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Episode of Myrthe and Kappa
is the episode airing despite olympics?
PA Works is a government studio. They won't bend to the pressures of the international sports cabal.
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Last week's Jarman Episode.


Funny enough, most of the comments from Japanese people were about being interested in what Westerners were eating-

So, tonight, I made a Japanese style curry, with Karaage. How about you?
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episode preview Myrthe`s journey https://youtu.be/Ii3FIXso-Rk
There were a bunch supporting the anon who lost his dog too. (screen shots from earlier)
Will we get Myrthe without the headdress?
seems like everytime they try to do something nice , it gets them into trouble
And they say anime isn't realistic...
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I wait patiently for the artists to do their good work after today's episode.
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>Will we get Myrthe without the headdress?

the world is not ready for our blond dutch nun in her hair revealed state
Sunny side up eggs. Bros.... I'm so poor.
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I'm making ehomaki only because I find it the easiest shape to make/carry/eat. Even onigiri I make this shape instead of bothering making individual onigiris.
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>Funny enough, most of the comments from Japanese people were about being interested in what Westerners were eating-

nothing special today.

Cooking some potatoes , cauliflower and some sausage with spicy gravy
I'm so riced up.
>tfw my dinner from 2 weeks ago is forever immortalized into a random japanese YouTube video
Don't really feel like cooking, just gonna order some fried rice and call it a night
After all that shit talk, Kinta looks like he's going to burn down their home. Even Tauemon didn't fuck up this badly.
save it for the episode anon
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yui got headshotted by kappas
Did they take her shirikodama?
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Kaimaru sends his regards
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Sorry, I wasn't home for a whole week and I could only watch episode 3 today.
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I subside on Red Bull and Gummy bears.
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myrthe sex
These barbarians dare bully Myrthe?
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wtf thats haram
sakuna laying down kinda sexo
Wedded to the Lord
>baka gaijin go home!
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Why do they send their cutest to Vietnam like this?
Hurray, couple of my posts got in.
Today I ate pyttipannu. Its a scandinavian dish of cubed up potatoes and meat. Super simple but also not that healthy. Tastes great though.
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The only thing she's good for.
cutest blonde girl.
we are not ready for this
Now she needs to lose the clothes as well.
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if you haven't played the game its very good
What's the point of the baby character?
To manage animals for you.
I am playing it right now but the rice farming is seriously filtering me. My harvests havent failed but I am only at level 12 at the kappa's request segment, despite everyone telling me I should be AT LEAST level 16 at this point.
I played it up to volcano then got bored of the cycle
rice farming was pretty much made to see you struggle
focus on hp at the start which will also give more seed rice and you can dump multiple items in the fertilizer(something that for some reason i overlooked). it does really matter because after a while you'll end up with more rice than you can plant and the game isn't that hard to worry about being inefficient
Glorious ducks!
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Rice and basic pan-roasted chickpeas. Wanted to do channa masala but the prep required put me off.
I've always put 5 of everything in the fertilizer and then a good chunk of amber to round it out so I dont know how to "focus on HP" unfortunately.
And I mainly feel like I've failed because in the combat sections I feel like I deal way too little damage. Especially those turtles at the water valley or whatever, feels like nothing deals damage to them.
At least I'm not running out of seed rice at any point, my fields are pretty full already, its just the quality that stumps me.
1 male for every female
>Yui x Kinta
>Sakuna x Tauemon
>Kaimary x Myrthe
bringing you all the animals you need
VC like using child soldiers to pluck at the heart strings of Americans
Eggs for tamago gohan.... which doesn't exist in the game.
turtles you can flip on their backs. at lot of the mechanics are locked off due to progress. hp is yield
Seems like people started using crabs now too https://youtu.be/IF6Rtnm961k
I wonder if Japan could use their river crabs for this. I love crab but usually I eat just the fake crab stick.
But arent turtles immune to hits when on their backs?
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Must be something like this.
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What specifically are you struggling with? I can give you a general overview of what I did. But remember, *Growing the Rice Properly is ALWAYS more important than trying to min max fertiliser.*

>Winter 2 Night: Start a fertiliser that's just all my rotten food, enough amber to 3/4 fill the triangle and nothing else. When you use this pre-tilling pesticide doesn't matter since there's no rice, it's just free stats
>Soon as midnight hits and it's Winter 3 begin Sorting and Sowing. I usually Sort thoroughly and sow thinly.
>By the time you're done it'll be Winter 3 Morning, Fertilise then Till thoroughly, aim for 100%
>Put water at about 20%
>Balance water to aim for about 20%, this means during a sunny day set it at ~28% in the morning and 25% at night for evaporation. During the rain just put it at 10% or so since rain will fill the field up.
>Plant first thing Spring 1, aim for either Balanced or A Little Far Apart
>Go through normally from there, make Fertiliser when you return home for the night and put it on first thing each morning for the full 10hrs growth.
>You won't have any Eradicating Remedies yet, but Revitalising and Reducing will still help against disorders for now
>When you get Third Offshoots, drain the water completely for a night or so
>From then on put the water up to about 30%, same as before, over or underfill to deal with rain/evaporation
>If you're getting a lot of rain, talk to Tauemon and say you want to discuss rice, then pray for sunshine
>Definitely pray for Sunshine before Summer 3, since it should be ripe by about then, you want this to carry into Autumn too
>Release all water from the field before you harvest, dummy
>Harvest as soon as you can
>Lay it out until Sakuna says it's "plenty dry"
>Thresh and hull at night/morning

You should be able to get 4 levels at this point each harvest, later you'll get 5ish, by the time I beat the game I was getting 6, I don't know if you can get more than that.
>I've always put 5 of everything in the fertilizer and then a good chunk of amber to round it out so
Don't do this.

