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>Dungeon no Naka no Hito
>all new episode delayed this/next weeek

What else is delayed because of shitlympics?
fucking ruined my enjoyment in life
this season is garbage enough already and now some of the good ones are delayed beacause of this.
un fucking believable
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Gaylimpics surely is cancer that shouldn't stop other media, fuck that boomer shit.
> What will we do about the declining birthrates???
> You can't have sex as athletes, fuck you.
> They invent pic related.

this is some evil anime mad scientist shit.
I don't remember World Cup, Eurovision or the Champions League delaying anime. why does Olympics? it's fucking disgusting
Has Japan won anything in the olympics in recent years? as in gold or silver?
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great. death to all sexhavers chads and stacies.
I don't know and I don't fucking care about some gay ass sportsballs. Give me back my anime.
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Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru
Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai
golf has delayed many an anime
It sucks but it's nothing new, anime gets delayed for baseball, golf, all sorts of things
Anon, please.
oh yeah fuck Golf
No real person likes the olympics.
Stop being selfish. The advertisers payed a lot of money for all eyes to be on them in the next few weeks.
>Stop being selfish
tell that to the gaylimpics
they have NO right to delay my only source of entertainment with their gayass garbage
Anon. Please.
the loli was cute though
Play sports nerd
I hope Palestinians attack the Olympic villages
youre the selfish one for interrupting other people's entertainment
If I was a French, I would be embarrassed over the fact that the French government failed to find any French singers to sing French songs and therefore, just hired American celebrities to sing shitty songs, instead. The French government should have hired both Daft Punk and Japan to be in charge of the Olympic ceremony.

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What do I watch now bros...
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Argentina was right
>Seasonal fags
Not my problem, maybe you should learn to wait for BD's like real fans.
He's right though. Nobody give two fucks about these nobodies' sports or all the circus freaks for 4 years, then the olympics money laundering start and they shove this crap everywhere, because for some reason it becomes the most important thing. It's dumb and gay. And not the cute shota kind of gay. I'm not mad just because i'm a manga kind of guy, but i can understand op.
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mangafags and LNfags are eating good this year
zetsubou da, everytime the Olympics are happening, my favorite anime is delayed for a week, zetsubou da
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>a week
i forgot to mention that Shoshimin is my favorite
Are those all 3 or there are more?
Isn't Wistoria production issues rather than the Olympics, and it is showing something else during the timeslot?
Frenchbro who has to take a train today here, I feel you anon
5 anime delayed so far
>Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai
Aw man, again? Hasn't this anime been delayed several times already
>Nobody give two fucks about these nobodies' sports or all the circus freaks for 4 years, then the olympics money laundering start and they shove this crap everywhere
No shit retard it only happens every 4 years
the two week delay was because of the change in season, it's not that unusual
the three week delay is because of the olympics
The Olympics were around centuries before Christianity existed
None of those things have thousands of years of history and tradition behind them
I think it's not correct to compare old olympics, which had religious connotations, with the modern ones. And the modern ones are barely a century old.
I guess the silver lining is you can use this time to catch-up on other anime or hobbies.
They did? Goodness gracious.
I mean, the whole cross-dressing Last Supper and golden bull stuff was a bit much already and enough for me to not watch- but at least get some French artists to celebrate the event.
Satan existed before Christianity too.
Escuchen, corran la bola, juegan en Francia pero son todos de Angola. Que lindo es, van a correr, son cometrabas como el puto de Mbappé, su vieja es nigeriana, su viejo camerunés, pero en el documento, nacionalidad: francés!
Nor does the modern Olympics.
have you seen the paris 2024 ceremony?
modern days olympics have nothing to do with tradition.
do people really care about olympics? Isn't it like filled with dopers and cheats? Plus the actually entertaining sports are just held yearly.
normalfags do, unfortunately
Japanese normalfags love the olympics. Too bad.
/a/ finally feels the hate Konata does for baseball
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It's fucked up that ALL the athletic asian girls are getting railed by foreign dicks
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I use it to make easy money gambling on the winners.
Like tomorrow when croatia shitters will lose to japan in handball, easy 500 dollars won.
What if like the weightlifters and the shot put athletes broke those just by sleeping on them?
you now remember Saint Boy the horse
Go outside and get some sun nerd
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Used to when it had actually charismatic athletes aiming for the peak like bolt and phelps.
It's raining...
I'm already outside 15 FUCKING HOURS A DAY from corporate slaving/
>bolt and phelps
aka mutant super beings born with capabilities well beyond what any normal person could achieve. I mean have you seen phelps, he's like half fish.
This is wrong, the vast majority of the artists were french. But there were also 2 non french ( Lady Gaga and Celine Dion ) and these are the only ones he knows so to him the other ones don't exist.
Too much smoke out there from wildfires
As bad as you think it is now, it would have been wayyyy worse if the 2020 Tokyo Olympics had actually gone through. Forget Covid delays, imagine the whole country being swarmed by foreign normalfaggot tourists and athletes. The media spotlight would cause Japs to basically sanitize all the unsavory parts of their country, and this includes most of anime and manga, all otaku stuff save for a select few entries that could be marketed as Cool Japan, no Weird Japan" stuff
People love dominate performances just as much as the underdog crap.
Do you want to see the full version?
One of Daft Punk songs was being played at thr ceremony
every year i forgot this will happen
Terminate your processes, NPC.
>nobody cares about any of these sports until the olympics marketing brainwashes them into thinking they should because it's an international cultural phenomenon
>uh yeah anon why would they
good argument
Yes please and piss in my mouth too!!
Neither does the ioc. When they start wrasslin naked to honor Zeus, I'll stop considering these "olympics" to be an abomination.
I don't care about the Olympics, anon, but you gotta be pretty fucking retarded to think that nobody else does.
useless eaters
People care about the sports, sure. But no one cares about the event. If you only care every four years then your opinion on the subject doesn't matter.

