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>(sfw) twitter manga about a -mostly- faceless MC trying to fix/help his gyaru bitchy stepsister who became some assholes cumdump, hinting at a wholesome ending with FMC abandoning sluttery
>mangaka starts posting in fanbox some pages showing the nsfw scenes that were only implied in the original manga, giving the whole setting a stronger NTR vibe than it already had
>one of the 18+ pages includes MC raping his drunk and unconcious (post-chads-ganbang) sister, ruining entirely any possible wholesome route the story could have
>mangaka goes into a panic and retcons the whole even into being more consensual and only FMC's wet dream
>it works, manga gets serialized,
>in the new version, faced creepy stalker MC takes a more active role and successfuly stops his sister from becoming a cumdump from the begining
>still, each chapter ends with cliffhangers baiting at the fanbox pages occurring in next chapter (including the rape by MC), though for now that hadnt been the case
>very recently, another fanbox page was posted continuing the cumdump sister storyline, though apparently its only a what if now
>the mangaka is apparently a woman
okay, lets forget that very last point, try to delete it from your minds, because this kind of thing has ocurred before with some male mangakas as well.
What's your opinion about this, anons? Based move or not scrupuls at all? (assuming you have any being a mangaka)
Would you do the same with your story?
I'll never understand why these women don't just tag their work josei, instead of baiting men into reading their works
well give the source, nigga
You are such a retard.
I wouldn't trust it.

It's like the author of that "Dark Summoner" series. He's so clearly obsessed with NTR that I dropped the series, even though it's ostensibly vanilla. Every single fucking chapter had a joke that was essentially just "Haha, look, NTR! This character's getting cucked in a way that's literally straight out of a doujin (including sex while talking with a door partially open type nonsense), isn't that super hot, er, I mean funny!?!?!!!!????"

I don't like NTR, I didn't want NTR constantly rubbed into my face, and so I dropped it. And, of course, the author's next work dropped all pretense and was nothing but NTR fantasy garbage.

