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Let's discuss about Admirals.
Who is your favorite Admiral?
Ulti is shit
This thread belongs to the CHADmirals
my hero
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Akainu because he has the voice of CHADku in the latino dub.
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They are all jobbers but at least him doesn't have a twisted sense of justice. And that's why he decided to quit.
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Total Nika Death
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>Let's discuss the Lobster Servers, also known as the Admirals
No. Let's discuss actual relevant characters like Shanks instead. Or at least Kuzan who's shown some backbone.
>Ulti is shit
Yes, yes. As is Carrot, Sanji, Zoro, Blackbeard, Law and Kid, unlike the more organically popular and relevant characters, like Shanks; who we all love and respect here.
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Yeah we don't care. This thread belongs to yonkoCHADS now.
at being shit.
at not being shit
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I like to think that Nika is an alter ego consuming his sanity
bonney is scute and nakama
Kaido > Nika > Average Gorosei > Kizaru
Topman > Mentally nerfed Kizaru > Goofy > Kekdo > Big Meme
Admirals are shit
I miss them
Kaido had to fight like 2 top armies, 5 supernova and her daughter so Nika could give him the last blow
>Egghead still isn't over
Egghead will not end before Yellowstone explodes
Why are they so much stronger than Yonkeks? Kizaru had to sit out the Egghead's endgame after killing Vegapunk to even give the Goofy Bunch a fighting chance.
he fought 13 jobbers and then nika finished him off in two minutes
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>14 v 1
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>One Piece #106 (1,457,923)
>One Piece #107 (1,361,215)
>One Piece #108 (1,290,703)

It's over Pisstard, the axe is coming.
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What was (You)r reaction on Vegapunk's speech?
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Good, Oda needs to stop stretching his manga and actually focus on the story and characters
this cant be real
We love dialogue here
Paulie should have joined over Franky to be Sanji's tard wrangler and add a different dynamic to the crew.
Brooke is just Sanji 2.0 and should not have jouned.
Jinbe is just plain boring and should have not joined.
i know oda is a bigshot, but i cant believe no editor spoke against the vegapunk bullshit.
>No Hogback on Thriller Bark
>No the centaurs on Punk Hazard
>No Dady Motherson on Logue Town
>No captain Kuro
Incomplete job
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>Jinbe is just plain boring and should have not joined.
We should have got Carrot instead and Jinbe should have fucking died. What the fuck was Oda thinking doing my baby Carrot dirty like that?
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Crew is full

>oda is a bigshot

Pretty sure he'll end like Kubo at this point.
and not a single thing new said
Nah. She’s shit unless she appears and reforms in the cover story. Until then she continues to be wasted potential. But I have no faith left at this point.
Funny how Bunny is allowed to be herself while Luffy is stuck as a laughing psycho. Yep, I'm thinking Bonney is the most free of the two.
One Piece has ten thousand characters with the individual depth of a puddle

He'll job to Sabo or Koby, possibly offscreen.
Cool headcanon. However in the canon manga kekdo jobbed to kekffy who got low diffed by kizaru
These are your heroes?
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new hint
I liked Carrot's
she should have been in a barrel!!!
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>has yet to be refuted
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>has yet to be refuted
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All true especially the last one
a n w b…

>a fucking troon

Yeah Lowtard, hope you liked the taste of a big juicy horse dick.
Until otherwise refuted in an SBS, Roronoa Zoro has the smallest penis of any male straw hat pirate
Well yeah, he's Asian.
Until otherwise refuted in an SBS, Vinsmoke Sanji cut off his penis back in Kamabakka Queendom.
This was why we didn't get another Decks of the World.
Well yeah, he's trans.
Vegapunk's message has been going through the entirety of what will be volume 110. It started in volume 109. It will not end until at least volume 111. "I-it's just the weekly pacing that makes it feel bad" my ass. This is insanity.
and we respect his decision!
The worst part is that he didn't even reveal anything
Jokes aside, I think Sanji being permanently turned into a biological woman over the timeskip would’ve been a net positive to the series.
Imagine anime watchers sitting through more than 5 hours of that before they even reach the current point of the message.
This but all Strawhats
On a sidenote, if you had a faithful OP adaptation at a fast pace of 3 chapters/episode, the message would still reach a feature length.
This, but Namizo aside. Xe works better with xer dick intact. Sanji and Usopp can confirm.
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fuck Belemiere
marry Nojiko
kill Shitmi
Jinbe is most hated character in Japan.
Holy based
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why? he is miles better than usopp
Needs CD stamps, also source?
>Blackbeard low diffd law
>Kizaru low diffd kekffy
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This makes no sense.
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Best girl.
seethe harder, zoomie
nika is here to stay and you will cry about it every time a new chap comes out
Based, fuck nikker and the zoomer faggots that eat it up
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>nullifies your cum god fruit
now what
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beat him up with haki?