>ooh it's a chance to look good on the world stage!
That's no longer relevant. See the post immediately above yours.
And if I recall, actually hosting the olympics cost the country as well.
>The Olympics have evolved dramatically since the first modern games were held in 1896. In the second half of the twentieth century, both the costs of hosting and the revenue produced by the spectacle grew rapidly, sparking controversy over the burdens host countries shouldered. A growing number of economists argue that the benefits of hosting the games are at best exaggerated and at worst nonexistent, leaving many host countries with large debts and maintenance liabilities.
So yes, please by all means bid multimillions for the chance to host an event that will cost your country multi-billions, so you can have faggotry paraded around while cancelling domestic events and occurrences (anime).
It's lose-lose.
Seems like the olympics were a bigger deal when I was in school. But i'm beginning to think that most things were a bigger deal as a kid. Election years, olympic years, super bowl, etc. Things are artificially hyped up by the school system. In the real world, nobody gives a shit about reality. We long for escapism. Fuck normies.
yes yes yes and yes
no more anime
anime is over
I only care about World Cup and UCL.

because everything is too gay politicized nowadays
Sweet, break week
Unironically Jews laundering money. I don't even care anymore, I'll probably be getting another 3 day for racism.
>Election years, olympic years, super bowl, etc. Things are artificially hyped up by the school system.
We voted on the presidential election in elementary school. Weird way to indirectly get a census on the parents.
It will always makes me laugh seeing yokai watch here now that it is almost a dead franchise
Yeah, that's what i'm saying. As a kid, I assumed this shit was a big deal because of how involved I was in school. Mock elections and such. Even sporting events seemed like a big deal with placing 'bets' or whatnot.
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*it would be better if it didn't even exist at all
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this but gacha
I'm not a weeb BTW.
Sports and Olympics are great
They did have french singers and some French boomer rapper thoughever
We also did this and it definitely did not reflect anything about our parents since none of us knew anything about politics, including our parents'.
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>Olympics opening ceremony 2024
regardless of ethnicity french always end up sounding like they gargle cocks.
Celine Dion is French
>b-but she's from canada!
I don't care.
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Why do these have twitter and reddit filenames?
What exactly are you waiting for? There's only like 3 good shows this season.
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Cuckvid ruined this olypmic games event. It could be an anime festival if crowd would be allowed.
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I don't know, I downloaded it from Google and I wouldn't be able to tell if they have, how can you tell the difference?
Remember when stupid faggots tought all of them wil be the mascots?
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>finally caught up to shoushimin
>ready and excited to finally join the threads
>"sorry, goy. we need to air some people playing games and exercising"
So glad covid saved us the embarrassment of prude normalfags going to Japan.
Only retards whose opinion doesn't matter care about what the bug men think.
>show finally gets interesting
>immediate break week
>still got it wrong
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Oh dear.
I didn't, what happened?
Nevermind, just saw the post just above mine.
wait, what
we're not getting anime today?
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Based and

