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Which starter would you pick for life on Earth?
Roxy roxy roxy
Blue is superior.
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Green, quite literally the perfect wife.
Crack doesn't degrade the characters imo
Man we need to older Eris in animated form
She really fucked off for awhile
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Training arcs tend to do that to a character.
The first one throws a tantrum and snaps your neck
And the second one would bore me to tears just having around
Sylphie would be the easiest to groom. So I'd go for her.
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Yeah, it's bad
I think I'd like to see the abyssal king arc and the fight with Alexander Rybak at the bottom of the ravine animated. Also the princess Rudy arc and the fight with Orsted, but above all I want to see Lara because whenever she comes up in redundancy I just imagine her as the blue haired girl from Bocchi. And also the whole chuuni thing going on in oblige.

If we're realistic and things go okay for me in life then by the time oblige gets animated I'll already have kids of my own and the sequel might not even be out yet. MT really changed something inside me to the point that meeting truck kun headfirst doesn't seem so bad desu. MT is a really sad story in the end, yet it's realistic and that makes its untimely end seem unnatural. If only the Rifujin had the same resolve the One Piece fag does.
Adhd (Red) vs Depression (Green) vs Weaponized Autism (Blue)
Sylphie always perfect wife
>I don't know what can fill the void
Min-Maxing my TRPG build
And if you're desperate:
Rising of the Shield Hero WN
All of them
The one that does not age. The other 2 will look like shit in 10-15 years and thats what you are stuck with until death.
Sylphie didn't start looking middle age until she was in her mid 70s. Your fat ass would be long dead by then.
Fire is usually the best. Hits fast and hard in a game where that's how you win.
Grass is usually shit, both the starter and the type.
Water is usually good, but also usually has a lot of competition from other fish. Surf is kino, though.
Eris, though I'll be sad about missing Roxy and having to beat her into the dirt for every rival. Roxy if I feel like trading for Eris.
Do they still somehow have their mana superpowers on Earth?
If yes, then Sylphiette is the most useful because of her ability to cast chantless magic. Roxy would also be very useful for her ability to influence the weather, but Sylphiette can also do that with cumulonimbus after volume 13. However, Roxy can cast lightning, which ought to be really useful for research purposes.
Eris is of course superstrong and could probably still slaughter entire armies by herself, but would take a long time doing so, and I doubt I would have any worthwhile enemies where I needed some elite lightspeed-slaying girl. The angry rough snusnu sex is very enticing, though.
If none of them have mana, then I'd rather be on the safe side and just take Eris, because the other two might die from lack of mana perhaps breaking down their nonhuman dna that allows them to live longer.
blue all the way
Where's Norn and Aisha?
roxy a best
I don't think any of them meet my standards.
That said, I think Roxy is the most pleasant and bearable of them all.
when will we get good discussion again
Rudeus, why does Norn keep biting her lip when she looks my way?
Call me a basic bitch but im a charizard guy through and through.
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She just wants to try out your spear for a bit
honestly, after she comes back she's mostly a background character who acts as a bodyguard and barely gets the attention she'd want. To her own words, all she's there is to be his sword and make babies, and obviously you can't be a sword if you are pregnant.
Sylphie could be Grass/dragon
Eh, all three girls have their dry spells.
After season 3, Sylphiette stops mattering except when she spawns what she considers to be a greenhaired abomination herself. Roxy is in the background for season 3 as well, since she's forbidden to teleport around by old future donut-man in the sky.
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anti roxy thread, edited the real image. fuck off.
A witch hat to surpass metal gear.
why is she called Big Hat Roxy
you could have at least copy pasted the new hat rudeus buys her
just finished S2,
now i know why sylphy is the 1st wife and eris is the last one

if eris is the first wife, ain't no way rudy allowed to polygamy

>12 episodes for rudy to fuck sylphy
>just 2 episodes for rudy to fuck Roxy
Just edit it so Roxy has the full brown cloak for the second. and no cloak + hatless for image 3
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eh tbf she does matter a decent amount vol 15-17 and as this other anon said they all have their dips and peaks within the story
Rudy didn't know Fitz was a girl and actually Sylphie until two episodes prior to fucking her.
How fucking dare you?
the yikes part is rudy is considering to fuck fritz senpai (male (female))

rudy's dfc fetish is borderline homo
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he's right, her final form is hatless
>Fucks Eris the first episode Ruijerd leaves them on their own
>(Foreplays) Sara on the third episode and on the first date
>Fucks Sylphie the episode after he learns her identity
>Fucks Roxy 3 episodes after reuniting and after multiple dates together in Rapan.

In passage of time it took him 6 years to fuck Eris, several months for Sara, an entire school semester for Sylphie, and about 6 weeks for Roxy.
With how i look i would be lucky if the cops dont shoot me on the spot
>she's mostly a background character
>girls stop mattering
I don't get why you guys say this. Even if MT was not a harem the single wife would still be just as relevant as she is as a harem, none of them are some super center piece of the overarching plot, so obviously they ocasionally get their time to shine and when the author needs to focus on other characters or more important stuff they get benched. They all get their our journeys, circle of friends, character developments and own arcs and the one with the least amount of stuff is Roxy. None of this means they become background characters or stop mattering, they matter when they are needed, otherwise they just keep on living their daily routines until the plot calls for them. They are still important in the story since they are always there to support Rudeus
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Sara will be the anime exclusive 4th wife
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hopefully next season we can see more mature rudy design :)
Sylphie. Or maybe, Eris
Roxy is a bore ngl
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I hate Eris.
>Norn keeps saying that she wants my BSC. What does that mean?
Red. Evolve that bitch once and then never again.
Ever since I read about Rudeus's son Ares being a boob lover who loves his mother's breast the most, I keep imagining a scenario where a younger Ares spend most of his free time smoothering his face of Eris's breast while Eris being an idiot believes it to be normal behaviour between mother and son.

