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actually not
maybe yes
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Why is Māomāo the undisputed anal god of /a/?
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My Tax Evading Queen
Post the big titty concubines
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Just imagine getting a rough doggystyle anal fuck by the eunuch's huge frog as he pulls your hair while he shoves his cock in, practically making it feel like your neck is about to snap every time he thrusts and pulls your head back at the same by your hair, making it feel like a wave of painful pleasure surging through your body with every thrust as he practically pushes all your organs upwards to make room for his giant cock. It feels deeply unnatural and unhealthy and yet you want him to continue and go harder, not just because it physically feels amazing to feel it ramming against your womb from the other end, but because you love how he treats your entire body like a disposable cum dumpster and has no respect for you as a human being any more when he gets like this, purely treating you as an object to satisfy his lusts.
When he's about to cum, he pulls it out and lifts your now messed up, moaning, sweaty head up by your hair and rams his cock inside as he dumps his warm load into your throat while he uses his other huge hand to squeeze your cheeks around it as you swallow it all like a good little anal slut. The thought that it's been in your arse just moments ago as you lick it all clean because you want to taste every last drop of the proof of how much he enjoyed your dirty, flat, sexless little body.
Trooncoded post
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I'm not reading all that.
PS. Creampie the Maomao
So the emporer had hundreds of these bitches in the courtyard but only ever chose four of them to bang? Did I get that right? Or were all of the women in the courtyard just "potential" concubines?
Mao Zedong
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>catcat on her way to a worse, but still fairly entertaining, second cour
>r were all of the women in the courtyard just "potential" concubines
All of them are his property (and virgin afaik).
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But did he fuck them all at will or was there some rule dictating he could only have four at a time being the top bitches or else "people" (the chin*se are not real people) would get upset?
>get upset
Himself is the result of the previous emperor fucking a maid (all the concubines sons died from pest/congenital disease).
Of course that powerful clans will get upset and try to replace/kill any offspring (I'll not give any spoiler). That's why Maomao is a food taster. Those maids wouldn't have the same support of their clans.
Nyannyan is a food taster because she likes poisoning herself like a sicko
She only had a vocation, okkkkkkkk?
what is the punishment of tax evasion in ancient not!china?
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probably death
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Lihua sexo
Being forbidden from eating poison
Castor oil treatment.
The emperor fucked them all. It's just the four are his favorites and have the most influence. One of the concubines tricked him to keep herself pure for her childhood friend. She succeeded and eventually she was given to him as a gift.
What do you mean by "tricked"?
Poophole loophole maomao style?
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No, she purposefully messed up dancing in front of the emperor then kept herself confined to her room, acting frail and sickly so he wouldn't take a liking to her. When her childhood friend, who's a military officer, made a name for himself and got enough achievements to receive an award, he requested to have her. Then in the month before she leaves the harem and marries her childhood friend, she pretended to sleepwalk and be unwell in case the emperor gets the idea to use her before giving her away.
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Mao? Mao.
Sell this anime to me /a/, I am thinking of watching it.
Pretty comfy, some autistic girl raised by a doctor gets sold into the royal NotChina court and solves some mysteries with poisonings and whatnot. A mix of mystery solving and court drama. You'll get the idea after the first episode.
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Pretty good smut title, the protagonist is basically a massive anal slut who constantly has anal sex with many people, mostly the alpha but also others, also features threesomes are featured a lot.
Also, it's omegaverse and the rule that only eunuchs can enter the harem has been replaced with that only omega males can, and the alpha is secretly posing as an omega but he's actually an alpha and the protagonist is often in heat as an omega boy and also often gets pregnant.
If you didn't figure it out already, someone posting AI images is a good sign not to listen to them.
I thought it was a dude with an oval butt doing the grimace pose from the thumbnail
It's an omega boy anon.
He has a really small penis that can still barely get erect and ejaculate but the semen is of extremely low quality and he gets pregnant in his butt.
Comfy mystery featuring cute eccentric apothecary-turned-maid obsessed with poison, a Ming(?)-dynasty inspired imperial palace setting complete with big titty consorts and bigger titty courtesans in the pleasure district segments, mysteries, subtle romance, and pretty good writing and direction. It covers the first 8 volumes of the manga/1 1/2 volumes of the LN in 24 episodes to give you a good idea of the pacing.
Threads are unfortunately infested by a dedicated schizo, but that's standardish fare nowadays.
Is this a LN spoiler or something? If so from what volume? I read a few of them but don't remember this
At best there's one scene that suggests Māomāo is not opposed to it.
The exaggerated version is deluded headcanon of at least three schizos, people who say it's just one are coping.
In fact, the, the “people” so opposed to it are probably just one single person.
>But did he fuck them all at will or was there some rule dictating he could only have four
He didn´t. Do you know how many of them there were in the palace? He had favourites, and among them, 4 were chosen to be the official "wifes" The reasons were political.
Maomao is cute! CUTE!
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Is that really how she's called? She's the one who lost her kid and almost died to facial powder right?
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>She's the one who lost her kid and almost died to facial powder right
pay your taxes, you fucking bitch
>don't tell citizens how to pay taxes
>get to fine them for extra cash
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Gotcha. I thought I was forgetting things for a bit there
But you'd like it more if the character were an anal slut, or at least liked anal more, right?
>Ming taxation was light. Taxes on agriculture were only 1/30 of agricultural produce, and were later reduced to 1/50 of produce. Taxes on commerce amounted to 1/30 of commerce also, but was later reduced to 1.5%. These low taxes spurred trade, but severely weakened the state.
They did not want to annoy the local nobles
Alright, will check this out.
would have given her away if I were the emperor, even if I had seen through it. that's some serious dedication towards a guy who also served me well, so they deserve it.
I'd have hundreds of other women anyway.
She looks more like Hiroi from Bocchi
Then again all of them have similar haircut. Kikuri even sometimes have cat ears
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Sorry to disappoint, but I think I genuinely have no strong feelings about it. I'm glad you're enjoying the idea so much though
What's the cat and Jinshi status in the LN?
Obviously Jinshi has a thing for her and she's aware, but will she reciprocate?
Personally, I don't think romance suits Maomao, especially not with the son of the emperor
Endless teasing and extremely slow movement and bullshit excuses as to why they're not having anal sex every day.
This is why it should've been omegaverse with pon farr rape in the first episode.
Stop advocating tax evasion
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Maomao's hairy maomao.
Chiaki even has freckles.
She'll gradually grow a bit more fond of him but never really outright comes around to seeing him in a romantic way, and she never stops being annoyed about the political mess that his feelings for her create.
But the LN moves at a crawl with respect to any and all romance stuff, so be prepared for that if you want to read.

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