Should I watch the opening ceremony with my mom? I heard there was a lot of gross shit
only if you hate her
P-put the guns down first please...
How is it over there
very gay
just like here
Man, shit sucks.
Thank God I get a week to catch up
enjoy your cocoa mystery
Episode 1 was kinda underwhelming although it was very hyouka-like. I hope it gets better soon
anon, I....
That confused me. Why did no one consider mixing it cold in the mugs and then heating it? Isn't that the obvious thing to do anyway?
they implied that the first mixing with a small amount of milk had to be hot milk for it to be delicious cocoa, but they gave a bad reason to abandon the train of thought of microwaving multiple times.
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I will never watch the olympics
Is this why you blew up the train lines?
Yeah, they go on about how it's promoting fitness and shit when the games are sponsored by companies like Coca-cola
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What?! No shoushumin episode this week?
>had to be hot milk
That's pretty silly. How do you go through all of that and not twig that the point is just about mixing it properly?
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watch Olympics
El dorado soon sisters
Papa Smurf looks like THAT?
And he dropped that banger almost 20 years ago
It also helps that the 2020 Olympics in Japan was boring as shit
This year's different, it actually looks fun and feels like a true Olympics
Partly because France actually promoted their culture and history
Louvre... Jeanne d'Arc... French house... And the list goes on?
What did Japan promote when they had a chance for the Olympics? Animeshit as part of their "Cool Japan" tactic, luckily that backfired and was the least watched Olympics in history and had the lowest ratings ever
Don't care, let's enjoy some actual Olympic kino
Are all anime airing dates postponed for two weeks now?
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We thought nothing could defeat Jahy, but then women's golf entered the stage.
>Louvre... Jeanne d'Arc... French house... And the list goes on?
and most importantly LGBTQ
I hope my favorite show is not affected then
Based arete enjoyer.
Is that image supposed to mimic Leonardo's last supper? Who's the Judas then?
Kill yourself. Only you still faggots care about this worthless overpriced globohomo shit.
seethe, otaku don't care about your pozzed garbage
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The ceremony was globohomo and they're mixing up nationality with ethnicity and poolitical beliefs, tragic for the world, but more tragic that there wasn't enough backlash meaning this will only get worse.

Anywho, sports are fun. Get into Ao Ashi, Shakunetsu, etc to get into the spirit
This thread made me go to /sp/. Thanks OP, I haven't laughed this hard all week.
What otaku don't care about doesn't matter, one look at this thread is all you need to know that they are clearly worthless subhumans who shouldn't be allowed to live, why should the opinion of a worthless subhuman matter? They shouldn't be allowed to express themselves in the first place considering they only shit out of their mouths.
It was an /sp/ meme a few years ago about a soccer player removing the coca cola bottles in front of him during some press conference, saying "Aqua", subs coming in as "Drink water".
I'd link it but it was only a small 20 second thing that's nothing more than that.
I could at least understand gatorade or something because it has its uses aside from the high sugar content, but coke? lol
cry more
Go back.

