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i feel like the finns resemble finland the least, they dont even wear millitary uniforms inspired by them in any ANY way, their uniform is some tracksuit from adidas
speaking of uniforms
wtf i pravda school uniform? we only see their millitary one
Yukari, Darjeeling, Anchovy, Saori, Arisu, Andou, Pepperoni, Kay.
These girls have something in common, can you guess what?
they are often talked about on the threads?
i cant find anything else
i whoud say hot and cute but arisu is here (kay too, she is not cute)
>resemble finland the least
The colors look fine and they were originally very moomin so they're finn enough
i get the moomins reference, its cool but feels out of place
Fat tetas and flat as fuck hobos
accual unironic obraz thread
>pravda school uniform
Having 2 uniforms would be decadent
Your face is out of place
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Are we all ready for Snu-Snu Saturday?
obraz you asked about pravda uniform before
you won't get a new answer
They're cute and I want to give them kisses.
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They like giving or receiving anal sex
They are from GuP
They have deranged anons
begone anal schizo
Smelly girl for me.
Who gives it?
Buttsex is lewd and hot. But I like all kinds of sex(cuddlefucking with Mikko is the best).
Smelly Snu-Snu Saturday?
*facial deletion*
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Welcome to reading my very canon list:
>Anaru only
>Takes it in the butt happily
Yukari, Darjeeling
>Takes it because you ask
Saori, Andou, Kay


>"It will feel nice when I poke there, trust me Anon-kun"
Darjeeling, Saori
>Plenty of lubricant
Yukari, Andou
>Owns a strap-on
Pepperoni, Kay
>S&M BDSM(Femdom)
Last one is vanilla chan
My wife Yukari only takes it in her butt when it's a risky day. We don't do it the other way around, either.
You have to understand, moomins are the only thing we have
Mika>All the other Finns combined
Not with that choke, Kozakura
It's on the front of his head, where it's supposed to be.
>S&M [...] SM

Redundancy much?
It shoud be passionately pressed against mine (no homo)
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Sorry, forgot you have a monopoly on that
Their senshado uniforms resemble FDF tracksuits
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>putting dick in the place where poop comes
this is very gross why is anyone even thinking about anal as option when you have a hole designed for being dicked next to the shitter
But why would I want to be dicked next to the shitter? I have a perfectly good bed
this is great
>gay for obraz
this is too far
I said no homo
>obraz thread
Darjeeling sama fingering me...
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Just watched paris olympic opening

BC freedom school needs to be closed instead closing Oarai
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>watching the Olympics
Why though
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Pekoe-loving wife
i want to cheat on arisu for no reason
Hippu > Vanilla > Peko > Alice.
No matter what Earl Grey tops them all
Who is this
I would watch the Olympics of Senshado was a real sport
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im not including manga girls as everyone whoud kneel under the best girl
Within St. Gloriana.
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well, mang girl wins again
Sometimes I want to mix things up.
Earl Grey should have an appearance in DF5 and 6 like Eclair did. And receive a nice VA.
bad choice of words
This is a boy like Noriko though
Asparagus is a girl!
And what a girl she is!
Useless frogs
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it whoud apear the screamers got banned, left, or became calm
i dont know its a "its over" graph again
you know the drill
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Phase Wanita is cool. Especially the match between Kuro and BC for the recent manga.

Need more matches like this in the future. Why aren't there more manga covering tankery battles between various schools? There should be more possible combinations remaining, and more to show off than Tankathlon.
For me I will wish for Maho vs Darj freshman year arc untill it's made.
Bonple vs Maginot when? Ofc Maginot might win but still want to see more of Maiko and Eclarr
Kuro needs more characters so yes. Saitaniya san should create new captain for Kuro who is polite but still menacing
is a whore
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Wears a wig
The cancer…
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Kuro captain for Phase Erika better be cool
Just like her role model
i understand how will they connect all manga
"x side lied, the true version was y, the end"
Sex with a guppie.
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Like how for example?>>269235863
The wut?
Maginot vs Gregor would be kino
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Earl Grey a cute
Adapt them all into the anime but change minor details so they can all exist in a single timeline. I've only read about half of RW so I don't know what the contradictions with the other spin-offs are.
Shizuka better havr a cameo in DF5 as an audience and play a Taiko while cheering for Miho
They shohld make a new unified prequel series to organize the lore and characters.
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>GuP lore
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Imagine this

>GuP Prequel Project. Next anime after DF.

>Made of three TV seasons, each called a single phase, as a trilogy. Plot will center around Miho, Maho and their life. Still there will be appearances of other students from different schools too.

>Overall plot will be written from scratch however several elements will be taken from previous manga.