FATbeard is such a lame and weak retard. He can only nulify powers by touching you, meaning he's coming close to you, meaning you can easily beat this fat fuck up.
Shitbin is the worst character in the series
oden exists
Nami is the worst character in the series
Blackbeard wants to be the pirate King, right? Why?
Akainu is Dragon but with spoken lines
All he does is sit in headquarters and seethe impotently
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my very sexy wife
(I'm not Zoro)
Still waiting for this background slut to do something.
What if I told you Oden isn't the worst character in Wano? And no, I don't mean Yamato or Kaido either.
Best girl
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Oden saved One Piece
killed ace and scarred for life the mc
Why do you guys love Oden so much?
he is my wife's boyfriend
Did Kinemon...?
why are one piece fans like this?
Why has everyone fallen out of love with One Piece? Nobody seems to care about the straw hats any more, nobody watches the anime, nobody makes theories, nobody gets hyped for the fights
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>Did Kinemon...?

He wanted, really bad.... but resisted for Tsuru
no he's too dedicated to O-Tsuru, Kiku is of course oblivious
One Piece peaked in Whole Cake Island, then Oda spend 5 years destroying all the work he build up for 25 years.
Katakuri was the only good thing about WCI. Everything regarding sanji sucked ass
WCI is overrated as fuck. The whole Sanji storyline was utter trash.
Kiku's body...

puffy gyno nipples
Skypiea is boring as fuck. The Enel priests were the most forgettable set of enemies in the whole manga
*Summit War
anyone claiming otherwise simply hasn't seen it
2 were cool
the other 2 were comic relief
Consider suicide tranny
Absolutely not, having to sit through the whole rebel's uprising portion is worse than watching paint dry.
Alabasta is great too
Skypiea is peak One Piece adventure, art, comedy, and storyline. Nolan's flashback is the best, pure unfiltered sovl.
Eww, no way fag.
Skypiea is best arc
Also no. Hint: it's one of Oden's subordinates.
That was the last cool thing he did, and it was 14 years ago.
Alabasta ruined one piece
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tranny manga, chud
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Can you still say that when you consider that in Alabasta Usopp had his skull smashed into pieces?
your kind was considered an abomination and a joke ntil Wano
That is not Kizaru, that is Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.
I love tashigi
Baby Goku lands on the One Piece world and is taken in by Garp. How does the storyline go?

You can either replace Luffy with him, or make him the 4th brother. Take creative liberties.
No one cares dbzfag
Goku took on whatever values the person raising him had, so he'd grow up to become a marine. Instead of bumping his head he gets THE FIST OF LOVE
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Just imagine the sweaty steamy sex they have everyday
Kiku is for Kinemon (and Tsuru) only
yeah, how did he survive that?
he almost buck broke Ace with a single chop and hurt Luffy with a single punch
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>Vegapunk, the smartest person in the world, doesn't know how to give someone two devil fruits
>Gorosei who have ruled the world for centuries, potentially since the void century, don't know how to give someone two devil fruits
>this random fat guy who did nothing but eat cherry pies for 30 years does
Yamato tops Kiku.
Amazon pressed.
sexy troons you mean
Probably can do it because of his fruit.
When they slept, he was studying the devil fruits
Only kiku is the mentally ill troon
He's cerberus
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>he almost buck broke Ace with a single chop
means absolutely nothing when Ace is weak, a normal human and did not use any defense

>and hurt Luffy with a single punch
1. he did not punch luffy, he slammed it
2. he turned off luffy's DF
3. it was preTS Luffy
4. not impressive in the least

Imagine hyping this weak fat fuck lmfao
>Goku stays with Garp
Learns ki sensing and ki hardening while trying to copy observation and armament. Becomes mostly a physical fighter. Would probably become a fugitive for picking a fight with the celestials first time he saw them doing something bad and make it his goal to beat up the Gorosei. Would be beaten into a top level fighter from Garp because Zenkai boost and have the after image technique from the 6 techniques.