Either that, or it would've caused a much larger backlash against gaijin sooner. Anyways, thank Madokami shit didn't happen.
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Kill yourself, retarded tourist. Our tits, ass and cunny matter more than your entire family tree.
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>Vtuber trash
our opening ceremony was better desu

> Argentina
> white
Beijing 2022 mogged both Tokyo 2020 and this disaster. Even the Asian Games was better than this.
Based. OP was not a faggot.
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Scorp will never make it to Nationals.
Wistoria delay doesn't have anything to do with the olympics, they're airing a recap
Wtf how can a once in a lifetime global event be more important than my animated slop number 12865?
>once in a lifetime
What are you, a hamster?
Huh? How come that the Olympics affect regular schedule TV? It doesn't make any sense. Are they broadcasting anime on the same channels they do the Olympics?
None of the shows I'm watching have been delayed.
Maybe you should stop watching shonenshit and start watching good anime.
>posts shonenshit
Shonenshit =/= anime with a source material published in a shonen publication
Shonenshit = battleshonen
Shonen anime = anime with a source material published in a shonen publication
quick rundown??
they expect that a bunch of people will skip the anime and watch the olympics instead so they just delay it
Surely that's not the case and the beds were made like this just to save money? There are other ways to have sex.
>posts shonen anime
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There. That's better. You learned!
>scrambling to save face
Yeah, they show anime on normal TV channels
Maybe you babies should take this week to watch older shows and that backlog you never finish.
I hate America and Americans
Apparently the beds are literally made out of cardboard boxes
I know, but I expected the Olympics would be broadcasted on sports channels or something. I guess not.
>Shonenshit = battleshonen
Have sex
On the floor
People keep bringing up the Tokyo olympic sanitization, time and time again, but it's completely untrue. Places like Melonbooks and Tora were completely untouched by the olympics. The country does not just completely evaporate a decades old industry at the drop of a hat, no matter how much you're scared it will.
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>Still watch this so-called Olympics and think the institution has some meaning
Yeah, but they've known this is coming for years, wonder how much of the other shit on Japanese TV, like variety shows, is delayed
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Why are the french like this? They are almost as bad as the burgers and brits
But the shelf is wood anyway. Why not switch it them
I don't want to get skin cancer.
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>olympics don't include keijo
Hate us because you can't be us.
They killed Love Live Superstar 3 years ago.
In Japan, until the 1990s, animated programs were often disrupted by live baseball broadcasts.
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boulderKINGS WW@
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Adding an s is pushing it
Considering their inevitable fate: all of them.
Reminder that Rapeape (the head mod) is paid 5k a month and is an unironic /pol/tard who is intentionally steering the site towards being about American culture war shit instead of being a website to discuss niche interests. If you’ve ever wondered why on-topic threads sometimes get wiped for no real reason while rage bait gets to stay, that’s due to his influence.
Video games are now an olympic sport.
Olympic mangakas competing in who can finish a manuscript first is only a matter of time.

