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Chapter 115, 116: >>270451476
Chapter 117
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Yo opchama
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end of chapter
last volume btw
thanks, OP.
your toothbrush is right there, I can see it
Normally I would describe this Ojiro's as very subtle and low key. It is frequently love expressed in silent ways. But the past few chapters have just been bursting with tension. I don't think anything else she has written has really ramped up into a climax like this before.
>visiting hours are over, so I'm going to head home, okay?
The bubble in the spanish volume I bought just fills it with "I have to go"
I had to check it because it felt like I speed read.
I wonder what the raw says and why the lazy translation there.
Maybe they don't have the concept of visiting hours in Spanish hospitals?
thanks opsama
It’s because Insomniacs in particular has always been more story driven than her other works. We know we’re approaching the end which is why she’s focusing much more on the tension of preparing for college while crossing it with the stress of Isaki’s condition. The final chapters will be a test for our couple as have been the main goal of the final arc.
Thank you for posting.
She’s so cute bundled up.
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spanish hospitals are just free for alls, you just walk right in. you can shove a nurse and nobody cares
Quints confirm
This happens to me more than I’m willing to admit. The amount of times I worry I forgot something and realized I have it by the time I got to where I needed to go is embarrassing.
>Shit, I probably forgot deodorant.
>Mehh, I'll buy some on the way
>Now I have two deodorants
Repeat ad nauseam as I travel now for work a lot more
You are literally me.
Look at this dork.
>I skipped school
what a delinquent
thanks op
Sukeban Isaki soon.
Become a deodorant salesman.
Thanks op
Thanks op
Almost there.
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Chapter 118
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end of chapter
thanks opsama
I need to give Dork girl a hug right now
Thank you for posting.
In my edition Ukegawa doesn't even name Ganta here and much less call him by his pal name. Starting to dislike this publishing house.
thank you
shiro is so cute
thanks, OP
I think this is a scanlation, anon.
I hope they left at least one finger without any paint.
It can get in the way of O2 saturation measurement
I'm going to say it.
The next chapter is gonna piss off some people. Fair warning
thanks OP
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It's real.
Thanks op
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So, what do we think about this?
is she just doing the art or is the story a collab? I bet it will have a ton of cats either way
I believe she's just doing the art again unfortunately
I meant to dislike the publisher from whom I bought the volume. It's as if they translated from English and simplified everything, the page size is small and it's not cheap.
I would never shit the work made by fans even if they deliberately tried to troll me.
I find it the sign of great writing when important details are delivered without any emphasis at all, like the author knows you will notice the discrepancy between what magari wants to show in that photo and what he's actually seeing there.
Ojiro does this really well throughout her stories. It goes hand in hand with her style and flow.
this, idol drama is not for me
It's not for me either, and it's kind of a shame that she's not doing the writing as if anyone _could_ pull it off I'd say it's her
We could even learn something about sewing.
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gonna be fishing
I'll give it a chance but I don't myself becoming genuinely interested.
I'm surprised an octopus would fall for that.
>not doing the writing
Again? What a waste of time.
oh yeah they do very easily fall for that eyecandy
Huh, that's interesting. Being smart enough to be curious cuts both ways
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nokotta nokotta nokotta nokotta
sleep ima sugu
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Chapter 119
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yo opchama
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end of chapter
thanks opsama
He kinda has it coming.
thanks op
holy shit, what a dick. how can't he understand what other people feel especially his gf. like writing literally anything would have been enough
Thank you for posting.
Poor anon is running out a's...
Such violence.
It’s his habit of bearing so much weight on himself that causes this. It’s less of him not understanding what other people, but him letting this self-deprecation fog his reasoning. If he didn’t understand Isaki’s feelings, he never would’ve even gotten together with her. His ability to care for Isaki and understand her needs/wants is what made her fall in love with him. Now, instead of seeing Isaki’s nails, he sees her in a wheelchair and it’s nailed to him that another woman he loves can possibly leave him, with him being reminded of his mom. While it is a dick move that is big enough to break up over, it’s something that is not really the fault of the writing but of the weakness of the character. In other words, he cares too much that he acts like this. He overthinks and struggles to let the weight off his shoulder to just be there for Isaki.
This hurts to look at.
good take. I do mental health for work and I’ve seen the aftermath of this scenario play out so many times for people. deal with your shit anons, people will lose patience with you awfully fast when you pull bullshit like this (as they should)
I agree. I think that’s why this final stretch of chapters are the most important, not only for Ganta but also Isaki and the future of their relationship.
Agreed, it's frustrating for us as readers, but it's entirely in character for Ganta and I respect Ojiro for having him keep this flaw and thus further humanising him.
ima read
>as they should
I wonder where your come from, it sounds like you work fucking up people minds.
