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Taking the initiative to dump the chapter. I really like it.
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A simpler spread but I will always love his sense of scale.
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What's better than a basilisk? An undead basilisk!
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his earnestness is very endearing
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Done. Eliquo is a pretty decent guy and Lilisen is cute as always. See you next month.
Yuva just goes for anyone with a pretty face.
I admit this wasn't what I expected when she took a swig from the flask.
It's my first time reading tower dungeon, and it really reminds me of the ogre gods with all the black nisei uses, I wonder if it was an inspiration

Kino page. I love the strong contrasts Nihei uses in this manga.

Damn she's cute and Yuva looks pretty handsome too without the goofy helmet. It's impressive how much Nihei improved at drawing faces, poses, people in general, since his Blame days.

I wonder how long Nihei wants to make this. Feels like he keeps the door open for a fast track to the end.

Thanks for the dump. Fun and cute chapter. This is probably the most fun I had with a Nihei manga since the early parts of Sidonia.
Boyo has been airborne quite a lot over this journey, it is gonna be awesome when he gets the handle of it and starts to hit the ground with his feet instead of his spine.
Bump thanks for posting anon
Farmer brain kicking in, need family and new hands to throw feed to a sea of chicken.
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So magic does make you schizophrenic. Damn that's a nerf.
He gave up on his Village childhood friend for greener pastures.
kek based smellfag
Yuva is really a gorilla lmao.
cant even comprehend what im watching. sorry nihei, maybe next time.
I just glaze over all the action scenes
did you mean to link >>269230519 ? It was kind of confusing yeah. The bug skittered towards them and continued straight past, knocking yuva on that same direction and slightly angled. Maybe Yuva slightly changed its direction but very slightly.
I think this was a rough scene too, I interpreted it the same with Yuva intercepting it and his strength offsetting it as it barreled forward, Yuva's strong but he seems easy to topple, I wouldn't say he's a glass cannon but he has no Poise. There isn't a missing page or anything either.
>I wonder how long Nihei wants to make this. Feels like he keeps the door open for a fast track to the end.
I hope he doesnt make this a short one, Im really enjoying this and its one of only things Im reading atm that I actually look forward to each month
Does anyone know how popular this is with the nipps?
Thats how I read as well
Think the problem is that he wants to include too many cool "shots", and you see the action from way too many different angles with moving characters.
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I still think Biomega had his most coherent and sleek action scenes. blame had a lot of flailing, Abara got muddy because the superspeed could make scenes very jarring at times, Sidonia was a lot of specks shooting blobs with beams and Aposimz while being really coherent had fights that were incredibly short and stuffed with hxh aping narration that really detracted from the experience, eventually the fights got so short they just got offscreened. Tower Dungeon is still very early and has had more hits than misses for action to me. I liked the sleekness of Rudeum and Calix fighting the first guard as well as The Count Vs Cat lady, so I'm optimistic it's not going to devolve into something impossible to parse just yet.
Good chapter, but feels like it's rushing a bit, what with being 20 floors away from the 80th and lilisen already opening up to this degree. Hope it doesn't perform so bad as to be axed in like 10 chapters
I'm surprised that no character points out or is surprised by Yuvas' strength. He casually lifts bouldes that even strongman wouldn't be able to lift, easily throws a rock through some dudes head and can almost block gigantic monsters.
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Eliquo bringing up how it's weird that the Half-Dragon has a big open arena (it's a boss room) before the next 20 floors has me believe there's going to be a shakeup, and the tower will either grow or there are multiples, I'd like to see more of the world outside of the tower so I think it would be cool if towers started cropping up everywhere. in terms of romantic pacing, I don't really mind. The sooner they get together the better in my book. Nothing wrong with being a bit speedy, the fact I'm not annoyed by it and actually find them pretty cute tells me Nihei has vastly improved in making his character relationships engaging.
Overall floor 80 or even 100 doesn't seem high at all. The tower is 3km in diameter. With 10m every floor and even bigger floors in between it would almost be a flat disc. From the size of the tower it looks more like thousands of floors.
What a tsundere
A confession!? Isn't it wrong to pick up boys in the dungeon?
>Lilisen's wonderful smell
Yuva seems to have more than strength, fast healing, excellent senses, being able to see his house from miles away immediately and constantly smelling stuff and his sister seems equally special if the count tasting her blood is any indication. I assume that Yuva isn't one of a kind and may be another race or type of human that's enhanced. if Barbitos (of which there's only Lilisen and Karash) are some sort of noble bloodline, then Yuva may be an offshoot of a different one.
>You thought you only had to climb 20 more normal floors?
>Hah, each floor above the 80th is a towering dungeon unto itself!
>This is where the real Tower Dungeon begins!!