You want to use the base components maybe once or twice a season. You use it for your first fertiliser to get the field ready, and then if the nutrients start looking low you'll top them up. Don't add those every time, there's absolutely no need to. And definitely don't overfill the triangle. Most of your fertilisers will be only other components, no base components at all.

>I dont know how to "focus on HP" unfortunately.
If you haven't already you'll get farming scrolls that'll tell you how to grow your rice in specific ways to increase different stats more (you'll see that on your growth report each morning). eg. For Aesthetics when you're at the Third Offshoot->Sprouting phase you open both gates and let the water flow freely. Aiming for HP is mostly just growing the normal, standard way without any gimmicks. Maybe you'll aim for yield instead of quality but that's it. Don't worry about it, you'll get plenty of both and you can only stack rice to 999 anyway.

Always make White Rice early you need those bonuses.

>And I mainly feel like I've failed because in the combat sections I feel like I deal way too little damage. Especially those turtles at the water valley or whatever, feels like nothing deals damage to them.
They're tough at first, you'll deal more as you level up, but you deal a lot more damage from behind so try hit their tail or try fling enemies into them instead.

>At least I'm not running out of seed rice at any point, my fields are pretty full already, its just the quality that stumps me.
Next harvest you do, sort thoroughly (add more mud and stir until the amber in the water raises and then tips over), and sow thinly. You'll get much less rice, but it'll be stronger (less susceptible to disease) and higher quality (more stat increases). Quality > Quantity most of the time.
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Also: Do the exploration missions, the more you do the safer the region gets, which gets you extra fields, which means you get far bigger harvests.
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Quadruple Ashikaga Summer!
My issue is my rice storage is completely maxxed out, and I end up getting far more than I can trade away. And trade goods expire so fast that I rarely have the time to actually collect anything they're compatible with.
Damn she really needs to lose those shitty clothes she's wearing.
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>And trade goods expire
rotten food makes great fertilizer for winter pre tilling
Thank you for the comprehensive advice. I had my third harvest earlier so I might be lagging behind quite a lot, especially if you are supposed to get 4-6 levels on each. (I'm getting only one)
Also this is quite embarrassing, I DONT add fertilizer every day, I only added it when the soil was lacking in nutrients. I guess that explains some of it? But I'll note down your advice and study up before I open the game again.
My rice is already so good that half the time I don't even need fertiliser to get HQ rice.
This but Sakuna, phwoar
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those clothes are made to hide as much of her as possible afterall
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Subs out.
That would invoke too much lust. She'd get raped, and have no-one but herself to blame.
I concur.
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Give me spats!
Do dutch people really run around calling their children "Myrthe"?
holy shit they actually showed her hair off like that? not even the game did that! it's too powerful!!!
Frogposting on /a/.
Takes a special kind of crazy to deny that a God in front of you is a fake god and your "unseeable" God is the real one.
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It's the Dutch version of Myrtle. Yes, the granny name.
Yeah, by endgame you've got more rice than you could possibly need most of the time. Just buy things that don't expire like cheese, spirit paper, ironwood, etc.

At the start of the game getting only 2-3 levels per harvest is normal since the game expects you to have absolutely no idea what you're doing. You're not doing it wrong, you're meant to be floundering around and picking it up by trial and error as you learn more and as Sakuna learns more. You can't even sort for your first few harvests. So basically, don't worry about it.

In regards to fertiliser, lasts for 10hours and adds a % of the stats you put into it to the rice. So if you add +100 Magic, then a % of that will get aborbed to increase the Rice's stats. That % is based on how well the rice is grown and how much it absorbs the fertiliser. Basically, if you're using the fertilser during the day (when rice absorbs most of the nutrients) and you've got minimal pests or weeds, you'll get the biggest boosts.

So the ideal is to make fertiliser each night and apply it each morning. If you've got +Pesticide, +Herbicide, +Immunity that'll confer a much stronger defense against weeds, pests or diseases for those 10hours (but nothing after that, which is fine since weeds and pests mostly come during the day anyway).

But, again, your biggest boosts in Rice stats (which give Sakuna stats) will always come from growing the rice properly. Getting +100 Magic from fertiliser may give your rice +30-50 in Aroma, but having the gates flowing with water will give you something like +150 in Aroma. Fertiliser matters, but it's not the main focus, the main focus is always on taking care of the rice. The biggest benefit for fertiliser really is defenses against diseases, pests and weeds.