New my hero academia episode is delayed
But you got My Hero right there>>269244598
I loved this show when it aired.
Definitely an organic thread where there is only people who regularly browse /a/ and aren't obsessed by something else
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3 months ago?
what about now?
go back christcuckmerican
You mean four years ago?
Did the BD fix the final episode being a slideshow?
oh sit, man. that's fucked up
Normalfags love it. Your anime is fucking niche. That's all there is to it. They also delay it for baseball tournaments and other sports stuff Japanese care about.
Is a little boy in drag anon
I think they are the origin of all this lame-degen gay shit in the west. Anglos just skyrocket their influence and made it acceptable to the normies.
No, back then people had the luxury of caring about things other than making money, so on both ends stuff was created for fun and consumed for fun. Now it's maximizing profits, what ever you look at also must be an advertisement. And then you have cultural subversion.
That's popular on /a/ too
Fr, otaku should be hunted down and killed like animals in a slaughterhouse.
Their parents and family must be ashamed of them the vast majority of the time "not all because some are orphans or have shitty families" they are literally a worthless disgrace who only harm society in general, these subhumans also shouldn't have freedom of speech.
One of my highlights of the opening ceremony
I liked the assassin bits
and Zizou
and that old fuck on wheelchair. I hope he tasted a lot of prime pussies in his walking days
All of the symbolism of the torchbearer was trashed for an Assassin's Creed ad.
oh blooo hooo chuddie
Yep, revenge will have to wait
Why are they delayed anyway? There are a thousand tv channels plus the intaneto. There is more than enough bandwidth to go around to have olympics, wc and anime at the same time ffs.
Yes I know anime airs on the same channels that would prefer the olympics but that's no excuse in 2024.
QRD? Didn't watch any Olympic openings since the Hues pretended to invent the airplane. What do the argies have to do with anything?
It also had the right to dumpster the fuck out of Japan
The Olympics is a nightmare trap for a city (or country if smaller) to ruin themselves. Fuck the Olympics.
Do they really build new shit for the actual olympics? I thought they just used existing facilities. Of course they would refubrish them and shit but not make them anew.
That's what they did when they hosted one of the minor olympics in my country at least. The only thing they did was build some BMX and stonerplank shit in a park that's still open to the public.
Nah most countries fuck themselves hard trying to build infastructure to support the massive influx of people who will be there for 3-4 months from setup to teardown. Then when all is said and done, they're left with facilities that get almost no use by the local populous and are left to rot. It's a HUGE moneysink, and while it's not all the reasons why Yen is in the shitter, the cost to set everything up and then have NONE of it used with the Covid shit kicked it off.
Literally just to show you troons see>>269239887 >>269241348 >>269241710 >>269244598 and boy what a freak show that was. Added to that Japan always pandered to LGBT.
All of those are boring OP. I would rather watch the Olympics than see that shit air. No wonder they cancelled them. Let's laugh at OP.
I am being crushed by current season anime, I really needed a break like with Corona-kami-sama.
I think they win a few events yeah.
>nooooooo not my seasonal slop
you guys could always try not being embittered, delulu losers, I for one am fencing maxxing right now
Dunno recent but they are top10 in medal count from what I rember
olympics is a seasonal gay slop
>watching the literally coinflip event because muh schedule
It's amazing how addicted some people are to anime that they can't even wait a week or two. Don't choose poorly next time OP.
OlympicGODS won.
Stuff like martial arts and table tennis
They also win snowboarding too.
What is this from? I can't find it. Its not the opening ceremony so what is it?
I mean, what are you supposed to say to people who have turned their backs on humanity? You guys keep living in your own heads, it's too late for you anyway
I will watch some sports, just not shit like fencing. Or the start/end ceremonies.
>Adults wearing very little clothing doing sexy dancing with kids
This OK when those guys do it why?
They always do retarded shit like this at the Olympics. I used to think those athletes would be treated like royalty during an event like that.
was the child supposed to go way off beat at 0:06
The jokes write themselves
It's to prevent orgies actually. Bed can handle 2 people, not more.
>Bed can handle 2 people
not 2 people with muscle mass
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Thank God my man Kinnikuman was free of this shit.
>caked makeup finger puppet
this thread reeks of kiwi fags obvious bait an jannies not doing their job to purge the morons pushing the goalposts
Looking into it, I haven't seen announcements for Makeine, Shikaku Isekai, Russiadere, Parry or Nokotan so those might be safe

But Dungeon Hito, Wistoria and Shoushimin got fucked

If I had to guessm....I'm going to Mayonaka, Fatal Failure, Ossan, and Fat Elf will be the next announced delays
There aren't any of those in modern olympics. Have you seen the sport list?
The whole thing was a grotesque spectacle of ugliness that has nothing to do with France, Europe or sports. It's just the usual leftist drivel and cultural poison, a celebration of evil. And no I'm not a christcuck. It's just evil in an universal sense. None of that should be allowed to exist.
I'll be honest, I don't think even America would do what France did, even with liberals in power.