>Goes with Sabo
Swap out the 6 techniques with Dragon fish, keeps the ki sensing and gardening. Would be better at using ki for muscles since Sabo's style does that. Would have made Reverie a way bigger mess.

>Goes with Ace
Whitebeard didn't teach Ace shit, Goku would be weak as fuck

>Goes with Luffy
Would be weaker pre ts, a god post timeskip. Learns sensing and strengthening like mentioned before from haki. Learns to use ki blasts in Wano by flowing ki out in advanced form. Copies Jinbei's techniques. Trains in Zou to control Oozaru then Chopper makes him a medicine to have a hybrid form of it without the moon, just like his rumble balls or the mink medicine giving him the same power Broly had by having Oozaru in human form. Which would legitimately surpass the Super Saiyan god and super Saiyan blue forms. He'd steam roll after Wano.
>Shankskike still coping about Teach
your self insert is still jobbing to him next year btw
Name a character that still have character.
bullshit, he handed over strong fruits like fire and invisibility, i'm sure two it's his limit.
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stop bullying my wife
That's what I think too. If that theory is correct then Orochi has the most broken fruit in history
Nta but you're retarded. If he had Cerberus zoan devil fruit which his flag could imply, that would mean he could have two other fruits for his other heads. So three fruits total. The claw marks on Shanks face not matching up with his claw weapon and him being able to become stronger off screen implying he could have a physical booster such as a Zoan fruit also could imply Cerberus.
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>my wives navi
>romance down trio
I can't stop winning.
Omg I can see her nipple
But that would also make Orochi literally the dumbest person in the world
What is it? Cat box rangebanned my isp and I have no idea why.
blind mofo
It's because of THAT lineage
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>The claw marks on Shanks face not matching up with his claw weapon
but they do
>yawn piece
What is his endgame?
Unless he didn't know. But if he did know what BB knew and was Shogun he could have ordered his subordinates to hand over their lives and powers to him and had Barto's barrier fruit for an invincible defense, Kanjuro's drawing fruit to create minions and flight, and Bon Clay's transformation fruit for more deception. He could have painted himself up a clone and flew around being whoever he wanted gathering more fruits and have practical immortality and invincibility right off the bat. He'd have been able to do whatever he wanted if he wasn't a retard.
impregnating koby
gay sex
Wano is peak
I don't care if that hurts your fragile feelings
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So then there's just inconsistencies, because I've seen him with 4 in different places
Blackbeard is gonna SHIT all over the red haired rat. He will be pirate king.
Black beard is Usopp from the future
Rodger is Luffy from the future

It all makes sense now
Ignoring the fact that this theory is laughably bad and without anything to back it up
Do you really want Oda to repeat the multiple devil fruit reveal? Do you think having Blackbeard having three fruits would improve the story of One Piece?
Because that theory would literally just make Marineford worse, making it so that BB already had two devil fruits and we just didn't know and he got a third one there, and Marco is a complete moron because despite being away that BB has a unusual body he wasn't even able to figure out he had a zoan despite being a zoan himself and being the crew doctor for years

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microdick subhuman zolo cuck seething that everyone likes Sanji's arc
Marco is only a doctor because of the nature of his ability, I don't see how that would give him insight on other people's zoan capabilities. It's not like he's a medical professional like Chopper.
I think it's a pretty bold assumption to say that WB's main doctor in his fleet is a dude that exclusively relies on his fruit and has no medical expertise at all
he's clearly the final villain. my bet shanks and luffy gonna team up to defeat him. because let's face it, with the double fruit he got a clear advantage over all others. he didnt face akainu only because he fights at his conditions, all his past deeds show he never take a risk if there's no point to.
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I feel like Luffy has a good matchup against Blackbeard, so I doubt Oda will pull a team up especially if he's the final villain
This, Oda didn't pull a real team-up for the final villain since Buggy. It may start with a tag team, Doffy and Kaido fights are examples, but it always ends up being one on one with Luffy vs. the main baddie.
This was terrifying and helped make Sanji my favorite character.
Me too, as a Sanji fag, it helped me realize the inner girl that was hiding inside me all along
>Let's discuss about Admirals
ESL thread.
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reading/watching one piece has been a chore not enjoyment ever since postTS

Oda focuses on irrelevant characters so fucking hard it's jarring. Really? We needed Rebecca's drama in Dressrosa? Why couldn't it have been just a short arc focued on Law's drama with Doflamingo? What does Rebecca serve?
Why create 9 scabbards? Why are they in the story?
Why was Punk hazard 50 fucking chapters of just running? Why it couldn't have been 10 chapter arc?
Why currently in Egghead did he create such a boring situation as "Sunny jumping off of a cloud". It's ridiculous.

