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Looks like it's adapting the semester 1 arc so Y2 V1-4.5
i want to see Honami again
Hell yeah
We're so back
Arisu status?
No Honami?
Ah more characters who think they can outsmart the MC
All those new faces are the incoming first years.
Honami deserves more screentime.
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How much cut content was there from S2 and S3? I read the LNs a long time ago but dont remember much outside of the general big moments and story beats
sexo uniforms
the uniform designs are great
Left girl reminds me of girls from the 00s for some reason
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middle guy looks like this nigga
girl on the bottom right reminds me of Hello Good-Bye
I hope that they give the animation more budget this time.
same, this series is good but it deserves better production value
chabashira mommy
Yeah but I guess that they don't really have the need to put more resources into the anime because the novels will sell like hotcakes regardless and the anime will still end up being popular.
They don't need to but we can hope they do since that'll be better.
Post ichinosex please
>Y2 V1-4.5
What does that mean?
Proper Menhera looking girl there, dibs.
>anon doesn't know
It's their second year at the classroom, so Y2.
So, is the manga just dead?
So does that mean Year 2 volumes 1 through 4.5? The light novels treat year 2 like a sequel or something?
Is 50man ever gonna reveal his powerlevels?
Don't fall for how cool they look. These 6 are the biggest nothing-burgers in the entire franchise other than to tell us just how incredible the MC is for the billionth time.
Sirs I love this bloody bastard series
Haha, looks like cat's out of the bag. Yep it's true. Surprise! Hope you guys enjoy my anime yet again.
shut up faggot
Is it me or the artstyle changed?
Oh boy super kouenji time
pretty much
They cut the biggus dickus content in v8.
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What happened to the popularity of this series on /a/? I remember a year or so ago, there were like daily threads. Now no one seems to care.
we grew up
Waifu wars drowned it out.
They cut a shit ton. Volume with the sports festival basically didn't even have the sports festival aside form ayanokouji running against manabu as an example
/a/ only cares about this series when the anime is airing. The light novel obliterates all competition in sales whenever there is a new volume comes out even though the plot in the light novel has been pretty uneventful in the past two years.
What's with the sticc art style, I didn't remember the character looking like this. Look at Amasawa's legs for example, that's almost CLAMP tier legs.
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Yeah, what happened with that? I remember there was a constant celebration that this chick won, but then later some people were saying she got dumped or was about to be dumped or something.
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Keicels BTFO eternally
Your mom has been pretty uneventful in the past two years. Kino of the Elite still blows my mind.
Yeah her days are numbered. KWABruizawa is gonna get BTFO soon.
s2 was embarrassingly bad (because the source material is too)
god knows how it got such a following
last season was absolute stale dogshit
He literally doesnt give a shit about her. Their dialogue is embarrassing to read, sje's like a battered housewife desperately asking her husband to give her some love sometimes.
And that's a good thing!
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It's genuinely joever for her.
From the LN:
In a romantic relationship between a man and a woman, mutual trust is fundamentally necessary.
But this relationship was beginning to crack.
The triggers are always varied.
Money, violence, infidelity, or simply a period of weariness. There are countless reasons for a relationship to break down.
And it's not easy to directly ask.
Don't you like me anymore?
Have you fallen for someone else?
Are you tired of me?
Even if concerned, it takes considerable courage to voice such questions.
And even if spoken, it doesn't guarantee that the issues will be resolved.

"I understand. I won’t ask further about this, so you don’t need to report in detail afterwards."

"Thank you."

This way, I could focus on preparing for the special end-of-year exam.

"So, today… Can I stay over?"

Unable to say much, Kei tried to extend their time together as much as possible.
Spending time together as much as possible to stay closely connected.
There was no particular reason to refuse here.
It would do me no harm not to upset her.

"No, let’s skip this week. I need to focus on strategies for the end of the year."

Still, I decided to refuse.

It wasn't time to give her hope but rather to prepare her to give up hope.
No matter how slim, Kei would seize any hope.

"Just for a little while… Not even that?"

"For a little while, not even that. I would feel sorry if I weren’t attentive to you during that time."

Despite saying this, Kei persisted.

"I don't mind, even if I can only serve Kiyotaka… I… I will try harder to make you like me more."

As if responding to her words, I turned to look at Kei.
She bit her lip slightly and closed her eyes.

"Sorry… Kiyotaka already said no, I shouldn’t be like this. It’s selfish of me with the important end-of-year exam just around the corner, I'm sorry."

