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New episode in less than 24h. Yuamu and her children have arrived on Earth and plan to steal Monster Reborn. It is up to Asaka to stop them once and for all. Meanwhile, Yuudias wonders if he has what's necessary to save the Yugi Multiverse before it collapses.
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Asaka can't win.
Does zeyet or brueya get a duel in episode 120?
Episode spoilers soon?
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No the multiverse is in the creator's relic silly.
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Summer with romin.
RANRAN-CHAN AND MIRANDA-CHAN ARE REAPPEARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>It is up to Asaka to stop them once and for all
asana's ancestor.
Huh? Asana has an ancestor in this show? I never noticed. She must be bland and forgettable.
She'll trick Yuamu again.
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Yuna is no longer friends with any of those.
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Okay, I've been preparing this rant for a long time and finally I'm ready to post it so here goes. THEY'VE RUINED YUAMU IN A MULTITUDE OF WAYS! They never had to change her into some dumb Otes wannabe villain to give her relevance, you want relevance? Ever notice how the main characters always do the "UTS!" cheer throughout the series? Because no matter what problem they faced, they always saw it as a UTS mission, whether it's stopping an alien king from freezing planets or getting townspeople to escape an illusion world and guess who's the president of UTS? Yes, Yuamu! While characters like Manya and Rovian have to be given motivation on the spot before their duels, Yuamu's motivation was always there.

UTS is Yuamu's pride and joy and you see how she loves running it and doing those routines such as the cheer. While pursuing Fisher Sky, Yudias noticed how Yuamu is conducting the mission as if she's dueling, preparing for whatever comes from an unknown alien. The reverse is also true as shown in her duel against Fisher Sky and her thrill in dealing with an unknown future. Just as in dueling, Yuamu also has that passion for UTS work, not to mention all the people she loves being part of it like a family and people she inspires like Yudias. When traveling to the future, Yuamu was devastated to see her company gone, Yuamu loves UTS and it's what has driven her all this time... at least until the end of season 2.

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Nu-amu doesn't even care about UTS anymore, it's like she's been replaced with this new yandere mom character for the sake of shocking viewers or some shit like that. The reasoning was dumb enough, she wants to become Otes to stop her descendant from becoming Otes who was doing so to prioritize gatekeeping a game over saving lives. I was at least hoping that (Nu)Yuamu's defense for Yuga was just going to be a short outburst before she regains her composure in which case, I would have forgiven her. But to get even dumber, she continues this dumb plan to become Otes even in the next season. This is basically pulling a new motivation for a character out of your ass while disregarding everything about the character up to that point and try to pass it off as character development or something. Character development should progress naturally and based on what makes sense for them and their established characterization.

I think a great way for Yuamu to develop would be if they follow up on the mystery of why UTS disappeared in the future when the Ohdos time traveled, since that's something Yuamu felt strongly about and established throughout the series. It's something she would want to save. But in these extra episodes that calls itself season 3, not only did they waste that opportunity but did the exact opposite. Obviously if Yuamu becomes Otes, she's abandoning UTS, one recent bullshit event suddenly causing her to abandon her whole life passion along with all her loved ones and she feels NOTHING about it at all. It wasn't even a consequence that crossed her mind, it's like the writers just forgot how much UTS meant for Yuamu.

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So that's really unfortunate for Yuamu, who was such an admirable, intelligent heroine for a long time into the series. I don't think any real Yuamu fan would be happy with what happened with her. Also, this isn't the only thing wrong with season 3 but it's something I personally felt most strongly about. I might mention them some other time but overall, the writing just isn't as good as the first two seasons. Not saying that it's completely irredeemable now and I'm giving up on the show, I'll still hope it gets better again and possibly fix some problems but I just highly doubt it.

I still overall appreciate Go Rush, it was mostly a good show up to a certain point. At this rate, I think I'll just see the first 90 episodes as the full series, without the revelation that Velgearians will disappear, it was a good finale after all. Sure, it could have been much better but still satisfying enough and better off without those extra needless episodes after that tries to have a plot.

So yeah, that was a long rant and I'm sorry I'm so late posting this but better than never. I wanted to express these feelings for a long time and wish I had done so sooner but it's a lot to put all into words, what made Yuamu so great and what's wrong with Nu-amu. Even now, I'm sure I feel I left out some things but I can always talk about them some other time. But for now, this is what I want to express and I guess all I can do now is continue watching, doubtful but still hope the show gets good again but even if it doesn't, I always have the first 7 arcs to fall back on and enjoy thanks.

That joke only worked for rovian.
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Disregard Ranranfag. He spends too much time looking at the background to know who the main characters are.
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Yeah I see what you mean. Personally I have my plate full being disappointed with Ranran's treatment to also be disappointed over Yuamu but yeah I have had a hard time connecting to her current motivations, they are just too outlandish and out of the blue. To be fair Monster Reborn is supposed to have messed up her mind real good but only having that feels unconvincing.

