Garage Kit Hoshiguma DISH Ver.
Still waiting for rest of xeno stuff.
I was asking if there's a chunk of GKs we never see because they're too amateurish to get any wide attention.
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Ordered an acrylic stand of pic related and Kitora since figure companies are dumb and will never make good figures of the girls of this manga.
Oh, I read that as "Why does"...
And yeah. It's the same with Comiket and the like, there's good artists and artists that just aren't as popular or out there
I need a bunny figure now
call them, those lazy fucks didn't update at all until I personally went to the distribution center, lucky it is very near me
at least mha and JJK have things
Never give your anime and merch rights to toei, it sucks if you are not dbz
lol u gay dude
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Plenty. Nobody bothers scalping them on YJA either.
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with all the doomposting is she gonna be a grail
Spoonfeed me, senpais. How many hours away is WonFes
Why do GKs with massively fucked up sculpts often have price tags in line with good ones? I'd post examples but all the ones I can think of off the top of my head seem to have been removed from MFC.
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I'm still confused.
tree fiddy
you will rarely get any good figures or anything in that matter sans DBZ,toei magical girls franchise and sailor moon. and WT rights for anime and merch are from toei (mostly).

with JJK and MHA point they are not from toei but their female cast and less popular cast members often gets things unlike WT.

no, wonder jump never signed for their more newer titles to toei.
Eunie f*gma in color will very likely be at WF, hopefully something else shows up too.
I thought Bandai had the merch rights to DBZ
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Because that's just how much it costs to produce a kit. It's a hobby where they're just trying to make back the production, licensing, tabling costs, etc. with minimal profit. It's a different culture in Japan to something like a western Artist Alley where the vendors are trying to make a profit because it's their livelihood.
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you can still get both of her versions on amiami so she'll likely bin. i suppose this all depends on how she ends up looking. strange for the company to not reveal how her mass produced version will look, it's where all the doomposting began.
What I meant to ask is why is selling at a loss unacceptable? Obviously inferior GKs can't compete with superior GKs so if they share a price point won't they not sell?
Or, does demand so far outstrip supply that everything sells and the real question to ask is why don't the makers of the superior GKs hike their prices?
if I marry that fox would our son become the most powerful mage in all of japan?
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>I've seen things
Would you make something knowing you'll have to sell it at a loss just to sell a few extra units? GKs are inherently something you can customise to your hearts content. Just because the preview looks like shit doesn't mean your own version is going to have overly thick paints too.
I know that personally I'd be more drawn to the shit GKs from series I actually like than the ones from series I don't care about just because their from a superior circle/sculptor.
>the real question to ask is why don't the makers of the superior GKs hike their prices?
I imagine that's because they have to apply for the license holder's permission to sell the kit and aren't allowed to make a huge profit off an IP they don't own.
Fuck if only I knew how to call them, I'll guess you live close enough to visit their offices bu it's very far from me.
I really hope they speed up licensing a bit on next years.
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>selling at a loss