"It’s okay. Let’s go see a movie...........
housen looks like a skeleton
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hey that's mikarin!
>we have ryuen at home
The last two years have revolved around Nagumo and Ichinose. The former's character arc ended up as a massive waste of time unless there is some massive plot twist in the next volume and I guess we might learn in the next volume if the author has something big in mind for Ichinose, but I don't have high expectations for it. At this point I just want Ayanokoji to switch classes and start year 3.
has kushida been expelled/killed yet
Year two latest volumes have been awful, specially the most recent one, the series is taking a huge nosedive and there's no way to fix it at this point.
she was about to, but the clown saved her ass. I think she's a good girl now but I haven't read past y2v7
No. Ayanokoji pushes her into a corner and makes her revealing her true self to the class during a high risk exam that tests the social cohesion of the class. He completely checkmates her and the whole class wants to expel her, but Horikita butts in and says paraphrased that Kushida can be redeemed and is vital to the class' goal of reaching class a. She has a small redemption arc and turns into a tsundere for Ayanokoji and Horikita.
gay and lame t b h
what happened to the blackmailing thing? She just waved that off? or finally washed the fingerprints off her stinky uniform
who asked for another season of this trash after season 3?
That was her first line of defense. She told the whole class that Ayanokoji tried to rape her and that she has proof of it, but Ayanokoji says that even if you could get his fingerprints of the fabric in the beginning, it's been more than a year since this incident happened and it's probably gone by now. He counters with saying that he has voice recordings of her blackmailing him on top of revealing that she worked with Ryuen back in year 1.
More than those we already met that praised the MC?
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Do you think they'll adapt the whole story at this point? It'd take 9 seasons to adapt the 3 school years. I hope so.
so what do we got here?
kitchen knives and shit
math test versus
and the entire island arc?
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Hell yeah, more Ayanokouji kino and Horikute
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What in the actual FUCK is his problem?
he's American
how wet was she?
Lol lmao
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Dunno but what kind of question is that?
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Yes. We certainly get volumes 1-4 adapted and maybe 4.5
>threating her like shit
Why Kiyo is a fucking loser faggot?
If she knew how much her brother glazes 50%, it would be like rhe Mariana Trenches
only sane individual that treats these games like actual games
good morning sirs
The fuck is that artstyle? Not the anime one I hope?
>There was no particular reason to refuse here.
>Still, I decided to refuse.
why they nerfed Amasawa she's a fucking sticccc now
I don't care about KWABumo and Ichinose serves to make my cawk hard, so I'm happy.
I still love the keikaku from Ayanokoji and the interactions with Horikita. Those things are why I'll never stop reading.
No, he's right. Asexual edgelord faggots are cancer, as are the losers that use them as a power fantasy.
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Ayano isn't asexual though.
Didn't Ryuen also say his feelings for Ayanokoji are the same as if he was his first love? these niggas gay
You mean what's everyone else's problem. He's the only non NPC in this thing who isn't bending backward for literal social credit.
Why is he like this
Kei wasn't my first pick (i want genius babies with loli) but reading it like this just makes me sad.
My favorite slop is back here. Time to rewatch it all.
When will 50% fuck Ichinose?
Year 2, vol. 6. If season 5 ever exist.
one more season Airi
You got link to vol 12 anon?
Sudo will fuck Whorikita soon
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Good lord, what the fuck has she been eating?
Is this series actually good and popular enough to get this many seasons? I don't even remember S1
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It's her goddess-tier genes in action
LN always ranks first in charts. Take it as you will.
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Finally... "literally me" kino is back...
The novels are insanely popular in JP, just that the anime is inferior in every way.
Novels fell off, the story had a couple of directions it could have gone and somehow went the most boring one
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It's weird there was a several year gap between S1 and S2, and now they're just pumping out new seasons. Same thing happened with DanMachi.
my favorite dating sim anime disguised as, uhhh...
kinda of battle school shounen mixed with a little bit of death note/code geass shenanigans and adult business talk anime?
The show is crap, the first season apparently has the biggest plottwist of all anime in history and it's "the mc was smart after all" when it was plainly obvious since episode one. You have to be retarded to like this and I'm not even joking.
you don't watch this show for the plot. you watch it for the dates with the girls.
same thing with the mato no slave/chained soldier anime. you watch that shit purely for the rewards
What's going on here?
Thank you. She will win the ayanokoujibowl
she falling in luv sir
she REALLY needs to fart
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This show has top tier lasses
