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Where’s silent hill f
gou broke me
give us a proper umineko or rose gun days anime
He'll never finish ciconica
Ciconia felt like incoherent ramblings at times. Still I'm skeptical of any new work he might put out.
What are the must read stuff from Ryukyushi07? I only read Umineko
my favorite hack next to aka
>incoherent ramblings
Yeah just like Uminegro
Is it the sequel to higurashi?
Retcon GouSotsu and we're talking
Fortnite collab
Based on the AX panel it must be rose guns days
Literally who gives a fuck. It's all been trash after Kai.
>He'll never finish ciconica
He said on a panel not that long ago that he's not writing Ciconia and likely never will
At AX 3 weeks ago he said that he put it on hiatus because of ukraine, asked the crowd if he should pick it back up, crowd said yes, then he said ok he would continue
what does ukraine have to do with it
He is just using it as an excuse, he is just mad ciconia flopped
Is there anything higurashi that wasn't ruined already?
If this isn't Ciconia Phase 2 I will officially end it.
Just Higurashi, basically.
Everything after the original 8 chapters of Higurashi is trash
Is this true? Source?
His first excuse was covid.
If every world crisis is going to stop him, he's never making anything again.
The source is me having attended the panel but I just googled cicona ukraine and found some redditor who was also there
Sorry. Phoneposting
>anon and reddit agree on something
Okay fine I guess that's the highest degree of logical proof.

Phase 2 better be GODDAMN PROPHETIC about 2020s world events to justify his excuses, otherwise he gets the nata.
Ciconia is painfully amateurish sadly. I find it to be very lacking compared to many works that treat similar themes, VN, manga or anime. I doubt it'll have anything of real value to say. Ciconia 1 was basically "youth good, old bad" sprinkled with a bunch of LE SHEEPS.
A rose gun days live action?
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A lot of Phase 1 is just introducing a shit ton of characters and the setting. As if ryukishi's other works are more mature.
We're just prisoners of his connected wtcmarvel universe.
Looking for the next high point that was higurashi.
But it never comes.
Back to what? Another higu entry ruined by nu-ryukishi? Admit, this hack lost his touch
Higurashi 2?
>Manga mogura
Remember to report and ignore. I myself am not doing so of course.
I didn't find that post. Link it properly nerd
I agree
That anon didn't mention maturity
Amazing how many won't even read the OP but shitpost anyways.
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Then read it as "As if ryukishi's other works are less amateurish."
After Dragon Ball Higurashi I'm not sure I'm interested in anything else, but if it's Higanbana I might give it a chance.
It must be the anime adaptation of The Final Rumble
Higurashi committee might make Umineko Gou, what would you know
When will the suffering end?
unless it's deen kino idgaf
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Here, let me help you out.
didn't make Umineko Gou before
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Fine, be like that.
Deen is dead bro
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Ryukishi will milk the cash cow until it's all dried up
And that's a good thing.
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It's going to be Umineko remake with [spoile]censor.[/spoiler]
I thought Umineko was awful for a myriad of reasons I wont get into. Is higurashi worth trying?
If you somehow ignore the sequel that ruined the whole series
I hope you didn't watch the umineko anime, it's a complete trainwreck. We don't usually even acknowledge it exists.

If you read it and hated it, well, you might have liked Higurashi if you read it first. Might be too late now. idk give it a try.
Yeah Higurashi’s good
They should've just animated the trapped in buddhist hell manga instead. It was horror kino.
I heard that it might be a yurige.
Yurigey suspense novel? Yandere girlfriend?
Reskinned Battle Toads.
>didnt produce anything of worth in years
>keeps milking one decent thing he made
He is such a hack.
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But everything ryukishi makes already revolves around one unhealthy yuri couple
The question arcs are great, if you don't binge them and actually try to uncover the truth.
Will flop to shit lol
>give us a proper umineko
Never ever umisissy
Higurashi had enjoyable competent thriller plots. I never found myself thinking "man this is vapid" when I saw Keiichi fearing people following him or finding needles in his food or whatever. I was thinking "what are these diet patriots?" when I saw the 3 kings and "why are the politics so nonsensical" often
just like my hopes and dreams
Higurashi is a much more consistent less experimental story. I think it's far better personally. Message is better too.
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Oh yeah, Higurashi just works. Solid story, great setting, very good characters.
The plots were engaging despite the amateurishness of the writing.

Ciconia is a much harder setting to write than Higurashi. I think Ryuukishi isn't mature enough to pull it off well. Never has been. But I think he also made a big mistake splitting it into only 4 phases.
Yeah so I think it's not wise to equate Higurashi holes with Ciconia holes. With Higurashi holes you get "man this doll stuff feels a bit dumb and romcom-ish, also K1 was too gullible" but you still end up enjoying the thrills, the characters, the mystery, the village lore and all these neat little things. With Ciconia, well, the worldbuilding and politics are basically the supposed main appeal, but they're not up to par. Nobody reads Ciconia for Miyao dating Jaden. It felt really jarring when I read Ciconia while watching Nanoha StrikerS and telling myself "why is this 8h magical girl anime doing a better job at discussing politics and logistic challenges than this 25h long VN?"
This hack only knows how to regurgitate higurashi slop and he doesn't even do it right lmao. SotsuGo ruined his image forever.
Yeah that's the point.