it sounds like you enable people and use mental illness as a pass for victimhood to excuse shitty behavior. just because something bad happened to you or you have a mental illness doesn’t magically make your behavior not harmful and does not absolve you from consequence. we can respond to mental illness with empathy and understanding by moderating these consequences (eg I understand why this occurred but this cannot keep happening or we are done) but this is not guaranteed. the victim of your behavior decides whether or not you get that olive branch. and if you’re the person that expects people around you to only say “oh it’s okay that you hurt me, you have anxiety, I understand” forever with no change on your part then you do not want friends, you want enablers, and you should read about codependent relationships and how they are holding you back.
I'm not buying your pills doc
Completely disagree, this is nothing but lame drama bait. Instead of allowing him to have a natural and logical reaction, he suddenly becomes this aloof loser? His reaction doesn't track given everything that happened so far.
And I can see the author smugly peeking at the 4th wall knowing that many wouldn't take well to this chapter. Shit like this reminds me that he made shit like Katekin.
>he suddenly becomes this aloof loser?
He's being like that forever, I just wish that after so much time of happy relationship he would have healed a little but it seems that he hasn't and he remains the same.
>Shit like this reminds me that he made shit like Katekin.
>he made shit like Katekin.
>he made
Enjoy, anon.
Drama in the insomnia thread.
>this is nothing but lame drama bait
How? Did the other time he ran away when the rain crashed the party considered drama bait? What about all the times you can literally see him berate himself for things out of his control and his stress for believing he fumbled getting new club members? Drama bait would be when this comes out of nowhere and is considered completely out of character for Ganta to act this way. It’s an understandable reaction for the type of person he is.
>he suddenly becomes this aloof loser
There’s been 3 moments in the entire story he’s been aloof, beginning of the story before he met Isaki, right after the summer trip when he misses her because they were separated because of her parents, and now. Him being aloof now again has to do with Isaki because he feels like it’s his fault. I will never deny that that behavior is selfish for the people around him, but that’s just something he needs to heal from. That’s what other people like Kurashiki and Shiromaru are there for, to help guide him.
>he made shit like Katekin
It’s she, and this drama is nothing compared to that dumpster fire. This is pretty average drama while Katekin made me want to rip my eyes out.
I literally can't wait for the next chapter.
Ojiro Makoto is a perv.
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Chapter 120
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We have many moments of Ganta just being an absolute rock for Isaki. But we have been shown cracks throughout the story, particularly when they are dating and he reflects on Haya’s words about the world Isaki lives in. This moment is the culmination of all his flaws and downsides when faced with the now very real possibility that Isaki could have died during the surgery. Him ghosting her was bad but I think him being calm or not overreacting would be worst since we know how he is and he is the most attached to her aside from her family. A guy who thinks it’s his fault his parents divorced is not gonna take it well he thinks he could’ve prevented Isaki from pushing herself too much
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end of chapter
thanks opsama
so he actually knows that he is fucking up. it's so frustrating seeing myself in such a pathetic character
Thank you for posting.
>natural and logical
those aren't always the same thing
thanks, OP
Thanks, OP. I think the most important lesson he can learn is that he is not always responsible for other’s shortcomings. He was just a little kid, it’s not fair to judge himself based on what his mom did, which could a result of many different factors. I disagree with his last statement, he has not screwed up what matters the most in this story, which was getting together with Isaki and giving her many precious memories, while also protecting, preserving and allowing the astronomy club to have a legacy. Those two he accomplished, it’s only now that he finds himself needing to truly reflect on how he will conduct himself in the future.
The Holden Caulfied strategy.
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>anon's aaa's are recovering
The first step to fixing something is acknowledging it. Dude is pathetic now but that’s a good balance for being a great guy/boyfriend 90% of the time.
and also it's not a relationship breaking issue, i guess. the damage is just that isaki is heart broken and extremely lonely.
We also know he has never done any of it out of malice. So all it takes is just a genuine heartfelt apology and the dedication to not repeat that mistake.
I can't escape it.
sleepy thread
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I looked up codependency only to discover that it was the aspirations of an psychologist to enter the book of mental disorders.
I tried to find a criterion on the concept based on philosophical materialism but I couldn't find it.
I reply twenty-four hours later to this post surprised how Google knows what's up and suggests a conference from a quarter of a century ago entitled "Latrogeny: to what extent are psychologists themselves guilty of psychological disorders" by G. Bueno, a subject more alive than ever and that I will have to listen to curiously now.
Until the schizo wakes up
On /a/ that could mean half the board.
damn kek
it is iatrogenesis
the more you know
that’s a lot of words to say you don’t want to admit that your parents letting you live in their basement without a job until you’re 40 is holding you back from achieving more
I will admit that if that's how you feel.
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I wish this was my adult life
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Chapter 121
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yo opchama
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end of chapter
chapter name is "moon palace"
Shiromaru and Sensei reconfirming that they're best girls