And the best way to get items to help with that is to kill enemies from the Water levels at night, they'll drop Aqueous Droplets. You probably can't kill them yet, but those are amazing, get them when you can.
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Sakuna thighs, must lick
I have been thinking. Nylon does not exist, so she is wearing konbu spats.
Dabbing on the Jinn larping as gods
she understands that the Yanato gods are "real" but she knows that they're not "God", the big G man himself, who is the one she believes it
>Jesus is gonna come back and crucify all you fakers
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Kokorowa advanced technology just to enjoy Sakura spats
I guess silk is what was used in place of Nylon in old times. Sure it doesn't have the same properties but it is the closest thing they had.
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Nopan is fine too
Finally saw the first episode one.
>My posts made it in
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>hides everything but the face
>but it was the eyes that lead to the kappas throwing rocks at them

Did God wanted rocks to be thrown at her or does God wants Myrthe to hide her face and expose everything else?
The thighs... The thighs..... It's a... Leroleroperopupus, Jujuju Papopkopkopu Bussshsuzzrutu (Furious ejaculation Feeling) DubjububuLoo (ejaculation) (ejaculation) (ejaculation) (ejaculation) (ejaculation) (ejaculation) (cumshots)
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In a fight between
>Demon Satania
>Rice Satania
>College Satania
>Obi Satania
>Horse Satania
>Jahy Satania
Who wins?
>posting Jarman bait
anon...don't force it...
>doesn't go for Yui wife
>doesn't lust after Sukunny
>doesn't realize Myrthe is a woman
Does anyone have worse taste in history than Kinta?
Time for more rice Jahy!
I don't think that's how teeth work.
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I watched the first episode and decided to buy the game. I love and hate the game. Planting rice is a miserable experience, I pity my japs friends, it is too painful.

But I wonder anon, should I keep watching the anime or finish the game first?
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What are you even on about?
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Clearly not enough.
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Winter is coming, Anons, and it's time to decide which of the worthless Ningen to keep and which to cull into fertiliser. My thoughts:

>Useless Oaf
>Useless Cook
>Dumb brat
>Dumb brat 2
>Cute Loli
I wish I could get stoned
Could you imagine Sakuna in Mitsudomoe?
Or the kids from there being Sakuna's villagers instead?
While you were cunnyposting, he studied the blade...
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I had like four of my posts in, including one bullying Jarman.
Hey, hey. This is the adult woman fetishist episode. You can go back to lusting after Sakuna next week.
After three episodes of basically no action, I thought they would seriously just skip all the combat sequences from the game.
I'm also surprised that they dared to show Yanato people being rude to Myrthe. The show is being funded by the government after all, I figured they would skip all those parts too.
wait until they show her bare tiddies in this children anime
>Kinta no Ongaeshi
I see what they did there.
is this a YJK moment?
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You don't take breaks in the rice fields
>tsundere and also an idiot

Cute in girls, but not boys.
>Prude Myrthe constantly baffled by Sakuna running around with her spats-clad rump and thighs in full display.
This Sakuna-sama has had too much rice.
>I'm a genius
>oh n-!
I wish she'd back that dump truck into my mine shaft
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Tama has changed too many of her diapers to be aroused by that.
>>Useless Cook

But she also medicine.
Kokorowa, save it for your novel.
The white devil doesn't believe in Sakuna-sama and knows how to make poison. She must be exterminated.
Damn this artist has a fetish!
Futaba is a great asset. Super strength and infinite stamina but requires her sisters to manage her so you have to handle Hitoha and Mitsuba. They would have some crazy plans to show Myrthe tits to Futaba and motivate her (all other girls are flat and there is no porn magazines.
Prepare to get PROSELYTISED
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Yeah, that is why incest doesn't exist in real life.
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I miss her. Bratty animators need punishment for only putting her in one episode. Myrthe hair is an acceptable reparation however, especially after people said you don't see it in the game.
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Dinner is served.
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The English knew how to deal with these types of nags.
Why don't they call countries by their actual names? Nobody has trademark on "Japan" or "Netherlands".
Wait and you shall be rewarded.
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Sakuna should wear a fundoshi.
ruining sakuna´s little rice grain!!
Why does she wear pants outside?
Cause Sakuna, Kokorowa, and even the main goddess are also not actually Japanese gods.
Love Sakuna so much
They wanted to make their own mythos and such, probably to justify Sakuna's existence. It's easier to just change some names to make it all work out.
Kokorowa forever on the mind of her exiled friend
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I need more Kokorowa...
Hollow bones won't help her here
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This heavyweight.
Why are Japanese people so interested in the dietary habits of foreigners?

I'm going to eat at McDonald's later. It's not very interesting.
>Why are Japanese people so interested in the dietary habits of foreigners?
because they live off rice, they must get bored of it
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The Yuyushiki thread is over there >>269113533
>kappa are yokai
>kappa are also gods?
>oni eat kappa

Are all yokai gods? Are oni not yokai?
>How about you?
I had a frozen pizza. A Diavola to be exact.

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