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Remember when Bakugo told Deku to commit suicide?
He was the coolest guy, and only said that out of admiration.
Why is Bakugo such a sociopath?
Daily reminder Bakugou didn't do shit in final arc.

All Might and Endeavor defeated AFO. Bakugou only got a fucking baby to fight lmao
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>manga tried to paint this as le wholesome granny correcting her past mistake moment
>while in reality if she had reached out to shigaraki in the same way he would have accidentally dusted her the moment she took hold of his hand
What's the fucking message of this manga? It's civilians' job to stop deranged children with guns/suicide vest if they every meet them on the street?
Do you stil have that edits of racist Tsuyu? It was so hilarious
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based moment
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And both are dead. What's your point?
Yet he will still be classified as a male by the police, kek
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Deku liked it
Makes sense that villains would do such a thing, especially when you consider the fact that almost every male villain in that shitty show looks like an effeminate, chuuni faggot.
All for One and Muscular are masculine as fuck.
>Trannies are menaces to normal society
>Immediately gets blown to pieces in his introduction
Uhh, based?
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MHA is literally a bunch of twinks commanded by a big macho.
Hori released AFO design way too late. If AFO design was shown in 2020, we would get lot of porn of him raping Shiggy, Dabi, Compress, etc.
Well the manga certainly does not. Pretending Deku and Bakugo are friends.
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Good Friends
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>Himiko straddles of your lap
>Gives you a seductive glare
>Says she's in the mood for somethin special
>Pulls out a vial of blood with a pink ribbon
>Himiko starts grinding in your lap
>She consumes said blood
>She turns into 6yo version of herself

You hittin it, anons?
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Keep your lesbian fantasies to yourself pedoraka
>B-but Anon!
>If I had access to her as a little kid
>I could have saved her!

lmao you're onto something
Exactly. Most of them are edgelord faggots and chuunis. I didn't say all of them were.
>lmao you're onto something
Interesting how she started talking about how pretty her smile was directly after she saw what she looked like as a child
I can't imagine why anyone would like this series. It's embarrassing.
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Kacchan Sugoi!
I only like the bakurape porn
He's like a battered housewife still thinking she can somehow fix their relationship.
Good shonen
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She blushes a lot when little girls offer her access to their eggs
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Because its good, unlike blacked clover for example
I may not live an exciting life but at least Im not making degenerate theories about characters in a battle shounen
No it isnt
Wait, are you expecting villians to be all chads??? Why would many chads be villains?
MC is a pathetic bully target who doesn't deserve the powers he gets. And of course, the series is about as self aware as the people who like it.
Yeah it has proven that it's very good
That's odd because Im pretty sure it proved to be trash.
Bro hasn't watched beyond episode 2
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And here's Deku taking inspiration from Ochako to try and find the humanity within Shigaraki.
Look at that smile... look at how she's making direct eye contact at her, she doesn't wanna wait ten years I'll tell you that.
At least we know Midnight'll rest easy knowing she has a worthy successor
>19 Months Past Due
Post proofs then
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we aren't talking about axed clover though
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>axed clover
>Post proofs then
Oh wow that's a good shonen
Bad shonen*
Sorry, typo'd
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>Bad shonen
But enough talking about axed clover
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I just looked it up and apparently this Black Clover is still releasing monthly, while MHA is done for. So I guess the begs the question, are you perhaps retarded?
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>axed clover
>axed from jump to die an irrelevant death
>sales like hot cakes, have a color spread when it ended,
are you a retarded BCuck?
This is exactly why people call Deku a cuck. I don't know what Horikishi was thinking.
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Ochaco thinking 'IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!' when Toga took Camie's place instead of hers in the provisional exams knowing the latter was effectively rewarded twice.
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>All Might, Bakugo, and Shoto are universally beloved
>Deku only has a handful of fans
What did Hori mean by this?
MHA is literally getting axed as we speak because it's a bad Shonen, and as it stands everyone thinks the ending is shit. Good riddance
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bones is cooking
What do you mean nothing? He killed Aizawa and Present Mic's childhood friend just as he was gaining back his mind.
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MHA gave us this iconic bara character that will not be forgotten not even in 5 years: Endeavor
Say what you want, but Enji is really memorable.
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Post Axed Clover's sales per volume and then MHA's sales per volume.
Yeah, you won't lol.
This is the pedo version of fujos reading things that arent. Stop projecting you freaks.
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You cooked BCuck anon
>I can't kill myself because they would correctly blame you for it
this was the moment I dropped the manga
From seeing the threads every now and then it didn't get better
>sales like hot cakes
Is that why you had a sperg out when thr 7th season DVD sold less in it's 1st week than some shitty BC movie?
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BCuck, not everyone who shit on axed clover is the same guy. Your show just sucks. That why they axed it
Jeremy, no one talks about BC besides you here on /a, yet you still have melties over it every thread posting the same pictures with the same file names
Upon rereading it's still bitter that Uraraka was the sole Class A student who didn't participate in the final battle against Shiggy-AFO. Everyone else was there. Deku better give her more special attention.
I'm late. Did we get a confession in the new chapter or what?
>Ochaco has a plethora of heroes to choose to look up to
>Could even be generic and look up to All Might
>Chooses to look up to Eel BOY
>Not Eel MAN for some reason
>'love interest' is the one guy who's balls haven't dropped
>had no problem when little boy looked down on her naked body. Covered her breasts but stood the most out of the water, nearly exposing her mound more than anyone else

