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"I’m a High School Boy, but I Got Gender-Swapped Into a Gyaru" by Marii Taiyou (Gal Gohan).
Chapter 8 part 1 came out. Dumping.
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The last one. The next chapter will be released on August 10th.

Waiting for the translator anon. Will be bumping the thread within 3-4 hours.
Chapter 8 - 1st Part
0 This time it's reality.
Making up my mind to make friends with all the gyaru here is fine and all but...
So hey, this makeup...
Doesn't seem like there anything in common that we can talk about...
Wow, that's so cute <3
Just how am I going to make friends with them like this!?
I just failed ALL my gacha rolls!!
I can't pull Magical Angel Michael at aaaaallll!!
Magical Angel Michael, from MonMon? I play MonMon, too!
*Monmon is the short name for social game Monster x Monster

But if someone like me talks to her all of a sudden won't it seem creepy...?
No way~~!!
Yeah, but if I'm going to get along...
I just gotta do it...!!
Monmon...I uh...play it... / too...
This q-q-quest, if you do it together with someone else you can get get 300 stones... If you want to...w...we could maybe...p-play together...?
Huh, you play Monmon?
Yeah...from when it launched I guess...
Nice to see you again
Seriously~!? Let's do it!!
Sit right here.
I...I did it!
I don't know where to look...!
N-nothing...well then, let's start!
And then...
Yaaaaaay, stones obtained~*

There weren't any other girls here that play MonMon, thanks a lot!
N-nah, thank you, too...
Jun, was it? I'm Maaya, nice to meet you~
Nice to meet you...!
...Hey Jun, isn't your hair, like, a huge mess?
Did you oversleep?
Now that I think about it, I was in such a hurry this morning...
My hair is so long too, so it just ended up that way...
That's whole lot of stuff she pulled out!?
Can I do you hair for you, Jun?
Eh!? B...but...
Just leave it to me
Hold up, your hair is so silky smooth! Amaaaazing!
They say a girl's hair is her lifeline, I really do believe that!
I feel that just having beautiful hair is enough to make someone look really pretty!
For now, how about we straighten it out?

There, all done~
Wow~!! What a total babe~!!
Can I try some other styles!?
G-go ahead.
Braids look good on you, too!!
Curled is also cute!!
I guess different hair styles really do leave a different impression, don't they~?
Last is twintails for a sweet gyaru <3

A-alright, let's keep this up and talk a bit more..
Wow...how great, there's so many different hair styles... / I can't do any of these at all, you're really good at it...
No matter what I look like on the outside, I still can't help but talk like an introvert!!
Somehow, Jun, you...
It's almost like you give off the exact same vibes as my crush
Ahh, but I don't know how to right way to put it, though~ / What the heck am I even saying~?
A-Ah, I see...?
Whacha talking about?

H...How awkward...
We were having a tiny bit of love talk I guess?
The feeling of guilt is...
I see, if it's love talk I'm not interested.
How awful!!
Too loud!
Nao is the same as usual, huh~
...Ah, buuuut~
Between the Jun who is a gyaru but with the same vibes as my crush and
The lone wolf Nao who's not interested in love talk.
It don't seem like anything is going to leak from here...it might be good?
C...could she possible be talking about love!? Between an introvert and a gyaru!?
O Is it okay if something like that were to happen...?
Continued in the second half.
Glad to be back translating lol, I've lost all interest in working on my solo projects because I hate the other tasks, but all the shared ones I've been working on keep taking breaks.
Thank you for translation.
>It's almost like you give off the exact same vibes as my crush
Should we leave a TL note that the MC uses the ‘ore’ pronoun? It's a bit weird that gyaru uses ‘ore’.

>solo projects
Do you have a lot of them? What are/were you working on?
Probably not that important to mention Ore or anything, I honestly think she's more referring to how similar Jun's mannerisms in general are vs speech.

I've got all kinds of scripts sitting around but Myou-chan and Aitora were the ones I actually released until I got bored of cleaning and typesetting, I had an offer to get help on Myou-chan but he ended up being too busy as of late.I need to join an actual group that wants to do more ecchi and genderswap works.
Not really my cup of tea. I don't like manga about celebrities, idols, streamers, etc.
>genderswap works
Of all the currently untranslated manga, this is the one I kinda like:
but I guess it's not enough ecchi.
TS means transsexual
So transitioned would be a more appropriate translation than gender-bending
Newfriend, nips use it for gender-bender stuff (magic, sci-fi), not as some lgbt term.
Almost done, but a few issues remain.

>Making up my mind to make friends
>making up
>to make
>I don't know how to right way to put it
Is this phrase correct? Maybe, "I don't know the right way to put it" or something?
>the Jun
Is this okay?
Sorry, I'm ESL so I'm pretty bad in QCing.
Thanks for the dump and tl
That looks like a fun manga, I'd offer to help work on it but I don't know anything about typesetting
So I uploaded the chapter to mangadex (I didn't change anything). If these things need changes, I can re-upload the corrected pages later.
Thank you, TLanon.

Got range ban again. Can't upload files.
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
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Can someone dump the chapter here?
Anyway, see you in two weeks.
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I got you
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One day I won't be able to make a thread because of these blocks.
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>I’m a High School Boy, but I Got Gender-Swapped Into a Gyaru"
gay shit
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I don't mind doing it when you can't but you'll have to tell me how to get the raws
>gay shit
Not yet, but hopefully soon.
Thanks for posting
1. Open the chapter in Firefox.
2. Press F12.
3. Search "canvas".
4. Rightclick on "<canvas class =........"
5. Copy the image URL and paste it in a new tab.
6. Save the image.

Also, you can use Hakuneko to download the chapter, but you'll get .webp files. You can import them as .png or .jpg in Photoshop.
...........side character rape flashback when?
Thanks I'll try to make a thread within a few hours of chapter releases if you haven't but depending on my schedule I may be late
>He didn't intentionally made his hair like a Gyaru
He's not oshimai yet, there's hope!
Yeah. Sexo
>depending on my schedule
A new chapter comes out every other Saturday (Friday) at 11:00AM (Japan Standard Time) / 02:00AM (GMT) / 10:00PM, Friday (EDT)
In the bottom left panel.
>That's whole lot of stuff she pulled out.
Shouldn't that be.
>That's a whole lot of stuff she pulled out.
In the top left panel.
>Ahh, but I don't know how to right way to put it, though
I think that:
>>Ahh, but I don't know how to put it the right way, though
> >Ahh, but I don't know the right way to put it, though
Would probably be better.
Subtle way to say she's an Otaku eater, love it.
Thank you!

Curled is best.
>>>Ahh, but I don't know how to put it the right way, though
Hair is serious business

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