after the animation from the last fight in season 2 i lost complete interest in this show
She's trying anal for the first time.
Post "that" image please. You know very well which one I'm talking about. Thanks.
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The mentally unbreakable Kikyou Kushida is mindbroken by 愛
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More ZAQ banger is always good for me
segs with amasawa
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Why does Ayano harass Chabashira-sensei so much in the later books?
I don't read/watch this, but know some of the girls. Is Kei losing da 50man?
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I hate how skinny they made the thighs here. Respect the thighfags
yeah they ruined best girl Ichika
Ichika is a ton of fun
i know, that's why shes the best girl
Because he knows he can. He tested her in the cruiseship theatre aborting a lucky perv boob grab when she didn't even try to avoid it. Idk if that's anime only though
Probably top 3 for me. Easily best of her year.
The entire poster is quality, but that's almost never a real insight on the quality of the actual anime.
First year girls are fucking booooring Ichika is the only saving grace.
he did nothing wrong
at this moment, yes and very hard
unless a miracle happens next volume, it's over for her
see >>270547587, he's basically playing with her.
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>S4 year 2 adaptation
Does mean we gonna get Y2V12 Ichinose mindbreak eventually? God that was so hot. Ayanokouji going all the way on her like that and the description of her mental state afterwards as she sits there taking it all in and starting the 5 stages of grief and realising she was played like a fiddle for a year and led on just so she'd keep strong for the crucial moment. Might be season 6 content, but I'm already a little giddy.
Also Kanzaki doing a dogeza to Horikita begging her to forfeit because he couldn't conceive winning against AyanoGOD
lmao that sounds fun. Where can I read it? Or just raw so far? Well I'd be fine with raws too, just far from fluent in it.
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If you're fine with edited MTL, there is a "royal mtl" out there. Otherwise I think the official TL isn't that far behind. Y1V7 got some flack for being somewhat botched, but that turned out to be the editor, who got shifted to other projects, so you could read those if you don't like MTL.
I'm excited! I like this show, and I can finally post in a thread that isn't rage or coomer bait. Last season was the weskest so far, but I have hope for season 4. They just needed some more time. Hopefully they won't rush this.
this show lost appeal when I realized ayanokoji is just a robot turbo autist and koenji is the real chad
>Arisu status?
She forced Ayanokouji to pick between her and Ryuuen. He chose Ryuuen and now she's getting expelled
TRUE best girl is finally coming
I expected more of her since people called her female koenji and she did nothing but job
they cut the big dick literally me scene?
Oh for fuck's sake
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It's over...
KEK what a bitch
nta but there's no confirmation she's getting "expelled" (she has to dropout on her own) since the bet she did with ryuuen was rendered null thanks to ayanokouji meddling
the fact that he chose his gay lover over her is already enough
she will never live that down
ayanokouji never had any interest in her anyway
That isn't set in stone just yet though. Ryuuen admitted he would have lost and while the school only cares about the exam result, if both parties consent they would likely agree to annul the bet. They hastily threw together a year end special exam with low chance of expulsion as a response to the bet because the school didn't like the outcome. Assuming Ayanokouji wanted to salvage Sakayanagi and Ryuuen's classes so they both have a fighting chance moving into the third year, this is his best bet at preventing class leaders from getting expelled
Kinda conflicted about it though, because while I'm sad to see Arisu go, it'd feel like a cop-out if Ayanokouji managed to reverse the situation.
The bet was made with teachers as witnesses, there is no other way of getting out of the expulsion unless Ryuuen agrees to annul the bet.
Mmmm maybe I should pick back up the ln I stopped at y2v8
>unless Ryuuen agrees to annul the bet
since ryuuen realized he couldn't win and somehow sakayanagi give up, he's not gonna be happy with that and might even confront ayanokouji about it
I respect her for making Nagumo act like a bitch.
nagumo was a bitch anyway, ever since he got one punched by ayanokouji in y2v4
manabu was a fucking clown and I don't know why he was so afraid of him since nagumo did nothing as the president of the student council
Been a while since I read the series, but doesn't he had the power to decided on who goes to class A? I remember him always flexing but not really doing anything other than commanding his slaves.
how does this dogshit keep getting seasons wtf
Would it kill them to put in a juvenile female in this show, a Yankee tomboy is a rarity these days.
I'm pretty sure nulling the bet was the point of the chapter, though. Arisu states as much, the reason for the bet is she wanted the best compete with Ayakoji. Ayakoji isn't going to compete with Arisu. This has nothing to do with competing with Ryuen, or the bet would still make sense, Ayakoji simply isn't competing. This means the bet is null. ofc if Arisu decides the only reason to be in the academy was that, then she might volunteer out.