nobody wants to sell at a loss, that's pretty much giving money to strangers.
>inferior GK
the quality of GKs have improved significantly the past few years ever since resin 3d printers are more widely available. There's only a few bad sculpts, but even then they're pretty good compared to 5-7 years ago
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Gives me Clamp vibes
I prefer my figures without ribs
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I feel like Nendoroids are cool but that you get the most out of them by changing around the poses/accessories and that seems like a lot of time/energy, especially if you have a few.
What do you guys do with yours?
Is she a whore?
It finally came
Thanks anon, I guess I'll try calling them tomorrow.
Thanks for censoring the tits anon, otherwise this image would be considered a menace for Advertiser-san.
Jesus christ what is happening inside that case?
She doesn't even have a skeleton m8.
>that fan hub placement
it is silly tits are bad for some reson despite all the fucking degenerate shit they advertise
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Unironically my favorite body type.
figure nipples get a pass
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family friendly website
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I often try out all the parts when I first unbox them and take some photos, then decide on a setup to keep long term. Occasionally I'll swap some parts but I typically just leave them. Admittedly, some of the parts can be hard to fit and pose properly... this one >>269231313 is supposed to have some ribbons on her sleeves, but I couldn't get them to stay on while putting the arms on. Could be user error though, I'm pretty retarded.
i won't fall for that again
I hope you don't use that for nendos, putting them on bleachers makes them lose their soul.
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migu is banned for AI crimes
That's how a man builds, not faggot cable management and shit
I get nice temps, 70c under heavy load tops
So, you have the same shit customs like me.
>Cries in Correo Argentino
Pose them. Swap parts around when I dust them. Swap the heads on nendoroid doll bodies and dress them up. Use them as an indication of scale in pics of other things because they are all around 10cm tall. Put them in mugs. Definitely worth it to get an organizer for all the parts, the boxes suck for storage.
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I am ONCE AGAIN asking you to POST
show pic anon
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This is coming fast. But if I don't send e-mails or make a claim, they don't give a shit. My figis spent a lot of time in the Aduana
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Still delusional
His eyes don't say "I must kill Edeltard" at All. Fucking gacha art
Wait, it's finally real? When?
That Guts+Griffith already look like a figure though?
Yeah that neutral expression is really disappointing.
Okay, but you are supposed to place it on the other side of your case.
This should have been Dimitri's figure. Much more kino scene than whatever that is from the gacha.
why do you keep repeating gacha
this pose or art is not one from heroes
saying it over and over won't make it true
Get your airbrush ready lmao
It sure looks like IT.
Okay.. who's in Japan now?
well it isn't so stop posting your schizophrenic delusions, alright
What is it about /vg/ that brings out the worst schizo posters?
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Ugh, megahouse
Where are those wonfes pictures?
July 28, retard
It's the 26 in mexco so that means it's th 28 in japan??
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Double retard.
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made it quickly with photoshop. There's almost no chance of me winning.
Good taste
That's not how timezones work, retard

