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Thanks for the dump. I just read the first chapter and it's pretty cute. I'll come back here when I reach chapter 4.
Damn this guy doesn't fuck around with a pencil
Well I can't say I expected to find the inspiration for my next DnD campaign on /a/ of all places
why wouldn't you, with isekai and fantasy series all over the place?
this is pretty nice, thanks for dumping
Let's not pretend the average isekai is chalk-full of original ideas that tickle the imagination
I like the gremlin
Thanks for the dump
Probably my current contender for dungeon meshi replacement fantasy manga
>landship caravan sailing the desert sands
based and Loc Lacpilled. picked the fuck up.
It's cute but damn, if this replace Dungeon Meshi then the situation out there is truly dire
There hasn't been many new fantasy manga at all these days
Those that don't start with "one day I was hit by a truck in Tokyo"
what a gremlin
The adventures of a master embroiderer must have been quite the story itself
Cute creatura might have to pick this up
>huge scissor ribbon
There's tons of them.
Where do you normally look for manga?
NTA but every so often I look at the front page of comic-walker to see what's new or trending in Japan.
My current favorite is Isekai samurai
>There's tons of them.
>Where do you normally look for manga?
Yeah and they're native isekaishit not worth ass.
really cool
Do you mean Bookwalker? Because Comic Walker only has Kadokawa series and not even all of them.
Cool shit
>There hasn't been many new fantasy manga at all these days
>Those that don't start with "one day I was hit by a truck in Tokyo"
Don't forget
>I was an average Japanese
>Suddenly I/My high school class/The entire nation of Japan
>Expelled from the party
>Given a class
Or some variation of the above. Swear to christ writing Japanese fantasy is just mad libs at this point
Bumping again for creatura
that spider is kinda hot...
Thank you for posting.
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You need to stop reading stories for children and mental children.

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