So, in short: This author clearly likes slutty girls getting fucked hard in semi or nonconsensual situations. And so I wouldn't read this, because they're just sanitising their actual desires, and as soon as they get a chance, as soon as the series is stable, those desires will creep in more and more.
I told you to forget the mangaka was a woman anon!
If you dont then the whole thread has no reason to exist.
I mean, picrel is exactly the same case, and I think the author was a guy. For context,
>apothecary chad MC buys a fucked-up dying elf slave and starts to fix her, literally
>by the end any damage mental or physical has been 100% cured (I think she is even a virgin again) and sweet wholesome happy ending is obtained
>Mangaka's fanbox has a whole doujin about the elf's past, showing how she was slaved, tortured, raped and mutilated
Google it anon, it should appear
All mangaka and artists as a whole are roastie ntr lovers.
It's like a disease that manifests as soon as you're good at drawing.
Every none used woman series is just a cope they had to draw because of editors.
In what fucking world is that a gyaru? She looks like a scene slut. Does gyaru just mean nothing now?
>the mangaka is apparently a woman
There's your problem lmao
uhhh you seem to know a lot about this anon. Could you give us some more examples and links so we know to avoid them?
Grow up
>NOOOO anime/manga doesn't have fan service anymore
>NOOOOO not like that
does it exhaust you, being a victim all the time?
What do you think would motivate that in the case the author herself is a woman?
They want to be abused but still yearned for.
Women are naturally sluts if not put down by Abrahamic religion.
>documented with Azu too who got BTFO shilling NTR in her own fanbox
>meanwhile the Sasha artist gets away with full blown NTR and can still pretend Sasha and the shota MC is canon
You lost btw.
Not exactly the same but theres picrel.
Regular manga is full vanilla for what i saw.
But then the author goes wild on his a fanbox
>FMC getting kinda-raped by her ex-lesbian friend
>ex-lesbian getting fucked by guys and sucking dick
>shota that gets shipped with ex-lesbian getting raped by some guys
It's degeneration at its max level. Its glorious.
Also you have the examples >>269236046 said
Did I ever complained?
I actually find this kind of thing amusing in a weird hypochritical way.
>lets appeal to vanillafags that want to fix broken women on this side and appeal to the ntr-fags and degenerates on this other one
Its a genious move, but also one that will create a lot of critics and discussion.
I don’t see the problem with this one.
So did author really retcon this into a vanilla romcom now? Wasn't the mini-series already canon and it showed she actually suck off dicks but she felt the need to distance herself from that group of friends because certain life events inspire her to improve herself?
No, the canon is that she was just an edgy teen but the brother let several men fuck and abuse her so he can then have a used sister to have sex with since he wants his women used by inherently men before he fucks them.
Yeah, serialized version it's retconing everything apparently.
The whole gangbang already didnt happened because MC appeared, got all creepy doxing and blackmailing the chad and left with his sister.
Yeah, but it's a bit hypocritical .
It would make more sense if the hentai doujin appeared first and then the recovery wholesome manga. But both were posted parallely.
MC is a channer?
That explains a lot of things
About the cliffhanger thing.
Yeah, mangaka is a huge troll ending the chapter with this.
That sasha is shit too. Can't believe anyone supports the femdom in the "vanilla" version
Is the mc her brother or someone else? because the brother was the one that arranged the gangbang.
no point splitting hairs, it's all cuck shit
why do you read this garbage?
>read sfw ntr
>whine and cry about mangaka delivering nsfw ntr to the fans
i see no problem here, save your shitty thread stealing me 60 secs of my lifetime, dont read this crap and that's it.
>I'll never understand why these women don't just tag their work josei, instead of baiting men into reading their works
Because josei is the smallest target demographic and it wouldn't get any readers and sales that way.
Also this is basically just another slut apologism manga isn't it. It's all about that women want to be loved and yearned for, even though they're sluts and loose as hell and cucks their men left and right. Some kind of power fantasy or that their value is more than their purity. Basically self insert for women that nobody wants irl.
>OP learns that adultery, infidelity and lying in general are cornerstones of Japanese culture
>Author pulled the same ntr cuckshit as the apothecary elf author
Yeah not reading the serialized version. Hate backpedalling no backbone faggot authors
>the brother was the one that arranged the gangbang
Mc is the brother and what you said didnt happen.
At least I dont remember that happening on any of the current versions. As sister was already dumb enough to get into that stuff without the brother doing anything.
But maybe you are onto something
Mc could be aware of the eventuality of her sister being fucked by the chads and interferred to save her from it, but could still let her make her own conclussions, and believe she was raped for real. And then he could take advantage of her mental vulnerability to get closer to her.
...One new thing it was introduced into the serialization was this otaku friend that tried to "give him advice" on how to get close to someone tsundere/bitchy as his sister using an eroge as example.
So maybe "saving girl from rape" was on the list of flags to get closer to the girl on that eroge.
NTA but thanks for the anchor post
The Day I Decided to Make My Cheeky Gyaru Sister Understand in My Own Way
Japanese have subtypes for everything.
This kind of goth/punk girl count as a sub-type of gyaru or something.
>read the lewds
>ntr men - lol lol lol so slutty lol lol lol lol lol pussy so good lol lol so nice lol lol
Kill this author.
vanillafags are mentally ill, unironically
>It would make more sense if the hentai doujin appeared first and then the recovery wholesome manga. But both were posted parallely.
I still don’t see the problem.