28th, retard
Well you got one.
Damn son, you are retarded.
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>putting Hinata that far away from Aoi
You're going to make her into a yaya
megahouse any good?
They’re not bad but do scales much smaller then pretty much every other company does
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Last one before the main event
fucking hate when a package pops up and i have no fucking idea what it is
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so basically a no go
Sounds like Alzheimer's.
I'm pissed
Why is it always brown girls and never black girls? I want an ebony anime girl.
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No need to change anything since then as I only collect her stuff.
If I see my wife I win.
Good chance I might see something new thanks to her remake getting new info maybe.
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I expect 0.
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because too black
Yes Unicorn overlord figi pls
Holy shit, this guy is literally me!
No Unicorn overlord figi pls
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That's a nice AI butte.
>Please take a video when opening the shipping box and unboxing the contents the first time.
Everything is checked, but if you find any problem, please let us know and include the video.
The subject must stay on the screen at all time until the problem is shown.
Any complaint about damaged/missing contents will not be accepted without a video.
When did Manda start doing this? Seems like a pain in the ass and a way for them to get out of dealing with insurance claims
Oh fuck, I might have to get this aftermarket, given her popularity in game I doubt she would get anything official
What’s the meta for preordering from amico’s JP?
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>bingo card got no (you)s
Ah Bloo Bloo
Technically all anime grill figures have pussy.
And just like that, I began to trust the wonfes
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Imagine if every figure was force cast off
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Finally got bored enough to finish updating mine.
Just get the recast when it's available
what is this
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Thanks amico, very nice arraignment to cut down the shipping cost.
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Fuck forgot image
Pity (you) don't count
Oh nice, didn't expect her to go up before Wonfes started.
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I think I can see it if I squint real hard.
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I know I don't
that's me, the bird
Some of you have severe shit taste
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Summer added to the family picture
tomorrow is Saturday silly try on monday
The model kit (the good one) is really fun.
This is my figure... it was made for me!
So cluttered, change the background to white, add a mirror
>add a mirror
Isn't that counterproductive?
it creates and illusion of space but like in a mirror house
>Isn't that counterproductive?
Yeah, anon is trying to make it look even more cluttered.
I don't even looking at my figures anymore
They put me to shame
I was the same when my display was too cluttered
If you hate your display you'll hate your figures
Make a good display and rekindle the romance
I like to pose them around.
same here.
no updates for almost 45 days, then all of them arrive on the same day.
I feared the worst, open packages and inspected by the Aduaneros and sloppily closed using Correo Argentino duck tape.
Last time they did that, they stole something from the package.
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My room’s walls are covered in anime girl tapestry and posters. I’ve got 15 of these bitches hanging up and I have 22 figures on display. I’ve never really decorated my room before, it feels weird.
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My room is 4x6m so all I can i afford are these cluttered boxes and hang them on the wall.
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lmao what did they take?
These two need to fuck
You are a man of focus, commitment and sheer will.
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I vill get nothing and i have to like it
you never grew up did you?
Do you suck dicks?
Is that Nietzsche-sensei on the left? Damn didn't think I'd see that on buyfag. Also I'd like a good scale of Shizuku in her solitude rain outfit.
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Make that 2011 in reality but that's the oldest bingo I found on this machine. Think my older rig might have a 2014/2015 version.
Hunting for her Nendoroid Extra Nuigurumi in an unopened state back in the day was hell let me tell you.
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>anon hates old figgies
>Is that Nietzsche-sensei on the left?
no it's moi-chan from witch watch
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Please give me Rex figure.
going to win the lottery and buy someone a 1/1 couch loli.
Going to lose the lottery and blame the anon above me
I won 5 bucks in the lottery!
where's my 1/1 couch loli?
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You called?
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Almost spent $200 on 2 cards today. Thankfully I have self control.
>unicorn overflop
>half size
so is that the size of a heavy truck?
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I was thinking... isn't this far better quality than your average anime scale figure?
better than blue archive and uma musume slop.
close enough for you?
Finally, a figure of OP
Figi lottery! One loli per ticket!
Doesn't quite look like a faggot though.
>...This pile of shit is... better than this pile of shit!
I don't want my anime girls looking like this, do you?
I'm pretty secure in the stuff I like. I'm sorry that you have people you need to impress, that must be hard.
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The big sex figure.... finally...
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cameltoe is great
The point is that thing is way more detailed than any anime figures I've ever seen and It's only $200. why can't anime figures be like this?
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>d*llfags are here
I never left!
Because anime figures would look bad if they were that detailed. That's what my point was.
I hope she bothered to find some scadutree fragments
what scale is it? also it's wearing cheap doll clothes, I'm sure there is no detail anywhere other than the face
Pictures with better resolution.
Who ready to buy NFT figgies in the AmazonDisneyWalmart Metaverse in 15 years?
This THE big sex figure
go back to 2020, nft is more than dead
I fucking hate that bird like you wouldn't believe. Only slightly better than that ugly fucking sensei thing from the one with the really fat girl.
Anon... you're supposed to self insert as sensei or the bird.
self insertion is for the mentally ill
i'll capture them in pvc and cum on them as i please
>self insertion is for the mentally ill
>i'll [mentally ill non-sense]
>anon pretends she doesn't ejaculate one figures
condition? were the seals cut? also how long did it take for Suru to dispatch?
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Jesus fucking Christ, just got Mimeyoi's Tearju and she is damn huge and heavy. She dwarfs other large 1/4 and seems like her hole lower body is made out of metal and just covered in pvc, you can even see the metal in her feet peg holes.