Thanks OP, looking forward to the next chapter and Ganta's dad becoming the biggest chad of the series
Thank you op.
thanks, OP
I love her so much.
Ganta needs to get out his own head. He looks at the negatives doesn’t see all the positives he has given her.
Kurashiki is a wisdom machine. She has some of the best dialogues in this story.
I love Haya and Isaki’s relationship. We see they bicker but Haya deeply loves her sis and understands the importance of not treating her like glass.
This final arc has been hitting me so hard, rereading this series reminds me how powerful not only the romance is but the themes Ojiro interweaves with it.
Thanks, OP. It’s tough reading this but it’s necessary to see Ganta get another chance to grow.
Not yet.
meh, undercooked drama as I expected. this last minute retardo arc really brought ganta's character down.
>He's still seething
How can one insomniac break a man so much?
>The Man in the Moon had silver shoon
>And his beard was of silver thread;
>He was girt with pale gold and inaureoled
>With gold about his head.
>Clad in silken robe in his great white globe
>He opened an ivory door
>With a crystal key, and in secrecy
>He stole o'er a shadowy floor;

>Down a filigree stair of spidery hair
>He slipped in gleaming haste,
>And laughing with glee to be merry and free
>He swiftly earthward raced.
>He was tired of pearls and diamond twirls
>Of his pallid minaret
>Dizzy and white at its lunar height
>In a world of silver set;

>And adventured this peril for ruby and beryl
>And emerald and sapphire,
>And all lustrous gems for new daidems,
>Or to blazon his pale attire.
>He was lonely too with nothing to do
>But to stare at the golden world,
>Or strain for the hum that would distantly come
>As it gaily past him whirled;

>And at plenilune in his argent moon
>He had wearily longed for Fire —
>Not the limpid lights of wan selenites,
>But a red terrestrial pyre
>With impurpurate glows of crimson and rose
>And leaping orange tongue;
>For great seas of blues and the passionate hues
>When a dancing dawn is young;

>For the meadowy ways like chrysoprase
>By winding Yare and Nen.
>How he longed for the mirth of the populous Earth
>And the sanguine blood of men;
>And coveted song and laughter long
>And viands hot and wine,
>Eating pearly cakes of light snowflakes
>And drinking thin moonshine.

>He twinkled his feet as he thought of the meat
>Of the punch and the peppery brew,
>Till he tripped unaware on his slanting stair,
>And fell like meteors do;
>As the whickering sparks in splashing arcs
>Of stars blown down like rain
>From his laddery path took a foaming bath
>In the Ocean of Almain;
>And began to think, lest he melt and stink,
>What in the moon to do,
>When a Yarmouth boat found him far afloat,
>To the mazement of the crew
>Caught in their net all shimmering wet
>In a phosphorescent sheen
>Of bluey whites and opal lights
>And delicate liquid green.

>With the morning fish — 'twas his regal wish —
>They packed him to Norwich town,
>To get warm on gin in a Norfolk inn,
>And dry his watery gown.
>Though St. Peter's knell waked many a bell
>In the city's ringing towers
>To shout the news of his lunatic cruise
>In the early morning hours,

>No hearths were laid, not a breakfast made
>And no one would sell him gems;
>He found ashes for fire, and his gay desire
>For chorus and brave anthems
>Met snores instead with all Norfolk abed,
>And his round heart nearly broke,
>More empty and cold than above of old,
>Till he bartered his fairy cloak

>With a half-waked cook for a kitchen nook,
>And his belt of gold for a smile,
>And a priceless jewel for a bowl of gruel,
>A sample cold and vile
>Of the proud plum-porridge of Anglian Norwich -
>He arrived so much too soon
>For unusual guests on adventurous quests
>From the Mountains of the Moon.
He needs some sleep.
How is this woman still single?
Skeletons in her closet.
Bottom Shiro face is cute.
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What chapter was this crop from?
Only 4 chapters left...
I'm not ready for it to be over.