One Piece is only alive because of the community that is full of people with sunk cost fallacy being alive in the threads.
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EggHead is going to be the peak of One Piece. Trust the plan.
And yet here you are, faggot. Now shut your dick-licker.
>One Piece #106 (1,457,923)
>One Piece #107 (1,361,215)
>One Piece #108 (1,290,703)
No milly soon

>And yet here you are
yep, as I explained:
sunk cost fallacy + active community
>microdick subhuman zolo cuck
stop projecting holy shit
Blah blah blah glass houses blah blah blah
>Why currently in Egghead did he create such a boring situation as "Sunny jumping off of a cloud". It's ridiculous.
I was wondering if anyone else considered this retarded. Luffy just launched the Sunny off the top of Wano and it survived no problem, now we should be scared of it falling from a cloud? Brook JUST used his powers to guide the Sunny, couldn't he do it again? Insane forced drama that demands the characters being retarded to even work.
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It's beyond retarded

Not only everyone survived that shit barrier, but fall damage is non-existent in one piece.
Bonney literally fell from the same height and landed no problem with no injuries
That 1 dude fell from skeypia and was fine

Why the forced drama with Sunny?
Not to mention Luffy can easily run and grab Sunny, so what's the problem?
Same with Sanji, he can just fly up and lift the sunny, why is the drama even here???

Oda wants us to forget these guys are superhuman in order to write this "danger" plot that serves no point in the story whatsoever but just make characters retarded.
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S-snake is build for anal
>That 1 dude fell from skeypia and was fine
You mean...Kaido? The villain that they explicitly built up to be borderline invincible? The main antagonist of Wano? The arc that literally just preceded Egghead?

Why the fuck are speedreaders and sacondaries in this thread?
I don't get it
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She has no anal and no vagina.
>Why the fuck are speedreaders and sacondaries in this thread?
It was Gedatsu you speedy nigger, follow your advice and leave the thread
>You mean...Kaido?
No, I meant this fodder, you retard
Oh I'm fucking retarded, never mind
>s-snake seducing you and going back to her place only to reveal that as a robot she has no holes
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Why are you in these threads, you fucking retard then? Follow your own advice
>robot explodes and launches the Sunny
>Brook saves it by creating an ice path
>downside is he can't stop it and its above dry land, and the Straw Hats haven't boarded it yet

>Straw Hats all on the ship after Jinbe tardwrangles Zoro
>don't think to use Brook's power again
>again, don't consider Brook's power
This is worse than Saturn forgetting he can explode heads or at LEAST freeze anyone Sanji tier or lower.
Emotional. Fragile. Sad.
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Kaido jumped off a random New World Sky Island after beating the fuck out of Urogue, not Skypeia.
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We ever gonna get an explanation of why Urouge was so buddy-buddy with Kaidou?
Yes, in 5 years.
I hope Urouge is never mentioned again otherwise he'll turn into another shitty waste of time character.
Children will be born and die of leukaemia in that time. Yes this is a threat.
I'll just rub my dick against her thighs
>Urogue is a mad monk who takes damage to get stronger
>Kaido is a warlord who values strength above all else and is a massive damage sponge who doesn't even bother dodging anything
Makes sense they'd get along. Honestly more surprising that Kaido didn't try to recruit Urogue after beating him like he forced other crews into servitute
We'll get a flashback of his fight with Kaidou. After being defeated his final words will be
>Zanzibart, forgive me...
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Yeah, it wasn't Skypiea.
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she is 1 year old...
Thread went to shit very fast, huh
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I'm sorry.
We love Carrot here
I want Carrot to fuck Nami
this thread gave me cancer of the cock
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hello 4chan! what do you guys think about my one piece oc

he is a one of noble family but hates being a noble. he becomes the third sake brother to luffy and ace, however due to being attacked by a celestial dragon (i hate them!) they believe he died, he recovers but he gains amnesia from tje attack.

he goes on to join the revolutionary army and trained under dragon bcuz he hates the nobles (I think dragon is really cool :p). he is called by people as the "flame emperor' and is the strongest revolutionary after dragon. he's even able to fight evenly against admirals!!!

