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>adults are... le bad!
>illegal immigrants are... le good!
>mc gets yurizoned cucked
What did you think of this?
Yuri fucking won
I really liked it, the part where MC confesses to the heroine to inspire her to be honest even though he knows it will result in him getting cucked is genuinely great. Also he gets kissed on the cheek by the loli he thought was a shota so it's not all bad for him.
Adults are indeed le bad. They keep ruining the real and fictional worlds alike.
never watched it but sounds pretty based ngl
Watch it then. It's just an 1h and 27m movie.
>mc gets yurizoned cucked
Okouchi wrote this and recycled the scene for episode 17 of Witch from Mercury.
>Adults are le bad
Sure blame the 60% of world who are adults not the cult of geriatric pedophiles with mutual blackmail
60% of the world are retarded sheep who know of this but do nothing. They deserve it.
Despite both lack kisses, Seven Days War was still gayer than GWitch. At least there was a yuri love confession
>he gets kissed on the cheek by the loli he thought was a shota so it's not all bad for him
And then the loli gets deported. I thought he would at least end up with the red-haired.
Did it really though? Considering she still leaves for Tokyo and they probably won't see each other again.
The tomboy can just join her for college later.
>cult of geriatric pedophiles
i didn't know those were children
Aya is a top student. Tomboy is dumb. They will not enter the same college. Tomboy won't even make it to Tokyo.
Sports scholarship or some shit. Like Kase-san.
I haven't watched it and if that's what I'm to expect from it then I probably won't ever watch it either.
The girls are showing their feet and the guys aren't so I think it's good.
>decide to run away from home and go on a 7 day adventure
>wear sandals of all things
These girls are footsluts. They just wanted to show off their feet for 7 days in a row.
I didn't expect to hear Sakurai and Tomokazu in this.
>the part where MC confesses to the heroine to inspire her to be honest even though he knows it will result in him getting cucked is genuinely great
Eh, the consecutive confessions reached Anohana levels of corniness. But the MC confessing only to get yurizoned moments later was great. His cucked face was hilarious.
>mc gets yurizoned cucked
Picked up.
>7 days without taking a shower
Imagine the smell haha
Stinky JKs
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It shouldn't be or treated labeled as unusual. It should be considered the norm (it already is to an extent but it can go much further). It's good that the girls are wearing sandals and showing their bare feet while the guys aren't. That difference should be so normalized that people don't even think about it because they take it for granted that that's just how things should be.
No, if anime girls are wearing sandals all the time, it will devalue their feet.
>Okouchi wrote this and recycled the scene
picked up
The value of anime girls' feet comes from being seen.
Teen movies are a perennial blight on Japan's /tv/ type stuff. Once in a while for whatever inside baseball reasons like idol/actor availability / budget / cross promoting / whatever these live action films end up as low rent summer/winter break anime movies.

Anyhow the film was so cookie cutter and artless I couldn't finish it.
Yes but only once in a while. A little bit of service. If the girl is a footslut that wears sandals and shows her feet in every single episode, then you get desensitized to them and they lose all their value.
I think people that make posts that summarize the entire concept of a story into a few short sentences, inject politics into it, and speak only using set words and phrases without thinking about how to express their thoughts, simply to start arguments with strangers they'll never know or meet, are exceptionally unintelligent.
just because he's a retard, doesn't mean he's wrong
Difference is Guel literally did 3 times confession, he's that desperate.
>doesn't mean he's wrong
He did not even make a point. At best you can call this thread lazy shitstirring, at worst you can accuse OP of being unable to form opinions on his own and falling back on groupthink to reinforce his biases.
It's a simple thread to discuss the movie. Do I have to post my 5 paragraph review of it in the OP for you to be satisfied? If you don't have anything to say about the movie, the fuck off retards.
>MC gets yurizoned cucked
This is bullshit and I don't even have to watch.
Its actually true
so I think it's bad*
Post proof. No way I wouldn't have already seen it in a yuri thread just for the shitposting factor.
Overall liked it.
Both me and my sister bursted in laught during the cucking moment, it was literally one of the funniest shit ever for us.
That’s said, the yuri confession was too much for both of us, expecially when the femC made her dramatic pose and the wind started flowing, it something i always hated regardless of the pairing when it is too dramatic for its own sake
Just shows how forgettable this film was that not even the shitposters remember this scene.
Gods damn it.
>no way I wouldn't have already seen it in a yuri thread just for the shitposting factor
Maybe because most yurifags here aren’t interested in series where guys lose to the yuri couple? Makes me want wonder why people constantly ask why yuri doesn’t have men only to complain when the guy loses or just supports the yuri couple.
Liberalism and LGBTQ goes hand to hand. Nothing to be surprised about.
What do I think? I'm a homophobic straight male, so I despise shit like this, therefore it's not even on my radar.
Then again, I never even heard about this until today.
>That’s said, the yuri confession was too much for both of us, expecially when the femC made her dramatic pose and the wind started flowing
Yeah that was too corny. Did you and your sister see it coming? I read a lot of people saying they were surprised by the yuri ending. I thought it was heavily foreshadowed since the beginning.
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>2 girls wear sandals for pretty much the entire movie
>there's only one good feet shot
I want my one and a half hour back.
>If you don't have anything to say about the movie
Not like you did either.

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