IDK anon. PedOchako might be a thing
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>he RAN like a panicking bitch just like I told him to
KWABCB (Kek What A Blacked Clover Bitch)

I'm feeling generous so I'm going to post it for him.
>movie drops
>sales keep dropping anyway as if nothing happened
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>they are the future
>they didn't defeat AFO

Tokoyami also didn't participate
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Now an actual good series who never goes under 450k unlike Axed Clover, which is soon going at sub 100k, volume 37 will be the axe volume with 80k sales and then POOF.
This goes up to Volume 38, if you got a more recent chart post it.
AfO FLED from Chadneta
AFO literally raped Inasa and Tokoyami who are probably the strongest of the new generation
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>Jeremy, no one talks about BC besides you here



>532 results found

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you aren't slick, Blacked Clover cuck

Concession accepted btw
holy fuck he's mentally ill
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bacute did
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No, realistically AFO would have gotten her killed if she had tried to help Shigaraki.
Tokoyami has an exploitable weakness and Inasa isn't as strong Bakugo or Todoroki
deku was rapier than usual in this ova. he was trying to molest bakugo while he was unconscious and kept forcing himself on him. what a creep.
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It was all this fag's fault
Daily reminder 90% of MHA wouldn't happen if Endeavor would married Mitsuki instead Rei Todoroki lmao

Deku literally raped ochako physically and emotionally this chapter and no one is holding him accountable. She didn't want it!
Endeavor can still marry Katsuki to make up for it.
>somewhere inside you... is a person
>kills him right after
what did Deku mean by this
Sure, but it would have healed Tenko's hatred and made it impossible for AFO to turn him into Shigaraki.
A confession that Deku really respects Uraraka for always being there for him
It was still enough to put twitter fujos on suicide watch
Endeavor is an old smelly man. No way he could get a young hottie like Katsuki.
Deku is a murderer.
Just because someone's human and deserves to be saved doesn't mean you shouldn't kill them
t. Hori
>you'd be charged with bullying me into suicide
Lmao is this real? The absolute state of Japan.
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This is getting ridiculous, Momo
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What with villainfags and wanting Endeavor and Hawks to be punished?
where episode
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Next week
you got the wrong shit poster
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What would happen if Hori sells MHA copyrights to Marvel or DC?
Didn't he sell it to Netflix?
The bully worship is the most unhinged thing about this shitty story
I cannot imagine how the author's school life even looked like
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Aoyama stops being French and starts being white. He is still the traitor, but worse than usual. He is put to death after an antique MAGA hat and swastika band are found in his personal effects. Half of the cast is openly gay. Itsuka becomes black with her side ponytail turned into a side shave. Momo becomes Latina. Mineta also becomes white and loses all of his admirable qualities. Deku or Ochaco depending change form and become the lead developer's self-insert. Ibara becomes comically bigoted but falls in love with a brown 1-A muslim boy. Kuroiro becomes normal black and not caricature black and he gets with Kinoko. Monoma (also a white guy) wants Kinoko but gets cucked.
You can say what you want about Black Clover, I also think it's a bad series but one thing and the only thing I'll praise this series for is that the author is really good at drawing tits. All of his girls are very breedable, not Hori level breedable, but still good enough.