he attacks with the same lead pipe he used as a child to play against luffy and ace! he has a technique called "dragon claw" where he injects people with haki and they explode on the inside similar to kenshiro (i like fist of the north star!!!) he also goes on to inherit the flame flame fruit after ace's death (my favourite fruit).

what do you guys think of my oc :)
vely vely nicu

Can I use it in my story?
Sabo and Marco are my least favorite OP characters
We hate Shitrot here, kys
masterclass in writing, goda
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By far the worst character in One Piece.
He could stop the Top
but did you cry?
actually yes
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S-Croc > S-Snake
Why is Imu secretly at war with the world if everyone from 900 years ago is all dead, barely anyone is left to remember, and it’s grand secret to where even the good guys don’t want to talk about it? What exactly is the “world governments” goal overall?
Why is the world behind in technology too?
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I don't understand why you're doing this.
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his fruit allows him to "remove" the part that kills somebody when eating a second fruit because it sucks that part of the fruit for himself
Based, let's get those numbers up.
Maybe Imu is trying to purposely sink the world because the mother flame wasn’t made until recently again. I doubt they know where the ancient weapons are.
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Apologise to Usopp
Carrot should have been part of the Strawhats but Oda chickened out last minute.
Vegapunk doesn’t know who’s good or who’s evil from that time period evil even though it’s been obvious that the world government is a satanic organization
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fuck him
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nice collection (havent seen kimetsu dunno if its shit) but who the fuck is the pluffy face?
hardly any damage and he replenished all stamina loss by drinking sake
then he lost to luffy 1v1
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>but who the fuck is the pluffy face?
Was there ever a point to Oden's wife being a time traveller from the void century?
loved it and as an extra bonus it filtered zoomers
aint no way blud has fucking morj merchandise
Rodger had a strong crew and plenty of allies in various islands who could have watched over his pregnant wife. Why would he trust Garp with Ace instead of Rayleigh?
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new hiyori
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Yamato was build for sex with me
Larp was the only one with established celestial dragon connections while Rogel's crew were poorfags
>"Anything could happen!!!"
>nothing happens
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She is asexual.
yea no fucking idea who's that retard
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>t.Kiku/Ulti/Momo/female beast pirates
nice trips, It must be true
why would oden have sex with luffy and his own son?
Kek this is just an offensively bad post
>We needed Rebecca's drama in Dressrosa?
Yes, we did

Rebeccas and Kyros story? The BAR NONE best princess story
Fujitoras story? The best admiral story
Doflamingos story? The best Shichibukais story
Laws story? The best Straw Hats story
The Grand Fleet? The best side character story
Mr Pink? The best side villain story

Dressrosa is filled to the brim with some of the best individual stories in the whole series. Genuinely the last arc that was actually great.
Oden isn't Oden if it's not horny!
The story of One Piece
Go back to shitting on pages Oda
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we love Ulti here
>Really? We needed Rebecca's drama in Dressrosa?
it have been the same since day 0
>shitty dog flashback
>shitty faggots in the skyisland flashback
the only relevant flashbacks are strawhats and even most of them are shit
Why do CD connections matter? Rodger choosing Garp got Ace killed, Garp sat on his ass and watched Ace get executed. Reyleigh would have fought to the death trying to protect Ace.
Literally no one cares about the shit fleet outside of Barto memers

>oh wow Luffy got jobber giants weaker than Dorry and Broggy on his side
And that shitty dog had more personality than any wanonese
post Luffy lewd.
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dunno why are you implying i liked sidecharacters of wano . it was the same shit as always
terrible take
>Rebeccas and Kyros story? The BAR NONE best princess story
worse than Yamato
You'll be begging to have Wano back when we're halfway into a 300 chapter final arc with fourteen fights occurring simultaneously and a dozen old characters arriving to join the battle at the end of every chapter
Holy sag
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faggot, why did we need ANY of them?

What purpose does Rebecca's character and her backstory serve to the arc and to the one piece? Why was her character needed?
Why were fodder coloseum shitters introduced in the story?
Not only are they more fodder than fodder themselves, they have ugly ass designs.