I was really bored by the past arc too so I haven't been invested on its current developments either so I am just waiting to see how things end up resolving. Maybe Yuamu will end up reconsidering and remembering UTS, but I guess it's better to not get our hopes up and just wait and see. I think you are right in feeling dissatisfied.
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Thanks, if Monster Reborn was supposed to be the real problem then they sure did a poor job at explaining it.
I think you need to go watch the episode where they went to Yuga's time period again. You seem to have missed a lot of important details from it. Yuamu's current goals make sense if you actually pay attention. Also, she's not sacrificing the velgearians for her plan, since it was already stated that Monster Reborn wouldn't work and she already suspected that since before Yuga said it and pointed out that it made no sense that Kuaidul wouldn't try to use it himself if it really had the power to bring them back.
I miss the good old days when Chupa would go "MEEEEEGU-CHAN!"
I hope we see Chupataro again soon.
He's dead...
>Noooo my precious waifu isn't allowed to be a morally gray character
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Rovian is the well known queen of the underworld
It's not that she has zero motivations or that she shouldn't be morally gray. It's that she abandoned everything and everyone in her life for what seems is just an impulse in suddenly caring for Yuuga more than anything.

Yeah Yuamu cares for Yuuga but she should at least also care for her friends and family too.
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Dark empress romin.
>someone posts 800 word argumentative essay
>reduce it to waifu complaining meme
doesn't matter how long it is if this is full of crap
Are you even watching the show? If Yuamu didn't care about her friends and family she would not try to erase her memories to achieve her goals. She clearly isn't happy with what she's doing but she knows what she has to do.
I don't think it's that odd for someone to be that invested in their descendant. Notice that in many occasions she expressed pride over her ancestor's achievements. That's been going on since the start with the hidden Odho treasure or UTS itself. It makes sense that someone who is so involved in her family's past would also be interested in her family's future. If Yuga disappears from history and becomes Otes, that's probably the end of her lineage.
As cameos.
is super fusion fair?
And she also saw the entire Sevens timeline thanks to Monster Reborn, of course it would messed her up since she was always the one who cared about Yuga the most (outside of Yuna but she's just horny)
Yeah, there's that too. I don't think Monster Reborn affected her mentally, but seeing Yuga's memories only made her even more invested in wanting him to go back home to that happy life she saw. Poor Yuga has been in a completely miserable situation in the Go Rush timeline.
Yuamu didn't do much in S2 either, she kept getting possessed. The timeskip did her no favors as they tried to hero up Yuhi after realizing how much a chump they made him.
She saved Yudias in the first episode and was the one who had the plan to sneak into Yuga's office to look for clues, which led to Yudias getting his first Maximum. Just because she wasn't winning a lot of duels doesn't mean she wasn't doing anything.
>Poor Yuga has been in a completely miserable situation in the Go Rush timeline.
Sure but Yuga brought it upon himself for being an autist.
I understand where you are coming from. Personally, i find Yuamu's character twist cool. I mean, who doesn't like a good guy going evil? But i also agree this whole wannabe Otes plot of her is not really a good look for her character. It's true Yuamu got emotional about Yuga's situation in the first arc of S2 but then turning that into all her motivation is a bit weird The way i see it, the writers were desperate to make her relevant somehow and this was the answer they came up with. I think there were only two ways to handle her character in S3, either make her obsessed with UTS turning her into a tyrant of sorts who will do anything to avoid the company disappearing, or what we are seeing now. I think what she is doing right now is mostly necessary because in the end it will be tied with Otes's story and everyone knows that's the main plot of Bridge YGO.
Yes but it is still Yuhi and Yuamu's fault the he was born an autist for having been inbred.
Yeah, but that's still Yuamu's autistic baby. You don't just throw your children into the trash to die just because their autistic. Imagine how lonely these threads would be if that was the case.

Yeah, this too. Yuamu has to take responsibility for fucking her brother.
>she kept getting possessed
Ah yeah arc 6 was the whole season 2
I don't think there's any situation in which it would make more sense for Yuamu to prioritize UTS over Yuga. She was even ready to gamble UTS in the duel against Rovian. UTS matters to Yuamu, but not to the point of obsession.
I like it better when we were all united in shitting on Ranran
>She was even ready to gamble UTS in the duel against Rovian
She had faith in Yudias, her new star employee.
It was a funny thread. But we can't just do that all the time. It would get tedious. Plus, we're having a perfectly civil conversation here and actually discussing the show.
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Yuamu's wife
Is in mutsuba town.
Do you think it would make it better if they show emotional struggle of Yuamu sacrificing her past life to become Otes?
They have shown it. As someone else already said, that emotional struggle is exactly why she needs to erase her memories with Monster Reborn if she wants to succeed.
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Yep, she arrives in Mutsuba Town next ep
where did the chupacabra go anyway? is he vacationing with copyko?
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Is damamu's new design good?
He looks like he needs sleep and his body is turning into Mountain Dew. He's a gamer now.
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They really do need to expand on Yuamu caring about the future and the past
They have. It's been part of her character from the start. During the first half of season 1 her main goal was to find the treasure that her parents left for her. And her desire to help Yuga go back home started early in season 2. This is legitimately what Yuamu has always been like and I'm baffled that there are people who don't get it.
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can epoch's deck be improved?
Her character should be improved first
I don't think a dice deck can ever become meta.
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The main character has to be phaser,
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Stop spamming screenshots
Yuna is friends with all of them and manya now.
Yuna has as many friends as Ranran (0)
plus dozens more.
no they're already there
The different versions of her in her head don't count
Yuamu doesn't have a wife, her husband Yuhi did just arrive in Mutsuba Town with her however.
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they do and each one's perception of yuna's friends counts as another one.
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How can you improve on such a dynamic character like epoch. Her character arc is near perfect.
Yuamu isn't otes.
Yuamu as a cat is still strange looking.
>character arc
>arguments about Ranran
>anons correcting a waifufag on his headcanons
>arguments about Yuamu
>proper discourse about character analysis

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