Noelle? She's a snack. Mimosa? She makes me diamonds. Mereoleona? Underrated.
I am sobbing at how gross the entire thing is. We should be pushing for SJ to pull this chapter before its official release. Just disgusting.
Reminder for those who pretend not to understand: MHA is a shounen battle manga. In shounen only the named combatant characters are people — everyone else are not people, just background filler, soulless identity-less fodder whose lives have no moral weight. You can mass-murder background civilians and it hardly matters outside of the declaration of "I’m a villain". But killing a named combatant is a very heavy sin — that’s a person with humanity, identity and moral weight. Vengeance will sooner or later fall on a character who kills a real person. So Hawks betraying and killing Twice is a major sin. But Lady Nagant slaughtering villains doesn’t matter because none of her victims were people, and in fact, when faced with a person (Deku) she pulls her punches because she feels the moral weight of hurting an actual human being, therefore she isn’t really a murderer and someone who doesn’t deserve what happens to her. That’s why Toga gets triggered by crime of Twice’s killing while her own murders don’t even register — it’s not because she’s literally insane, it’s that in the context of her narrative universe her killing mobs doesn’t matter.
So she is just evil. She understands people get hurt by her action and doesn't care.
Endeavor looks like he cucks men and fucks their wives and Rei puts up with it since he always comes back
Anon, the manga says over and over that there is no such thing as a mob character. While it doesn't fully live up to that ideal, it does try to hold itself to it more than most stories do.
>Hawks betraying and killing Twice is a major sin
>Lady Nagant slaughtering villains doesn’t matter
And yet Hawks has one of the highest positions in the country, while Nagant's still hiding in jail.
>why Toga gets triggered by crime of Twice’s killing while her own murders don’t even register
No, that's just a typical example of human hypocrisy. Bad shit happening to you or your friends is evil and undeserved, bad shit happening to people you don't like is either irrelevant or funny.
So he's pussying out at the last hurdle
>granny reached out to help
>he accidentally dusted her
>everyone else panicked and ran away or tried to attack him
>his hatred amplified
Wrong. She doesn’t process unarmed non-combatant background characters are "people". The thing is, no one does. So the Heroes are willing to talk to and understand her, precisely because her victims aren’t actual people.

To bring into reality. Let’s say there was a cute girl who has murdered a bunch of animals for some reason. Cows, squirrels, raccoons, coyotes, otters, etc. not to eat but to get empowered and maybe even just for fun in a few cases. You wouldn’t like it, it would gross you out, and it’s something you’d identify as villainous. But those were just animals, so it’s not something you’d fight her to the death over. You’d much rather try to convince her to change her ways, calm down and be a proper human being. Because, ultimately, a human being is more valuable than an animal. That’s EXACTLY the moral dynamic at play in shounen battle manga.
The girl is a victim and it's the animal's fault
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Can't wait for the sequel where their children are the main focus. Maybe their daughter will be a hero like them and their son will be the next demon lord wielding AfO.
No, I will think she is an evil bitch who needs to be put down. You are jyst like her. Remember what Toga asked? She asked if the heroes saw her as a person. The thing is, she doesn't see other people as people or care about what she did after getting the love she wanted. You don't need 100 named characters killed by her to understand she is evil. The reason why the are called evil is because, just like you, they don't see innocents as people, they think of them as animal.
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Nta anon but all of that is okay cause she's cute.
Endeavor is missing an arm, his face is in burned to all hell, and he uses a wheelchair. He could never get a Katsuki.
>Entire ending message is undermined by the fact that nobody could’ve saved Tenko because AFO would’ve just pulled more strings to make Tomura.