in his year, maybe but he can't control the other years
he talked about making the school a true meritocracy and yet he never did anything like that, everything stayed the same
the only shit he did was invent that stupid OAA system that means nothing
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>juvenile female
Doesn't she fit that category?
>might even confront ayanokouji about it
What's he gonna threaten him with this time? Pineapple juice?
Both Ryuuen and Arisu made the bet because they wanted to challenge Ayanojouji 1 vs 1 with as little interference as possible. Arisu knew about his plan to transfer classes, Ryuuen might not have. If Ryuuen learns of it he might agree to let Arisu stay since he figures he can probably play her and Horikita against Ayanokouji and manage a final face-off at the end of the third year. Ayanokouji making a promise to face Ryuuen at the end of the end might also be enough for Ryuuen to back off and let her stay.
But the bet hinged on the end of the year exam results, nothing Arisu says about the matter will change that she will have to leave the school unless they bet is annulled.
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>girl raised with a scientifcally optimized diet to maximize breedability and guarantee übermensch children
How can anyone else compete?
The volume ended on a cliffhanger. If kinu really wanted to expel sakayanagi, then he would just have done it. But instead he didn't. This was just bait
They giga nerfed her bro look at those skinny legs
>true meritocracy
That's the part that confuses me. I initially thought that OAA system would automatically rank students and perhaps put them into appropriate classes that fit their abilities. It's weird how some exams are revolved around the class's overall ability.
How is my wife Honami doing, bros?
she got a reality check in the latest volume
It's ok she's still perfect.
suffering never ends
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never read the LNs, don't plan too, and know the adaptation is shit but I don't care and I enjoy the anime as an anime only and can't wait for s04
no, she's not
but you do you
>But the bet hinged on the end of the year exam results
The bet is between Arisu and Ryuuen. It's all but implied Arisu retracted the bet (as far as she's concerned), even though she could've won it. For the bet to null, Ryuuen would have to retract his bet too. That's very likely to happen, though. Ryuen won't be confident since he "won" the bet by a technicality. The vol. was all about prisoner's dillemas where both parties cooperate, abusing technicalities in the exam, etc. so I think it's hinting toward that.
>Both Ryuuen and Arisu made the bet because they wanted to challenge Ayanojouji 1 vs 1 with as little interference as possible.
Exactly, so since Ayako doesn't want to fight anybody (probably), and Ryuuen didn't prove himself better than Arisu (won cuz she gave up) the bet's about null (probably).
>the bet's about null (probably)
It's that probably that really irks me. Because if Ryuuen says no, then Arisu is set for expulsion. Having the bet hinted at all the way back in volume Y2V3 and then revealed in Y2V11 and then turn into a nothing burger doesn't sit right with me. Maybe Ryuuen agrees to cancel the bet, school plays difficult since a bet is a bet and forces Arisu to give up her protection point.
look how they killed our girl ichika
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can't wait
noo you can't post this bro
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I'm so ready Arisu my beloved
Absolutely based.
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love her
the cote schizo that was shilling this made me pick it up and I've been enjoying it
>cote schizo
the "cote is better than death note" schizo?
the one that kept opening threads saying this was a masterpiece and the best thing he's ever watched
I didn't see that one
We all know romcoms don’t work when the MC is booty cheeks
Isn’t that common flaw in most anime adaptions? I’ve never seen Asian women with chicken thighs like that
ayano's a bottom? i thought he was a chad
i don't know about you but i have a low opinion of manga/anime romcoms overall
it never feels like the characters actually like each other so i don't really care. i only stay for the ecchi panels or whatever
Suffering builds character
then why am I still a loser?
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We have no clue what to do with the character that gained from that suffering. So you will suffer more and build more character until we have a use for that character.
Plz Understand
>you watch it for the dates with the girls.
But those suck ass too..
there are not many other options available save for playing through actual dating sims
you are not gonna like the latest volume
RoyalMTL in general is not too bad imo and the newest volume was quite good TL wise
Does Ichinose hate 50% now? Like Ibuki?
Zamn, I don't recall.
We all have our littles secrets weaknesses.
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Unironically cute.
We don't know, the volume ended before Ichinose recovered. Gonna have to wait for Y2V12.5 to see the outcome. But consider Ichinose went almost Yandere for 50% I think she might still love him, albeit in a twisted way.
You didn't spend the skill points or you wasted them into useless skills from all the suffering leveling grind you did.
Kushida sex.
wow, Arisu sure is a pathetic simp
You mean when he's describing X and how he's probably just like me fr fr.
who is a literally me that actually goes for his harem?

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