Higurashi is an easier setting because the politic underpinnings of it are very grounded, realistic and written for japanese audience but still quite approachable even for non-japanese audiences. There's a rural village, there's murahachibu, there's a government dam project about to fuck it up. A very grounded and intriguing setting for the small character cast and fantasy elements to thrive in. The idyllic setting is a great contrast against the dark events.

Very different from speculative scifi and politics of global scope with a huge global cast that he tried to write as a fanservice to his readers all over the world. It's too ambitious for him. He's never going to make a setting so far removed from reality feel as familiar to the reader as Higurashi or Umineko, it will never have the same level of verisimilitude. Whatever intrigue he writes in that setting won't be as engaging to read.
are you retards seriously discussing the quality of a ryukishi VN by the first chapter?
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ok now translate that into english because it makes no sense
Don't care, this hack is washed and hasn't made anything good in ages.
Either the kind of work he did for the first time - another Higurashi or something he never done before.
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It's easy to compare Phase 1 against one or two chapters of Higurashi/Umineko and see how it doesn't hold up.
a two-cour higurashi romcom series
>or two
The more I think about it the more I'm amazed by the balls one must have to write something like Rose Gun Days
>Mostly prostitute heroines cast
>Nationalistic and yet condemns japanese war crimes
>The yakuza is protecting the country actually
Ryukishi is lucky very few people actually read it, otherwise there would be a meltdown worse than Umineko 8
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Ciconia will have only 4 phases.
Foreigners just think it's random cool shit.
R07's domestic fans have ghosted him a long ago. They're smarter than us.
He's a household name but only for stuff like Higurashi manga/anime.
If you genuinely thought Umineko was "awful" then there's no reason to bother with any of Ryukishi's other works.
I'd rather watch a two-cour Higurashi retcon series at this point.
Both Higurashi EP1 and Umineko EP1 had really fucking good moments.
Gacha soon
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Maybe he watched the anime.
I grew out my ryu7 phase years ago
They already have one running.
And it's not the first one either.
They did gachas before they were cool.
yeah when you take in account the whole series, no one would praise them as standalone
>has to collab with actual good series to stay relevant
If it's a kind of work he's doing for the first time it probably won't be just more Higurashi or Umineko, an adaptation of those, or another VN release.

The one exception I guess is if it's something like him actually writing the script for an anime for the first time. Note that even in Gou/Sotsu although he was credited for the story, the script/story composition weren't his. That was credited to Naoki Hayashi. So, if he's actually writing the final on screen script, it could be that.

For what's worth, Kadokawa (one of Gou/Sotsu's sponsors, also published the manga version) has an anime adaptation announcement the same day as R07's announcement.

No, both work surprisingly well on their own.
Onikakushi by itself was very popular, and ep1 of Umineko was actually MORE popular than the later episodes when Umineko was originally getting released (since the Answer arcs just hurt Umineko's popularity in Japan).
>and ep1 of Umineko was actually MORE popular than the later episodes
yeah because everyone was stoked to read another higurashi-like vn
shut the fuck up man, everyone would shit on the first chapter for having way too much slice of life and then suddenly at the end everyone wants to kill each other with no explanation
>then suddenly at the end
The Higurashi Question arcs do an excellent build up to the break down though, nothing feels sudden and out of nowhere.

It's one of the main issues with the "remake" arcs of Gou and the Reiwa Question arc, how sudden the jump from slice of life to carnage is. The original Higurashi absolutely didn't suffer from that.
>shut the fuck up man, everyone would shit on the first chapter for having way too much slice of life and then suddenly at the end everyone wants to kill each other with no explanation
You've never read any of them.
>suddenly at the end
You never actually read either VN.
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>the Answer arcs just hurt Umineko's popularity in Japan
As they should. Blessed japs.
I seriously feel like I'm talking to bots that came from another universe where first chapter of Higurashi is actually really good. In reality a lot of people dropped the VN since nothing happens the first 8 hours and it's way too child-like at the beginning
I love Higurashi but you guys are delusional if you think the first chapter is good, maybe in 2004
>and then suddenly at the end everyone wants to kill each other with no explanation
speedwatchers everyone
Well summarized
Higurashi 1 is infinitely better than Ciconia
>I'm a retarded zoomer and I only know about r07 through Youtube videos
after the first season and Kai there is nothing worth watching. i will still give a shot to the Shaft season just because it's Shaft, but it looks grim
Make a proper anime adaptation of Watanagashi and Meakashi so I can die happy
I wish it was...
>maybe in 2004
do you unironically think the standard of "good" has gone up or are you just admitting that zoomer like you doesn't have the patience
Even the initial parts of Higurashi have the stuff with Keiichi finding out about the murders and his friends acting like they know nothing about that. Yeah, it goes unnecessarily slow with three full scenes just for club games, and some people complain about that, but it's obvious there is something wrong, and then you still have a long stretch after the Watanagashi with Keiichi becoming filled with more and more paranoia before the murders actually happen. Really, nothing comes out of nowhere.
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So you really never read it?
Have you read any of r07's works? What did you think of them?
I obviously read the VN like 10 years ago, don't know why you retards think the first chapter is really good when a fuckton of people dropped it
The VN is really good but the first chapter standalone? lol
>It's too ambitious for him
idk, people praised his rose guns days writing right? and i think ciconia is fine. the politics is largely behind doors so far. not that i liked ciconia much
What if he's getting serialized in Shonen Jump as a writer
It's not really good. Higurashi was fine.
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Ciconia is just a prequel for Haworthia

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