Did this happened on LN/WN ?
I always choose boobs
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It's happening.
Is MT kinda big in Taiwan? Most of the extra side-stories in the mega are from Taiwan exclusive bookstores too
>No Yellow Version with Norn
Green is the worst, for an elf why is she growing old so fast????? She should be a loli eternally
She's quarter-elf
I want the Re: Zero crossover story from the manga animated
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Taiwan is fucking based
Water type forever.
Roxy all the way. Migger pussy can't be beaten
Roxy has more low-key impact front and centre, but is huge in the background and for worldbuilding. She has a Shirone role and saves Rudy's life there, but she also figures out teleportation circles incredibly quickly and is basically taking huge strides in advancing understanding of magic artifice, to where in the final book Rudy is saying he leaves all that to Roxy because she has surpassed him by far and can keep up with Zanoba.

Then Lily takes over for Roxy in magic research and with all the usable power armour mages dominate the battlefield and toukifags will go extinct.
Rudy is extremely feminine, how did you not pick up on that earlier?
>if eris is the first wife, ain't no way rudy allowed to polygamy
Yes he would be. Author confirmed he'd only be monogamous with Roxy as the first wife.
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Rudy also said countless times he'd be monogamous to Sylphie in vol 10. Don't buy his bullshit
There's a difference between what the author says, and what the character says. And no, posting the jpg of the tweet-xpression that shows the author saying to only trust what is written in the books doesn't change the fact that the author claims that it would be different if he had written Roxy to be Rudeus's first wife.
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this is how onimai threads chads are made
I thought the event today was gonna be a news stream, but if it's some booth in a con in Taiwan I really doubt they will announce anything big in it
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He also said

That's just as vague as Rudy's promise of being loyal to Sylphie
And, it's just a tweet. It's not even on his blog, or written in the books. It's very hard to take you seriously
You still brought up what Rudy would have claimed, not what the author himself says would be if he had written differently. So, what's the problem with the other anon's claim that the author says that Rudeus would only be monogamous if he had married Roxy first, which was in reply to some other anon's post believing that if Eris had been the first wife, that there wouldn't be a harem?
Eris would be ok with Sylphie as a wife the moment she burned down the house trying to cook for Rudy.
Roxy. Always water, no exceptions.
>not what the author himself says would be if he had written differently.
That's not what he said lol

He already wrote himself in vol 10 of Rudeus internalizing to himself that he'd be loyal to Sylphie
What he tweeted is just the equivalent of it, nothing to go crazy about. His tweet isn't a clear statement either
no special anime-related news. it's ogre until season 3 trailers drop.
What's left to read after redundancy volume 2?
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I would rank them the following way in order of best to worst:
>Sylphie (wife form) = brat Eris (post-displacement) = Roxy
>brat Eris (pre-displacement)
>Sylphie (green form)
>Hag Eris
If I had to pick just one it would be the migger.
This is my wife.
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Green Sylphie (childhood friend) <<<<< Fitz (cool and mysterious senpai at school) <<
Shiromama (wife for life)
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We have Ars/Roxy art
Now Ars/Eris art
We're probably getting commissioned Ars/Sylphie next.
Hopefully it's just Eris breastfeeding him.
Haha yea...of course...
Roxy > young Eris > adult Sylphie > adult Eris > young Sylphie > Fitts
Adult Sylphie > Fitz > Young Eris > Adult Eris > Roxy
Hmmmm I slightly prefer adult Eris than young, actually
Mylphie=Milfris=Milfxy>>Roxy=Young Eris=Fitz>Young Sylphie>>>>>Young Eris(Pre-10th Birthday).
and with a woman's voice lmao
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She's peak wife material
You wait for the next Volume to be released a year from now or read the web novel version.
Rudy will always have a female VA
False. If she was a perfect wife than Rudeus wouldn't need two more.
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Absolute sex demon
Sylphie is the perfect wife, Rudy just is the most imperfect husband.
Wanna marry her
That's the perfect post I saw to phrase it so far. Holy based
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Rudy is lucky she never turned her MSGK up to 100 on him, he would have broken his incest rule. Miggers are his biggest weakness.
sylphie's a poison pill by the Man God, so of course she's not meant to be his only wife. only bald twerkers are for that monogamous pairing.
that's gonna get a yikes from me, dawg
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I mean she did try but more as a prank
based receipt-bringer
Angelique will be the 5th
>daughter looks and dresses identical to your wife
>they're a magic demon race so an actual preteen looks the same as your 40 something eternal loli wife
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Very dangerous
Could Orsted survive the Laplace explosion that blew an Atlantic hole in the world?
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Be careful though fellas. She has high standards for a partner.
Works for me, but she better be good in bed.
>ywn have a slob wife Lara to come home to
Honestly as long as the voice sounds fine, then i'm okay with his VA not changing. His JP voice still sounds good, I tried listening to the English dub for Season 2 part 1 and I had to change it back immediately because his English VA is absolutely awful, it actually sounds like a woman pretending to be a teenage boy.
lara is built for being isekai'd into japan
>pick migger
when is it gonna evolve????
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never, always stop the evolve.
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