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>finish an anime
>go to youtube to watch the abridged series
>watch a few episodes of show
>go jerk off to the characters
>don't feel like continuing
sing karaoke OPs and EDs
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>embarrassing scene happened
>pause the video
>jump around while grinning
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>do the deed to a hentai doujin
>cum into a tissue
>eat this tissue and swallow after chewing
Watching certain anime just for the episodes that show big bath scenes or rescue arcs
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are you me?
>finish an anime
>go to youtube to watch reaction videos of the episodes
It almost feels like showing a good friend an anime you're into
>used to watch anime for developed mountains
>now I know I can develop my flat plains anyway I like
Nothing embarrassing about good Abridged series'.
Kill yourself, freak.
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>After drinking something I would exhale loudly like an anime character.
Most likely.
>watched anime
>read manga
wow, cringe, bro.
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Hey buddy I think you're in the wrong thread, the Onimai general is two blocks down.
>yeah i avatarfag with anime girl images and selfinsert as them and do embarrassing reactions to teh cartoons I watch haha
>but im totally not a femfaggot tho!!!

lmfao at this thread
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>mumble Japanese words/phrases to myself
owari da
>watch anime
>like it
>shitpost on /a/ that it was the worst show of the season
I still do it
Fuck you
I do this for JJK and CSM
Making threads borderline unusable with a constant stream of shitposting is a good form of gatekeeping
Keep it up
>finish an anime
>try to enjoy it with you freak on this website

also this >>269246818
>watch the piece of shit anime from where your gif is
>get absolutely enraged at how shit it is
>read the light novel of it, all 20 volumes
>get absolutely enraged at how shit it is
>dislike anime
>try to discuss with people who just want to circlejerk it
Completely pointless and happens constantly with pre-2000 anime. I just call them trash nowadays and move on.
>Embarrassing things you used to do
I enjoyed Naruto.
I do this all the time and didn't really notice until my sister called me out on it once.
They hated him because he told the truth...

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