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Our participants are
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vol 1
vol 2

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I thought I was late, turns out I'm early!
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Cute mooks.
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Savage femboi
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I don't think Arthur ever really lived up to this introduction
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>just fuck them while they're men, coward
Uh, based?
I really like how this artist draws thigh-highs
One thing about this daily is its keeping me on my fucking toes. I never know what the fuck to expect from chapter to chapter. One of the most unmedicated series I've ever seen
That bulge is a hell of a lot bigger than I was expecting
Thanks OP
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Cute Takeru, I wonder if the reference was intentional
I kinda miss ditzy Arthur. Feels like another case of slight personality change after the author got a better idea of where he's going with the story.
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Interestingly I guess Ali Booba counts as a dark-skinned tomboy GF complete with motorcycle hobby
>Don't tell me you're gonna say "rape is bad"...
>I don't give a shit about that!!
Classic line. If I had to explain RSG to someone in one joke, I might choose this one.

As a trapfag, I gotta say, this guy draws the most disgusting bulges. Why is it a shrink-wrap sack? Make it more suppressed and uniform, like he's actually wearing a girl's bikini rather than one for crossdressers designed with room for the dong.
This is too gay, I wanna fuck that trap so much.
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This is my favorite manga of all time.
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and filtered
Wanting to fuck someone feminine will never be gay anon, it's purely heterosexual and based, unlike tomboys
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Is Rosen Garten Kino because of the gayness or in spite of it?
For me it's both the art and the writing, this motherfucker of a writer just go balls deep in with the ranchiest stuff he could come up to and then write characters that have real personalities and actually get character development and improve, just not on the "power level" side of things but you haven't see it yet.
And this is not even the peak of the manga.
The best arc for me (the money arc) is the next one
Because, obviously.
But not anything can be great because of its vileness. Any 12 year old can be crude. RGS is phenomenal because of the artist's vision, and his skills to back it up. The art is great, obviously, but the composition and the ideas he puts forth visually elevate from edgy slop to excellence. It's wonderful
I kind of forgot that the royals know that Sieg is in ghost form right now.
>Golem too tough for Seig
>Arthur casually destroys it while holding back
I wonder what the original fight plan was
The spirit grabbing hasn't come up again has it?
If it has a penis, is gay anon
For a bunch of mooks, this really look cool
That would be a really gruesome scene if it wasnt for the sex magic
I know is Siegfried, but damn, evil Lynn looks sexy, just take out the futanari.
How the fuck hasnt this speech become the rallying cry of all trapfags in here?

Man, this manga is wild
If those gloves are that heavy, and he already can launch punches with them on, isnt removing them actually making him weaker since he is losing all that mass
Not a trapfag myself, but since traps are soo popular nowdays that appear here and there without a care, even the most kinky ones have never make me feel an actual "I am in danger" like Arthur here, this truly is the face of a predator filled with sadism
I love this /d/ manga
Arthur flashing his boring pantsu!
Baki kind of traced that
The idea would be they are just limiters, they made him slow enough that wouldn't be apply as much as force as he could if he was gloveless, they could had used the ribbon for that but removing the gloves gives a way better impact (and sexyness for those into)
This Arthur guy is too strong, and you know what they say about guys that are too strong...
Just a muscular fool
First time reader here and is because, is the absurdism, the over the topness and personalities of characters that elevate this manga so far. A lot of sex based comedy tends to be crude, disgusting and just cheap (haha said the word sex or shit ended on sex again) but as people sometimes say, is not the joke is how is delivered, and here it delivers all this sex jokes on a way that is funny, ridiculous and even cool.
Plus he was lacking speed since he couldn't hit Lynnsieg in their exchange before.
Siegbros, our role model is a pleb...
Honestly, he deserves it.
Rereading this arc, how the fuck did the Burgundian's intend for this and the next round to have resolved? The Rosen Garden tournament is a regular event independent of Sieg, but the first few rounds specifically paint a target on Sieg's team.
The fetishy stuff is the core of this, the Nordic setting is just a coat of paint
They either have backup plans for the eventuality of actually getting rid of Sieg, or they would declare the one that did it the winner on the spot.

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