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Onii-chan wa Oshimai! (Onimai): Chapter 90 soon right?
uhhh am i gay if i read this?
No, but if you want to Minato you are.
whos that?
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Asahi looks smart
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A side character that started crossdressing
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Asahi is always smart
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It's a mom swimsuit parade!
Asahi is meant for nakadashi with leglock and handholding.
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made for hugs and kisses, it's Miyo is made for breeding
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She's made for collecting cards
I'm honestly tired of filling out captchas all the time so I'll probably stop dumping chapters in the thread, but here's ch 90 if someone else wants to do it.
Mega: https://mega.nz/folder/9apCmajS#kMfDIlInkNucyzyc84lx3g
MangaDex: https://mangadex.org/chapter/08f9cd3c-8e5e-400d-99b8-3d85991246bc
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Momiji juice
Thank you anon, very nice.
>Neko drawing gyarus again
He's really got a thing for them, its great.
Neko's comments on the chapter:
Advancing time and teasing Mahiro going into year three of middle school, will he still do the valentines and birthday chapters (probably), does this mean that the manga will go at least till the end of middle school?
>Kaede attending the same college as Mihari
Potential plot development there of Kaede coming across the research lab and they don't hide the documents relating to Mahiro and Kaede finds out about him that way, but that's about 4 years away.
Thanks you should get the captchas solver
You need Violentmonkey tho
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Hentai OVAs when? Afterwards comes Season 2!
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Thanks for the dump. You're today's MVP too!
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>Mahiro being a little cry baby and forcing Mihari to take his place as elder sibling stopped her from being a normal highschool student
When will he apologise to her for all the hurt he caused?
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10 more chapters until chapter 100
>another month without pee
We are running dry pissbros...
May next year, maybe that will be when Mahiro gets to third year
There's one piss chapter every volume and this volume was Mahiro pissing himself in front of his mom and little sister.
Has anyone identified all of the books on the shelfs?
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The belly of the beast
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>Potential plot development there of Kaede coming across the research lab
We found the perfect long term test subject for the breast growth effects of the girls juice!
This image made me a Momiji fan
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Which do you guys think looks better, crops with or without the white outline?
It's still not enough pee. We need more pee and especially toilet use.
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Nearly missed this one been working on another project and that's keeping us busy.

It's on the MEGA archive now:
>Directly link to .cbz
>Full Archive
>The anime, TL notes, subtitles and other video content is hosted on MEGA here:
>Manga, Comics and misc. Onimai content can be found on MEGA here:

Also on XDCC bot as always:
>Full list of files
>IRC channel
#miyosmiyos @ Rizon
Use !newmanga for latest manga release. !newcomic for latest Anthology comic release. !minato for latest Minato spin-off release. !dramacd for latest translated drama CD release. !onimaiep1 - !onimaiep12 for latest anime release. !list for full list of files (it just links you to the same thing above).

Bot recently got increased storage and bandwidth. Leech from it all you want.

v2 of the full archive will be released on torrent soon™ with brand new encodes and updated scripts. Probably before Christmas.

We've been working on some non-Onimai stuff. Stop by to find out more about that.

Take care.
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Momiji chapter when? Hope it involves something violent
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See you next month
and then people say this isn't tranime.
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Momiji is a cute gyaru
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Which one would you steal?
No Miyo no steal
Why would I steal any of that?
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It got recently shown in color.
Any pics of it shown in cum
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The Mad Hatter!
best swimsuit!
I like how they did the ass shot of the other swimsuit and everyone decided they liked this one the best. I think it's the twin tales. I'm personally a fan of pic related.
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I like this one the most. It's pink, frilly, has a flowery sunhat, and shows off his tummy. It makes him look so damn girly.
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Sumata with Asahi.
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well he was, once
haha he should drink the wonderland juice and become really tiny
Mahiro, that's pathetic even for little girl...
How many years without futa?
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he's been a little girl for years now, give him a break
a bit over one year

which is fine, it shouldn't pop up so much it becomes routine. the last chapter with it almost felt that way so i hope the next time has a stronger twist on it.
Mihari needs to give Mahiro the catgirl juice by mistake. We need more research lab chapters. I wonder if I sent Neko some gambling money and request it if he'll draw it.
>Non-Onimai stuff
Are you doing Neko's つかえて!コハル series?
Kaede has surpassed him where he previously failed and his chances of having a JK Kaede gf are reducing fast
Given Neko's propensity to draw all the girls as gals for highschool, if he gets to highschool its likely all the cast will become cute flashy girls
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>cute flashy girls
Imagine the fashion squad as JKs
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Stupid sexy imoutos!
Season 2 needs to happen just for more Nayuta content
That's pretty gay, two boys having a threesome with a young man
Momiji is on the otherside of the wall
Why is Momiji impersonating Mihari?
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that's quite a sexy man
I wouldn't get too excited, none of the characters apart from Mahiro's chest have had any growing. Third year is probably half a year or more away, might be kept till chapter 100 that moves him up a year.
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b-but what about the flat alliance?
Its not a strong alliance. Make way for the Miyos
I know "いよいよ3年生編突入かも…?", but there's still events to cover before the end of the second year like Mahiro's birthday and Valentine's Day, White Day, and any other filler chapter that Neko might come up with before then. I don't believe he'll skip those chapters as he's been happy to repeat chapters now when he didn't before, photobooth, MMO, and this chapter which is almost the second photobooth chapter again.
Her tits won't, only her height (and manhood).
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Tomboy Mahiro when?
the only good thing about this show is the OP.
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>(and manhood)
I think if that grows any larger Mahiro's life will be in danger
i dont get how that straw works
It isn't taking any liquid from the glass instead Momiji sucks it up with her straw and Mahiro sucks it out of Momiji's mouth with his straw creating an indirect kiss as Mahiro consumes Momiji's backwash and saliva.
for me it looks like Momiji is drinking first and then Mahiro drinks the stuff that Momiji has in her mouth through the heart loop?
like Momiji has the normal straw in the drink while Mahiro has the heart straw in Momiji's mouth.
how did you guys know i just started watching this today
uoh little girls ToT
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hello new onimai anon
do you like Mahiro's belly?
the bath vapor is too much i NEED to see this uncensored
im going cunny crazy!!!
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There ain't much to see
tummy tummy tummy tummy tummy UOOOOOHHHHHHHHH
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please stop i cant take it anymore im frothing at the mouth
I don't know why, but for whatever reason Mahiro and the rest of the Oshimai cast get my dick hard unlike anything else, the primal feeling is different from the rest

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