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who would win?
>a city level threat who is only weakened by the sun vs a barely town level thread who is utterly defeated by the sun
Alucard and it's not even close
most of /a/ only knows one of these characters
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Muzan was beat by a bunch of half-dead hobos with swords. Alucard beat an actual army
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the one that didn't get fucked in the ass
is that michael jackson?
>implying muzan doesn't get fucked in the ass
Alucard based on physiognomy
why that it's even a question
Alucard, and he spends the entire time giving Muzan shit for calling himself a demon instead of a vampire.
"Have you ever even BEEN to hell? I have. Can't stand the weather."
>"Have you ever even BEEN to hell? I have. Can't stand the weather."
Don't quit your day job, TFS
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So neither?
>"Have you ever even BEEN to hell? I have. Can't stand the weather."
death battle, plz.
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Uhhh, but your pic implies vaginal instead of anal??
Fair enough, I only know the one on the left.
Yeah. Never mind relative power levels, Alucard actually knows how to fight.
Joke thread, Muzan is trash. Muzan’s only chance is if Alucard is fully sealed.
2 armies all in once to be fair
You mean inside the rock? kek hell no, Alucard would win anyway
hmm actually powerscaling existed before twitter, chud. twittertard? that's (you)
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Deep down, you know the real answer.
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God dammit, lolicard is too good.
Honestly, while Alucard does have the advantage, the result would be stalemate since Muzan will run the second he felt his disadvantage.
>no Demon Slayer expanded universe where we learn that Dracula and other European monsters of folklore were Muzan equivalents with different flowers doing different effects to the hosts
>where the plot of Dracula happens around the same time as Demon Slayer
Alucard has literally eaten immortal monsters scarier than Muzan as a light snack.
Father Anderson is enough to wreck that character from the hack manga on the right
How far is the powerlevel gap, exactly? To be fair, Muzan is durable (needed some poison nonsense besides the magic swords to kill) but could Alucard straight-out kill Muzan in two hits or w.e.?
Alucard and it is not close.
Alucard has a gun so he wins
How can lolizan even compete?
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Anderson it is.
alucard bites him once and it's over
Alucard would shit on Muzan plus all the upper Moons together 100 times over.
CHADmitri Maximoff would make them both his bitches.
Most anons know of both Hellsing and Moonwalker.
Alucard is very strong,and unlike muzan he doesn't get killed by the sun instantly .
That’s said, muzan is a perma regen bullshit that alone would probably be able to stand against the whole army of ghouls inside alucard,mostly by turning himself into a living meat mincer with all his retarded tentacles.
Only win con for muzan is if his cells are able to spreads among alucard’s subjects pr weaken him directly, and alucard direct wincon is if his attack are lethal against a complete different kind of vampire or not or if his silve guns has the same effects of a red nichirin blade.
The most possible outcome is a slugfest until sunrise, where muzan either flee away or get killed by it.
If the moons are involved, expecially the uppers,might have a chance to win the encounter after using many meatshilds and nakime’s fortress at his advantage,since alucard would have flew counters against it
I am completely aware of Alucard from Hellsing and Michael Jackson as he appeared in the music video for his hit single Smooth Criminal.
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Alucard's survived being erased from existence, can devour and assimilate souls (their knowledge, personalities, and skills), can physically manifest those souls en masse, can suck spilled blood across all of London, and "simply dislikes" sunlight on top of all the usual vampiric stuff like regeneration, super strength, super senses, shape-shifting into people of various age and gender, animals and swarms, fog, blade limbs, etc.

He could, but he wouldn't. Alucard enjoys a good fight and would probably let Muzan futilely tear into him, fully heal, laugh at his terror, and only then devour him. That's pretty much how all his fights go.

Muzan probably couldn't beat Seras and Anderson, maybe even Millennium Walter and the Captain.

>muzan is a perma regen bullshit that alone would probably be able to stand against the whole army of ghouls inside alucard
Alucard can also regenerate from anything, including existential erasure. His armies include several powerful artificial vampires and actual armies, so their not civilians who can't defend against bladed tentacles. If we include end of series souls, then that's about equivalent to the Upper Moons plus entire armies. Also, Muzan may have created a lot of demons, but probably only a couple hundred (vs 2 million+) and does not directly control them (Tamayo defects, others disobey).
>if his cells are able to spreads among alucard’s subjects pr weaken him directly
Considering that Alucard can devour and assimilate souls, even conceptual beings like Schrödinger, it's unlikely Muzan would win any internal tug of war. More likely he'd be devoured himself if he tried that and simply become another ghoul in Alucard's army.
Alucard would straight up eat him. It's his main solution to dealing with other immortals. He just devours them and incorporates them into himself. He has a lot of experience assimilating various monsters.
Muzan eats humans, Alucard eats monsters like Muzan. He's simply higher up the food chain. There's pretty much zero chance Muzan could kill Alucard given what we've seen him endure. It's more a question of if Muzan is capable of escaping Alucard once he decides to stop toying with him.
Would be neat to see muzan smugly drag Alucard into the castle only for it's residents to be completely devoured.
could he take on m. jackson without the nail?

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