Why Dressrosa couldn't have been a short arc that revolved around Law and Doffy's story?
reminder that Leo is part of Luffy's "fleet" yet immediately believes Luffy kidnapped and killed Vegapunk with no real evidence
and this is to go even further beyond
The papers literally said that Luffy did it
and yet none of his other allies like Vivi or Rebecca believe it
i liked her
but i also liked viola so most likely its my dick talking
Why wouldn't they? The papers are the proof
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Ulti changed One Piece forever.
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Which one?
Lafitte is gonna be the most dangerous of Blackbeard's crew, right? Oda's probably saving his abilities in secret for a reason.
>Old man Garp, Old man Sengoku and Old lady Tsuru fighting together like they did back in the day but on Luffy's side
The One Piece women are pure breeding cow sex but... I can't help the feeling they all end up as ugly grannies down the line.
Rebecca literally tells Leo the papers are all lies and he shouldn't believe it, which we know by now is true, Big Jew Morgans only reports what will sell the most
>gyorp not protecting the CDs
Cool fanfic you got there
i guess most of them will end like saskie
>Garp and Sengoku not protecting the CDs and their right to slavery
(you) problem
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I love Lucci even when Oda forgot about him, and I miss him.
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or sakie?
or what was called?
Who wouldn't believe this fine, trustworthy gentleman?
armpit slut
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>Who is your favorite Admiral?
Tough one, but I'll go with Issho, really curious to see where his story will go. Him having one of my favorite DFs is just the cherry on top.
Have you forgotten that the Tontatta's whole thing is to be gullible and believe everything?
I fucking hate Nika so god damn much
none of this justifies their existence. You as a writer can create 1 relevant character that can cause that. Or cause that incident without these fodder

Watch that "incident" being hurting Charloss.
Remember how Oda hyped Supernova, just for half of them to end up literal fodder with no story whatsoever?
Wait and see.
>lets all Satellites and Stella die
>where his story will go
After Kizaru was dropped like a sack of raw potatoes you still have any hope that Oda has any interest in writing internally conflicted characters?
Nika stays true to the thematic root of One Piece enriching its narrative depth.
no incident is worth waiting involving these fodder, you autistc Oda shit eater.
A competent writer would delete these characters and be able to tell the story without literal "whos"
Borsalino's story is not concluded yet.
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We love Ulti!
don't open this rancid shit
you cosplayed Ulti?
I'll be lying if I said I wouldn't.
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please kill yourself
>I dislike these characters
That's all you're saying.
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It's the writers fault he wasn't able to make these characters likable
Ulti's massive tits are constantly producing milk. She needs help
>people always talk about characters being shitty like dragon
>never blame oda for it
Yes? Are you autistic?

That's the whole point of this discussion. They are boring, irrelevant fodder that made the worst arc in any manga medium.
Their designs scream "FODDER"
It's bad to dislike your "heroic" characters. Same shit with Oden, he wasn't likeable, he was a shit head who doomed his country for his own arrogance and we're supposed to feel bad for him and cheer him on.
>wasnt able to make these characters likable
for you
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What do you expect me to say? That your taste is wrong? There's nothing for me to say other than it's fine to dislike characters.
Garp hates the CDs but cool meme bro.

Sengoku is going to get a redemption arc.
Just let Oda cook, trust the plan, it's all coming together
Ulti is really occupying the Shanksfag's head rent free huh.
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Corazon was supposed to be Oda whitewashing Sengoku but it's pretty hard to forget him ordering Saul to shut up and follow orders on Ohara and demanding that all women who MIGHT be carrying Rogers baby be arrested and killed. The only thing Sengoku loves more than crackers is slavery.
what you wanted them to cry for a dude they just meet 5 minutes ago?
you would be crying about wasting time on that too
Discuss Robin's giant butt
And crackers love slavery too
>3 our of 4 of the Admirals have Jobbed

>A Yonko shouldn't have a fleet
Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. They were needed, are very cool and it will be hype when Luffy shows up with his whole fleet.

You can barely read a story and you think you know how to write. Dumb bitch.
It's not good when your story's "hero" promises to help someone, fails to do so, then laughs as they're bleeding out on the floor
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They've already cried for some fag they've never met at all
>arabs are silent
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It's sexy
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>>A Yonko shouldn't have a fleet
1.Why? Why do you want fodder to cluster up pages and take away screentime from relevant characters?

2. You can bring up previously saved allies/friends as part of the fleet (Hancock, Rayleigh, Alabasta, Skyepia...etc)
Why invent Colossuem fodder?
yeah man it'll be super cool watching Don Chinjao fight some shitty vice admiral jobber who goes down in one hit like the guy Franky oneshot on Egghead
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Law won.
which was shit
now you have the other way around of not giving a fuck (and i prefer it)
the losing competition
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I could fit my brand on there nicely
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What about it?
is Zolo a midget?
Robin got sluttified in Egghead while Nami became tame
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>"P-please... COUGH don't move me... or el-COUGH COUGH or else I'll die..."
Is Red canon?