Making AFO reverse flash levels of “it was me all along” was the worst writing mistake in this manga. It doesn’t matter how many deranged children you reach out to, what really matters is killing Satan to solve all the worlds problems.
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How is this gonna get concluded sufficiently in one more chapter?
If that happened in broad daylight, the heroes would've found out about Tenko.
Also, he knew his hands were dangerous and was keeping himself from touching anyone. She could've just patted his head and talked to him, you know.
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The last chapter is Todoroki and Momo's wedding, all of class 1A gather and we see the canon couples like Kirishima and Mina, Tsuyu and Tokoyami, Ojiro and Hagakure, etc. Endeavor is crying like a little bitch while Hawks makes fun of him, All Might and Best Jeanist are talking about the state of Japan, how it'll take a while to recover from the damage done, but that's okay, because some villains have been rehabilitated and are helping repair the country. Now that there's no more pro-hero system, everyone can be heroes. Even villains. Even quirkless, or formerly quirkless individuals.

"Speaking of," Best Jeanist says. "Where's Midoriya?" "I don't know," All Might admits. "He should've been here by now. And where is young Bakugo?" Cut to Deku railing Bakugo on top of the Chrysler building. End manga.
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But what if your bully is hot.
As I’ve explained: her non-named filler background victims aren’t people in a shounen manga’s narrative universe. But Twice is a named combat character with a history and narrative development making him a full person. Killing people is a huge sin. Hawks is severely weighed down by that sin, and getting burnt by Dabi is like the bare minimum retribution. Toga then becomes worried if she’s a person to them — a very natural worry for her. Because obviously you’re not supposed to kill people. So why did she kill that old woman (assuming she did)? Because that WASN’T a person, just like in my animal example. Going by real-life standards that one crime was enough for Ochoco to fight her to the death. But you, as a fan, wouldn’t like it if either of them died over it — because that old woman wasn’t a person to you either.
Sorry anon, but todomomo is dead and haven't had any meaningful interactions since part 1.

>Endeavor is crying like a little bitch while Hawks makes fun of him
Hawks hasn't made fun of Endeavor in a long time. Like, since before the first war arc. Hawks acts like his wife now and would wipe away his tears.
Toga and Ochako are shit characters.
Toga dragged down Ochaco. She was better before she came into the picture.
AfO was perfectly fine in his original depiction of Lex Luther to All-Might’s Superman both of whom wanted to fade away and pass the torch onto the next generation. The next generation was lame compared to epic giants of the past but it’s coherent and good narrative direction to take. Bringing AfO back as Satan was just a sign that the narrative and plot was tapped out.
I think you didn't understand my point. In MHA’s universe, they are humans, which is why heroes are fighting teeth and nails to protect them. Why Dabi used his victim to ruin Endeavorks reputation, why Toga had to hide and her family were attacked. You think they don't matter and death doesn't have weight in the story but it does, that is why the villains are called villains. Why do the heroes fight them? I like Toga but she isebil and needed to be put down.
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Could Endeavor get a Deku?
too ugly. endeavor only wants to impregnate beautiful blondes.
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I still believe. I will keep believing until the last page of the last chapter.
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Deku isn't ugly. He's cute.
>Endeavor looks like he fucks men
That's fan art
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He's still cute.
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Okay, but what about T4 x Kendo?
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Why is every woman in this manga so fucking hot bros it pains me to see them killed
FFXV is dogshit
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Why not just say Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu?
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touching kacchan's milkers
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I see both your points.
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>Seen these types of pics constantly
>Still no fem!Deku edit version
Well they ended up as the biggest pile of shit together. Now I dislike Ochako and think she's the biggest retard.
Is the deku furry stillborn baby fanart still the worst mha fanart in existence
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Delete that image immediately
Where is this from
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The manga. During the Joint Training Arc I believe.
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Was AFO behind this too
No. It is the best.
He was a Gamer
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No but here, maybe this will cheer you up.
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Yet more proof that video games drive young men to senseless violence and should be banned
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Why would someone make this? For what purpose?
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For me, it's Hawks.
Kevin I love you.
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for me, one of the best western doujin
Based Bakugo.
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His rival
Based. Good for them
Because it's cool.
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Too beautiful of an ending for this series
the one where he was making out with the mongoose girl is still the funniest one of all
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Jesus anon, you actually cooked BCuck so bad that pussy ran out of the thread. How can you do it?
Fujos are by definition mentally ill, you will never grasp their motivations.
>Jeremy congratulating himself
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>video games make you understand society is fundamentally flawed
Is that the single most cursed MHA fanart image?
>mentally ill retard congratulating himself
>water is wet

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