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Is this karma for what he did with Prison School?
>Akira Hiramoto was known for getting axe after axe in the manga industry
>Finally gets a successful manga Prison School.
>Drags out his one hit wonder till sales start tanking, then resents everyone so he shits the ending on purpose.
>Goes back to getting axed again after his reputation died from this.
>Finally gives up on writing, teams up with successful writer for super ball girls.
>Manga is finally getting traction with its harem romance.
>Find out it's the Jagaaan writer who is working on the manga known for cuck shit.
>Does a bait & switch and turns it into a cuckoldry romance story.
>Sales are tanking again and he's about to be axed once more.
Akira hiramoto can't catch a break ever since.
Losers are still losers even when they accidentally succeed.
What happened to Futari Switch? Why did it end so soon and will Part 2 even happen?
Akira needs another prison school so he can afford his expensive prostitutes. Futari Switch doesn't bring the money.
Isayama will never make another series ever again
What a massive ungrateful faggot, I'm never even reading Prison School. Thanks, OP.
The whole story was hinging on the main characters wanting to do something. He off-screened it lmao. and it was romance comedy where no one ended up with anyone and had them get rejected. Then he did a 180 on personality of the heroine and had fan favorite couples betray each other so no one wins. He intentionally gave everyone the exact opposite of what was foreshadowed and what the fans wanted from the story.
Should have just stated with his magnum opis "me and the devil blues"
Well, hopefully the retarded faggot dies with literally nothing and gets what he deserves.
>>Akira Hiramoto was known for getting axe after axe in the manga industry
Right off the bat you're just making things up. Hiramoto's first serialization lasted for 11 years.
reminder /a/ has non ironic contrarians who defend this hack and even tell you the ending of prison school was good.
So why did Futari Switch end?
man prison school was still entertaining before the crazy ending. such an interesting manga. shame.
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I really want to know the circumstances that led to Onio getting all three of his concurrent manga series axed at once
>make one of the most popular yuri manga in modern times
>decide to completely abandon your loyal fan base after it’s finished
>new manga flops after only 4 volumes
And to those who are going to ask, no it’s not OneeShota.
>he shits the ending on purpose
The ending was perfectly fine.
>and had fan favorite couples betray each other so no one wins.
These were relationships build upon lies. Of course they wouldn't last
The problem wasn't the ending. The problem was the Cavalry arc
There was nothing wrong with the ending, that is just cucked anons whining. It fitted the tone of the manga.
No wet t-shirt contest sucked, that should've happened before things wrapped up, but the ending itself was great.
His magnum opus is and forever will be Gen to Ore Monogatari.
OP mentioned both, one lead to another
>Drags out his one hit wonder till sales start tanking
>then resents everyone so he shits the ending on purpose.
Fallout with publisher I guess. Can't be sales when it's multiple axes in succession
Since when was the Jagaan writer known for cuckshit? Jagaan didn't really have anything like that.

The problem with the Prison School mangaka was that Prison School was a simple, shitty, nothingburger story he threw together without much thought and it was massively successful while all his actually thoughtful, involved and detailed stories withered on the vine. He'd put his heart and soul into Devi Blues and get nowhere, then shit out a chapter of Prison School and it'd be a smash hit.

It was his Sherlock Holmes and he got so bitter about it that he ruined it. Then he's been trying to "use what he learned from it" in his next works and has been chasing that dragon ever since.
Why did god gave this faggot such an amazing artstyle tough? All prison school girls were pure sex. It was peak and it would have become peak of peaks if it continued with a proper story. Cavalry arc was dragged on but it had its moments (penis neck), but the sudden wrap up was literally a "fuck you" to fans in manga form. Why is it always the cuckold and water sports faggots that are blessed with the talent of amazing drawings... WHY?!?
Didn't Onio participate in one of the Onimai anthologies lately?

How was Futari Switch's reception anyway?
This world is fucking shit and I'll force it to change by any means necessary. Stop accepting everything wrong about reality.
Last chapter of ball girls has a cop gigachad cucking MC in front of him LMFAO
Dude unironically got his brain rotted by porn and cant write funny stuff anymore
>the Jagaan author
Look. You can't ask a fag to write a manga about girls. Hell, even the title has GIRLS in it. It was doomed to fail.
>How can (you) tell?
Gods will is a gay story. All the girls are offed as soon and disrespectfully as it can be, meanwhile we have a love triangle between three men in season 2. And Blue Lock should be called Blue Balls, since the homolust is palpable.
>can't catch a break
Sounds like he's a fucking retard happily shooting himself in the foot repeatedly.
Drawing beautiful 10/10 girls is a talent but it's not a talent that drives sales. Good stories drive sales, the art is just there to support the story. You can have something that's 100% story called a "Book". But you can't have something that's 100% art; very few people are going to want an Art book that's just random art. Onio should pair up with a good ecchi harem writer and do that. He is wasting his talent with all these losers and cucks chasing the next big thing.
Man I dunno why you're surprised, pretty much the moment the secret government agent chapter hit you should have known shit was going to get weird
>Jagaan didn't really have anything like that.
I dropped it at the first cuck'ing. Are you fucking retarded? Within the first 10 chapters there's girls getting raped and the MC getting cheated on. It's been years since I read Jagaan but I'm pretty sure the MC gets cuck'd within the first 3 chapters.
Kiyoshi and Hana definitely got together.
But the ending was hilarious it was the epilogue and lack of wet t-shirt contest that were unacceptable
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yeah I saw that
I wish he'd had more luck with the art clubs
the caligraphy club one was exceptionally good
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are there other good mangakas who are into watersports?
>that one shotacon doujin with the meiko milf by Daigo
Kei Sanbe, 1300%.
I can't remember a single of his works where a girl doesn't piss on someone, wtf
the piss x sis faggot
Why isn't he continuing Devil Blues? it's his only good work
Why wouldn't you try to drag out your cash cow as much as possible?
Are you retarded, OP?
Contrary to what anons on /a/ want to believe, he doesn't actually care for it much. Hence the eternal hiatus number 2.
I just speedread the first 3 chapters of Jagaan, the MC's girlfriend turns into a monster and he kills her before she can do much of anything at all. I don't know what series you're thinking of but I don't think it was Jagaan. There is a lot of freaky sex stuff in Jagaan though, but I think most of it happens to side characters.
Kei Sasuga. Hopefully Aka Akasaka next.
Verification not required.
Maybe he's confusing the mc with Robohata, the lower who gets cucked then gets rape powers.
Robohata watches the girl of his dreams get creampied as he cries. then he goes around cucking other people and raping women till his penis gets cut off. Then later more cucking happens. A guy fucks someone he thinks is a woman. It's actually a man who killed a woman then is pretending to be her. He ends up never learning the truth as he continues to cum inside a dude he thinks is a different woman.
This manga was so good but the ending sucked so much. Many such cases. Sad!
He doesn’t deserve a break. At some point you have to acknowledge that he’s simply dogshit at making manga. He stumbled into an interesting concept, but that was due entirely to luck as evidenced by the quality of his other works.
>Love agency axed
>oh fuck I gotta finish Oshi now
Eh, I don't have a lot of hope for his next work.
It was far from great, but still good. Unpolished and too fast, but themes were chosen properly.
How's he walking on air?
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She never recovered after going full roastie.

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