That was a bit excessive
Don't google the ethnicity of the Director of this year's olympics opening ceremony
>Makeine, Shikaku Isekai, Russiadere, Parry or Nokotan
all of those + mayonaka are on abema's upcoming for the week, not sure about the other three
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This thread is now /spa/. I honestly never thought we'd see /spa/ again. What sports do you guys recommend for us fat NEET losers to get in shape?
America would make it more centered around BLM. But I see your point. This was bafflingly excessive and remarkably repulsive, they went all in with every degenerate, ugly thing they could find. On top on that a lot of things just make no sense whatsoever, like why are American singers even there? There's nothing French or European about this whole thing. It has fuck all to do with anything except this globohomo or whatever you want to call it ideology that has no relation to anything people want or ARE. For whom was this made? Is the purpose just basic demoralization and that's that? Because that makes no sense either, if anything stuff like this is just making me more angry and dismissive of all of it. I genuinely don't see a lot of these creatures as being human. I'm willing to bet most people now really, really fucking hate all of this and so again it makes no sense as propaganda because it's just making everyone loathe these creatures more and more.
Wasn't expecting an appearance from duct tape woman. That's some top tier billing.
That's one sad horse.
it's PA Works, I doubt it will get delayed
it's a humiliation ritual. quite literally. it's about sending the message, that THAT is THE global culture going forward. remember that the entire world, including kids are watching it. a lot will definitely "get inspired" by that satanic ritual.
don't associate satanists with that
>America would make it more centered around BLM
At least that would be actually relevant to the olympics given Usain Bolt and other black athletes
Haven't followed mainstream sports in years, do they allow shit like MtF trannies to compete against real females yet?
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Which olympic discipline still doesn't have an anime?
>THAT is THE global culture going forward.
And yet it isn't. I'm an older guy, almost 40, and the only thing I'm seeing here in Europe and everywhere else is that people are basically getting MORE conservative in a general sense, not in your US political sense. And more aggressive. Nobody is buying what they're selling, people are rejecting all of it despite the fact it's all pervasive and apparently "the global culture." This is already a failed ideology, a fail movement, a failed everything. It will disintegrate into nothingness under the sheer deadweight of itself. The only winning move is to be indifferent to it, ignore it, and just live your own life until it dies.

This whole thing is enforced at gunpoint. Things like that have an expiration date, no matter how hardcore they may seem.
Is there a western archery anime ?
repeat the lie enough times and it will become reality. that's how propaganda and indoctrination work.

>repeat the lie enough times and it will become reality. that's how propaganda and indoctrination work.
Like I said, it's having the exact opposite effect.
Kyudo isn't western archery.
doesn't matter. your population is disenfranchised and getting slowly but surely replaced anyway, by both changing generation and forceful immigration. your enemy have all the time in the world to execute their plan.
>French house
House was something invented in Chicago by gay black people dancing in nightclubs looping disco records over and over, and disco had a lot of black history behind it too...
reread the post
Is there an actual bodybuilding/weightlifting anime yet? All I remember is shit like the trainer in Dumbell or meme comedy scenes here and there. Not to say off any water sports outside of swimming.
Mou Ippon bros, S2 confirmed.
>Bed can handle 2 people, not more
Not with that attitude
finally golf is interesting
The World Cup earns more and is viewed more than the Olympics yet it didn't delay anything.
Goku and moeshitters beside him
How is this thread not deleted again?
Get a life you fucking nerds
its a modern age spectacle that only shares the name with the ancient tradition
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And Japan did better than ever.
Wonder if the new 48 team format will fuck viewership. There are a lot of stinker matches already with 32. The last one opening was Qatar vs Ecuador ffs.
I’m surprised they featured Yokai Watch and not Pokemon
Who gets the opening game when there's co-hosts? Can't remember the last tournament
I think if you can't even wait one week, you have an addiction.
No idea, but it was 2002 WC.
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Japanese cursed COVlympics...
I don't like it if the episode is delayed by an hour or so
It's going to be all tranny sex though
>yaoi of absence
1 week delays kill all hype and it does hurt the whole production, but that's not even the biggest problem, if the show is unlucky it cannot find a new schedule and the anime gets royally fucked.
>thinking Paris opening ceremony was cringe
just wait until 2028... Los Angeles...
Brisbane might be alright.
Ok Zoomer
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This is what happens when zoomers start running shit. We're finally seeing it.
You know that in olympic fencing if the match lasts longer than expected one of the fencers is randomly declared the winner right?
With luck the movement will die off in 4 years. Many of the main supporter countries are at risk of losing the next election.
They're not running anything you crossboarding mouthbreather retard, this is still the run-off of millenials, they (YOU) started this pozzed bullshit, I hope you die in a fire for perpetuating this generation war bullshit, kill yourself, fuck you
Can't lose when you cheat.
>the ones who arent the trannies started it
Sure kid.

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