Also, pretty damn hefty base , as usual from mimeyoi. All the delays were worth it.
Damn, that's retarded.
Anyone wanna see my anime figures
Has wonfes saved buyfag yet?
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She should sit on me
I'm still here so no
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cute (male)
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if I hadn't just bought a house I would buy this in a heartbeat, but I'm gonna be broke for at least the next six months
Worth it for the house, you now have more space for future figgies
I just wanna know if she has modeled nips like the Alter version.
heard of that way after the fig was completely sold out.
She is literally a board holy shit
He kind of looks like me.
The new movie seems so cringe already
what a fucking slut
It sucks that WT died before the age of PUPs, even those would have been better than nothing.
Peak female body
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is ami chan sick?
Congrats anon. Mimeyoi 1/4 are great.
I was considering that GIRLS FROM HELL for a while now
dishonorable price manipulation for when she sells out
yeah, after they said it was going to be a musical I lost interest completely, and what kill it even more for me was lady gana
Same thing happened to me last night. It’s only that page, clicking on a subcategory of sale figures turned it back to English. Amico-chan is having a stroke
I've been avoiding any information about it cause I don't see how they could conceivably make a followup and I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised

WT was just unlucky in general
Like MHA blew up a year after the WT anime,Hiatus took a hit for any longstanding plans and came before the age when they gave anything that breathed in jump a figure
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I want to be that Manjuu so fucking bad
lady gaga plays harley davidson
yeah i'm sold
i've seen plenty of unreliable narrators but this is full on psychosis and i love it
>invaded by /tv/
the Alter one has nips AND a visible cameltoe/pussy outline
Even on wonfes, clubfag...
cant decide if cute or creepy
Yes! we need to only talk about figures 24/7 like an insane person!
you could just talk bout /tv/ stuff on /tv/? you can multiple tabs open
That's a cute Kay.
Make me.
Like new, they weren't, 2 days they were quick and it arrived in 3
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Maybe I should've bought a mansion instead of PVCs...
Why not both? You think people that buy mansions don't fill it with stuff? They just leave it empty?
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And Mimeyoi's official photos.
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Nice but the muted color scheme makes it seem like you need to put in effort into her surroundings to make the figure look really good. Maybe a diorama or something.
We have photos with both clear and color backgrounds, she looks great in both.
begging for it
I'm so tempted but a part of my soul is stopping me
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same, it doesn't do anything for me
like yeah it's nice, but so what?
please tell me pop-up parades have at least ok QC
pop-up parades have at least ok QC
I can tell you anything you want, wont make it true.
it's all me posting all the different le malin photos because she's been my azur lane wife since her release.
how can you tell when they're so tiny and have prize shading?
It's simple. You asked me to tell you.
So isn't Wonfes happening right now? Why can't I see random figures that won't be available for another two years?
I got an early PuP when the figi line was new and one of the girl's ribbon accessories on the leg fucking snapped off in the factory cause it was no where inside the box. Then I bought another PuP that was announced a year ago and the paint quality is very mediocre (in my opinion), feels like there's no real fine line in terms of quality for PuPs. Don't expect quality, they're just GSC's prize figures pretty much.
No, it's tomorrow. Roughly 17 hours from now.
It must suck if your waifu's only figure is a PuP.
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Worth the PO? The swimsuit ones binned a little, and I’m anticipating the singular base set to go on sale at AmiAmi since they’ve had trouble selling their stock. Orders closed for the weddings ones, already got mine in, but do you guys think it’s worth paying the PO price? ABB and whatnot but what’s your bin senses telling you?
That's why I commission porn of my obscure waifu on skeb instead cause they're literally never getting a figure. An original lewd catered to (you) priced around 10k ~ 30k yen depending on artist and quality is pretty much as much as a decent figure
have to sift through so many twats trying to sell their shit before you get to comments about the figure, filter where
>only option is a garage kit of which only less than 120 were ever made and needs sculpting and painting
could be worse
Depends, do you love them? I don't buy figures of girls I don't love.
So I'm guessing the other companies PuP equivalents are no different
>filter out comments, all that's left is:
This set is so gorgeous, and I love Chocola and Vanilla! It’s just I have Kashino the same month, and I definitely won’t cancel her. I think I’ll keep the PO and save up so I can afford everything for that month, and also cross my fingers the neko girls don’t bin
was busy watching the olympics opening ceremony and i'm catching up to reveals right now