Does Luffy get to bed a 10/10 Idol Princess while millions of her fans seethe that they will never take her virginity?
I don't have any neutral reaction pics
>its fanfiction canon?
take a guess
>an admiral thread revives /opg/
Man they're so interesting I'd slobber all over Kizaru's lightsaber
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>I could fit my brand on there nicely
>repost is prohibited
How could you!?
A big wag of my finger who showed up to ICC Sydney today dressed as Edward Elric.
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>Law won.
-a date with Luffy. Yes, we know Lawbro.
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I do too.
Law isn't a Princess. Bonney has a better chance.
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Kiku is the princess of my heart
We know, Zoro.
Kiku is straight
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the best couple in one piece
Yamato cover story next chapter!
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I can't wait.
That would be SanjiPudding.

KataLuffy for gay category.
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yes, she likes men
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why did he do it?
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For me Wano, easily the peak of the series.
These off model AI generated images are the cancer killing /a/. The only hope is that the admin bans it or the models get better and learn how to do proper anatomy and manage to capture the art style.
try reading pre time skip
the best couple in one piece
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cute slutty pirate captain
luffy lucky
for the lulz
But if some talentless hack makes a crude trash drawing then that's ok?
I rabu AI
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Sanji was right, Kizaru is resigning
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I fucking hate this
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>I rabu AI
This, but Ulti.
Luffy is literally me fr fr
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Calm down Imu-sama.
One Piece final villains
>the jews
>white men
>nips who sold out their country
>evil capitalist / globalists
how did Oda get away with this?
Luffy was known to have rubber like powers similar to Joyboy/Nika during Marineford but Imu or the Gorosei didnt prioritize his capture. Real Hackda moment
i wonder what kind of awakening would have persona
turning real her ilussions would be my guess
Marineford was never meant to be a thing, the manga went way beyond its initial scope
It is over bros, they know, the OP live action was a humiliation ritual. Wano was the last pure arc we get. Inb4 trannies, Nips, specifically samurai were hella gay, look in their history books. Oda was just being real about his country of origin degeneracy.
wait wait wait, why didnt the giants realize it either about Luffy back on Little Garden??
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Nintendo Switch mod port look amazing
>the man who longed for a place to die
Why didn't Kaido just jump into the sea?
>sex with adult human females? gay!
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Fuck this world
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>wait wait wait, why didnt the giants realize it either about Luffy back on Little Garden??
Literally because he didn't look like Nika who's all white
Aramaki has the coolest fruit out of the admirals but is the worst one.
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>how did Oda get away with this?
Because Oda does what he wants. He deserves to and clearly learned from Togashi's and Toriyama's examples.
>Luffy was known to have rubber like powers similar to Joyboy/Nika during Marineford but Imu or the Gorosei didnt prioritize his capture. Real Hackda moment
Gorosei were busy napping, they're all geezers after all. We see with Saturn that even the supposed God of Science isn't very smart or wise and constantly not only let Vegapunk outmaneuvered him, but didn't even consider that Vegapunk would have to balls to put Bonney at the top of the Pacifista's control hierarchy, when Vegapunk constantly mouthed off to him and disobeys direct orders repeatedly. It's not even limited to Saturn either, because Morgans has printed whatever the hell he wants (Luffy as Nika or the 'D' in his name), while taking the World Government's money and easily beating up any spies they send to retaliate, leaving Topman only able to seethe about it. Thankfully the Gorosei have lucked into nothing too major being revealed (like Imu getting named) to the world by Vegapunk, while also securing Punk Records, York and the Mother Flame reactor, yet equally Vegapunk lucked out in both teaming up with the Straw Hats and accidentally phasing into the Ancient Robot's body to hide the Transponder Den Den Mushi, which are even the reasons the Gorosei were unable to stop Vegapunk's message in the first place, so it goes both ways.
Hashirama No Mi
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>Vivi, marry my son Luffy, I'm giving you my blessing since his father doesn't care
Agreed. I hope Oda lets him use its full potential (unlike Kizaru)
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Best mother of the year after Kaguya
>Dragon fucked Imu to get Luffy
for some reason I find this theory hilarious, hope it happens

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