>Phase 1 - Miho's elementary school arc. Covers Miho's childhood until she enters middle school. Miho's child hood friend, Emi will also appear. Plot has some parts based on Little Army.
>Phase 2 - Miho's middle school arc. Miho is now kn Kuromorimine's Middle school division. She meets Erika and Koume, and others too. Miho now feels a severe burden from her Family. The tone becomes darker as Miho loses joy from senshado.
>Season Ends with the 61st Tournaments, showing Maho excelling and designated as KMM's next leader. Miho and Erika's relationship is explained, and some elements are based on Phase Erika.
>Phase 3 - Covers the events between the 61st and 62nd events and the aftermath of the latter with Miho saving Koume.
As time goes, Miho is severely stressed and feels the pressure from her family, and mother becoming more intense. Meanwhile, the 62nd Tournament starts, and she and Maho has to fight against the opponents under their family tradition.
>Some parts are based on Saga of Pravda as well as Phase Erika but without any irrelevant or cringe parts. Many familiar characters will also appear.

>2 post credits scene. First one shows Miho transferring to Oarai as seen in the early GuP trailer. Second one is a remake of S1E1's beginning where Miho wakes up and heads to Oarai campus.
They won't show her. Instead, DF6 will end with Anglerfish Team and Rabbit Team in a practice battle. The Panzer IV fires a shell off the side of the screen, then it cuts to an arrow hitting a target. Anons will spend the next six months trying to say this isn't a RW announcement.
Poor Dardar abused by her senpai
They shouldn't take notes from Phase Erika and Saga of Pravda. These two aren't good in terms of plot
Phase Erika was OK with some issues forcing Wani's character.

On the other hand, Saga of Pravda is the real problem and cancer. It shouldn't be nodded in the anime by any means.
Only Saga of Pravda should be burried and never be mentioned again
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>saga of Pravda BAD
>it just is ok!1?1!1?1!1?
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Hug me Aki!
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Jesus fucking fuckity fuck Christ she’s flat as fucking fuck
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live 2chan GuP thread:
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new official art soon: Kay and Wallaby
That’s right x1
Rare Azumi post!
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I would the college hag
And that's a good thing!
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Don't open it.
>n-no u
Imagine how bad she smells...
Not my Reino
Love all the reinos
Funny that you should mention Adidas: Their iconic 3 stripes were originally invented by a Finnish running apparel company called Karhu. Adidas bought the rights to the design after 1952 Helsinki Olympics, and rest is history as they say.
Giving obscure guppies attention so they fuck you
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I need anons to make more lewd Aki sloppa. Perhaps with blue lipstick.
But Reino a cute in the first place
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Any series that focusses on cuteyusha is a good one
Uouhhhh aki!:D
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Very true, anon. Very true.
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I may have considered the French hag
Frogs are the best guppies
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It's a haiku so it's hard to translate it right (and I'm definitely not the guy for the job)
>The glistening sweat
>Is clinging to a T-shirt
>Her skin showing through
I need to inhale that stinky frog butt.
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My bad >>269238269

The glistening sweat
A T-shirt clinging on tight
Her skin can show through

This is more accurate than my first go.
I'm a little puzzled by the "T-shirt" when it's a tank top and personally I think "A tank top clinging on tight" would be a good translation. But I don't know WHY he called it a t-shirt. Personally I think he would have said tank top if it was less syllables in Japanese, but it's possible he said T-shirt so that the poem would connect to the more universal idea of sweaty shirts becoming transparent and sexy. OR, because he is so genius and so clever as to have written the original haiku, he knew that doing this would make us think about it, drawing our eyes to her sweaty and sexy armpits, making us grateful for the existence of tank tops.
I want to fertilize her eggs before they expire
Those poorfags need love too.
Smelly mob characters!
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Azumi isn’t there though
I just want to see Emi on screen
but they reek of cheese, onions and grape juice
Azumi is best frog
Need more sloppa of frogs. Azumi BC Maginot and all of em
Who should voice her though
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Azumi's kouhai is best frog.
Eclair vs Kafka
Interactions would be funni
Azumi and Mary the two best of BC
I need them to stare at each other gloomy
That's right x1
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Spin-off when?
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Wani change soon (tm)
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>(and I'm definitely not the guy for the job)

Nor is the MTL. You should leave the caps untranslated.
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Is it really so hard?
Notice how all the lowlifes are on the right?

Seksiä Mikan kanssa
Is that Finnish for Mika a shit?

Sex with Mika
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in the butt.
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Kill all analfags
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Arisu is for anaru only
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Load bearing Mako.
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>Why aren't there more manga covering tankery battles between various schools?
RW exists though, but you're too autistic to read it
Pravda has okay plot, the tournament is kino. Problem is the author's OC cast and some character interpretations imo.

