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S1 flyers were really something else, glad they pulled themselves together, usually quality drops, but this really gotten better looking.
Robots don't have a womb or pussy
is this different to the game?
Haven't watched the latest episode yet, but it sticks to the general outline of the game while changing up some of the finer details.
9S could've screamed more than that. It was like he was trying to record a scream while everyone else was asleep. 9S never got to score with 2B, RIP
Taro confirmed they have functional genitals.
I realized the trophies about beating the bosses under 4 or 3 minutes are fucking stupid playing it at hard difficulty, so i downgraded the game to easy to get them

I-Is she okay??
If you played on easy you didn't beat the game.
Why does A2 have such massive thighs?
The story and the ost are great tho
Do you think they will show Accord?
Highly doubt it. She's always been a background lore character Taro tried to shove everywhere since Drakengard 3 and never actually shows up.
Would be surprised if she dif, though
Maybe she will finally make a move, who knows
If you mean Re[in]carnation, its been EOS for a while already. Just go watch a playthrough or something
Just a flesh wound and total virus contamination
was there another thread?
can't find it in the archive
>was there another thread?
Just tired of this Accord wanking, and I played DOD3. Seems like she shows up in spin-offs to do nothing
Someone wanted undub DOD1
Accord is just the narrator and observer, nothing more never does anything just keeps a record. Keep in mind not everything told is the truth. You have to view it as a half truth.
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I've drunk the nier koolaid and even I was very lukewarm about S1, with all the large delays for not that much.
s2 has been absolute gas from the start, I absolutely love it, even the ED is crazy now too
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That Yorha was the luckiest girl in the world for a brief moment.
It's going to be a wild ride.
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i cant take this shit seriously, knowing they are androids
Her most direct recent appearance was being confirmed as the speaker in the last few lore notes in the gacha and being the one who allowed Mama/pod06 to speak to her selves in other timelines.

You'd think a mama would call the others and say "10H is cool she'll keep quite without a mind wipe"
>nah, I'd win
kek i thought about gojo with this shot too
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Problems? Murder will solve them.
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become automata
become as GODS
Now we wait for 9S' Caim smile
So the supreme android leaders are

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Does that ending means we are going to get Pearl Harbor aftermath anime original scenes next episode?
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9s rhymes with murder
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so what is the significance of these two?
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pretty much since both A2 and 9S are knocked out at this point
The one son the 1st Season I think were just the game models ripped and placed into the show with a cg metal effect on them.
Remind me, what happened in the anime-original A2 flashback in Season 1? From what I remember, A2 got sent to help some resistance troops fight a million machines, and everybody died except A2 and that other girl?
I thought people are saying the anime is supposed to be a sequel or some shit
what's the point of killing 2b all over again then its just gonna be the same shit as the game
let them cook
That's Carrier and Mama from Nier Reincarnation. Mama is subroutine of Pod 006 who runs the server on the moon with 10H. Carrier is Pod 012 who is the companion of a monster inside the Cage
why do they have sheets over them
It's cute
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>why kill 2b
Because that's how we get nines insanity kino
9S needs to calm down and have sex
The question is if he still doesn't know or is in denial about the 2E thing. It has been revealed to the audience in the anime but not sure if he's aware yet, because his meltdown in the game once he found out was pretty great.

He tried flirting with his operator all the time but he's just too much of a dweeb
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A2 A fallen legend
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Wonder if we'll get to see her fighting against 2E in a flashback.
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It's one of the pinnacle parts of the game they have to include it
Cu-razy 9S was the worst part of the game.
the first few episodes of S1 weren't very good, then it shot into kino with episode 4, they slayed the Opera Singer, that episode was fucking amazing. And this season? Every episode has been better than the last, and the ED is hauntingly lovely. I just want a happy ending for our androids.

2B's mind at the point of death being flooded with images of 9S, only 9S, and nothing else, broke me, I will not lie.
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>never actually shows up.
She was a main character in YoRHa 1.3a
Is this really any good compared to the game? Checked a few minute from the newest episode, doesn't seem good.
Ninja Gaiden anime then?
>Checked a few minute from the newest episode, doesn't seem good.
don't watch then
Make up your own mind faggot
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Anime onlies sure are butthurt angry.
Nah I played the games but anyone saying they watched it and asks if it's good are just clinically retarded.
I already said I didn't like what I watched, but maybe it was not the best episode overall. So abnormal to ask for people's opinions? Or am I supposed to spend like 6 hours catching up to have an opinion myself? Stop being a sperg. You know you are.
How are we supposed to know what you like or not? Didn't like what you saw, try another episode. Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's not rocket surgery.
>Cu-razy 9S was the worst part of the game.
shit taste
this is the kind of people who doesnt play drakengard
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>he needs other people's opinions to watch an anime
They romantically overcharged this part of the story into oblivion, i can only imagine how they will do the "9S discovers 2B's flight unit" scene
I'm waiting for Hanae Natsuki to deliver the pain. Ep 16 was already perfect.
>a love story is romantically overcharged
>Single CD released on September 4th
Anime "NieR:Automata Ver1.1a"
Ending theme "Ash and Prayer"

>A new recording of Normandy and Guadalcanal will be included as a coupling song!
in the game it's less obvious because it doesn't show the characters' inner thoughts, except on rare occasions like 9S in ending D
Oh, nice, that's something to look forward to.
I don't even think it's romantic from 2Bs side. It's just an overload of guilt for someone she would have wanted to be a friend with but was forced to kill over and over. 9S was just lonely as a scanner and wanted and finally found an emotional connection to someone. It's just about how the androids aren't allowed to have feelings of friendship even though they have that human desire.
>I don't even think it's romantic from 2Bs side
Red Girls won.
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why would android die from that?
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made for killing
Also why do anime android bleed human blood? Don't they bleed oil in the game?
do androids even need this much oil?
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>pink heart pupils
let's be real, 2B is a pedophile
but I can overlook that, everyone has flaws
maybe it's transmission fluid
I'm glad they're doing justice to this, finally.
I found more codes:

>Sample Test Sample Test 3 (What is this Accord?)

>ヨゲルアート/Yogeruāto (the translator said that doesn't have a direct meaning in English)
>Yogel Art (what the fuck this even means?)



>I couldn't find the translation of this one

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