this won summer wonfes for me, pack it in lads i'm satisfied

just found out they're making a viral too and i'm vibrating out of excitement and adhd like a rhesus monkey doped up on cocaine right now. holy fuck

if they rerelease the kamina nendo and/or have a viral nendo announced im gonna do 500 push-ups in a row from the hype
When blood go to dick blood no go to brain.
why is that figgie cut in half?
>not having enough blood to go to both dick and brain
MFC comments are useless for getting a review on a figure, I get more luck looking at the reviews on TOM
The only review you need is did it bin or appreciate
I'm sorry to hear both your dick and your brain are the size of a peanut.
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>t. count dracula
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I'm calling Mr. Wonfes and telling him to cancel this year
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I should watch this show. I really like her/his design. I hope it's a girl though.
i'm loving the show, the animation is beautiful
I wish my favorite characters got cards and special art.
this looks easy to mod into mononobe no futo
100% male
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I didn't put it here but my friend likes Kiddo from Chrono Cross so I hope she gets a figgie. It's like the 25th Anniversary this year.
Isn't this bad for the figure
Face is fucked up. Another binned fire emblem figgie.
Just like Cordelia... never underestimate the power of time.
Could a figure even do sex hair justice?
does this have the Nintendo Seal of Approval?
There are plenty of figures with wavy or flowing hair. I'm sure we have advanced since 2009.
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That's 2024's Most Breedable Boy
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You might be happy, but are you as happy the buyfag with naked child pussy itasha? It's even better with audio.

thats the based police patrol right?
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the best uber driver possible?
It pains me I'll never have irl friends like this.
I wish I could share my hobby with someone offline ;_;
post the one where you can see her butt
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What is this face trying to convey?
>ah I wish my boipucci was being plapped
It hurts to see others living your dream
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It's babu :D
N-no, leave me here
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>Tiny rika sitting there as well
This man is my soulmate
It hasn’t even started anon. The GL announcements are from 2 weeks back.
Fuck you, Charlie
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I’m being cyber bullied
Yeah, I read up on it. It was revealed during that TTGL x KLK PARCO event in Japan. Still, pretty cool!

I'll keep my hopes up for WonFes. There's usually one or two things that'll pique my interest.
What are the best car figgies?
Mococo has been a gamechanger for tummy enjoyers
>Kunoichi Tsubaki
>Literally any girl from the entire show
You'll take your one Tsubaki nendo and you'll like it! Unless Alter does a repeat performance of just announcing a scale out of the blue like they did with Akebi-chan.
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I don't care if it rains or freezes
As long as I got my plastic Jesus
Sittin' on the dashboard of my car
>but actually, probably most noodle stoppers since they’re cheap, small, and sit flat
is summer abbi nips fully modeled?
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his parents will be glad that he's not gay
I need pure Akiyama Rinko figures.
Might as well not buy it then
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think ill take dhl
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That's not how horny works, anon.
You have no ballz to be based like that.
Are you an idiot
that figure does not look that good at all
Might as well book a flight and pick it up yourself instead.
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>are you an idiot
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payup gaijin!
Oh yeah how's Amico's debut? Does she have an art tag?
Of course it's her doing! Well, just because she's a vtuber now I still won't pay up!
It's honestly insane that they're charging 50k for that trash
more insane they didn't show pictures of the actual final product
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I was so fucking mad. Opening a complaint to only receive an automatic answer "we are working on it", just for them to close it without any resolution after two months.
I hope to sell the company and get all of them fired for being useless prices of shit.
Post some OC then? I've seen this pic on X, unless that was your own profile.
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>88k DHL
Those niggers are out of their minds...
[smug Amico giggle in the distance]
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I'm officially a thighsman, but I appreciate ass too.
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I was enjoying the thread until this fag showed up...
cursed Miku
snibeti snab
Tardigrade chan?
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Since it's a buyfag thread, have you ever commissioned a cosplayer to do a private set for you? I'm considering it right now, and I'm also planning to buy the costume afterwards. Is it weird?
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