What's OP doing next?
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will be over by sunday
Feels strange
Waiting for her next work is pain.
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the answer to the long awaited question
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Chapter 122
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Hits hard, I had this almost exact same conversation but it was with my mom instead. Ganta needed to hear these words the most aside from Kurashiki’s. The shot of them staring forward does something to my heart.
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end of chapter

again if you havent seen, here's the strawpoll for what to do next
Thanks, OP. Liar x Liar looks interesting. I’ve already reread Ajin too many times but it wouldn’t hurt to see it again.
>Nanao to Kanazawa University hospital is a distance of at least 72 kilometers
>Based on that distance, and traffic for that time of day, it would take between an hour and ten minutes to an hour and twenty five minutes to make the journey
Ganta's dad is breaking the speed limit. Not by much, but just enough to make sure he gets there in time. that, coupled with this: >>270720494
and, just like that, Ganta's dad effortlessly establishes himself as one of the best characters in the series
that's a face of anguish, man
When he saw his son fighting to rectify his mistakes and be a better person, it is his duty as a parent to guide him and do everything he can to make sure his child accomplishes that task. Even with the sort of strained relationship they have, there is no doubt that Ganta’s dad loves him.
thanks opsama
thanks, OP
My father is a total bum by several metrics, but I do appreciate that he took the time to have this same conversation with me.
Thank you for posting.
Wish my dad had had this talk with us when we were young. Less so for me and more for my brothers sake.
Essential conversation.
Hot take, I enjoyed this final arc the most, even more than the Mawaki arc. Without the bit of drama we wouldn’t get these important conversations and it also worked to address the biggest crack in Ganta and Isaki’s relationship (while working to forward their characters), which has been slowly expanding since they got together. As much as I enjoy the highs and fluffs, it’s more important to balance out with the struggles >>270684048. It grounds their relationship and provides much more depth. It’s also responsible for having my favorite spread in the series, which is next chapter!
Not yet.
Haya, my beloved. I’d be doing the same exact thing as you did if it was my sister.
We’re gonna get 5 fucking collabs before she gets her butt on the writing. I NEED her next love story bad, this manga and her two others made me crave more.
arigato, Mr Roboto
Is that 5 total, or 5 more?
what is?
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Does this artist usually do cat like faces?
all cat everything
5 total.
Surprisingly, not always. But she has the actual cats to direct that towards.
Someone decide which I should vote for.
thank you for posting the face.
i wanted to post it too, but i already posted the same file already
how soon
I like how she called him a perv but at one point tried to rip off his pants.
she was asking for it
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Chapter 123
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end of chapter

you can't prove i accidentally posted to the wrong board, let alone thread. nope, no sir. not i.
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Memories OP, you're just making memories
I think this scene is pretty important for rounding out his character arc. He was a little too "selfish" feeling until this point.
Thank you for posting.
Are the same Insomniac-bro from last year?
I'll be the first to admit, I cried like a bitch at the last chapter, last year. My cousin's little girl died as I was finishing that chapter and I was in a shitty job. Now I have a great job and everything's better.
By the way, if the author gave Chion a great ass, she can give Isaki's sister one too.
thanks opsama, eh?
The only couple ever.
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She has the power, but will she use it?
It's nice to see he's three dimensional as a character
I believe in you, OP.
Isaki gets some growth too. We see that she basically held an ultimatum over their relationship where she doesn’t want him to treat her like a burden, when in reality, he just worries for her so much without doing so. It’s important for her to let him in and accept that it’s alright that she’s not normal in the way others are, that it’s alright for him to care for her. She views it as him treating her like glass when she had to get life saving surgery. She was being unfair to him even if she was in the right to want to be treated normally. It’s means so much that she acknowledges that.
two chapters left
life support
>18 yo
>pediatric ward
The end is near...
very close
I didn't expect to see that here. Truly all dailies are connected.
Thanks OP
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>I read today's chapter early
She was 17 until that point.
This manga makes me reflect too much. On romance and past friends
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Chapter 124
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Yo opchama
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end of chapter

last one tomorrow
It was this panel that got me >>270789221 I held it together until then
thanks opsama
Arigato, OP.
Sometimes I find places harder to say goodbye to than people. I person enter and exit your life as they please. The idea of a place normally dies once you close the door.
I can’t believe it’s almost done, it only feels like yesterday I saw my favorite soulmate couple meet for the first time. Where did the time go?
this will end on the same day as the ryuushika daily, weird
One last chapter.
I still miss my old highschool music room from time to time...
I know that feeling.

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