>same ntr cuckshit as the apothecary elf author
As it turns out, people who make unhinged fucked up stories are unhinged fucked up people. Shocking.
NTR fucking won.
You can't beat the cock.
why do zoomers read these dogshit webcomics?
>found out wholesome title has degenerate counterpart
>author conclude/hiatus normal one and actively update nsfw part because gooner money keep coming
i hate this practice, at least dozen title has gone this way
what other examples there are anon?
Yeah I was pretty appalled when finding out about the fanbox content. Apparently the mangaka did that before for her(?) other short web series, but not to that NTR extent
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>Giba claims he doesn't have the heart to show her getting mutilated
>Still shows Lumirea getting a brutal beating in the stomach to induce a miscarriage
A recent post suggests the entire process of making Ragged Elf fucked Giba up so bad that he'll probably never go back to it or draw anything related to it ever again, which is a shame because his current project is pretty much just !Reszurre and !Alan being goofy, horny dorks who fuck all the time. Her entire family is a big bunch of literally supernatural weirdos just for the hell of it
Who cares? Read something else if it bothers you. That said you reminded me of a twitter manga about a guy living with his sorta clumsy girlfriend. They go on to reminisce about meeting in a restaurant. Then they made another manga about a kid losing his beloved sister after she's struck by a car. He slowly loses it as he grows up, swearing revenge on the people in the car. the final two chapters show him arriving to the restaurant in the other manga, recognizing the woman from the car from the tattoo on her neck. He interjects and introduces himself like he did in the other comic, then steps out, thrilled to know he's finally found the object of his hatred and revenge.
>(sfw) twitter manga about a -mostly- faceless MC trying to fix/help his gyaru bitchy stepsister
You lost me before you ended the first sentence.
>twitter 'manga'
Money. The entire manga in OP down to the premise is bait to get people to buy the fanbox. Most Xitter manga are.
nta, but do you mind spelling it out in romaji? I could swear I have it in my collection but the title is probably romaji
nvm, I'm blind and saw only two results starting with 4 instead of three (It was the third one)
It's Namaiki na Gal Ane o Ore no Houhou de Wakaraseru Koto ni Shita
Less ntr if vanilla folks threw more money at vanilla artists. (Main issue) Maybe passive aggressive ask on their posts why it’s always lazy boring settings and actions.
Why is it always women who get corrupted but never men?
Men have the cock.
Don't care, bro x sis is hot.
There has been an extremist movement over the last 10 years to call anything NTR if it has a girl who is dating someone other than the mc. This is because unintelligent people literally cannot read a story without putting themselves in the mc's shoes. NTR is, by definition, having a girl stolen from you once you've already started going out. If you're not dating it's not NTR, there is literally no room for argument.
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I remember this being posted before and people debated whether the “bitch” part in the translation was accurate or not and then people found the original panels and found out that basically the entire translation was ful of mistakes and really random errors that indicate incompetence at Japanese, nothing too unusual.

Basically, it happens really often that when finding the original pages like half of the lines are wrong, but I mean wrong n a way that makes it clear what the translator misinterpreted and why that person has bad Japanese.

Because it's a Twitter thing and these “demographics” mostly exist outside of Japan, not inside of it.
>What's your opinion about this, anons?
It shows the classic template that many women fall into of going down the wrong path because they lack both agency as well as strong male influence in their lives.
No I would not write such tripe.
I find it difficult enough to write villains / bad things because it feels bad creating something (a character) only for it to suffer.

Azu's case was entirely different. She just drew one-off's of whatever fans requested.
She was done dirty.
Why exactly is OP having a melty over some fringe as fuck manga that's clearly not made for him?
What makes you assume the reaction is a melty?
It's not as if male demo web originals don't get way toned down when they get the LN/Manga serialized version.
Demographics are real and imprints the eschew those demographics in their marketing can only do so because they're real in the first place.
accurate depiction of chad dialogue
Doesn't change that for the vast majority of the time you read anything about any “demographic” outside of Japan it's A: not derived from any primary source and B: something that started outside of Japan.
The idea that supposedly even the majority Japanese strip artist or magazine stamp some kind of demographic on their things can only be believed by people who never read such magazines in the original languages. Obviously they don't, because it's bad for business. Japanese labels rarely mention anything of the sort on their websites and certainly not in the magazines itself.
The fact that he (you) are seriously arguing about shit no one should care this much about. Unless they're were having a melty of course.
Why would she make it not related by blood? It's so fucking retarded, I want her to be a WHORE and to fuck everyone and have her brother either save her or just be a shoulder to lean on while she whores around
This art style reeks of Korean.

Even the "vanilla missionary position" ones?

In cases like OP where the sister is broken, it's usually that way because of their own upbringing and experiences.


It's the same logic as hating a genre so much you keep reading the entire story.
>Dark Summoner
What in the fuck are you on about. There's no NTR in Dark summoner. The Imp mentions it a few times, but only to dunk on it
If you don't like where the story is developing, then maybe it's NOT FOR YOU, shit gibbon. Not everything needs to be for you.
Yuudachi needs Solomon correction poi
The only used goods traumatized rape victim manga that was ever done right was that one by zyugoya and thats mostly because there was barely any mention of the actual cause and it was all about fixing her
>read Twitter drama manga
>act surprised when it's slop
Isn't she still used goods in that version?

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