I would be so mad.
I'm addicted to this manga, I have read nearly all Niheishit, but man, I love TD.
>it's tower dungeons all the way up
>your princess is in another tower dungeon, Yuva
I think it would be really funny if the necromancer himself is hard stuck on a different floor. He called down the tower but he doesn't have full reign of it.
I lol'd
Yuva is safeguard confirmed
Lilisen pelvis destroyed
Thanks for dumping OP
Woman on woman slapstick? Nihei's range has grown.
>I like this, but I'm really scared!!
I get it. I would have automatically said yes right there and then.
She totally deserves it. Poor boy developed trust issues because of her.
Thx mate. Very funny winding down chapter this time.
How ironic would it be if Nihei was afraid of heights?
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>You thought you could "scale" the tower
>But you didn't take into account that the tower "scales" "you" as well!
Fucking lol, Yuva.
Floor 80 is a dock isn't it. For floor 100 and up. They reach floor 100 and whoosh, no going down.
the butt was just in reach. Yuva is a man of missed opportunities
It's weird because I want them to return to the hub and see what kind of stuff is going on outside the tower but so far a lot of importance has been placed on food, logistics and office travel, so unless the 100th floor has a lordvessel, I don't see them going back down anytime soon. Maybe the POV will shift at some point and we can see what Minservelle is up to.
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1800 floors.
Look at him go!

Video very much related
Oh no! If only there was a character with retard strength that could easily lift that boulder
Love the shading here. Nihei's so good at these casual wide shots.
Does every character in this manga have perfect balance outside of combat? Why the fuck is Lilisen just casually strolling across those pillars without a care in the world?
Thanks for dumping. This was another good chapter
>i like this, but I'm really scared
>tfw this will never happen to you
but why
Does that really mean floor? It would make one floor on average 10m tall, I guess it's not too outlandish.
Yes, 階層 means floor/level.
Hell yeah. Thanks for dumping, OP.
And that's the vertigo moment here for me.
Why is Eliquo cucking himself?
God damn it
I doubt it, more than likely he's a double agent and didn't want his plans thwarted
He is the highest iq character in the series
>dreams about princess sex
Fun chapter. Little bit of cute romance?
>Cute and gutsy enough to openly says that she likes him
Lucky bastard.
2 suitors, but his vcard is for tight princess pussy
What percentage of this chapter was Nihei and what percentage was Editor-kun? I'd estimate 80-20.
Don't talk to her Yuva, she is full of redflags.
Yuva will lose his virginity SOON
Did Yuva just deflect the thing?
you think this is gonna have a tower of druaga aegis of uruk moment where there's a betrayal and the 2nd half of the tower floats above the first half?
or what if they get to the top then have to go DOWN and get to the basement of the Tower Dungeon?
>Feels like he keeps the door open for a fast track to the end.
The latter half of this chapter really gave a feeling of "I can end this in a few chapters if I have to."
I hope so. I would be very "Blamey".
Which one is it?
>1.86 miles
>219 yards
in English, mate
Funny how TL-kun felt the need to re-calculate in Imperial when they're nice round numbers in SI.
>Yuva is a man of missed opportunities
He's a man who values his life. He knows not to invite needless danger.
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I love how Nihei draws Lilisen when she's pissed off.
so from the looks of it Yuva countered it but got bonked at the pillar behind him, leading to the forwards momentum. meanwhile the basilisk flies backwards crashing also into a pillar.
Yuva is lucky he didn't get shot out of the tower
Princess bros how do we defeat that slut no pan magician? She's trying to cuck us.
Been waiting for this.
Fuck already!
I really think this should have an anime. But I stop wanting that when I remember I'll be CG.

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