Phase Wanita is just overall kinda lame. It's not offensively bad, but does nothing very interesting with the setting. I think it's telling the highlight is some dork Finn that doesn't even relate to the main conflict of the mango. It's all so tiresome.
Pravda basically rewrites Kat entirely from a cute dictator spoof into an edgelord cunt. If you don't think that's an issue then you never were a Kat enjoyer.
She was always an edgelord cunt, your lolicon goggles just didn't let you see it in the anime
Literally nothing about her presentation was edgy in the anime though. She's a huge brat dictator and it's played as a joke.
>It's a haiku
Technically it's a senryu
>takes advantage of people almost drowning to win a highschool match
>not an edgelord cunt
It was there all along, you were just blind to the truth
She's not even featured in the scene, and it's later played into her brat show anyway. Zero media literacy if you actually think the presentation in works is the same just because the backstory is vaguely similar.
I think (although syllable counting in Japanese is not my strong suit so someone else would have to confirm) that he's effectively using the 'T' in Tシャツ as a kireji to pivot from the first half poem to the second.
Trying to convince Katyusha simp that his edgy loli brat onahole was an edgy asshole from the start was a stupid attempt from me in the first place
*First half of the poem

This is why I should go to bed earlier
I'm not saying she isn't an asshole or a villain. I'm saying her portayal isn't edgy because she's played for laughs. This isn't difficult.
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>now lets see miho card
Mtl koumespeak is the cutest thing ever, autist
It needs MTs and HTs too. Just LTs isn't enough
It's Noriko day soon
>Former Kuro captain
How should she look though
And hag day right after
Eclair is going to feel confused about Kafka's looks reminding of Shiho
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Darjeeling greets you
Did we even celebrate the doggo
Not really.
Canon frogs are da best
I remember there being an Alina thread
And a fine day to you, young lady!
New GuP videogame when? They abandoned DTM and only that Nip only gacha game is in service.
Alina isn't a dog, anon...
Time for your lethal injection, anon.
I just want the one with the extremely cute 3d models
>3d models
Hours after release they will be ripped from the files for good uses indeed.
Wish they made GuP puzzle games or anything casual that is slightly off from Tankery.
Sadly I don't think that happened with the 3d gacha
Next major GuP collab when?
They should make DTM2 or a new tank battle game as a direct sequel.

This time wish they use the unused contents of RW and Little Army as well and add manga stuff too as dlc.
Still hoping for that GFL. GSG was some food but not enough
did they rip DTM models?
Maybe after DF6's release. They'll add everything up to Das Finale's epilogue as a final and definitive edition ot something I guess.
GuP x TF2 when
Next thread and the one after shall be crazy full of insane sloppa
2 more months
Gup dies after DF6 though
>"Good morning and welcome to the Black Forest Transit System. This automated tank is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Forest Research Facility personnel. The time is 08:47 AM. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees, with an estimated high of one hundred and five. The Black Forest school ship is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at all times. This tank is inbound from Level 3 Dormitories to Mihonium Test Labs and Control Facilities."

GuP x Blue Archive not happening? Staff of BA even admitted they were inspired by GuP in some aspects.
GUP x Max Payne
Not BA, Girls Frontline had plan to collaboration with GuP but foundered probably because Ukraine-Russian war
You will get Der Film 2: Electric Boogaloo and you will like it
>probably because Ukraine-Russian war
How would that affect GFL? Also I remember rumors getting canned even before the war.
>I just overheard a secure access transmission...st gloriana team members have arrived and they're coming to rescue us. Of course, I have my doubts that we'll live long enough to greet them.
what's the most bulliable guppie?
>"Koume doesn't need to hear all this! She's a highly trained professional!"
All of them I'm thinking
Mibolin's fat butt
except for erika!
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How is this even a question? This dumb cheating femcel gets bullied in canon, live on national TV
No wonder Takeshi doesn't like her when all her baggage is aired on tv
only finals are on live tv you bakas
i kinda want wani and Koume to be gena and cross since one drowns and they where buddies
Miho is Gordon
I kinda want wani
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I love kay
kay is a bland ugly dumbass
I'm getting old. Need to impregnate is rising.
Looking at it again, I don't think the collaboration failed because of the war, but I don't think the contract between companies went well.
>"no, i will NOT pose for photos in a Kuomorimine uniform. If you want pics of school day Shiho, go and ask her."
Was there even a contract? The only speculation I recall was that the GFL producers liked GuP and people thought there might be a collab based on that. I can't recall anything official.
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Sorry hobo cards only
Lmao Eclair would cry
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Post funny Darjeeling
DTM was built on Unity and it's fairly easy to rip the assets
Maho will cuck Darj with the 88mm KwK36
With long straight brown hair maybe?
Why celebrate boy day
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Wani lost
This bunny is cute.
Kay san... I don't feel so good...
And what a girl!
For me, it's Noriko.
For me it's the Porsche Tiger

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